Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Quick Bump
This could be genuinely interesting! As a recent P5 convert, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring. What roles are still available? A Master Gunner or Quartermaster could be a lot of fun.

MagiCorp: Wizards Gone Corporate

Several centuries ago, the world was rocked forever by the disappearance of Merlin, the world's greatest wizard. Without him to keep the balance between the light and dark forces in the world, the people began to become jealous and distrustful of the fey races as well as those who possessed magical abilities. War was inevitable and the world was plunged into darkness. After years of fighting, it seemed the human race won out. Flash forward to today, and those ancient wizards have vanished among the people. Where did they go you may ask? They went Corporate!

Created in the 1700s, what started as a secret society dedicated to protecting and preserving the study of magic has grown into a full-fledged business! Here at Magicorp, young witches and wizards are brought onboard to hone their magical abilities, develop technology and tools to drive humanity forward (We invented Facebook you know?), uphold the traditions of magic as set forth by Merlin himself, and... protect the world from the forces of evil.

You see, the humans BARELY won the war in the dark ages. While many humans were able to return to their normal lives and hide among the people, the fey races were... not so lucky. Instead they were forced into hiding in forests, caves, and the underground. These unfortunates existences combined with being branded as monsters and hunted had caused them to resent the race of Man. Now, many of them seek to overthrow Man and the dominant beings on Earth and reclaim the world in their names. Obviously, this would be inconvenient for us at Magicorp as our stock prices would plummet and we'd be incapable of operating in such an environment. As such, it falls to our employees to hunt down various Fey creatures and other monsters before they expose the world of magic to the modern world, upend the balance of light and darkness, and ruin our market value to our shareholders!

Magic: Your Career Path

If your application to Magicorp has been accepted, then congratulations, you managed to beat out every other wizard who wanted to actually use their powers for something productive. Of course, you'll need to know what job to apply for. Mana - the 'life force' of magic - flows differently through all beings (but you knew that already didn't you?). If you didn't then it's a miracle you were hired on, but I'm sure there's a place for you in the custodial department.

In short, your job here at Magicorp is determined by what type of magic you are skilled in. Of course your 'job' is merely a front while your REAL work is hunting monsters, but that's neither here nor there. Here are some 'job openings' you can expect to see in the coming quarter:

-Administration/Middle Management (Pending) -> Job openings in Administration are rare as the wizards who live long enough to be promoted typically know how NOT to die while working at Magicorp. As a result, many of the people in this position are a mixed bag of skills and abilities from throughout Magicorp.

-Research and Development (Evocation/Infusion) -> One of the two 'fronts' for Magicorp, R&D works two jobs as both developing new spells for combat and creating inventions in order to give the impression that we're an actual company providing a public service that doesn't relate to hunting monsters. Slap some magic on an Iphone then send it out! We have a deadline to meet!

=Marketing and Sales (Elemental Magic) -> This job is quite crucial as our Marketing Team deals with giving our services to the people. Typically the best in terms of 'combat magic' those who have mastered the elements really know how to best deliver our product (spoilers it's DEATH) to our clients (The monsters).

-Customer Service (Beast Taming/Enchantment) -> the other 'front' for the company. While dealing with mortals is a constant struggle, our Customer service team keeps them in the dark about what we do. With their skills, they can shackle the fey to their will and force them to do their bidding, or you can simply enchant the mortals and make them look the other way.

-Accounting and Finance (Divination/Illusion) -> Use your knowledge of the future to keep us out of the red! Also, use your illusory skills to make us LOOK like we're not in the red. You guys keep this company afloat. Also, these skills are helpful in battle too.

-Human Resources (Healing/Nature Magic) -> You guys are the reason we keep going out and fighting this battle. Whether it's dealing with mental wounds left by the management or dealing with actual wounds left by angry trolls, this crack team of healers is on the job.

And those are just a fraction of some of the opportunities you can expect to grasp when you can join us here at Magicorp! After all, someone has to keep the world safe right? You might as well get paid for doing it. Well with that said, we hope to see your application come through in the next few weeks! We know you'll be a valuble addition to our company!
-Karen Nightstone, Magicorp Hiring Manager
Just putting this out there to see if anyone might interested in the idea. With the anime ramping up, I thought it might be fun to do an RP in the world of Chainsaw Man, but in the eyes of how other countries are dealing with the Devil problem. The rp would center on the American equivalent of the Public Safety division in Japan. This group is called the Department of Devil Affairs (The D.D.A.) they would function the same as Public Safety and deal with the Devil threat on American soil. Personally I think an American Chainsaw Man story could be fun when you consider what new kinda of Devils could be lurking on American soil. Anyway, if enough people are interested, I’ll see about putting together a more detailed pitch.

As he tried to stay focused, Harry suddenly felt an odd sensation near his right leg. Almost as if... his soul was being drained. Taking a moment to realize he wasn't stuck in his terrible part-time job back home, Harry looked down to see a little white dog Pokémon pawing at his leg. He recognized the dog as one he'd seen around the academy, but he couldn't recall the name. On instinct, he raised his Xtranceiver and pressed a button to activate the pokedex app he'd modified onto it. A holographic screen flared to life above his wrist, identifying the Pokemon as a Greavard. Harry felt a shiver run down his spine when he realized it was a ghost-type.

"Hey there, little guy..." Harry cautiously lowered a hand to the small creature when he heard a sigh over his shoulder. Turning around, he saw a girl standing behind him holding some sort of frozen drink in her hands. It took him a few moments to recognize her as one of his classmates from History. "Oh hello. It's... Renata right? Is this your Greavard?" Before Renata had a chance to reply, the door to the Sea Breeze Café swung open and another classmate - Adam Hayes - stepped in. It was all Harry could do to keep himself from rolling his eyes when Adam walked up to his table. He'd had plenty of experience with wannabe tough guys like Adam back in his home region and today was the last day he wanted one to be getting on his nerves.

