Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Pyrus had been out on his travels when the green light moved across the sky. He and Lobo found themselves sitting on a deserted mesa following another failed search for Blanca's spirit. Pyrus struggled to get a campfire going while the wolf ghost forlornly looked out across the dark expanse.

"Lobo, I know I promised you we'd find Blanca eventually, but it's been over a decade. Are you certain her spirit hasn't already passed on?" The young man heard an irritated growl rumbling in Lobo's throat. "Of course. You can still feel her presence, and that's more than enough reason for you to keep searching." After another strike, Pyrus had a small fire burning for warmth. He was about to stretch out on the bedrock when the night sky suddenly lit up in a brilliant green flare! It didn't take long for Pyrus to realize what it meant.

"Lobo!" The Native American leapt to his feet as the wolf spirit bounded towards him, "Spirit flame mode!" Lobo's body vanished and a small silver fireball burned in his place. Taking hold of the ball, Pyrus spoke the command he'd practiced for emergencies such as this. "Spirit Unity! Skinwalker!" In a matter of seconds, the ghostly apparition of silver limbs appeared over Pyrus's arms and legs. The silver light extended across his body and covered his eyes in a wolf-like mask. With the oversoul completed, Pyrus turned his head in the direction of the Patch Village. Taking a leap off the mesa, the shaman hit the ground and took off running with a speed that would make an Olympic sprinter green with envy.

The next day, Pyrus found himself sitting in a meeting hall with Goldva, the chieftain of the Patch Tribe. Little by little, new shamans began to trickle into the hall; the shamans who were to make up the task force known as the Darkstars. According to Quarta, Pyrus's mentor, the Darkstars came from all over the world and only convened in times of great distress. As this was the first time he'd ever been summoned, Pyrus wondered what event could have caused such a fuss that the Darkstars would be called.
New segment is post. And @Mistress Dizzy it's not a bad impression. lol. Just a plot point I'm recycling from my original draft of the Overseer.

"Morning, Norah!" The Professor's voice came through loud and clear. "Just wanted to sends you the heads up about the new trainers I brought on. They'll be stopping by Hesperus today and I wager they'll want to give you a challenge before they depart. After all, they'll need your clearance to get through the Stelto Woods past town." Cypress looked to see the jeep driving away as he made the call, "Oh and by the way, Rory will be bringing them. So do with that information what you will."

This had the effect of bringing a smile to the older woman's face. Rory Bennett had battled her some years previously and it had been an.. interesting development to say the least. Not only that, but he'd managed to leave an 'impression' on Norah's daughter Darlene. It would be fun to see him again.

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Chev @Mistress Dizzy
@LuckyBlackCat @Mistress Dizzy @Crimson Flame any of you are free to go.
Ugh… forget what I said. Everyone, just play on. I’m done waiting.
@Such A Birch is saying he’s back in. To Birch, just ignore the last two posts and play as if nothing happened. GM’s call.

From within the lab, Cypress shook his head. He'd been watching the battle with rapt interest when one of Argen's parents had arrived. It seemed there was some trouble back at their dispensary and they would need all hands on deck to solve the problem. Some new sort of disease going on with the Fairy Pokémon. Unfortunately, this meant that Argen would be unable to join the expedition team for the departure. With a heavy heart, the professor sighed as he took back Argen's DexWatch, Trainer Card, and even the Gible.

"I'm sorry about this, Little Guy. "You were looking forward to finally getting a trainer of your own weren't you?" The Gible's head fell and it looked as though it was about to cry when suddenly, much to its surprise, Professor Cypress started to laugh. "Not to worry, you'll get to train with me and my team here! In fact, you'll be doing quite a bit of traveling and you'll further my research!"

Before the Pokemon could react, Professor Cypress reached into his lab coat and retrieved a set of Pokeballs. From out of them popped a Goodra, a Turtonator, and his ace partner: Kingdra! With a smirk, the Professor picked up the little dragon while it stared in awe at the professor's team.

"Welcome to the crew, Little Guy!" Cypress cradled the Gible in his arms as he looked out the window to see Rory pulling the jeep around and George and Orianna preparing to get in. Their first stop in the Kaida region was Hesperus City, the Town of Ancient Kings. Once they acquired the Overseer's Mark, George and Orianna would be free to explore the surrounding routes at their leisure. Until then, Rory could guide them on the basics of catching Pokémon near the city grounds. Cypress shuddered as he recalled the Overseer of Hesperus City, a Fairy-Woman...

@Crimson Flame @LuckyBlackCat @Chev @Mistress Dizzy
@Crimson Flame it’s been over two days and I got nothing so just continue on. Argen can either be injured in the battle or he gets called back home for “reasons”. He’s a Bianca character now. Rory will keep the Gible.
Didn't the boss say seirei was off limits, though?

I like the look of the character, and the background, I feel, is good too. Look forward to learning a bit more about her cultural distinctions as a shaman

I said kami (god class) was off limits to start. Seirei is just an ascended form of a basic spirit so it passes. Also, all characters have been approved. Start the RP, ladies and gents!

Name: Pyrus

Age: 27

Star Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: AB-

Spirit Ally: Pyrus' spirit ally is a massive wolf named Lobo. At one point, Lobo was the 'king' of the American Southwest, leading a large pack and terrorizing farmers and native tribes alike. It was only when Lobo's mate was killed by a pack of hunters that he was drawn out. Seeing no reason to live, Lobo allowed himself to be captured and he eventually starved himself to death. In death, Lobo's spirit roamed the Southwest, calling out for his mate. One day, he and Pyrus found each other. Finding kinship in their shared loneliness, Lobo became Pyrus's spirit ally on the condition that he would assist him in searching for Blanca, Lobo's mate.

Oversoul Medium: Pyrus's main medium is a bracelet made from wolf bones that he wears on his right arm. In addition, he is also able to manifest Lobo's spirit inside his own body as well and 'sync' with him, turning Pyrus into a wolf for a period of time.

Lobo Utlunta By placing Lobo's spirit in Pyrus's bone bracelet, Lobo is able to manifest as a pair of large claws on Pyrus's hands. Lobo's spirit can manipulate the shape of the bones, allowing Pyrus to extend/fire the claws forward like spears.

Skinwalker Thanks to intense training from his mentor Quarta, Pyrus is able to use his own body as a medium and 'merge' with Lobo's spirit. This form grants Pyrus the strength and speed of a wolf as well as sharpened senses. The drawback is this form consumes a large amount of mana, so it's only used in dire situations.

Background: Life was never easy for Pyrus. Being born in the Kee Tribe of Native Americans, his mother died in childbirth and his father died on a hunting trip shortly thereafter. Viewing him as a 'bad omen', Pyrus was outcast from the tribe and left to fend for himself. One day, he found himself being chased down by a pack of vultures when his cries for help caught the attention of Lobo, who's arrival awakened Pyrus's shamanic power. A nearby Patch shaman named Quarta sensed this awakening and brought Pyrus and Lobo to the Patch Tribe where they began their training. Having lost a child of her own, Quarta became a mother figure to Pyrus in addition to his teacher. Pyrus joined the Darkstars as a means of repaying the Patch tribe for letting him in among them and to travel the world in the hopes of finding Lobo's mate and reuniting them.
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