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@ONL nah not sure on inviting anyone on my side. Will work on the character in the next few days however

Amelia Payne
Location:Supply (R)
Skills: N/A


β€œSet up traps? What?” Amelia was a bit confused for a moment when Nikki mentioned Lisa for some reason and talking about traps. Then after a moment she had a sudden realization.”Ohh...timing yes. Timing is important for traps. What did you mean by 'weird' though?” She nodded, somewhat understanding it now.” Well knowing the time and being on time is usually always a good thing. If nothing else, you won’t be yelled at for being late.” Amelia smiled and looked at the younger woman.

β€œStill, thank you a lot.” She repeated and smiled at Nikki.” I will make use of your good will.” Amelia added and started looking through the variety of clothing she had been presented. The girl had indeed went the mile and sorted it out for her. The clothing was indeed simple though varied on the things present. Still looking them over she smiled and nodded before pulling out the simple gray summer dress. It wasn’t anything fancy and it should be comfortable for this weather and if nothing else since it was a summer dress it didn’t hinder mobility as much and can easily be adapted if it did in extreme situations.” Thing this is about my size.” She mentioned lining it against herself just as a vague measure and followed with her eyes where Nikki pointed out the changing rooms.” Okey, be right…???” She was surprised by the sudden change of mood in Nikki as she took a glance at who had just entered. She wasn’t quite 100% certain, but if she recalled right this was the woman from Medical.

Amelia nearly jumped when the woman snapped at them. At first she thought something had fucked up and got concerned as she threw her concerned and somewhat afraid glances at Nikki, as if asking if she had done something and fucked up on her day at work. Her worry and concern was short lived as Nikki, the ever present heroine of bravery and attitude she was, ranted back and in the process all was explained to Amelia as well. She took a deep breath, holding the dress to her chest, relieved that nothing was wrong.” Ohh right, yes.” Snapped by to reality by the younger woman’s reminding her of the changing rooms with her gesture, Amelia hurriedly moved to them and got into one. She was NOT hiding from the scary angry sounding snapping woman.

With the safe and secure confines and cover of the changing room, she slowly undressed the clothing she had on, and taking a look at the dress, quickly put it on. It was mostly okey, she did a quick turn around, mostly pleased with it. Sure it was a simple gray color one, but she liked it like this. Honestly the only thing she missed was her hair in this case. She pulled herself out of the changing room to show it to Nikki.” I think it’s good. It fit me. Well it’s a bit wider on the waist, but, otherwise it’s good. I think this one it will be.”


Lisa Mason
Location:Water Repair Shop (G)
Skills: N/A


β€œIf they taught walker lore and biology at med schools, I think we would have had a lot more doctors running around. Anyways no leaving for tomorrow I’m afraid. Don’t worry however, I will deal with the rest after the boat is done and over with.” She smiled to Manny with a calm expression.” It’s just how things are, no two ways about it, this stuff’s important after all. Need the lab areas to be as clean as possible, even if we finished the basics already, can’t wait till tomorrow. Work's work and got to be done today.” She was overall used to these things even before the apocalypse started. It was basically her whole job prior to it after all.

Indeed it was good Medical and Water repair was reasonably close. Good time was made as the Water Repair Shop was reached. Lisa was mostly used to it by now, being in the camp for a while, didn’t know how her new helper would adapt to it however. Shouldn’t matter even if he was sea sick, which as far as she was aware, he wasn’t! Not that she’d know if he was, she didn’t read any files on him. She pointed out the boat they would be working to Manny. She wasn’t quite sure exactly how good a time they made, but it wasn’t yet 1400.

β€œHEY, Good day to you two!” She waved back as she heard Maddog voice. She waved the greeting to Rivets as well as she got close to them. Lisa was quick to get into working mood as she got to the other woman and took the list from her, giving it a quick look over, making mental notes about the things on it. True enough, it was mostly cleaning and restocking. She rose an eyebrow when she heard the comments from Maddog.” That’s good, though with this time going well, I fear next time it will take what’s due.” She replied to him.” As for the smell… It’s nothing much than the usual.” She added and gestured to Manny.

