Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Nyahahameha Yes. You have the go ahead. Discord link will be sent soon.
Discord when?

Started making the server last night. Will probably PM the link out either today or tomorrow
@Crimson Flame there will be a mix of PvP and NPC fighting. Depends on where you guys take the story.
@Crimson Flame I mean like his experience with the game and the competition for top. Becoming top 5 in the world at anything is kind of a huge deal. You low key gloss over it to set up the relationship backstory. Nothing wrong with it, but it’s not necessarily the main focus of the story if that makes sense?
@Crimson Flame the player character looks solid, but maybe focus up on his Rift Warriors experience a bit more? As for The Spartan, I like your foundation, but I think you can clean up the powers section a bit. Maybe… his weapons are imbued with elemental attacks pertaining to the Greek gods? (Lighting sword=Zeus, Invisibility Helmet=Hades, Water-based shield (knock back)=Poseidon?)
@Nyahahameha Haha. I named it that because in my mind, I pictured the interlocking soldiers and shields creating a castle-like mech anyways.

Honestly, you could probably make it a Smash Bros. Ryu sort of ultimate where you can choose between the more “offensive” charge formation or the “defensive” titan formation. Like how a queen would command her armies?

Good chance I’ll be making a discord since I’m planning on making this one more immersive than my past entries and it’s non-fandom work.
@Crimson Flame My advice is pick a time period you like (past or future) and create a character around it. The character I used in my example on the interest check was a ronin from the Sengoku period (a time when conventional weapons were phased out in favor of firearms).

@Nyahahameha Can I ask what Queen Morag's regular ultimate is, if not the castle titan? Also, I love the idea of a heavy armor character using portals to fight. You usually expect that with light/speedy fighters like ninjas so it's a welcome change here!
Hello, travelers and welcome to The Rift! For those who missed the interest check, Rift Warriors is an isekai (other world) story about a group of gamers who find themselves sucked into a fighting game and are semi-transformed into the fighters they play as. You can find the basic plot summary and world information down below. I've also attached a character sheet to the bottom of this post so you can apply and start making characters right away! Can't wait to get this started!

The Story

The year is 2045, and legendary video game developer Ryuichi Masada is set to announce his latest project. The world loses it's mind when he reveals Rift Warriors X - the latest entry in his trademark fighting game series Rift Warriors - only to be stunned in shock when Masada decalres that X will not only be the final entry in the series, but he's only produced FIVE copies of the game which will be distributed to the top five Rift Warriors IX players worldwide in a few months time. What followed was a mad dash by players across the globe to climb the competitive ladder in the hopes of reaching the top five and becoming a candidate for earning this new game.

When the digital dust settled, the five players were recognized and each received a copy of Rift Warriors X. However, when they started up the game, they discovered there were no fighters, only blank slates on the character selection screen. Suddenly, each of the players are sucked into their respective gaming consoles and wake up only to find themselves in the world of Rift Warriors! Somehow, the players have been turned into the five characters they mained when they battled in the ranks to win their copies of X. What has caused this to occur? How will they escape? What is the secret of Rift Warriors X? Apply to join and find out!

Rift Warriors

Ever wonder what it would be like if various characters from across history could battle it out? Well that's what Ryuichi Masada dreamed about ever since he was in grade school. Upon graduating and joining up with a fledgling game company, Okami Sun Games, Masada created the first ever Rift Warriors game. Rift Warriors was a beat'em-up fighting game where fictional characters from across time were sucked into a pocket dimension known only as The Rift. When inside, they were tasked by a strange Entity known as "The Messenger" to battle against the other summoned warriors and earn their way home. To make things more 'interesting' The Messenger granted each warrior summoned a unique set of superhuman abilities depending on the era in which they were summoned and attuned to their unique characteristics.

With each passing sequel, more warriors would find themselves being dragged into The Rift. As the series went on, the lore behind The world of The Rift as well as the enigmatic Messenger would grow as well. However, the lore that was revealed was rarely - if ever - enough to explain the plot of the games, often leaving FNAF-sized debates going on in various internet forums. With the announcement of Rift Warriors X, Masada claimed that "all will be revealed" which led many to believe this would be the game that finally gave a clear answer as to what the real story of Rift Warriors actually was. That made the limited release and subsequent competition all the more surprising when it happened.

Requirements for Players

So for this rp you will be making two characters. The first will be your character. This is the player who became one of the top 5 Right Warriors IX players in the real world. In addition, you will be making a secind character who will serve as your player's 'main' in the game world. This character can be from any point in human history, and will have unique abilities based on their time period. (For example, a viking character may have the ability to manipulate ice and snow, or a Cold-War Russian soldier could manifest nuclear bombs or weaponize radiation). Ideally, the Rift Warriors character would be a fictional person from whatever time period you choose, BUT I'm open to the possibility of non-human characters so long as you check with me first before submitting it. Outside of that, you are free to develop the character's backstory and powers as much as you wish. Just don't make them overly broken or the players would be screaming at the devs for not fixing an unbalanced character.

As for posts, I'd ideally like at least two paragraphs per post on this one to keep the story moving since this one is going to be exposition heavy at the start, but that's just a guideline. With that being said, the character sheet outline is posted below. Let's have some fun, and I'll see you in The Rift!

"That won't be needed, Miss Voland," came Kaizer's voice as he walked across the courtyard. A group of bleary-eyed second-years followed behind him with their heads lowered. They sheepishly walked past and grabbed their own weapons to begin drills. "The first-years will be spending their morning classes with Professor Blackwood today. She wishes to test their proficiency with Unity before we begin putting them into combat. From across the courtyard, a tall raven-haired woman could be seen leaning against a pillar, notebook and quill in hand. When she locked eyes with Calliope, Morgana offered a smile and a curt wave before returning to her work.

Kaizer returned his attention to the students and addressed the crowd, "Alright, students! If you are warmed up for the day, we'll begin with morning announcements! First of all, I would like to personally welcome back each and every one of you to the Academy. I know you've all likely heard the rumors about Decree's influence spreading within the kingdom, and I commend you for your willingness to return. I assure you, you are all safe here. Now... As you may be aware, we have some new students joining us this year." He gestured to Willow and the other four first-years who suddenly felt a multitude of eyes fixed on them, sizing them up.

"I'm sure you'll all get to know them later, but for now, you'll be breaking off into groups. First years, you'll meet with Professor Blackwood today. She will be testing your skills with Unity and how strong you are with your partners. Third years, you'll be joining Okido at the lake for mock-battle training. Finally, second years are with me today. We're going out in the field." The old knight watched as the second years perked up at this news. Kaizer accompanying the students outside the academy was rare.

While the students broke off into their groups, Morgana Blackwood strode forward and gestured offered a hand to the first year students, "Come with me please, children. You'll be getting started with me today." As the little group debated whether or not to follow, they felt a gentle push from behind. Turning, they saw Titania the Hatterene looming over them and pushing them forward with her long ponytail.
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