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“NonSENSE!” Medaira objected, looking with a horrified expression at the taller psycker woman.” That’s impossible! “ She objected with mock horror. Medaira was amused and while she looked horrified, her servo head took similar mock horror expression and sounds as it hovered next to her head.” Very well… You are unlucky… I fear we will not have enough time to perform proper repair and upgrades for tactical gear, including the research needed for such a deed.” Her tone did a complete 180 from her previous mock horror as she now sounded serious and calm.

“Regular maintenance and repair it will be. I will make this weapon perform to the best of it’s previous ability and maybe just a tad better.” She stated in confirmation and got to work. She still wanted to get rainbow plasma colors in here somewhere. She was going to get those working later. Maybe she’d make it cycle the colors instead of all at once. That seemed easier to manage and less likely to cause problem with her poor Psycker Companion! Eventually though they needed proper rainbow weaponry! Right after they finish the gold colored plasma project and send it to Terra.


“And like this the MACHINE SPIRIT shall prevail!” Medaira proclaimed as she walked down a corridor. She actually didn’t quite remember how she reached the topic of machine spirits, but they were called for the mission briefing and she had just finished the maintenance on the plasma weapon.” Ohh… remind me to do more work on the fine weapon later. There are UPGRADES to be made… also need to later replace some questionable parts that won’t be issue for now. I will put in new ones. New and improved! Also blessed! I will have every little separate part blessed separately! So no evil can ever take hold of this treasure!” She stated with a voice sounding just a touch too innocent to be quite alright given the subject matter.

“Ohh, arrived at last!” She chirped happily as she reached and entered the main living room.” Greetings to you all again, Our Glorious Leader, Her right hand, Victims of suspicious coincidental looking mishaps of minor harmless nature and of course our Psycker friend who got removed from the Prank Victim List temporary and should likely be arriving ANY MOMENT NOW!” She greeted them in turn all as she walked into the room, starting from their Head Celestian, her most rusted Aviza, the other … retinue members. With that she also tossed her hood back on to fix the proper look for the mechanicus and put on the rebreather device, assuming her usual look with most of her face hidden, leaving only her gleaming eyes to almost appear sparkling with mischief.

Amelia Payne
Location:Streets (L9)->General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


Amelia walked mostly quietly with her partner down the street towards the beach in the rather enjoyably calm night. Shadows might have been jumping at the corners of her vision, but nothing dangerous appeared, just kept her on edge. Time was progressing fast though, despite the resemblance of the old world in this place, at the end of the day it was not. They couldn’t wander the night freely.

With the pair reaching the end of the street and the view of the dark waters of the beach, Amelia actually felt content enough. With every moment more and more people were vanishing from the streets, returning to their homes. It was honestly just enough to spend a few minutes with Riley holding hands in the night’s ocean breeze. After a while they agreed it was time to return for the night. They could spend a bit more time talking back home and so they locked hands and fingers and walked back.

By the time they returned to the Condo, Chase was already at her room. Amelia made sure to check if the door was locked behind them and when the place was secured as she could wish for, they took turns getting some quick showers to get rid of the sweat and grime before going to bed, with Amelia dragging the most convenient makeshift weapon she could find next to the bed – The Chair! The long distant cousin to the lion taming stools. Only with something for self defense at arm’s reach did she relax completely and drifted of to the land of dreams with her loved one by her side.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Brainstorming was hard work, especially after hard day’s work too. She grinned to her musings, writing random words trying to decide on rewards. The only real solution Lisa could indeed think of that would satisfy everybody was credits of sorts. Yeah she’d need to run this by administration. Impossible to organize a competition like this without their approval anyways.

She was interrupted by her regularly scheduled musings by a wild Nikki anthat returned suddenly. She gave a raised eyebrow at the blades of grass.” Hey Nikki, taking tumbles in the grass? Well can’t call you out on it, I took tumbles in the dirt today too.” She chuckled, looking around with raised questioning eyebrow.” Where’s the doggo? Got another home or something?” She asked, curious and somewhat concerned.

