Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@LuckyBlackCat If you still want Sloth, I’m willing to switch. My character sketch for him and his Host is still a bit rough.

@The World Glad to have you back. I think Advanced is a better fit for this type of story with the world building elements you can throw in.

@Neianna86I’ll be curious to see how you curb Wrath!
Old RP that died in interest check hell. Reviving it to see if anyone might be interested

Hosts: The Enemy Within

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? Why, even when we try our best, things always seem to go wrong? Well that's because there are forces out there beyond our control. Forces that run wild in the human plane and seek to cause only chaos and destruction. We call them Demons. Most of them are harmless enough, but some are the soldiers of the king of Gehenna himself: Lucifer.

Several millennia ago, Lucifer and his army tried to conquer the mortal plane. Lacking the means to permanently kill the Demons, the humans were left with little to do but run and hide. When all seemed lost, a secret society of monks known as the Order of Ascalon discovered a method that - while not able to outright kill a Demon - was able to remove them from the equation. The method in question involved using a ritual that sealed the Demon within a willing human body. With his army being 'captured', Lucifer had little choice but to return to Gehenna and recoup his losses. For the humans who now carried demons within them, they became the Hosts.

While many minor demons were captured and sealed away, there were seven who's capture was essential to the humans surviving the war. The Seven Generals of Hell's army: the Sins of Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, and Gluttony. Seven Hosts were chosen as those with strong moral fiber to resist the temptations of the Sins. For the rest of their now immortal lives, these seven Hosts would live in a constant mental war against the seven most powerful demons in history.

The Setup

Fast-Forwarding to modern day, The Seven - as these Hosts have come to be known - are now living among us as regular people. Their lives are no different from yours or mine, save for the fact they are under constant pursuit by Lucifer. The spiteful King of Gehenna wants to invade the mortal plane again, but he needs the Sins to lead his armies.

After millennia of battling Lucifer's forces, The Seven have discovered they can briefly tap into the powers of their respective demons. This provides them an edge to fight back against the hordes Lucifer sends after them, but it comes at the cost of having to give in to the demonic influence (i.e. The Gluttony Host will become a glutton himself for a brief period after using gluttony's powers). In addition, exposure to demonic energy has made the Seven invincible to conventional damage, but spiritual and magical attacks can still harm them just fine.

All the while, the Sins have their own agendas. While they seek freedom, they each have different thoughts and ideas about how to secure it. If the Host were to simply relinquish the demon, the Sin would be set free. Or... if the Host were to die, the Sin could leave the body easily; no longer bound to a soul. How your Demon goes about battling their respective Host is yours to decide as you write.


Each Sin also has a unique effect on the humans they inhabit. Think of this as part of how they torture their Host to get them to relinquish the Sins. Each Curse involves a form of torture that is specific to the Sin's attributes. For example, Lust's Curse could be making her host constantly look like the most attractive and 'beautiful' person in the room. As a result, all the people want that person, but it's born from lustful desire rather than genuine attraction.

The Sins

Sloth- @TheNocoKid
Pride- @LuckyBlackCat
Wrath- @Neianna86

This RP is first come first served for roles. However, if you plan to play a Host, please remember it's important for you to make timely updates to the RP. If you don't get a spot as a Seven Deadly Sins Host, I'm more than happy to make your character a Host for a Minor Demon, or a member of Ascalon. That being said, I'm happy you all showed interest and I'm curious to see if I can re-launch this.

As a side note, I'm still planning for this to be an rp where characters have a chance of dying. If your character dies as a Host, the demon will be freed, and a new Host will be required to seal it again... if you can recapture it.

Character Sheets

@PerfectThought@The World@LuckyBlackCat Decided to move this to Advanced Interest Checks due to limited engagement + I'm having ideas for how to flesh out the world further. If you guys are still interested, you can find it there. Also, it's probably going to be first come first served for roles so keep that in mind.
Bumping because why not?
@The World Well as you can - obviously - see. Slots aren’t filling up fast so you’ll likely get your first choice.
@PerfectThought@LuckyBlackCat Brings us up to 3. Bumping for more.
Old RP that died in interest check hell. Reviving it to see if anyone might be interested

Hosts: The Enemy Within

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? Why, even when we try our best, things always seem to go wrong? Well that's because there are forces out there beyond our control. Forces that run wild in the human plane and seek to cause only chaos and destruction. We call them Demons. Most of them are harmless enough, but some are the soldiers of the king of Gehenna himself: Lucifer.

