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k weekend over back to regularlyt scheduled posting schedule also hope you had a great weekend!

Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M) ->Mess Hall
Skills: N/A


After Amelia’s turn with talking, the few others who had yet to talk did and what Tatiana spoke about, was like a punch to the gut. Amelia grit her teeth a bit, but she admittedly had thought about that case too. She hadn’t known Hunter much, mostly because her own volition and his way of acting, however she wasn’t certain he was as bad a case as what was back in Newnan. That was a case of absolute madness that happened and it was a tragedy that could have been avoided if they had taken care of the problem early, yes. However was Hunter that much of a menace? Maybe, maybe not, she didn’t think he was right now. In any case, everything to be said was said. There was nothing left to do now.

Opinions were mixed and honestly she wasn’t sure what the outcome would be. They were eventually told that they could leave while they decided how to deal with the Doggo boy… no Hunter. She supposed she could at least have the decency to refer to him by his name even in her head, given he might be exiled or killed. When others started to leave, she squeezed Riley’s hand.” Let’s go… nothing left to do here.” She whispered quietly. Riley nodded and both of them stood up, heading for the door, paying little attention to the others around.

Being able to take a breath of fresh air outside after hours cooped up in Education, with the proceedings of the trial was such a joyous thing. The couple held hands as they made their way to Mess Hall. Neither talked much, it was a stressful and tiring day even if it was just sitting on heir bums for hours on end. Making their way across the street, they entered the Mess Hall, noting what was for dinner and after taking their portions. While the two were moving to an empty table they noted Lisa waving at them from a table some distance away. She had a friend there. They waved back in a greeting.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


Lisa was enjoying her meal, but her mind was elsewhere right now. There were many different things going through her head at the same time. At moments she was remembering Lucy and at others she was remembering fairy tales. All in all it was a downright mess in her mindscape. She knew that the elated emotions would fade with time and soon it wouldn’t rouse as much powerful reaction from her, but for the moment, she allowed herself to feel as it brought it and luckily it was mostly positive despite their relatively short time knowing each other. All ended well… could be better, but could be way worse!

Suddenly a voice from around brought her attention back to the reality that was the mess hall right now. She rose her head and looked at the interloper that had brought himself and disrupted her wonderfully chaotic, but with a tinge of sadness thoughts. It was Guy, she gave him a small smile.

β€œWould never say no to company, you know.” She replied to him, gesturing to him to take seat at the table.” Why would I not want a company anyways?” She asked, wondering if he meant it because of what happened. It wouldn’t be surprising, she supposed. She looked at his small smile and added.” That’s the way, we gotta smile. Otherwise how will the ones departing be free to continue without worries? Besides, this may have been the best outcome for Lucy.” She added with somewhat quiet voice. At this point she noted Riley and Amelia making their way to a table and waved them. She chuckled when she recieved a wave in greeting back." Those two are adorable." She spoke with a chuckle.
"Will do, thank you for the gesture." She told him with a smile. She was used to running with no privacy. In the military unit they were arranged in, there were no privacy arranged. Men and women slept in teh same rooms, and granted usually the only women in her squad were all slave soldiers. The others weren't slaves so they had all the right to bed them, none did cause also as a soldier she was exempt from having to spread her legs. The simple fact was that a pregnant woman didn't make for a good soldier and they needed her at hte time to fight. Now she ahd escaped because the situation ahd changed, but still.

After he went to sleep, she made her best to maintain the fire, withotu wasthing all the fuel at the same time. So she just calmly tossed a piece of decayed wood now and then. It burned fast because ofh ow decayed it was. Still it was pleasant to see a nice crackling fire. She wanted to sleep too, but it wasn't meant to be. She had tkaen teh first shift and she'd wait as a true soldier. Some time into the shift, she suddenly felt something off. First was the odd feelign of wrongness in her eers then came the sounds. The feeling of wrongness must have been the air pressure. The distant noises of rattling were... a COLD WAVE! She jolted up and stared at the door that was blocked. THe temepratures quickly lowered even iwth a closed door. The heat was being sucked through the door, she realized, possibly some of the walls too. The young owman tossed a few pieces of wood and moved away from teh door as much as she could, seeing it being covered by frost gradually. It must be way bellow zero tright now. She wondered if this meant a eye of the storm was above them on the surface. HTey used to say that under the eye of the storm the sky was clear and that the cold was the owrst imaninable.

SHe wrapped herself as tightly as she coudl in her clothign and moved over to Donny." Donny, wake up, it's nearly your time, but something happened anyways, so waking you a bit earlier." She told him waiting for him to get aware enough." A cold wave struck as the worst estimations I gave." She informed him, pointing at hte wall that was now covered in frost." We will need to hope that what ever's causing it to pass us over before leaving. Might take a few hours to days, but hte temperatures in teh room will continue to drop as the room's not graded for this kind of cold tha'ts about to hit us as time progresses. But at least nobody's going to enter the door while that storm's up. THe halls are a death trap and even most mutant won't survie long unless they are burried or have some other method of surviving sub zero temepratures. We should hope sure we've got enough kindling and firestuff to last us the night, otherwise, we might have a repeat of the scene we found in this room to begin with." She indicated, pointing at hwere the bodies used to be."

Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


It had finally reached the end of the line. This was the final stage before the result was spoken. Maybe the result was already decided, maybe them talking wouldn’t hold any influence over what was to happen, but as Amelia watched people stand up and walk forward to proclaim their opinions on the matter, she wondered how she would have done in the same shoes as Hunter. She pondered and squeezed Riley’s hand for a moment.

Amelia closed her eyes as she listened to Alexander, she believed his name was, followed by Manny and eventually Ash, who’s turn to speak was incredibly drastic in it’s wording. Her mind wandered over to the past, recalling Newnan’s final days and frowned then swallowed heavily, squeezed Riley’s hand once more time before she stood up. A bit uncertain, but she decided to speak, to give her opinion as insignificant as it may be. She looked at Hunter for a moment with conflicted gaze. Past overlapping with the present and paralles being drawn for a moment, before she blinked and spoke up.

β€œI… don’t like him. I won’t pretend I do.” She began, steeling her voice enough to talk normally.” Did he rub me off the wrong way from day one? Yes. Do I at any way accept his way of acting? No. Was he a massive jerk and idiot? Yes. Do I think he deserves death for any of it? No… Maybe he’s a danger, but it’s better to be the danger that’s known and observed than one that’s unknown. An exile beyond the walls would be even more dangerous for him and the camp, the world there breaks people and even the sane can turn into madmen. As such I agree with Manny. Keep him around, where he could be observed, and keep him very occupied.” She finished her little speech, took a breath.” Thank you for listening to me.” She added and hurried back to her seat.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)β†’Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


Lisa was busy scribbling away notes on the fairy tales and the dream. That was some surreal stuff right there, could make a fine story, at least she thought so. Very weird and out there, also funny. There was a thing to be said about having comedy, maybe it would be better as a comic or as a play rather than a written story, but it was still a solid stupid fun idea to go off with. Fighting off zombies while doing a ball and beating said zombies with a frying pan. This was as absurd as anything she had ever heard herself.

She brainstormed some buzz words to go with the dream notes, like vampires, romeo and juliet, a few other fairy tale motives and so on. It was going to be something to work on and hey if nothing else she could toss the idea to the D&D crew, they might make something out of it even if she didn’t. Suddenly she noted the time, it was time for dinner. Lisa stood up from the bed, put away her written notes and got dressed up again.

Exiting her home, she took a breath and smiled, a tiny smile with a trace of sadness. Her smile vanished soon, replaced with a degree of neutrality. Lucy was free from suffering. THAT was what was important in this. She wasn’t going to suffer anymore. She let herself be filled with that positive idea and walked forward. It didn’t take her long to arrive to the building and walk inside. Lisa looked at the dinners provided and nodded at the simplicity of them. She calmly took one and walked over to a free table, sitting down and focus on her meal. Place was lacking a lot of people because of the trial, so it was a rare time when it was a lot more peaceful dinner for a change. That was fine by her.
Cat slowly settled down next to the fire, warming up. It had been a while since she last had a warm safe place to camp. After she fled her old home, she never rested much at one place, nor risked making up proper camp, least anybody followed her from there or if anybody saw her from their subservient settlements. THis meant for the first time in days she was warmed up from the enjoyable sensation of heat from flames. She smiled and actually relaxed a bit, especially since she had spend a good deal of time moving rocks to bury the kids and the man.

Now she wanted nothing else, but just call it a night and rest, but food first. What followed next, snapped her almost wide awake and she looked with wide open eyes the spice pack." How...?" She asked, looking at him and hearing the answer. Cat then laughed, she just burst out in laughter to the point she had to lay down for a moment." They literally wanted to throw something that other settlements would have traded everythign for. This is priceless! My old place would have likely given them people for it even." She shook her head, snapping out of the laughter and taking carefully her gruel. She also picked a piece of the meat and pulling an improvised spoon from her bag, began eating slowly without hurrying. She knew rushing eating usually was a bad idea since it sometimes brought bad effects.

" Indeed, if we could ahve properly washed the meat, it would have been even better." She smiled, enjoying the taste of meat as she ate." Still good though and I agree, they did make things very well back then by the looks of it, but I think it's also teh fact that salt and pepper don't really have experiation dates? That's what it was called, wasn't it? On that note, I think my old place had located a massive source of salt at one point, but weren't able to collect it since it was on the surface. They couldn't actually organize a proper expedition to gather much of it, it was too far away from the nearest surface entrance we could locate and to begin with it was very far form the settlement." She mused.

