Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Good thing I thought through multiple options; my first choice was to pair my character with the titan Prometheus ^_^U

If you want to keep that idea, you could go the Ryu angle where your character is inspired by the Prometheus story and created a Prometheus over soul? (Like Ryu did with the Yamata no orochi)
@King Cosmos Right now, I’d say to avoid using Kami-class spirits to keep people from making overly broken characters (I know that a Kami-class spirit doesn’t guarantee a win, but it’s still really strong in cases like Shamash). I’d probably cap it at Seirei spirits with the option to upgrade them to Kami, or bond with a Kami spirit at some point during the rp. How’s that?
<Snipped quote by TheNoCoKid>
Understood. And thanks for the heads up, I'll have to scrap my Patch idea and go with a back up. I'll get to working on it.

Well he’s not a member of the Patch Tribe if you still wanna go that route, but that’s just semantics at this point.
Outside of the basic information… I’ll want to know who your guardian ghost is, what your medium/over soul is, and how skilled you are with it. Since most of the characters are already shamans, I’ll grant you one Over Soul V2 (I.e. Yoh’a second Amidamaru Over Soul) if you have one ghost, or two standard over souls of you want two ghosts. I already have a character of my own I’m putting in who is Native American so I’m just gonna snatch that up now.
Welcome! Place Character Sheets in the characters tab if you want to join. Once you receive approval on your character, you are welcome to start posting in the RP. OOC is reserved for meta stuff like determining how fights flow, lore, etc. Let's have a good time and don't forget... Look around you, look beyond.
First Post is live! Shaman King: Darkstars
A scream could be heard coming from the house of the Patch chieftain as Goldva awoke from a nightmare. The recently named Patch Chieftain was struggling to adjust to her new guardian ghost, the Patch Tribe's Big Chief. The spirit of a former chieftain, Big Chief was passed from chieftain to chieftain and harbored a collective knowledge of the Patch's history. This knowledge presented itself in the form of prophetic dreams. Whenever she went to sleep, Goldva would receive a vision in the form of a dream. Tonight however, something was different.

As Goldva struggled out of bed, her thoughts drifted back to the dream she'd just had. The Big Chief had shown her a vision of Hao Asakura, the shaman who 400 years had reincarnated into the Patch Tribe and made off with the Spirit of Fire. It had been a humiliation for the Patch Tribe and many chiefs had sought to protect the four remaining high spirits at any cost. In the dream, she saw Hao sitting with the Spirit of Fire, only for Hao to split into two! The second Hao proceeded to become covered in shadow and morph into a new form, covered in darkness, but without the Spirit of Fire. The young chief's eyes widened as she began to put the pieces together.

"A second Hao..." Her voice came out as barely a whisper before the realization of what she said sunk in. If another shaman were to acquire the power of Hao Asakura, the results could be disastrous. Taking a moment to compose herself, Goldva strode over to her window and summoned the Big Chief into her pipe. For the last 400 years, the Patch had been preparing for a moment like this: The Darkstars. A special task force composed of shamans from around the globe. Shamans who could have competed for the title of King had they been born at the right time. Channeling her pipe into the Patch Arrow, Goldva shot it skywards.

The arrow soared into this air, leaving behind a trail of brilliant green light. Shamans who were part of the Darkstars task force would see the light and be summoned to the Patch Village. As per the agreement with the Asakura Clan, the Patch couldn't intervene in their affairs with Hao, but this was a unique case, deserving of the best forces the Patch could muster to protect the Great Spirit. As it reached the zenith of its flight, the arrow burst as the green light scattered around the globe, alerting the Darkstars.
@LuckyBlackCat actually forget what I said. I’m coming around on the horns! 😂
<Snipped quote by TheNoCoKid>

To be fair, one of them was a viking; their leader was Irish and the other was Russian I think.

Shh! He doesn’t need to know that part.
@LuckyBlackCat I honestly did envision it still having traditional wings, but I’m interested in this concept and where you can take it! Maybe the cape-like appendage can split open into wings (like Meta-Knight’s cape in Kirby?) Not sure if I’m crazy about the horns though. 🤔
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