β€œTo introduce you, this is Manny. He will be helping out with cleaning duties at Medical from now on. So you will probably meet up more often.” She introduced the man with a smile on her face.” Manny, these are Maddog and Rivets."

β€œAlright, gotta start working ASAP. Stuff for some reason seems to be stacking up today. Got directed here before I finished off at Medical completely, so unless I want to stay overtime, I can’t fool around and lose time willy nilly.” She chuckled and waited for Maddog to get off the ramp and then got onto the boat herself to properly asses the condition once she was inside. β€œOkey this shouldn’t be too bad.” She smiled and put on the gear… aka some gloves to protect from the chemicals and other such materials that they’d be using to sanitize the thing.” First time cleaning a boat?” She asked Manny as she got to work.
Hey @ONL I be here to express my interest after all!

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C) - > Supply (R)
Skills: N/A


Amelia put on a big smile with Riley by her. Blushed a bit when she was hugged and kissed on the cheek, but otherwise didn’t say much, just nodded and smiled there. It was already noisy enough in the mess hall so it was a bit easier for her to stay calm here. People were too busy with their own meals and chats to pay any attention to the rest.

β€œHmm?” She made a questioning sound as Riley recounted her first day experience in the church so far. Well it was a church, big building with big rooms, dust tended to gather easily. The later part of the explanation made her really confused and a bit concerned.” Really?” She asked, her eyes very quickly followed where her lover was pointing at. She couldn’t quite understand why this was happening, but decided to trust in Riley and she wrapped her own hand around her lover in return.” It’s going to be alright. Just do your job and don’t mind it too much. It will all work itself out eventually.” She said reassuringly. Maybe one day they will once more get into better terms with Tati, but for now, Amelia thought it was best to not push it. If the woman wasn’t wanting to talk, leave it at that.

β€œIs he really? Glad to hear it in this case.” She asked, pondering the man that was Padre. She chuckled when Riley started questioning her instead.” I’m happy that’s the case I suppose. I’m with Auntie as superior. She’s actually kind of nice. Nikki’s my… senior colleague… This sound funny when I say it aloud, but both of them are real nice. I mean Nikki gave me a pair of sunglasses today and now Auntie said she’d allow me to choose something for the visit to the graveyard.” She explained to the other woman, recounting her own events over the day, including the wait at the beach and the little cloud lecture.

Soon enough she realized that time was running short when Riley pointed it out. Amelia was startled, but smiled.” I really should. I don’t want to be late! Yes, see you later,… lo...v… love.” She grabbed the watch, she needed to return it after all, leaned over, took control of her will, gave Riley a kiss on the cheek and ran like the wind, cheeks flushed bright red.

Breathing a bit heavily, Amelia walked through the doors of the Supply and taking deep breaths she rested herself by leaning on the wall for a bit. She ran all the way here, because she thought she’d be late and she nearly was! Good thing that Riley reminded her. To her surprise she didn’t spot her colleague.” Nikki?” She asked, but she couldn’t see her. Suddenly after a bit of looking around confused, she heard the girl, who moments later showed herself through one of the doors. Presumably the door to the back that she mentioned just now.” Hey, I made it in time.” Amelia smiled and reached over to return the clock.” Here, thank you for lending it to me. I really would have been late otherwise.” Amelia made sure to thank her properly. Her eyes then lingered to the counter and all the clothes on it.” … that’s a lot of clothing.” She said quietly as she studied the clothes. Was the girl picking out clothing for her to choose from?

β€œDid you pick these for me to choose from, Nikki?” She asked with a bit of an emotional voice.” Thank you.” Amelia was actually very much touched.


