Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Gamers worldwide stared open-mouth as the giant crimson “X” burned onto the screen at E3. Of course, everyone had heard the rumors that Rift Warriors’ creator Ryuichi Masada himself would be making an appearance at this year’s conference, but the reveal still sent waves through the community. You could practically feel the energy spreading through the convention hall as Masada took the stage amidst the avalanche of cheers and applause. In spite of the excitement, absolutely no one was prepared for what Masada had to say next.

“Greetings, travelers of the Rift. It warms my heart to see each and every one of you excited for this latest foray into my world. However… I do have an important announcement to make. Rift Warriors X is going to be the FINAL entry into the franchise, and we are preparing to release it later this year.” The crowd roared at this revelation, but Masada wasn’t finished. “More to the point… the game is already finished! But there will only be five copies released. Said five copies will be distributed to the top 5 players in the Rift Warriors IX online community by the end of October this year, that’s the anniversary of Rift Warriors one for you mega-fans.”

Despite Masada’s joke, the crowd was stunned into total silence. All of a sudden, the energy from before was back, but it was replaced by confusion, anger, and fan rage. Social media began to blow up with hashtags such as “Riftisdead?” Or “WtfMasada?!”. More than a few players quickly fired up their copies of Rift Warriors IX and began to aggressively hit the online battle scene. Masada continued despite the outcry, "I wish all you players the best of luck in conquering the Rift. To those of you who successfully climb the ladder: All will be revealed in Rift Warriors X!"

Meanwhile, in London, a young university graduate named Thomas Clarke sat stunned into silence as he stared at the livestream on his PC. The streamer felt his mouth curling into a slight smile. Thomas had fallen out of Rift Warriors for the last few months because he’d been getting bored of the competitive drama. He’d even ceded his title as the number one player in the U.K. circuit, but the idea of a new challenge… that got him excited. Closing his internet browser, Thomas opened Rift Warriors IX on his computer and turned to the character selection.

"Alright, Masada... I accept your challenge. Jesse the Ravager and I'll rise to the top. Let's see if I've still got the touch." Hours later, Thomas smiled as he racked up his twenty-fifth straight win since his retirement a few months ago. Deciding to make a show of it, Thomas opened up his Twitch account and began a livestream. "Alright everyone, the HellfireRider is back in business."

Over the course of the next several months, Thomas battled relentlessly on Rift Warriors IX. Sadly, a recent patch had nerfed some of Jesse’s main abilities, but it wasn’t anything Thomas couldn’t handle. While the competition brewed, Thomas found himself getting re-engaged with the Rift Warriors community he’d left behind. He began attending conventions, competing in local tournaments, and he even began seeing HellfireRider trending on social media again.

He’d only been planning to earn the number 5 spot on the leaderboard, but the intensity online spiked more than he’d expected as the October deadline drew near. Eventually, when the digital dust finally settled, Thomas had firmly placed himself as the third best player in the world.

Finally, on November 1st, Thomas was climbing the stairs to his flat, and found a package sitting outside his door. His breath caught in his throat as he hurriedly rushed inside and ripped open the parcel to reveal the box containing Rift Warriors X! Inside the box was a letter from the company warning him against publicly sharing the game with anyone until he’d beaten the campaign mode, ”That’s odd. The crimson back on the disk is a nice touch though,” muttered Thomas as he popped the game into his console. The company had reached out to him via email to ask what console he preferred to play on.

As the game loaded, Thomas was blown away by the intro cutscene; featuring all the iconic characters in a massive battle with one another before the title card blazed across the screen. Thomas flicked through the menu and a pop-up asked for access to his Rift Warriors IX data. A quick accept later and Thomas opened fighter selection to see only one character available: Jesse the Ravager. Only this time, the slot was blank. Before Thomas could question anything, the TV screen began to glow white hot and the light shot out to cover the whole flat! When it disappeared, Thomas was nowhere to be found. When he next came to, Thomas was standing in a location he knew all too well: The Hall of the Messenger from Rift Warriors.
So… we still doing this?
Doing one last bump.
Bumping for interest.
Paging @FrogRFlowR and @ChaoticLaw? Are you guys still here?
Seems like this could be cool. Color me intrigued
@Dragonfly 9 Glad you’re interested! If you know any other TTGL fans on the site, be sure to send them here!


