Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Mistress Dizzy Looks awesome! If you'd like, I'd say pick one of Kassandra's team to be her 'ace' and I'll give it a Kaidan Form or an Evolution!
@Chev character looks great! I like it. @Mistress Dizzy can’t wait to see what you come up with. @Such a Birch did you have a reply or should we keep going?
So I was just surfing the web and the idea hit me to do a sort of Shaman King style roleplay. The idea I had would be this is set either before or after the events of the manga and would follow a smaller scale gathering of Shamans. A cool idea I had was they are trying to prevent the creation of a 'second' Hao Asakura or maybe there is another Shaman Fight happening. Who knows? I obviously haven't hammered out a ton of details yet, but if people are down to do some kickass fighting with ghosts stories, I think I can whip something up. ;)
@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat

Here's the basic information for the final starters. You can use this until the art is made to get a feel for what they'll look like/how they may act compared to normal Pokemon. Also, to answer the above question, I'd assume the starters would all be level 5 to begin with, but I'm willing to give some narrative liberties for the sake of keeping the story flowing since calculating actual stats and move damage within the rp would be a much bigger pain than it's worth.

Kaidan Dragonite: Due to limited space for nesting in the Calagon Mountains, many of the Dragons engage in combat over the best nesting grounds. Above all the species, Dragonite reigns supreme. Due to the constant battle for space, the Dragonite of Kaida are noticeably more aggressive and territorial than you might find elsewhere (More like Iris' Dragonite in the Anime). In addition, their bodies have adapted to the harsh combat by slimming down, and growing newer, harder, green scales. These new scales are more durable than steel, making them perfect armor for taking hits from other Pokemon that seek to claim their territory. Among the Dragonite, the more of these green scales, the more respect it has amongst the tribe.

Kaidan Salamance: While every Salamance dreams of taking flight, sometimes it's not meant to be. Due to their young lacking wings, Salamence packs took to nesting at the base of the Calagon Mountains and crafting vast tunnel networks in the caves. Thanks to living underground, their bodies eventually lost their magnificent wings and took on the appearance of the rocks surrounding them. Essentially making Salamance a 'wingless' dragon. Instead, they traded in their flight for incredible tunneling abilities, being able to dig faster than most pokemon that live underground. Their bodies have even takin on the minerals of the rocks around them, causing the rocks to 'grow' off of their scales.

Kaidan Garchomp: There's an old legend about a baby Gible that hatched after its family had returned to the Sinnoh region, thinking the egg was a dud. The Gible struggled against the freezing climate at the peak of its mountain home, nearly dying several times over. This however, was a blessing in disguise as the Gible adapted to the cold, becoming the first Kaidan Garchomp! The Garchomp make their home in the icy peaks of the Calagon Mountains. While many of their appendages have long since frozen, the Garchomp have adapted by replacing them with hardened ice! Namely, the fins and tail all have sharpened ice blades along the edges. To make up for it's cold-blooded nature, the shark Pokémon even developed a heating sac along it's gills to keep it going even in the harshest of blizzards. Despite it's unnerving appearance, it's actually one of the more warmhearted creature you would find in the Kaida Region.
The professor looked up and smiled as the three youths all piled into the lab. The first one, George Pendragon III, had been recruited by Cypress during one of his strolls through Mercer Town. He'd heard rumors of the legendary family of dragon tamers and was interested to see their skills firsthand. Fortunately the boy's parents had been willing to let him recruit the young man for his work.

Next was Orianna. She was an interesting case, having been the only member of the group to actively seek him out. Cypress could only assume that she'd overheard one of his conversations about looking for new team members at the lab as well as the Pokémon he'd be bringing in for them. Regardless, he'd decided to visit her parents' shop in town and found himself fascinated by her knowledge of geology and Pokémon fossils. In a region like Kaida, that information would be quite valuble.

Finally, there was Arden. Prof. Cypress had been a frequent buyers of the Pokémon food his family manufactured in their home. The Alolan Exeggutor he owned had cost him an arm and a leg on more than one occasion. If this team wanted to survive out in the wilds, having an expert on Pokémon care would certainly come in handy. The professor knew all too well that keeping a Pokémon happy and well-fed was a key part of raising a strong partner.

"Ahh. It's good to see you all here. Thankfully it seems like no one was late. No one except..." Before he could get much further, the doors to the lab flung open and in dashed a young man with sopping wet reddish-brown hair followed by a large orange otter/weasel Pokémon. The kids all recognized him as the professor's assistant Rory Bennett and his partner Pokémon: Floatzel.

"Ugh... I'm sorry, Prof. Cypress! Floatzel forgot Water Gun last week and blasted my face with a Hydro Pump this morning. I had to spend an hour airing out my sheets AND mattress! To the group's surprise, Cypress just laughed.

"Not to worry, Rory. The other three only just got here." Cypress stood and gestured to the three soon-to-be trainers who were all playing with their respective dragon Pokémon on the floor.

"Unfortunately, I think you may have missed them making their choices. Or... I guess you could say the Pokémon chose them? Anyway, your attention, kids!"

As the trio turned their attention to Prof. Cypress, Rory dimmed the lights and a holographic screen flared to life behind Cypress, "As you all know, you've been recruited by the Cypress Lab to help study the Pokémon of the Kaida Region. Specifically the Dragon-Types which are the best." Cypress paused for emphasis and took a hit of coffee. "This will naturally require you to journey up the Calagon mountains to gather data, but you need the Marks from the Overseers in order to get that far. This is where your partners come in." The screen changed from a map of the region to the three Pokémon the trio had received.