Lisa Mason
Location:Medical (B) - >Admin(A) - > Water Repair Shop (G)
Skills: N/A


β€œMmmmm, not sure we will see. Honestly shouldn’t have all walkers decayed by now normally? I mean it’s been years and bodies tend to decay a lot for such a long time and the walkers as far as I’m aware do not seem to have changed too much?” She shrugged. Walkers and the mystery of their origin and the way they functioned was a thing she had no idea of. It wasn’t her field of expertise, maybe there wasn’t anyone left alive who could call himself an expert in these things.” Well, if I cannot trap a walker, I can always trap something else. I’m sure something will present itself as a chance eventually.”

β€œMm… it’s not really hard. The boat is kept pretty clean, especially their medical section, but it’s impossible for Medic to overcome the power of the ocean alone, so salt’s everywhere eventually. It’s not hard to clean, but it will be tedious. More of a chore really.” She reassured the man with a kind smile as she tossed as she noted the signals and that it was 1330 now.” Alright… time ran out, anything else will have to be left for later.” She stated and picked up the results that needed to be delivered to Admin.” Luckily we don’t have much walking ahead of us, Water Repair is close enough.” She added to Manny as she quickly put away the cleaning tools here and then headed out of the Hospital, going through the motions and procedures and then starting to head over to the Admin building that was next over.

As times before she walked over and entered the Administration building, went to the in-box where she usually left the results, left them there and quickly headed back out, continuing her way over to the Water Repair Shop. She wasn’t hurrying too much, because it was close distance and she had to show the way to Manny. It was a great arrangement though, the 3 buildings being basically one by the other. Made getting to the tasks locations fast and easy. She walked up to Water Repair and smiled before entering. There was work to be done here also!


Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


β€žOhh... That's nice.” Amelia realized after Nikki's explanation that she was technically given a gift when she was allowed to pick up some new clothing. It was going to be free of charge! That's very nice of her. She was surprised, initially believing it would take a long time before she gets anything in this place given the explanation, however they had barely started and Nikki had put a pair of shades in her hands to use while moving about the camp for confirming requests and then Auntie was going to allow her to get clothing.” I will have to thank her properly later.” She said, mostly to herself as the topic moved to Nikki answering her earlier question about the seats.

Following the indication by the girl, Amelia nodded that she had indeed spotted the man. Then the topic turned in a very unexpected for her direction and she blushed slightly and nodded in understanding. So it was a case of just having fun, but the other party wanting more. She was in agreement with Nikki on this. With the intention to saying something, suddenly she was cut in the line, as Hunter appeared, went on an apology speech and left.” Eh...?” She completely forgot what she wanted to say due to this.” I'm not sure... I think it was indeed an apology? Probably?” Amelia tried to reply to Nikki's question, but honestly it took a bit for her to process it also. Was that really a true apology or was it not? Hunter's actions so far were weird over all, so she couldn't judge. She was just glad he didn't stay however... and even more glad the beast wasn't with him.

Amelia returned to eating and having nice time with Nikki when she heard a familiar voice as someone appeared and gave her a surprise hug! She was honestly startled for a bit before she recognized it was Guy.” Hey, Guy. AHmm... hug...” She managed to get a reply, while calming herself down from the sudden surprise of being hugged out of nowhere. It scared the angels out of her! Then her work colleague decided to leave early as Riley was arriving! Amelia's hearth fluttered inside when she saw the musician. She did spot that Nikki left her watch by her tray!” Thank you! I will be on time to return it to you!” She smiled at the girl, very grateful for what she had done and that she was treating her well.

β€œHey, Riley!” Amelia was all smiles now, seeing the person who made anything better in her life so far.” How was your day so far? Hmm what did you pick to eat?” She asked with big expecting eyes. At least they got the chance to have a bit of a lunch time together even if it wasn't much!


Lisa Mason
Location:Mess Hall(C)->Medical (B)
Skills: N/A


β€žMmm, alright. Don't worry, it's alright. It's my job as well and I've been doing it for a long while now. It's no issue for me to finish the cleaning today. It's your first day out of quarantine and into the job. It will take a few days to get into the rhythm of the job. I know it did take me a bit to get used to having a job again.” She smiled reassuringly at him as they chatted." However it's all good. People here know that, and with us two around even if you work less today, it is still a lot of help and time saved. So don't worry and go to teh funeral with calm heart."