“As for a reply to your question, I’ve been brainstorming. Got talking with others at dinner today and figured I might as well start the ball rolling on the trap competition soon. Got talked down from doing a walker trap competition though, will be going for the good old Mouse Trap deal. Thinking of setting it up as educational and recreational competition. Get people to submit ideas in different age and or profession groups. Then manage to get a small jury going and choose the best ones to actually build for real to test.” She explained.” If this goes well, I hope I can pitch the walker trap idea for real eventually. Still baby steps. Got any ideas for how to handle prizes aside from credits?” Lisa asked her younger roomie.
postin tonite

Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B) → Streets (L9)
Skills: N/A


Going outside for a quick before bed walk, felt like a good idea. Amelia just needed more time to spend with Riley before calling it a day. They noted Chase arriving and get a shower while they were preparing for go out.” Hi, Chase.” Amelia greeted with a smile, followed by a greeting from Riley.” We will be out for a lil while.” She explained as they bid her goodbyes and left their shared Condo.

Just a tad shyly Amelia took Riley’s hand as they headed towards the beach. In a way Amelia thought this place reminded her of a holiday resort tonight. Like they were just a few minutes walk away from the beach, they practically lived on the beachline and after the hectic day people were everywhere enjoying quiet time and relaxation in games, sports or anything they might fancy. Actually the ‘Camp’ part of the place’s name was pretty fitting. Granted it was partly because of what it was before the whole zombie apocalypse thing, she supposed. Well it was good like this!

Walking towards the shore, Amelia paid attention around them as only somebody who never thought they are completely save would. She was somewhat better with her ptsd, but it never left her completely. Even in the safe confines of the camp, she still felt completely vulnerable without a weapon and every shadow felt like possible walker waiting to jump out and bite her jugular or something. Her lover’s presence helped, god it helped so much! So did staying busy during the day and having people around. Strength in the numbers and all that. She leaned into Riley as they walked, it made her feel safer and calmer. It also allowed her to more easily push the other out of the harm’s way if any of those shadows she constantly kept vigil on truly proved to be a danger of some kind. You never bloody knew. Her first priority was to earn a weapon of some kind! Amelia was determined to check what would be required to do so.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa was currently chilling at home, swinging a leg back and forth over the edge of the sofa, pondering at the things she was writing down on the paper in her hands. She had a lot of things to figure out with this. She sighed loudly and lowered the writing implements, looking out a window. It was such a hassle to arrange things at times. She now really wanted to organize this competition thing as a step up point for the bigger desire to setup traps for walkers.

“Mmhhhh….” She made a thinking sound, eyes returning to the paper. First thing’s first, there were rules to think of. Administration, engineering and education would probably do a arm wrestle over any rules she put in place and set them however they saw fit if any of those even remotely felt something could be potentially dangerous even if it was mouse hunting.

“Schematics?” Lisa mumbled and wrote the word down with a question mark in the end.’ Yeah… that seems most probable.’ She concluded, drawing a circle around the word. Best way for anything of the sort of such competition to happen was for it to be either a design on paper one or at best something done in controlled enviroment, under the observation and control of the engineers. Yeah that might work, she concluded. A filtering round of sorts, they get as big a idea pile as possible and then get a jury to shift through and select the maybe top 10 best for each age group. Then they can get the mechanics and engineers to work together with the contestants to make those traps to the most faithful to the design way possible and they test those in live scenarios with test mice or rats. This way everybody would have fun! She was writing down the ideas, making flow charts, and notes.

“What would be a good reward for such a competition though? They would never go overboard with rewards for this if at all… maybe some small amount of credit and a certificate?” She thought aloud, tapping the paper with the pen.
Praise the Omnisiah! Medaira was smiling as she was pacing back and forth at one side of the room, tilting her head occasionally, making a thinking expression, mechadendrites twitching whenever she would suddenly resume moving. The techpriestess was in the process of the mythical brainstorming, a process so ancient and secret that about half the priesthood had forgotten it! Those were the hardline conservatives! The ones who had left the technology degrede and knowledge of crafting the great marvels of hte Omnisiah vanish into obscurity.

"Mm Yes~" She had a plan, now only needed the plans. Her thought process suddenly froze however as the psyker of all people came to her to ask for apparetnly a tune up or at least check up on her good old plasma pistol.