"These three are your first step towards becoming proper Pokémon trainers. I'd give you stronger ones, but they need to grow and learn alongside you, otherwise it's not worth the time. Once this briefing is over, it's up to the three of you to work as a team and gather Pokémon data from across the region, dragon-type or not. You may think this strange, but every species of Pokémon can offer information that may reveal something about another. That's what makes the Kaida region so special. The screen faded away as the presentation concluded and the lights turned on.

"And don't think you guys will be going in blind," said Rory as he and Floatzel walked up with a tray. On top of the tray were three Pokeballs, trainer cards, and a strange-looking set of wristbands.

"Here are your partners' pokeballs, your new trainer cards, and..." Rory smiled as he revealed a similar wristband on his own arm. "Your DexWatches. I'm sure you've seen the ads on TV, but the Professor special ordered these for our team. Think of them as a Pokedex, a Poketch, and an Xtransceiver all built into one!" With the press of a button, the three teens watched as a holographic screen flared to life above Rory's wrist. The layout displayed options for 'Prof. Oak's Pokedex', 'Applications', and an 'Xtranceiver' function!

@Such a Birch @LuckyBlackCat @Crimson Flame
Name: Rory 'Rusty' Bennett
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Personality: Rory was always known for being an adventurous soul. He has a passion for travel and Pokémon battles which sets him at odds with the quieter people of Mercer Town. This infectious passion of his can easily spread to his partner Pokémon which leads them to get just as fired up as him, if not more. When he's not out seeing the world or gathering data for Prof. Cypress, Rory spends much of his time working on his practical skills. He may not have the book-smarts of Prof. Cypress, but much of what he knows, he's learned through countless trial and error. As a result, he has a variety of skills that he can rely upon when working in the lab or just out seeing the region. Among his skills are: machine repair, cooking, first aid, etc. Aside from that, he's a voracious student of the Professor and they make a strong team.

Appearance: Being a young man of 23, Rory is quite tall and well-built thanks to his years of working on the farm. He gets his nickname from his rust-colored hair which is typically unkempt because Buizel blasts it with water gun every morning to wake him up. When he goes on the road, Rory's usual attire consists of a wick t-shirt, a utility vest, hiking pants, and a pair of hiking shoes.

Background: Rory was a lifelong resident of Mercer Town. Growing up on his parents' Milktank Farm, he always imagined getting out and exploring the region. While his mother simply wanted him to stay and tend to the ranch, Rory's father supported his ambitions. He even caught Rory's first Pokémon - his Buizel - during a fishing trip to the nearby river. With Buizel at his side, Rory only grew stronger in his resolve. He and Buizel would watch Pokémon League matches into the night, studying how the best Pokémon and trainers battled in preparation for the day their journey would begin. That day came in a bizarre fashion when Prof. Cypress moved to town. Recognizing the passion within Rory, Cypress offered him a position at his lab. Seizing his chance, Rory and Buizel took to exploring very quickly; even discovering a new partner when a chance egg they recovered turned out to be a shiny Dratini! Now, Rory is the professor's right hand man and a skilled trainer in his own right.

-Shiny Kaidan Dragonair
Name: Professor Cypress
Gender: Male
Age: 28

Personality: Being on the younger side of things, Cypress is known as the 'Explorer Professor' by his colleagues. While content to sit in a lab and work all day, his real passion is getting out in the field and doing hands on research. Climbing mountains and crossing rivers are all in a day's work for this professor. Due to hailing from Blackthorn City, he has a fitting obsession with dragon-type Pokémon. This obsession fuels his desire to study the Kaida region and unlock the secrets of this peculiar breed of Pokémon. Thanks to his former background as a trainer, he's no slouch when it comes to battle either!

Appearance: Unlike other professors, Cypress tends to dress more casually. His regular attire consists of a Blackthorn Gym t-shirt, a pair of convertible (zip-off) pants, hiking boots, his (slightly dirty) lab coat, and a pair of go-goggles which he typically wears up in his mousy brown hair. In addition, Cypress has long-ish hair which he usually keeps in a short ponytail, and a Tony Stark-style goatee.

Background: Shortly after losing his bid for the Indigo Plateau, a chance meeting with Professors Oak and Elm helped Cypress find his calling as a Pokémon professor. Turning his obsession into a career, he now dedicates his life to the diligent study of Pokémon. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of most Pokémon species, and can identify them at a glance. When he discovered the Kaida region, Cypress knew exactly where he wanted to go. Thanks to a grant secured from the Professor's Association, Cypress received the funding to build his lab. He chose Mercer town due to it being out of the way and allowing for him to travel for periods of time without bother. A few months into his stay, Prof. Cypress met Rory Bennett, a young man working on his parents' Milktank farm with his partner Buizel. Seeing a passion in the boy's eyes, Cypress recruited him as an assistant for his work. Recently however, he has realized there might be a need for bringing some new members onto the team. He began looking for candidates among the people of Mercer Town and discovered three youths who would make excellent recruits.

So I realized a little too late that this thread might get cluttered between character info and out of character discussion. Just to be safe, if your character is accepted, move the info page into the characters sheet. 😂

Hopefully this isn’t too unorganized. It’s my first time using Roleplayer Guild so bear with me!
You guys can start with your characters waking up, morning routine, etc. At this point, the Prof. is just waiting for the trainers to arrive. In other words I made it so you can be in any phase of getting to the lab you want.
@Such a Birch I respect your desire to use pronouns, but would you be ok with just doing boy or girl? It’s not to be rude, I just have a small pet peeve about using the word “they” in singular. I had a really rough tutor who drilled it out of me.

Also @LuckyBlackCat that would be amazing! If you want to DM me, I have a few concepts if you’d like to take a look?
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