β€œHehe, yeah, alarms were a bit much at first for me too. I had gotten used to moving at my own pace as I saw fit on the road, but nowdays I think I somewhat enjoy them. I mean we already go to bed early enough and waking up early, means we get a lot of the day to be productive. Even when not on duty.” Lisa smiled as she explained her own opinion on the alarms. Honestly sometimes she wished to sleep in well into the day, but the job was important and she enjoy it a lot too. So between sleeping in and working at Medical, she'd choose the morning shifts anyday.

β€œUhmm... not sure. I don't really have anything specific I want to get into outside of working at Medical. I enjoy working there a lot and mostly in the pharmaceutical side of things. So there's that and I got to it for the moment.” Lisa mused and thought about it for a brief moment.” Well it's not really a dream about a job or anything, but I suppose I do want to create the biggest rube goldberg machine trap for walkers... Kind of silly, but it's hilarious watching them falling into traps.” With that she finished the rest of her food and stood up.” Alright time to head back now.” She smiled and started heading for Medical. Now that Manny had a bit of experience with the area, he had passed through the motions of passing the checks so even if she hurried on first he should be good.

Luckily Medical and Mess Hall were very close to one another, so it wasn't long before she was back at her workplace and through the security checks and back to the underground floors. There was still a bit of work to do here, however unexpected news were waiting for her. So it was one of those days... they had to clean the boats.” Hmm, very well. We'll see what we can finish cleaning up here in the last few minutes or so we've got before then and be there soon.” Lisa replied, taking a look at the clock.” Well... not much time, better work faster!” She said to herself and started cleaning, so she could get as much work down in the last 15 or so minutes before they have to head for the Water Repair. They had finished the lab before dinner and the other rooms were at least faster to deal with.


Amelia Payne
Location: Supply (R) -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


After getting the needed confirmation she wasn't getting the nature of the paperwork wrong, Amelia turned her attention back to the task at work. Writing it all down, checking things, confirming them and then writing it neatly down. It was weirdly calming and therapeutic, like there wasn't anything else she needed to mind. Of course there were things that distracted her, concerns, the pesky little paranoia at the back of her mind that made her constantly check her side every couple of minutes and of course the missing of certain musician. The two of them were pretty much constantly together for so long, not having her about was weird and hard to get used to. Same with the rest of the Newnan crew though to a lesser extent.

Eventually Auntie showed up with a cart of stationary supplies. A brief thought ran through Amelia's mind yet again, where were they getting all this paper from? Maybe one they she'd ask about it, but for now her attention was pulled to another topic the woman mentioned. Amelia's mood fell a little at the mentioning of funeral. She felt sad again, recalling all those who didn't make it back then... at what seemed an eternity before. Some people were missed more than others and some were already fading because of the nature of the new world, but it made her sad never the less.

β€œI... don't need much.” She replied to Nikki when the mentioning of shopping was brought by the young woman too.” Well... maybe just a bit, something darker and simpler.” She mumbled, thinking about how one had to visit a graveyard.” Might need help... I was never good with clothing.”

In any case, it wasn't much later that the bell rang and it was food time. Luckily they seemed to have dealt with most things for the moment and there was just the distribution of the things in the cart afterwards. Nikki as true to her character so far was first to react, but Amelia hurried to follow and keep up with the overly energetic girl. It was fun to keep up with Nikki, she realized.” Right with you!” Having to keep up with someone this energetic, made her feel energetic too!

Out in the Mess Hall, she also headed to the line and lined up after Nikki. Thinking what to get for the meal, she checked up the food that was displayed and in the end she chose the casserole. It wasn't what she'd expected to eat today, but between all other things, it was the one that picked most of her attention so she chose it. Besides... noodles. By the time she picked her food, she had briefly lost sight of Nikki, only to spot her already at a table to the side and waving her over. Well someone was as usual quick, so she hurried over to the table.” Thanks. Why did you choose these seats though?” She smiled and sat down, wondering why Nikki picked this table. She didn't mind though, it suited her, a bit more out the way.” So... what does 'shopping' actually consist of? Do I just request some clothing temporary?” Amelia finally brought herself to ask.


