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@SepAaand there we go. Took me a lil while, but I did it! Looking forward to critiques.

sorry for hte double post, but I'm nto gonna be able to finish the backstory tonight to post. I've written and done everything else up to the backstory, but that will be kinda lenghty and I have work early in the morning. Sorry for the delay, I hoped, I'd be done with it tonight, but guess I gamed a bit too much.
@Sep I'd rather see an eyeroll xD
And I figured what I will make. We've got a lot of jolly jedi running about, so I will go with a jolly merc. Though Im thinking of leaving them sensitive, just never got trained, slipped through the system of catching young sensitive children. So ordinary person but with the possible future development of needing or meeting a master.
@Sep Cool, I will sleep on it and have a character up for evaluation tomorrow at some point.
Hey Sep, good to see ya again. I'm kind of short on time today because well very late and back to work in the morning, but I will be working on CSs tomorrow after work. That said, I noticed a whoole lot of Jedi running about. Should I go for non Force user to at least lessen the difference some?
Hello there, is there per chance a spot for one more? I'm much interested in this and would love to take part if possible. ^_^
Well it was all actually rather interesting development! Medaira was inwardly beside herself with giddy enthusiasm and anticipation. This was turning out to be an event of even greater amusement potential than she initially expected it to! This was glorious! The info revealed by the first victim… target, was useful! So at least two separate chaos forces factions present, but if there were two, chances were there were more, was it not?” Who can ensure there are only those two though? We should assume the worst and that we are dealing with a full mixed group here.” The techpriestess mentioned, having to stop herself from calling the possible situation ‘most entertaining’ instead of ‘worst’.

The fact that the woman had apparently panicked out of fear for those around her wasn’t surprising. It was a common Chaos tactic after all, besides Medaira was rather certain that somebody sometime at some point must have made a comment that to fell target, first strike those by their side.’… well if they hadn’t, they should have!’

Still smiling underneath the breather, she followed as they made a direct line for the next target which turned fun real fast. A statue of a chaos god, not something to see every day. A woman with dead eyes, possibly a cultist going ballistic as in literally by exploding and sending their glorious leader into a tree. Not a thing to see every day either, but it was priceless to witness. Now they needed Adrianne psyker friend to be rocketed into a ceiling and Medaira would be happy with a nice new collection in the making.

Her grin turned extremely wide at the psyker’s order to see to the possibly downed inquisitor. Medaira’s eyes had this distinct chesire mischief glint in them as she dashed over to the woman with glee.” Helping~!” She chirped happily as she went to their leader and the tree that stopped her flight. Emperor bless the tree, who knows how much further she would have traveled otherwise! That said, Medaira’s mechadendrites were already armed and ready to fire and a gun was in her off hand.

“Leader Lady Adrianne~ are you in functioning operational status~?” Medaira chirped as she began inspecting the woman’s state. She asked the token question just to check to see if the woman would make any clear reaction. That said she brought her hand to make sure to keep the woman laying down flat just in case. A power armor might take the most of the blast, but hard impacts had the tendency to go through armor. Dropping armored targets from very high places was a good way to kill armored targets. Same with blunt weapons. Impact easily transferred THROUGH hard armor, so depending on the exact force of the impact she made with the tree, they were looking at anything from simple shock to internal injuries, so better not move her much until they can confirm she’s ok. Though this was Andromedai, she was likely fine. Medaira suspected they could hit her with a speeding Valkyrie and she’d likely shrug it off.
Quarantine (W): Riley gave a huge genuine grin at Jaime’s infant antics while she was playing with him. It made her happy to see an innocent child like this having fun even if she and Tatiana didn’t get along for a while now. The kid had nothing to do with it though and she liked the lil guy. She just hoped this wouldn’t cause a scene later on, but there was a perfectly valid reason for this… hopefully that would be enough. Besides who else would Wayne leave the kid to right now? Well maybe a few others were a possible choice… Ohh well.


Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


“Well I’m not sure, I’d dare see it now. Everybody’s build these things up so much in my head now before I even saw one, I fear that either it’s never going to live up to expectations or it’s just too awesome to be described!” Amelia joked theatrically with a small chuckle at the end about Lisa’s tinkering with dubious engineering. Though admittedly Amelia did want to see an overly elaborate trap dropping a piano or something on a walker… or maybe a gagoyle if they were at a building with one of those.

She kept quiet for a moment, thinking over what Chase said.” I guess… we can only hope so. But I’d prefer to not lose another place.” Amelia replied, looking at and out the window from her sitting spot.” I don’t think, I’ll ever give another place a chance if it does.”

Amelia was suddenly surprised when the other woman asked her if she wanted her to acompany her.” Where did that come from? I thought you weren’t interested in attending?” Amelia asked after a moment.” I mean, I’d rather be grateful for the company, but I don’t want to bother you.” She admitted. This was the first time the two of them had such a great chat and she rather enjoyed it so far. She wouldn’t mind the chance to talk a bit more, Amelia knew she was not overly social, but she did enjoy being around people. Because of that the rare times she did get talking, she wanted to enjoy it longer and possibly make friends while at it.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/a


“One never knows doesn’t it?” Lisa mused with a grin.” Sometimes we make the most unlikely of alliances.” She chuckled. Sure enough nobody would ever expect they would be thankful and all up for paperwork’s presence. Lisa knew she didn’t like paperwork too much, sue she’d do it without protesting or complaining, didn’t mean she liked it much though. Paperwork was just a necessary evil in the end.

She only smiled amused at Nikki’s defense speech on the topic of bubblegum. Had to hand it to her, girl loved her gum. That was a good thing in Lisa’s mind. A well constructed argument like that spoke a lot about Nikki and it spoke of good things. That and they they were joking here so it was all good anyways, though it did make Lisa wonder how big was the gum supply exactly and where Nikki was getting more from. Now THAT was a true question for the ages.

She looked at Nikki who turned uncharacteristically quiet for a moment before smiling.” You’re welcome. Give it a good thinking over. Nobody's rushing you.” Lisa replied. She stood behind her opinion, the girl could be a doctor if she wanted in the future. Hell Lisa herself was just a housekeeper before the apocalypse… or as she wanted to be fancy about it – maid. Now she was working in the field of medicine. She wasn’t a doctor, but hey being a pharmacist, wasn’t something she imagined herself being when she first arrived in Camp, but she wasn’t going to replace it easily. She actually liked it, so she was all up for Nikki trying for a doctor.

“Sure, we are done here, I think. Sadly it took a bit longer than expected, but we can check with the young patient after lunch.” She sighed, sadly plans had to be altered. She really hoped they’d get the chance to check up on the poor girl before lunch. Well Lisa decided she was going to spend more time with her after lunch then. With that she headed to hang her white coat as to not get it dirty or wet and headed towards the exit, but not before going for the proper steps of leaving your post and well.. paperwork! Once that was done she walked to the front door.” Next time I should get an umbrella.”
why needs medical education when you can just replaced the damaged parts with better mechanical ones xD?
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