Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@G3njii I should have one ready soon. Has anyone picked a Leomon line? I wanted to see what's been taken before I applied.
@EchoicChamber Sure thing. We're just getting started!

The sun was barely starting to rise as Kaizer slowly pulled himself out of bed. The ageing knight took a deep yawn as he moved towards the window of the headmaster's room. From his tower at the Unity Knights Academy, Kaizer had a stunning view of the surrounding hills and valleys to the distant silhouette of Gift City - the kingdom capital - on the horizon. The academy had once been located in middle of the capital, but one too many complaints about leveled houses had caused the king to relocate the academy to the mountains.

The trees surrounding the academy were starting to change into various hues of crimson, yellow, and orange; signaling the end of summer and the arrival of a new batch of students to the academy. Kaizer had been disheartened to hear the number would be even lower than last year's. With Decree actively seeking out and hunting youths possessing the Unity Factor, it was becoming harder and harder to find them even with the Crown's resources. Nevertheless, the headmaster forced a smile onto his face. The students would be arriving this morning and he made it a point to meet them at the front gate with Ignis when they did.

After taking a moment to let the crisp morning air wash across his skin, Kaizer threw on his tunic and leggings before donning his armor. Even on days when he never saw combat, he never seemed to be comfortable if he wasn't wearing it. Besides, he'd need to make a full presentation today if the new arrivals wanted to know what sort of discipline would be expected from them in the coming years. Before, leaving, Kaizer flipped down on small portrait of Queen Sophia Valecourt that sat on his bedside table and he made for the paddocks to wake Ignis.

Ignis was slumbering peacefully in the paddocks; his tail flickering like a candle flame in the low light. After several minutes of trying to jostle the Chrizard awake, Kaizer eventually woke him by dumping a bucket of water on Ignis' tail, the sudden shock causing the dragon to roar in suprise, "Heh. Finally awake, you lazy beast?" The old knight laughed as he caught an angry punch in mid-air, "We can't have you sleeping late today. You should already know what today is, Ignis. We have some fresh meat coming." This got Ignis' attention and he smiled at the thought of getting some new sparring partners. Seeing him awake, Kaizer gestured for his partner to follow. Even before anyone arrived, they still had morning exercises.

"One! Two! Three!", Kaizer shouted out as Ignis punched the air in time. Even if Ignis had his own magic, Kaizer knew his powers could only go so far. As a result, the duo had spent every morning for the last twenty-five years diligently practicing to ensure they could fight without the use of magic or Unity. After Ignis was finished, Kaizer took his stance and repeated the manuver while Ignis roared out the count. They continued in this manner for several other drills: kicks, throws, tail strike, sword skills, etc. Kaizer was so ingrained in his task that he didn't hear the sound of sandals crossing the training grounds until a voice cut through his focus.

"Ugh... Good morning, boss. Another day of classes I take it?" Kaizer sighed as he turned to meet the face of Okido.

"You've been here for two years. A little more decorum couldn't be too hard could it?" The ronin shrugged as he walked over to rub Ignis's head.

"Hey, I've come quite a bit from the kid you knocked senseless on that beach. Before we met, you'd be lucky to catch me awake at this hour. Although..." Okido flashed a smirk as he unsheathed his katana, "If you wanna see me get serious, I think it's about time we had another duel. I still plan on defeating you." Kaizer just waved it off.

"Then what will it be? One to... fifty-four?" He, laughed at Okido's downtrodden face, "We'll battle again soon enough, but for today we'll need to focus on the incoming recruits. Now..." Kaizer turned to see the second and third year students making their way down from the dormitories. A few perked up at seeing Okido and Kaizer with their swords drawn. The battles between the headmaster and the man from Kanto had become something of a spectacle over the years. Their interest dissipated when they saw them sheath their swords. Kaizer noticed there were several absentees among the crowd."It seems our day is about to begin. The new first years will be arriving soon. Would you take care of morning warm-ups? It seems I have to wake some stragglers."

Okido shivered as he saw Kaizer head for the dorms. He remembered all too well being on the receiving end of one of Kaizer's 'wake-up calls', and he didn't wish that on his worst enemies. Turning on his heel, the ronin called the students over to him and began running them through their own drills. Meanwhile, a carriage was making its way on the road leading up to the Unity Knights Academy. The first years were arriving.
@GingerBaron You are approved, my guy. Just in case I wasn't clear.
Should be starting tonight!
Hello and welcome to the Knights' Academy of the Rallen Region! Set in the distant past of the Pokémon World, the Knights' Academy trains youths who possess the ability to use the Unity Phenomenon. You can read the full synopsis and setup in the OOC tab. With that said, this rp is open to anyone who is interested. Just shoot me a DM or write in the OOC tab and we'll try and find a place for you. The basic rules are simple:

1. Be nice to people. We're here to have fun.
2. Don't make yourself a broken character.
3. Don't expect real-world issues in this story (i.e. politics, social issues, etc.) I'm trying to keep this fun for all parties invovled.
4. This rp is going to tackle some darker themes though, most notably war and violence so be prepared for that.
5. Characters run the risk of dying in this story. If your character enters a battle with someone else, make sure you are in agreement about the outcome. DM has final say on combat rulings.
@FrogRFlowR I did a read through and I like it. Willow is approved.
Friendly poke is appreciated, but I think I changed my mind on this one. Thanks though.
Dedication sounds cool, but I’d probably call it the Crest of Will or something. Faith sounds cool too.
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