Lisa Mason
Location:Mess Hall(C)
Skills: N/A


β€žAlright, no worries, I understand. It's a bit crazy the first few days before you all get used for your schedules and get used to having your meals with friends.” Lisa smiled and walked over to the food displayed. There was a decent selection here! It didn't take much for her to decide on plain sushi. She felt like eating something simple and decently light. With her plates covered with her meal she started walking over to some empty spaces where she and Manny could sit down. On the way there she spotted Nikki and Amelia and waved out to them, she didn't try to call right now, because it was already noisy in the Mess Hall with all the people here. It was a waste of effort a wave and a smile were enough.

Finding the closest empty seats she sat down and gestured for the old man to hurry up.” So, we better eat fast because time is quickly passing when it's lunch time. An hour goes away in what feels like a brief moment!” She smiled and started eating her sushi. Waiting for him to settle down, she looked about, noting the people in and about. Nikki was out of the way for some reason, curious. As for the others, well it was about as usual mess hall as she knew.” So you going to be going to the funeral?” She asked him, as she tossed a bit more sushi into her mouth.” Cause if that's so, you will need to leave early and it'd be best for me to know in advance you see... Need to make my schedule to know which parts of the day I'd have to work alone. I'm used to it, so it's not that much of an issue, but better also make sure you head off in time and not miss it. It's a bit hard to keep track in time and I'm unsure if there will be a message over the comms about it, so yeah.” Lisa explained to Manny.

β€œAnyways on a side note, how was your first night as a proper resident of the camp? Slept well?” She pulled up a casual chatting topic with him. The camp was nice, it was well kept and maintained after all. Clean also, people here understood the value of keeping things clean!

Amelia Payne
Location: Pier (D) -> Supply (R)
Skills: N/A


Amelia studied the very focused on her work woman. She supposed it was normal if one liked their job to be hard to notice things happening around them. Amelia herself was a bit like this often when she read books, granted nowhere near the same serious level, but she did tend to not notice lesser distractions if she had a book... or was with Riley. Both things were very good at keeping her attention.

Thoughts of certain things and people aside, her attention focused on Nikki and then Chase again.” Stratocumulus?” She asked with quite a bit of pure curiosity, unfamiliar with the term, but with the other woman pointing out the clouds in the sky, it was obvious she was referring to those. That said, she had no idea what was special about it however. Curious it was indeed, but she didn't have a chance of asking about it, because then Nikki got very energetic again and Amelia found herself literally being pulled away from Chase and towards the direction where the golf cart was.”... Okey?” Amelia said in a bit of confusion, tossing a look at the cloud again.

β€œIs it bad to learn that though?” She asked, fixing the scarf she had on her head a bit to a different position. She wished it was growing faster and at least have short boyish haircut... heck she'd even agree on a crewcut or even a bit shorter.” I think it'd be useful... Surviving out there is hard enough, anything helps.” Though her opinion was well influenced by the fact hearing new things was good and well.. she already had some knowledge of survival. Might not have been a cloud reader, but she knew the value of being able to read the weather at least. In any case, she kept following after Nikki. IT didn't appear as a bad job and the company was nice.

Back at the main supply building, she took half the paper that Nikki handed her and followed her back into the building. Listening to the explanation, she looked clip board she'd use.” So... it's sorting. Okey, can do that.” She smiled and started writing down the things as they came from her list of things she had, stopping after a couple of lines, showing it to her colleague.” Just to confirm, it's like this right?” She asked, waiting for a confirmation, so she can dive into the rest of the stack of paper and hopefully indeed finish prior to lunch!


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical (B) ->Mess Hall(C)
Skills: N/A


Lisa listened to Manni's recount of his life and his plans of what he wanted in his life. She looked at him with curious expression and a grin.” Seems like you've lived a rich life at the very least.” She nodded at him as she resumed her work, still smiling.” Honestly not sure how I'd have fared in such a life, I personally got along with my family, so there wasn't a need for spiting, but I understand families are different. In any case, thanks for telling me.” She nodded.” I will keep quiet about it also. So it's safe with me unless you tell someone else.” She explained to him.” Though, between us, did ya ever get into a big fight with other gangs?”

