Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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On a different note, @Orion , @Cojemo , @Gohan and @Thundercrash, are you still interested?

Yeah I am. I'll have my CS up soon.
This looks sweet, I'll look out for the OOC.
After arriving at Yen Sid's quarters, Mickey and the others explained everything up to the current point. "This is a turn of events..we are dealing with forces rivaling Xehanort in power." Yen Sid remarked, stroking his beard. "You have my permission to go, young warriors Lea and Kairi. This Ushiromiya lad and Sora need your aid." Kairi and Lea nodded. "We won't fail you sir." Kairi said.

"I know you won't." Yen Sid said, smiling. He noticed Riku was missing. "Where's Master Riku?" He asked. "Resting from battle..he'll heal up by the time we're done talking, I imagine." Mickey explained.

"Well, let's wake him." Lea said. With that decided, they left.
"Um, okay?" Mickey looked a bit confused but just figured it couldn't have been anything too major, so he just let her leave for now. Axel and Kairi watched with concern, but said nothing. "Well, let's go tell Yen Sid everything." Axel said, the three all nodded and then made their way towards Yen Sid's quarters.
I wouldn't know how it is in other armies, but I do know that I am legally obliged to refuse, or failing that, outright disobey any orders that are unlawful or would result in an unlawful act. Following orders is good and all, but that doesn't mean that you can start switching off your brain. If my sergeant, lieutenant, or even lieutenant colonel came up to me and asked my straight to shoot someone, I'd ask them for a reason first.

I get what you mean, and I'm not saying it's okay, but what about a situation where if you don't do the terrible thing, something even worse will happen? it's just that, sometimes you have to make a difficult choice and people don't seem to respect that. Sure, some things could've been avoided by simply not doing the terrible thing, but sometimes there's just no other option.

This has been pissing me off lately that people don't seem to accept that.
So we have a standard soldier that's not very high on the chain of command. He gets a bit of a shocking order from on high that realistically he has to follow. But suddenly, everyone around him forgets that they're trained combat specialists and not the fucking pacifist league, and they all start going crazy over how "immoral" this order is.

But they are soldiers, for gods sale. These people are trained killers, and why have the skills if you don't want to use them? so, logically the soldier follows the order. Then, sometime later comes the anti-establishment self-aggrandizing "hero" who moralizes to you about what you did was "wrong".

So our soldier replies he was just following his orders. Somehow, this is seen as a BAD thing. He is told by our "hero" that the soldiers moral compass should've kicked in and disobeyed his superiors.

Then what the fuck is the point of a chain of command then? why bother answering to anyone in a military when you can disobey orders when it suits you? this is where a lot of fiction loses me, but mystifyingly enough, most people AGREE with this sentiment, that somehow disobeying a direct order from your superiors makes you a shining paragon of goodness, and NOT an insubordinate, unreliable person that disregards the ideals of others to force an overly idealistic mindset onto people actually using their brains and considering the long-term consequences of their actions.

Why do you guys think fiction approves of this self-righteous gung-ho crap, and constantly bashes the concept of a reliable authority figure?
Eventually, the two of them would see Axel and Kairi training. "Hey, you two. We're back, and we're going to need all the help we can get." Mickey quickly explained what had happened in the realm of dreams.

"Is Riku going to be okay?" Axel asked, looking concerned. "He'll recover eventually. He almost lost his heart..but don't worry you two, he'll be fine." Mickey smiled hopefully.

"Well, you can count on me. Kairi's a bit inexperienced, but I'll pick up her slack." Axel gave Kairi a thumbs up. "Alright, next we'll all go tell Master Yen Sid everything." Mickey said.
"You're right. We can at least go get Axel, though. He shouldn't be too far from here." Mickey went over to put up Riku.

"Come on, let's go find everyone." Mickey said to Crona, then started walking.
"Then what we have to do is clear. We bolster our forces as much as possible, take down Add and Bernkastel, and then undo the corruption that Sora is holding back, and then save Sora. This Ushiromiya, if he holds the keyblade, we'll recruit him to help us out." Mickey decided.

"Where is this Battler now?" Mickey asked.
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