Decided to make this rp after Netflix committed one of the biggest war crimes in history by removing Gurren Lagann from their service. Needless to say, I kinda want to play around in this world for a bit so I thought I'd throw this out and see if I get a bite? Who knows right? That all being said, let's jump in!

The Story

It's been twenty-five years since Simon and Team Dai-Gurren defeated the Anti-Spirals and saved the universe. Now, with the Galactic Spiral Peace Conference underway, Earth is finally at peace. The human race is firmly established on the surface and the remains of the Beastmen race have been integrated into human society without prejudice. Despite their key role in defeating the Anti-Spirals, the Gunmen have - once again - been phased out of the military with Grapearls taking their place. While some have been stored away in warehouses or museums, there are still some Gunmen that remain hidden out in the world; relics of a war long-since forgotten.

However, there remains a new threat to Earth's peace. While the Anti-Spirals are gone it seems the moon wasn't their only plan for eradicating the human race. New, human extermination protocols were put in place, to be activated in the instance of the human race furthering their spiral power past the danger levels. With Team Dai-Gurren away at the peace conference, it falls to a ragtag band of humans and beastmen alike to uncover the gunmen sleeping under the earth, stop these extermination protocols, and save the earth.


In the anime for Gurren Lagann, it's briefly mentioned - but never fully expanded upon - that there are different 'types' of Gunmen. Due to how little information is given, I wanted to explore this concept in this rp. And so... I've broken the Gunmen types into four main categories:

Base Gunmen -> These are the most basic form of gunmen. Manufactured for foot soldiers in the Spiral King's army, the Base Gunmen can take on a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all retain the same basic features. They usually fight bare-handed, but pilots can equip various weapons such as swords, artillery, or giant sunglasses. The Base Gunmen also carry electrical engines to allow Beastmen to pilot them.

Carrier Gunmen (Dai-Guns) -> The largest of the gunmen, Dai-Guns are massive machines that can house multiple gunmen within them and act as mobile bases. Typically, Dai-Guns are made to traverse one sort of specialized terrain (i.e. Land, Sea, or Sky). Dai-Guns usually require a small team to pilot, but on rare instances they have been seen with only one person sitting in the pilot's seat. Dai-Guns are equipped ith heavy artillery weapons in order to keep foes at a distance, as well as protect the gunmen housed within.

Dual Gunmen -> There's an old saying among the Beastmen, "The more faces on a gunmen, the more you should stay away". Dual Gunmen are characterized by having multiple faces on their bodies. While some Gunmen can combine to achieve this, Dual Gunmen have these extra faces built in. Created during the first Spiral War, Dual Gunmen were reserved for officers and later on, they were given to high-ranking Beastmen such as the Four Generals. Dual Gunmen are rarer than most, but can house a variety of unique weapons such as lasers, spring blades, and energy whips to name a few.

Fusion Gunmen (Lagann-Type) -> Perhaps the rarest gunmen of all (and the only 'type' addressed in canon), Lagann-type gunmen are uniquely equipped with the ability to combine with other types of gunmen. After combining, the Lagann-type can override the other gunmen's systems and grant its pilot total control (though the other pilot may take over if the former wishes). The two stipulations for operating a Lagann-type gunman are that the pilots must have first acquired a core drill, and must have a great deal of Spiral Power within themselves. Most Lagann-type gunmen don't seem to outwardly carry any unique armaments as their pilots typically utilize the weapons and armor from the units they take over, but they can generate weapons using Spiral Power.


For this RP, I'm looking for a small group of people, ideally 3-4 not counting myself. I don't have any requirements for characters other than to please not all give yourselves Lagann-type gunmen and break the story. These things are rare for a reason. As for post length, I'm not looking to make this a serious rp to start. A paragraph or two would be enough to work with before the RP gets too far in. I'm also pretty open to ideas for characters so long as you check with me first.

This all being said, I hope some people would like to join me in re-visting this balls to the walls insane show from the 2000s and break through the heavens with me! SPIN ON!
@KkushmarYou still in?
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