β€œEhh... it's just a thing in life.” She shrugged and looked at him when he started going on about getting older and why one better didn't become older! Not that they had much of a choice... aside dying, but she grinned at him.” Not much of a choice, but growing older is better than the alternative... and it also allows me to see more of the world and life and possibly find a partner! Besides if my favorite food starts tasting different, I will find a new favorite food!” The woman proclaimed with very confident expression and a joking grin.

β€œOn a side note... it appears we've finished with cleaning this room.” Lisa stated, tossing a look at the still going machine. The centrifuge was doing it's job, reminding her that Mary would likely appear later, possibly while they were away. Didn't matter much to her right now, since the work was done! The rest of the rooms should nicely fit into the schedule post lunch. Luckily for them the speakers also went off, indicating it was 12:00 and it was time for their lunch. β€œ Okey, time to take the cleaning tools over to their storage room and then we can head up for our meals, Manni.” Lisa informed him, pleased that they did finish this room after all.

Moving the cleaning utilities to their holding place for the meal time, she afterwards headed for the main floor of the building. They had to go through the procedure to leave as well. Thus she led the way to leave the Medical, going through the procedures to sign for the lunch break in the schedules at the entrance then started walking down the street towards the Mess Hall.” Wonder what's for lunch today.” She mused, leading the way inside. Luckily Medical and Mess Hall was pretty close to each other. Once inside she pondered for a moment, doing a quick sweep of the place with her eyes, confirming people here.” So, see anyone you want to sit with or ya sitting with me?” She asked with a smile, starting to slowly heading to pick herself some food.

Amelia Payne
Location: Pier (D)
Skills: N/A


As they got to Major, Amelia was very quiet. The woman was a bit of a scary one in her eyes. She wasn't an evil outlaw criminal type of scary, but more the you can't read her military serious face kind of scary. Her general attitude was enough to put Amelia a bit on edge. Admittedly it was also a good attitude to have, she could respect the woman a lot. She just hoped to never get on her bad side.” Hello, Major.” Amelia greeted Major as Nikki introduced their reason for being here. She studied the pier, taking in all the details she could as they were going to meet Chase. So the green cards were the access cards indeed!

She also studied the people fishing here. Everyone seemed to have a job at this camp. It was nice order to have in this world. Made the mind feel at ease. She was still worried in general and kept a close eye on the surroundings just in case. Old habbits die hard, so does paranoia even be it a lesser one. As the bell rang, she was kind of curious, listening to Nikki's explanation. Blinking her eyes, Amelia nodded.” I do. Do the whole of Supply get the same lunch time or are we in internal shifts for it?” She replied honestly and then asked. Amelia was pretty certain if she remembered their schedules correctly her lunch time didn't coincide with Riley's. So she was going to stick to Nikki, especially since the girl was quite friendly and Amelia liked to think they will get along just fine.

β€œThank you... Eh?” Amelia smiled and said words of gratitude to Nikki as the girl held the gate for her. Then she was a bit startled as Nikki started calling Chase, but the woman wasn't responding. The confusion was replaced by even more confusion as Nikki said the reason!” Can't we like... poke her or...?” She asked.

What followed was a honestly very enlighting time on the pier as Nikki was on a rant about bubblegum. It was actually interesting to listen to! However she couldn't help peering at Chase and tossing questioning looks at Nikki as if asking if they should just be spending so much time waiting here and if they weren't going to get into trouble for it. Finally after another bell the woman snapped out of whatever thoughts she was in and recognized their presence to much of Amelia's relief.” Hey... hello. Everything okey with the readings?” Amelia greeted Chase after Nikki started waving that clipboard.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical (B)
Skills: N/A


Lisa had a good time working with Manny. He seemed like a good guy, had this older calming feel to him if nothing else. Often it was easier to talk with someone who was older than yourself. In any case, having someone to chat with while working certainly made time flow faster and gave the menial task a more enjoyable feel. Not that she didn't like working here, it was just that sometime when you were alone, here, underground, it was just getting boring.