'This is new...' She thought, tilting her head innocently at the way taller woman, a servo head flying circles around them, taking photos and images for future refererences.' I usually have to PRY the things out of their twitching arms to give hte poor things a good maintenance and repair.' The tech priestess mused in her head, smiling innocently at the woman still, having fond memories of incapacitated fools who weren't taking good care of ther gear. Seems the woman earned herself some Don't Prank me points here! Good Medaira appreciated people who knew that their gear needed help! She'd ease up on the PSyker's pranks for a bit.' THUS IT'S BEEN DECIDED! Praise the OMNISIAH!' She giggled as she thought and nodded.

"I will, give it a tune up and see where the problem lies~ So is my duty~!" She practically sang with chirpy childish glee in her voice as her arms were brought forward to grasp the weapon. Her fingers twitched, face filled with glee and very wide grin, eyes lookeing at the plasma weapon like a starving man at food.

To her bad luck, the Celestian decided to bring them around for a last time and give them the free time to prepare. She prompty picked one of the rooms to leave what little luggage she carried on her and well she left her trusty Servo head to guard her base of pranking operations. The rest of the group were potential pranking rivals and enemies! She couldn't allow them free reign of her living space, thus she left it guarded." Come now, Psyker Friend! We've got plasma pistol to repair! We shall make use fo the tools that have been provided to us! Off the the Armory~!" Medaira proclaimed, removing the title of 'prank victim' from the woman for the time being, until the Don't Prank me Points are used up.

Medaira moved with glee as she rushed into the Armory with a wide childishly innocent grin on her face. WEAPONS! Sure she liked the vehicles, but weapons were good and she was to repair a misbehaving plasma pistol! Was it being possessed!? Was it... EVIL!? Maybe it was a prankster gun, that would explain everything as it's Machine Spirit was pranking it's user. She could understand such logic, but she had to confirm it wasn't dangerous to everybody involved first. Now that seh was in the Armory, she did a rare thing for techpriests and removed her hood, letting her gray hair fall free as she looked with her big expecting eyes at the tall psyker, arms reaching out expectingly, waiting for the weapon to be handed over like it was a precious treasure." I will make it work~! BETTER~!" She chirped happily, already wondering why stop at violet glow when you could have it glow in a rainbow colors! Raibow colors were better! Not as much as gold, but gold color glow pasma weapons, she felt were best suited to be developped and delivered to Terra!
BUMP! *hits the wall with a hammer*

Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


They had a good time talking to each other after reuniting for the day. Both had a lot of regular day excitement happening in the span of a single workday it seems. Who would have guessed a regular schedule and day to day civilized affairs could be such an exciting talk!? Though to be fair after so long a time in the ‘wild’ with walkers everywhere and no civilization at all, even the most mundane things would become exciting and enjoyable. For example Amelia eagerly retold the happenings at Supply and the paperwork funnily enough and was more than happy to hear about Riley’s day.

Amelia retold everything to Riley, even the invitation by the older ladies back at Supply to come play Gin Rummy with them by the Chapel after dinner. She got a few chuckles and smiles when she added Nikki’s explanations on the matter. All in all talking with her lover was a very enjoyable experience.

In the end the two of them decided to take a walk around town, go down by the beach. She would have loved to take up on the invitation, but as she had also stated earlier, it wouldn’t be for tonight. Maybe tomorrow, she was already feeling tired after everything that happened. It’d take a couple of days to get used to the life here. They decided to go and play with them tomorrow if they would be gathering again and if not, the next time they would be. For tonight, she just wanted to enjoy the time with Riley. On an improvised date to the beach. Not even getting to the water or anything, just go there to watch the night’s sky, the darkness of the ocean, maybe heard the sound of waves. They will have more than enough chances to enjoy the rest of the things the town had to offer, but first and most important, she wanted a date.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Showers, the invention that probably changed the world! Maybe… probably, hey at least Lisa’s world was changed right about now. As soon as she felt the water running, all the fatigue and stress left her body. A nice refreshing shower at the end of the day did wonders for her state of mind. So she enjoyed it like the gift it was. In fact she just stood there enjoying the water before she went to deal with the dirt in her hear.

She had just about gotten a comical amount of foamy bubbles when she heard the knock even through the sound of running water. Ohh Nikki had gotten home and was taking doggo out for a walkie.” GOT IT!” She replied with a smile returning to her bath. She did snicker how the girl had called the dog a rather peculiar name instead – god. Welp she always thought the cats were the ones with god complex? Ehh whatever.