Several millennia ago, Lucifer and his army tried to conquer the mortal plane. Lacking the means to permanently kill the Demons, the humans were left with little to do but run and hide. However, when all seemed lost, the Order of Ascalon - a secret order of Christian monks - discovered a method that - while not able to outright kill a Demon - was able to remove them from the equation. The method in question involved using a ritual that sealed the Demon within a willing human body. With his army being 'captured', Lucifer had little choice but to return to Gehenna and recoup his losses. For the humans who now carried demons in their bodies, they became the Hosts.

While many minor demons were captured and sealed away, there were seven who's capture was essential to the humans surviving the war. The Seven Generals of Hell's army: The sins of Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, and Gluttony. Seven Hosts were chosen as those with strong moral fiber to resist the temptations of the Sins. For the rest of their now immortal lives, these seven Hosts would live in a constant mental war against the seven most powerful demons in history.

The Setup

Fast-Forwarding to modern day, The Seven - as these Hosts have come to be known - are now living among us as regular people. Their lives are no different from yours or mine, save for the fact they are under constant pursuit by Lucifer. The spiteful King of Gehenna wants to invade the mortal plane again, but he needs the generals to lead his armies.

After millennia of battling Lucifer's forces, The Seven have discovered they can briefly tap into the powers of their respective demons. This provides them an edge to fight back against the hordes Lucifer sends after them, but it comes at the cost of having to give in to the demonic influence (i.e. The Gluttony Host will become a glutton himself for a brief period after using gluttony's powers). In addition, the Hosts are immune to any and all physical damage now thanks to the Sins, but spiritual and magical attacks can still harm them just fine.

All the while, the Sins have their own plans and agendas. While they seek freedom, they each have different thoughts and ideas about how to secure said freedom. If the Host were to simply relinquish the demon, the Sin would be set free. Or... if the Host were to die, the Sin could leave the body easily; no longer bound to a soul. How your Demon goes about battling their respective Host is yours to decide as you write.


Each Sin also has a unique effect on the humans they inhabit. Think of this as part of how they torture their Host to get them to relinquish the Sins. Each Curse involves a form of torture that is specific to the Sin's attributes. For example, Lust's Curse could be making her host constantly look like the most attractive and 'beautiful' person in the room. As a result, all the people want that person, but it's born from lustful desire rather than genuine attraction.

The Sins


Just in case more than seven people want to try this RP, I'm going to make an application process. You can make a claim to a particular Sin for your Host, but it's not a guarantee that you'll be accepted. If you don't get a spot as a Seven Deadly Sins Host, I'm more than happy to make your character a Host for a Minor Demon, or a member of Ascalon. That being said, I'm happy you all showed interest and I'm curious to see if I can re-launch this.

As a side note, I'm still planning for this to be an rp where characters have a chance of dying. If your character dies as a Host, the demon will be freed, and a new Host will be required to seal it again... if you can recapture it.

Character Sheets

@Agunimon Are you still taking part? Just checking since you haven’t posted yet?

"Uh... Pokémon of Ruin?? W-what are those? I certainly wouldn't know," was all Harry managed to get out before he folded up his map and dashed out of the café. Once he was far enough away and his adrenaline died down, he smacked himself on the forehead. "Real smooth, Kleinberg. It's not like you've been studying this for the last two weeks." As if to emphasize his boneheaded nature, Striker suddenly perched on Harry's head and added a peck of his own.

"Ruff! Ruff!" the little bird chirped between pecks.

"Ouch! I get it, Striker!" Harry reached up a hand in a vain attempt to shoo his partner off his head, but to no avail. "Look, I know I said we'll need extra hands if we want to find these Pokémon, but I'm not ready yet." In response, his partner cooed. Striker remembered 'the incident' all too well to know that Harry had trouble when it came to making friends. For Arceus' sake, he likely wouldn't have approached Ms. Raifort were it not for Lenora's recommendation. With a sigh, Harry turned his attention toward Papas Academy. The morning bell would be ringing any minute and students were required to meet on the battle courts for the announcement of the "Treasure Hunt'. As he began to ascend the steps, Harry slid off his backpack and gently placed the map inside. He could worry about finding his travelling companions later.

@LuckyBlackCat@Crimson Flame
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