β€œNothing.” She gave a one word reply as her attention was focused on cleaning one especially stubborn to remove patch of plaster. God darn there was quite a bit of it! What were these guys doing!?” Well... I had nothing I wanted to become back then. I had found a certain stability with my life as it was. I was a housekeeper... more or less a live in maid. I had stable work, stable income, a free roof over my head and it was enough for me. I had nothing I wanted or needed at that point.” Lisa finished her explanation.” Who knew that I had such a draw towards pharmaceuticals and chemistry.” She chuckled in somewhat good mood.” What about you?”

After the bell rang, Mary arrived soon after as expected. She commented on the plaster as Lisa nodded.” Working on it. Going to be finished soon.” Lisa gave a matter of fact reply as she returned to cleaning the rest of the plaster now that she had dealt with the very stubborn spot. She was just about to ask why the hell was there so much plaster, but she lost her chance. Maybe later. As such she focused all her attention to finish up the rest of the plaster as fast as possible, before it hardened. Would be a bad thing to have happen on her first official day otherwise.

Soon enough the second Bell rang, indicating the second lunch had started.” Okey time to take stock. Lunch's in half an hour, we better make sure we've dealt with the critical cleaning before then.” She studied the place, plaster should be one at this point, but it never hurt to double triple check before heading for lunch. It was a professional mental issue, she needed to make sure that she had finished her job properly. A left over from her days as a housekeeper.

Amelia Payne
Location: Supply (R) -> Pier (D)
Skills: N/A


β€žThank you! These will help a lot.” Amelia said with a smile as she received the sunglasses from Nikki. At first she was a bit curious why, but then figured it must be because at this place the sun was pretty strong. She thought that was the reason, but never the less she was really thankful to the girl for the gesture of good will! She hurried followed Nikki and got into the cart as well, putting the sunglasses on. At least now the sun wouldn't be hindering her eyes and blinding her.

The field trip more or less with Cheers was a nice and a good way for Amelia to again get familiar with the layout of the camp. With them having to visit most places of importance and take their requests for the day. After all best way to memorize a city’s locations was by visiting them and the camp while big, wasn’t a whole giant city. What’s more things were pretty sensible located as things went. She was only slightly sad that she didn’t get to spot Riley when they were at the Church. Apparently her friends that were now working there were too busy. Eventually they trip ended by the Pier. Amelia was really happy the golf cart was not getting onto it.

β€œAlright, right behind you.” Amelia said and quickly started to get off the cart, only to realize the girl already had a good deal distance! Thus she hurried over after the girl at top speed as well. She wasn’t missing this chance to get to explore and see the pier under official supervision. That way no chance of her getting into trouble!


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical (B)
Skills: N/A


β€žHmm?” Lisa made a questioning sound as she heard the question from the older man and looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. This was interesting, not quite what she expected to be asked, but then again not a unexpected question to appear. It made sense if he had prior work in the field especially before the apocalypse deal and Lisa had to admit she wasn’t really didn’t have the medical look. She chuckled.” Well not too long… though long is a relative term nowdays. I’ve been in the camp since last year. Somewhere between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Don’t quite know the exact date back then.” Was her reply as she led the way forward.” As for your second question, a few months… well I’m now getting completely transferred to this place. I’ve been helping out her as part in my Supply Duties for a few months. I’m not a doctor, I mostly clean the equipment and help out with the pharmaceuticals however I’m needed. Though I do take additional specialized lessons all the time. Turned out I actually do like working here a lot.”