Finishing the shower after she was certain she had gotten as clean as possible, she went back to her room, got dry, dressed up and tossed herself on her bed, laying down. Lisa was now facing a rather great problem. She had no idea what to do with the rest of the day! There were many things to be done, but she wasn’t sure which to go with. Of course there was always the most stable option of just calling it a night and relax at home.” Alternatively… I could go for a walk by the beach... or maybe just relax and do some people watching.” She thought aloud, swinging a leg back and forth off the side of the bed. In the end she decided to just rest easy tonight and go out to have fun tomorrow. Maybe she shout now figure out some details for her idea pitch for the walk...mouse trap competition. It would certainly make the idea better received by the people at Administration. And wording it right and running it by a few of the departments first might be bonus points. After all getting children interested in engineers and mechanics with such games would be a good thing. As for the adults, they’d likely have fun as well.

“Mm this will be good.” Lisa mused as she stood up to find something to write on. There were ideas to write! She couldn’t wait for Nikki to return and check on her for any possible ideas she might have to add as well. More perspectives were good to have and Nikki was certain to throw a great unexpected idea or two.

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C) ->General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Rosie with a surprised expression.” Wow.” she mumbled, hearing the fact that they had a lot of gaming books and comics. Well raiding a game store certainly was not something many would put on their priorities in the early days of the apocalypse. She supposed it was one of those things that only got important once you had a good place fortified to settle down.” I’m happy to hear it. Do enjoy reading a lot no matter what style it is.” She smiled. She loved reading, having a lot of gaming books and comics to read would be nice, even if she didn’t quite enjoy comics as much as a good book. Still comics had a very different feel from books and she could appreciate that.

Finally after finishing the last bit of her orange, Amelia arranged her plates on the tray.” I’m going to head off now. Thank you all for the nice time.” She said quietly towards Rosie, Nigel and Manny. Before turning back to Rosie.” I will be sure to check the library later. Have a great night you all.” She added and stood up, heading over and dropping her tray where she should and tossing the orange peels into a bin, before heading out of the Mess Hall in a very hurried step. She wanted to get home. She didn’t spot Riley at the hall so she hoped to catch her at home.

She nearly ran the entire distance to their condo. In hurry she opened the door and entered, eyes looking around for her lover. And sure enough she found her, bringing a huge smile on her face as she hurried to hug her. It’s been a long day, even after the visit to the graveyard. They had a lot to talk about.” So should I tell you about my day first or would you want the honors?” Amelia asked with a happy smile, leaning into the other woman. They had a lot to talk about indeed. The first proper day at this place. And she had to remember to also tell Riley about the invitation from the ladies at Supply to their game too. Well the day wasn’t quite over with still, there was time for some excitement and joy to be had.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(M6)->General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa stretched her arms as she walked into the building and heading towards the place she shared with Nikki and now Izi. The doggo could be a welcomed addition. Though if it was going to stay with them longer term, they’d have to get a few things done, like learning who might have problems with her and also confirm the walkies areas and time tables. Yeah… taking care of a pet was a hard work. Made her wonder if Nikki had already done that, but well only time would tell. Likely in the upcoming few days.

Reaching her front door, she casually reached, pulling the note left on the door by her energetic roomie and gave it a quick look over. Doggo in Nikki’s room, walkies after 7.” Mhm… good.” She smiled, folding the piece of paper as she pulled her key and unlocked the door, getting inside and closing it behind herself. As soon as she found herself inside, there were a few barks coming from the younger girl’s room and with a smile Lisa walked over to open the door and let the poor thing out from there. Izi probably got the crazies from staying in that room until now. At least with two rooms it has some variety.

With the dog free and exploring their place until it decided the couch was the most comfortable place, Lisa looked at Izi amused for a while before checking the time. There was still time until walkies, so she was free on that for the time being.” Alright, girl. Stay good while I go get a bath. I feel dirty. Literally.” She mused to herself and talking softly to the dog with a bad pun, before walking to her room, getting a towel and then heading to the bathroom. She was not going to bed with dirt in her hair. No way in hell.
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