"Ugh... Hi, Adam," said Harry as he quickly began to gather up his materials, muttering under his breath as he went, "Why is it when I don't want to be bothered, that's when everyone suddenly shows up?" As he slid the last of his books into his backpack, Harry turned and saw both Adam and Renata staring intently at his map. Specifically, the map where he'd marked out the presumed locations of the four Pokémon of Ruin. Renata's eyes were intently staring at the locations while Adam seemed fixated on where Harry had written out the details of of the four, in particular the spot where he'd underlined "POWERFUL POKEMON".

Harry took a deep sip from his coffee as he slid into a small booth in the Sea Breeze Café. Sure he could have eaten for free in the Papas Academy cafeteria, but he wanted some privacy this morning. Judging by the dark circles underneath his eyes, it was clear he hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night, and his hands trembled as they retrieved a stack of books from within his backpack. Spreading everything out on the table, the young transfer student quickly checked his notes for the thirteenth time; his eyes growing wider as he realized what he'd stumbled upon.

Two weeks earlier, Harry had first set foot in the Paldea Region. Having transferred into Papas Academy as a second-year student, he was quick to make friends with Ms. Raifort, the history teacher at Papas Academy as well as the cousin of Ms. Lenora, Harry's mentor and friend from Unova. Through a shared interest in Paldean history and their mutual friend, they formed a quick bond. It was through Raifort's class that Harry had learned about an old legend concerning four ancient and super-powerful Pokémon sealed in tombs around the region. It had taken nearly a week of asking, but Harry convinced Raifort to let him borrow her notes on the "Ruinous Quartet" as she called them in class. He hadn't expected to find anything new when a certain piece of information caught his eye. At some point in her studies, she had mentioned rumors of strange 'stakes' that were supposed to be keeping the Pokémon at bay. Cross referencing her 'notes' along with the original legend of the Pokémon, Harry discovered the locations of several of the stakes. Shortly afterwards, he began to notice patterns in how the stakes were placed around the map. As if they were... surrounding something.

Flash forward to today and Harry sat in the café, finalizing his map. If his calculations were correct, he may have finally discovered the lost tombs of the Pokémon of Ruin! He was so engrossed in his work that he almost didn't hear the sound of flapping wings over his shoulder. Looking up, he saw his partner Striker the Rufflet hovering over him; a bag of doughnuts clutched in his talons.

"Huh? Oh, thanks buddy!" Harry smiled as he took the bag, and waving to the lady behind the counter as Striker alighted on his trainer's shoulder. "This is it, Striker," said Harry as he took a hefty bite out of his doughnut. "If I did my math right, and if Ms. Raifort's reputation as an archeologist is half as good as Lenora's, then we may have found some of the most powerful Pokémon ever lost to history!"

"Rufflet!" Striker chirped excitedly on Harry's shoulder. The little eaglet curiously looked down to inspect the map Harry had been furiously drawing upon since last night. Striker had always been a more curious type than others of his species. It was that inquisitive nature that had made him and Harry a perfect match in spite of the reason they'd been brought together in the first place. As Harry put down the finishing touches, he reached back into his bag and produced two leather-bound books; one scarlet and the other violet.

"Let's see... even if the majority of these both focus on the Area Zero expeditions, the authors did offer some footnotes on Paldean history," said Harry as he furously flipped through the books until he found the right pages. "Even if we can open the tombs, these Pokémon were said to have destroyed the first great empire of Paldea... It'd be tough to battle any single one let alone catch them with our current skills..." Striker's crest fell in line with Harry's. Harry had a rudimentary knowledge of competitive battling thanks to his mother, but it had never truly been his passion. Heck, the other two Pokémon he owned were ones he'd just happened to catch on sheer luck, one of which he could rarely even send out from its pokeball... Part of him considered going back and giving his information to Raifort, but she'd just form her own expedition and find the Pokémon for herself. She may not even believe Harry actually located the tombs. The more he thought about it, Harry wanted this to be HIS discovery, but he'd still need to either train himself up or recruit people to join him on his crazy crusade.

By this point, Harry had found himself so lost in thought that he didn't bother to notice a pair of eyes looking at him from one of the back corners of the Sea Breeze Café.
Ok, everyone. The application window has closed which means it's time for the results! First off, I want to thank everyone who submitted since you all made some pretty cool characters. Bear in mind that just because you didn't make the cut, it doesn't mean your character was 'bad', it just didn't totally fit with the vibe we were looking for. With that being said, I hope to rp with you all sometime in the future but now... onto the results!

Going to Papas Academy we have:
Normal: @TheNoCoKid
Fire: @Crimson Flame
Ghost: @LuckyBlackCat
Water: @Yasha
Grass: @Agunimon
Electric: @lotusthevoid
Flying: @Skill
Ground: @Rin
Rock: @Tangy
Fairy: @InnerFlame

To those of you who have been accepted, keep an eye on your DMs for a link to a Discord server. The rp will still happen here, but the server will be used for out of character stuff, determining battle outcomes, etc. As a side note to everyone else, I can't speak for everyone in the group, but in the event of someone having to leave, you may be notified and asked if you would like to join the group to get us back up. Thanks again to everyone who submitted a character sheet, and I can't wait to get started!
@Skill No worries. There’s still a 24 hour window in case we get any late applicants (unlikely at this point, but better safe than sorry)
@Such A Birch Check the first page. There’s a full list of what’s claimed and what hasn’t been.
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