β€œWell not a problem with me. So feel free to chat me up as much as you want.” She gave him a friendly smile.” I enjoy conversations. Others don’t, but as I just said, not one of those types.” Leading the way into the basement where she had spend the majority of her time at Medical for the duration of her work here, she spotted that it wasn’t a nice situation this time around.” Well, seems we are tossing you into the deep end this time around.” She commented, noting the honestly big amount of work in need to be done. Cleaning, sterilizing and so much more.” For now I will be here to help you out. You probably have done this in the past, but an extra pair of hands to help you out wouldn’t be amiss no? Besides, things a new rundown of the procedures never hurt anyone and better be save than sorry.”

Taking into account the different things in need of doing, she decided that as the first day on the job and possible not having done this for years now, it would likely be the best to start the old guy with the less delicate work.” What do you think of starting with the plaster?” Lisa asked and looked at Manny.

Amelia Payne
Location: Supply (R)
Skills: N/A


Amelia nodded as she listened to the older woman explain and answer her questions. So they had to sign in their shifts, well it wasn't a bad practice. She supposed it also helped to see who was ditching and running off. She had no such intentions really. As the announcement was given, she studied the clipboard for a moment before picking up the pencil and signing into it.' Well... this is it. My first day at work officially after...' She didn't finish that train of thought, choosing to put it away instead as she turned her attention to the people with her instead.” Thank you. It means a lot.” Amelia didn't forget to say thanks to Auntie as the woman spoke about the visit to the graves. She didn't get along with everyone back at Newnan, but some of those that were no longer with them, she considered very close friends.

Her back straightened up a little as Auntie honestly started sound damn authoritive for a moment there.” I will do my best.” Amelia promised to the older woman as she moved away from them. She followed her for a bit before turning towards Nikki who turned out to be the one in charge of showing her around. She couldn't help, but let out a barely held chuckle at the prohibition mention. She took a breath to stop chuckling and nodded with a smile. ” So... we with all these things out. Got it, cleaning it is. By the way, do they bring in new inventory often? ” She asked with a bit of curiosity. She wondered since it's been so much time since the zombies appeared, probably the entire town outside the walls was looted clean. So she was quite curious if they put forth looting trips to other locations.

β€œRight behind you.” Amelia smiled as she followed after Nikki who was frankly a ball of energy by the looks of it. She felt energized just by being around her, because of the way the other girl was constantly moving about.” Eh... I'd better not.” She finally said as she was offered to drive.” I've not driven anything... at all... ever. I'd better not attempt to learn right now when there's work to be done. Maybe another time after I've done some learning first.”


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical (B)
Skills: N/A


β€žOh?” Lisa made a questioning sound as she heard S.B. Start explaining and she had to admit she was intrigued. There was also a new face at the place as well. One of the guys from the Quarantine. Goodie more people were working out at Medical now. That was a generally good thing. Never could have enough medical personnel about even if they were currently tasked with simple chores. She also chuckled as she saw Roy play the guardsman and prevent a human collision. It was amusing, admittedly she'd have had more fun if they tumbled over.

Just as proper explanation as of who would be where today on the work tasks was to happen, the morning speech happened. She listened quietly enough, but her hand was in her pocket, playing with the metal cube until it was over with. Then shifted her attention as S.B. Resumed speaking, pulling her hand away from her pocket. She was surprised, yet happily so! A wide and happy grin spread across her face at the revelation that she was finally shifted out of Supply and to Medical proper!” Yes!” She exclaimed with happy voice.” Finally~! Thank you!” She added as she picked up her list of new tasks and to do and not to do things. She gave it a brief look over, but her attention was mainly on the woman still.

β€œAlright, going to be done. Will see him as soon as I'm off duty.” She smiled, learning was fun and it was a rather good way to spend your time in this type of world. Knowledge was power after all. You never knew when it might come in handy. As SB walked off, she turned to Manny.” Alright, not sure if you picked my name last night. It was a bit of a chaos at times.” She smiled at him.” Just in case, I'm Lisa. Come, let's get you settled in with the local ways of doing things.” Lisa smiled at the older man.” It probably wouldn't be anything too different from what you've seen in the past, but with the situation being what it is, we got to be extra careful. Let's first show you where to find 'the tools of the trade' as a janitor.”
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