Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Product there was already a Viking team in the original manga so I don’t see why it’s impossible. (Team Northmen)

Rory arrived outside and stood next to Orianna. Seeing the two Pokémon recover from the sudden attack then jump right back in seemed to stem his worries a little.

"Well that didn't go as badly as I thought it would," he said. "You don't usually see them recovering from a dragon rage like that so quickly." Noting Orianna's confused expression, Rory pointed to the battle. "I'm all for letting you battle and train your Pokemon, but you have to remember to make sure they can control their own power before you go letting loose." Seeing the two boys were fully taken in by the fight, the older trainer gestured for Orianna and Shakudo to follow him and Floatzel.

Moving around to the back of the lab, there was a four-seater jeep parked. "The professor wants me to drive you three straight to Hesperus City for the start. Once there, we can get you three set up with the local Overseer and get access to the next few routes. If you don't mind, can you run in and grab the bags off the main table for me? They shouldn't be hard to find. That's going to be our camping gear and food for the next few weeks of travel."
Hey, guys. Sorry I've been busy the last couple days. Had to get a new job lined up and that takes time lol. Hopefully should have something posted today. For some basic info about the setting, It's currently the 1950s. Goldva has just become chieftain of the Patch Tribe. After the humiliation 400 years ago in which Hao Asakura stole the Spirit of Fire, she wants to rededicate efforts to stopping Shamans like him before they become a threat. As it happens, there is a new Shaman out in the world somewhere who is amassing power in a similar manner to Hao. Deciding the tribe cannot directly intervene, Goldva recruits a team of shamans in the hopes they will be able to confront this character before he/she becomes a threat.
@Mistress Dizzy If you want to jump in early, I didn’t get anyone to play the first Overseer. DM me and I can send you some more details.
@Mistress Dizzy unfortunately, we won’t get to you for a bit, but I’ll try and find a way to work you and Chev in so you aren’t totally left out.
<Snipped quote by TheNoCoKid>
Sounds good to me, that concept may work better for a small cast versus a whole tournament anyway. I'd suggest setting it between two points of Hao's incarnation so there's little canon-interference.

I was actually planning on setting it between Patch Hao and the main series Hao.
@Crimson Flame At this point, I'm going by the anime and manga logic. That logic being: Anything goes lol! For real though, the manga is the best middle ground between the anime and games where they have types and advantages but not every move does the exact thing it does in the games. So in this case, Dragon Rage isn't going to always deal 40 damage and you have to actually factor in whether or not the Pokémon actually knows HOW TO PERFORM the move in question.
So, I did some thinking and here's the idea I settled on. Because most of the Shaman World knows of Hao Asakura and the crimes he committed, there is obviously a taboo about those vying for power like his. The idea for the rp would be there's another shaman who is amassing power like Hao and a group is created to stop this shaman before he becomes too big of a threat? I think it would be cool if the group featured a shaman from each of the major continents like in the manga. (I.e. an American Shaman/Patch Tribe, Japan, China, African Shaman, etc.) If you guys have some cool ideas for this rp as well, feel free to put them on the forum and let's see if we can get something going!
@Mistress Dizzy Found this pretty slick design of a Mega that I think could work perfectly as a normal evolution! It even works with your character design. Call it... Banchogoro?

While the teens all geeked out over their new gear and debated who would battle who first, the professor pulled Rory aside. Glancing back at the group, Cypress made sure they weren't paying attention before he began to speak in a hushed tone.

"I'm placing these three in your care, Rory. You know better than anyone just how dangerous this region can be. I trust you'll be able to keep up with them and ensure the research goes smoothly?"

"Of course, Professor," Rory replied. As he spoke, he reached down and began to gently rub Floatzel's head. "You've been planning this for the last several years of your career. I know how much this expedition means for you and your career. Don't worry. Floatzel and I will make sure those kids are prepared for what lies ahead." Cypress nodded and cocked his head as he saw only one other Pokeball attached to Rory's belt.

"Only two partners going with you this time then?" Rory followed Cypress' gaze and patted the ball with his free hand.

"No need to worry. Between this one and Floatzel I should be able to handle just about anything on the early routes." In response, Floatzel barked his approval and flexed an arm like he'd seen Rory do countless times when they started their journey together. Cypress laughed and patted the weasel on the head.

"You always were eager to show off weren't you? Alright then. Your first stop will be Hesperus City. I imagine they'll want to stop and capture a few new Pokémon outside Mercer, so keep that in mind. The jeep is gassed up and ready to go." Tossing Rory a set of keys, the professor gave him a thumbs up as Rory turned towards the door to the lab. George, Argen, and Orianna had all gathered outside while Devastator and Chomper were already engaged in a battle. From the looks of things, George had the upper hand thanks to Bagon's wider movepool. Raising his DexWatch, Rory scanned Chomper through the window and saw that it only had access to Sand-Attack and Tackle, giving it a clear disadvantage. He was about to join them outside when the DexWatch beeped, signaling that Chomper had just learned a new move: Dragon Rage.

"Oh no... Um, we may want to address that," said Rory as he frantically made a move for the door. Immature dragon-types hardly ever controlled a Dragon Rage on their first attempt.

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Such A Birch
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