Once she was done with the food, to the point the bowl was completely and uttrely cleared of any food remains, she poured a bit of water in, swished it around and drank it. They didn't really ahve enough water to wash the bowls so this owuld have to do. With that done, she found herself the most comfortable place possible near the fire, kept her gun trained and the doorway and relaxed down properly, hand not moving away from the rifle handle." I will take first shift and wake you later?" She suggested.
I will post today. Wasn't feeling especially motivated or energetic yesterday due impending tooth removal. Its gone now, and while I feel meh because well hole where it used to be and pain, Im at least more motivated than yesterady
I've got the usual question: How do they expect 10 years of exprience and at the same time young workers? I mean... should we all start working at 10yolds? maybe 5 is better so they can begin hiring us at 15 -_-' stupidity at it's finest.
@Lucius Cypher So how was your weekend? life slowing down or it's still hectic?
Cat wasn't minding the bodies much, they were practically mummifed, nothign could really happen, but when she heard Donny's desire to move them since he didn't want to spend the night with them nearby, she nodded. She forgot that not everybody was trained to not mind bodies." Very well." She finally sighed and walked over to the bodies, making sure htey were neatly wrapped in the jackets and she carefully picked them up all wrapped up like htat was easier. They were light... there wans't much to weight anymore.

"I will be back in a little while, will bring them to to their father indeed. They deserve at least this much." She nodded and carefully left the confines of the room, heading down the halls again towards the cave-in. It wasn't hard, once she was by the cavein, she placed the two small bodies next to the man and started to pull rocks and rubble from the cavein, covering them. It took a bit of time, but it would ensure nobody looted them anymore. About half an hour later, she was done, pulling a piece of concrete, she took her knife and scratched a cross into it, placing it onto the pile, iwth the cross down before heading back to the secure room.

"It's me, Cat. I'm back. "She carefully warned him first before she entered." How goes the cooking? Anything for dinner?" The soldier woman asked, walking over and sitting on the floor next to him." I left them with their father and covered the bodies with the rubble, it's a way to bury them. I hear it's the way they did things back before the cataclysm. In my settlemetn we just used to cremate bodies or they were droped one specific shaft where probably they were devoured by beasts." She added.

Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


The trial of Hunter was a complete and utter mess. Amelia’s initial feelings on the matter was that it shouldn’t be dealt with such parading around, but it wasn’t her rule to make. Then there were all the questioning and now well the moment they started questioning the man himself everything just fell apart. Not that she had too great a confidence in him, biases not withstanding, but when on the position to be questioned, he just appeared to snap. It was like the man got under his skin and then Hunter was just rambling things that at times contradicted or just didn’t make sense. But then again this was to be a human… still him speaking the way he was, wasn’t doing anything for his cause in her eyes.

Amelia originally wanted to just let him live and maybe even allow him to be kept around, the enemy you know and all that. Better him here under eye rather than out there, doing whatever. However as his rambling continued and some rather damning things were said, even if he was denying that he’d ever do those, she began to wonder and a tiny itsy bitsy shard of paranoia reared it’s ugly head once more. Can they allow him to live? She’d be a hypocrite if she denied ever making contingency plans while in quarantine and afterwards. She practically slept with a chair in arm’s reach because it was the only improv weapon they currently had at hand at their home.

The proceedings now, all the word spoken, emotions and thoughts revealed, finally put Amelia in deep thought. How did she prefer this play out after all? Was her original idea of just keeping him under watch and around viable? Was he more dangerous out of the gates? Was the final solution the best one for the safety of everybody? Her mind raced mile a minute, going in loops and circles, trying to reach a conclusion. She didn’t like this.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)
Skills: N/a


Everybody had different ways of coping with grief and in Lisa’s case, she didn’t want to currently wake up from hers. The world inside the dream was perfect, well as perfect as it could be in a Victorian Era fairy tale adaptation. Mansion inside the dream was huge, she and dream Lucy got to experience all manner of things while they were doing their jobs. Then there was the fact that they were helping the proverbial Cinderella to win Prince Charming. Granted there were no glass shoes involved in this case, no fairy godmother either, but with a bit of hardwork on the maids’ part and kind meanings, they got the girl suited and prettied up for the ball. Adding a bit of help from the rest of the manor’s caretakers and the rightful heir was the most beautiful girl at the Ball!

It was perfect story, weird vampire zombie creatures roaming the street here and there not withstanding… Weird dreams were weird, but hey, Dream Lucy and Lisa got to beat one to death with frying pans at one point when it made their way inside the manor via the back door for some reason and following that there were some weird duel going on in the reception hall of the manor while everybody was simply dancing… Weird dreams.

β€œUghhh… this is the last time I duel off vampire zombies with a frying pan while dancing waltz…” She groaned, sleepily, rubbing her eyes for a moment, before they snapped wide open. β€œWait what?” She blinked in confusion, before scurrying off to grab the paper she had left nearby to write that shit down. There were some things that you just didn’t think of while awake and you better not let them go after you wake up.
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