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"Ehh, close enough I suppose." Cat replied calmly at the man's question." I'd certainly like to be accepted in for a degree of security, but honestly for all intended purposes, just having this place serve as my trading point is enough for me. I can live in the wild, problem back in the city center and it's settlements was with the people. It's always the people." She quipped and shrugged.

"Nice to meet ya Werner. Name's Catherine, though I mostly go by Cat. It's shorter and easier to remember really. I'm from the Fourth Shelter, though they go by another name these days. A dumb one." She grinned. Shelter Four or Fourth Shelter as it used to be known back in the day, the good old military led enclave and present day slave ring with ambitions for grandeur. Though Cat was reasonbly sure in a few years there might be a problem there, after all current leadership wouldn't last forever, they were going old and health issues were popping up, then there was the fact that sure the military leaders all high on power were indulging themselves in vice, making some of them somehow grow obese even in the apocalypse. Then there were the harems of slave servants for the bigwigs. As a whole the regular guards were eventually going to be way less than the slave soldiers and the regular opressed people, it was a matter of time before the current regime get's axed and replaced. Next one might be worse, but that was for hte future to tell.

"So you mentioned 'lost another one', what's with that? I assume This happens often enough with the current situation getting desperate?" She asked, a bit curious.


Kid made a really hard thinking face after she listened to the story. She looked at Donny with evaluating gaze for a while before nodding." Good story, a bit childish though. If Im retelling it later, might have to make it a bit more bloody or something. Folks at the cantina don't really pay for fairytales." She sighed. Weird kid... or maybe not, given the state of the world." Well name's Ellie. Nice to meet ya and thank you for the story." Kid added with a huge grin.

"Now for my end of the deal, you told me a story, so I'm gonna tell you some info in return. A few weeks ago there was a quake around here. It was felt somewhat, but it wasn't a natural earthquake. Some scouts that were dispatched to locate the source and figure out if the place's in danger, found the cause, one of the tunnels around had it's floor cave in into one of the old metro tunnels... one of the ones that got sealed off in the initial cataclysm due movement of the earth from teh disasster. Nobody's scavanged the location yet, mainly because it takes a long rope to get into it because the tunnel we used turned out to run right along the roof of the station by the sound of it so it's like 50+ feet drop and the ferals have taken a general like to the area, so it's dangerous to explore without a crew to watch each other's back. If you find yourself that way for soem reason after the ghouls' been dealt with, you might get a lot of stuff there. I mean, they said the traincars were intact for the most part, there may be electronics and stuff to salvage even."
okkkk one sudden 5 day vacation over with, time to post. It will be either later tonight or tomorrow after work. Sorry for the delay

Amelia Payne
Location: Camp Mexico Beach's Beach
Skills: N/A


β€œNot sure anyone short of Thana can talk to her on such a topic and not get an eyeroll...” Amelia replied after a brief thought on the topic and sighed, taking a seat by the older woman. Nikki was her friend, her first friend in the camp actually, but that didn’t mean she was going to pretend to be blind to stuff.” Yeah, not sure how Manny having a talk with her would go and I am not really inclined to attempt anything like that.” She replied.” Best I could do is try to help her with anything if she asks, but I’m not going to preach to her. We are friends and I choose to believe she has her reasons and if she needs and asks for help, to be there to provide it.”

Amelia gave a chuckle and shook her head lightly.” Oh she will more than likely feel attacked even with just those two going for a talk.” She stated, her eyes trailing one of the children that were running across the sandy beach. She did take her duties here seriosly after all, so worries about the well-being of all the kids running about was expected, but it made her feel better about life in general. She was one of their teachers and for better or worse, she was getting attached to the kiddos. Maybe it was her innate maternal instincts, she wasn’t sure, but looking after them brought smile on her face every day, no matter how annoying or loud they got.

She suddenly made a face and nodded.” Yeah…” Time for the day was running out, they barely blinked and it was almost time to end the picnic and return. She wasn’t going to lie, she had just as much fun here on the beach playing with the kids as the kids themselves.” Very well, then I’m going back to my brave knights and princesses, since I see the substitute dragon’s not doing too good right now. Better go even the odds and tire them out properly before we head back.” Amelia grinned and stood up, heading back to play with the kids. They noticed her when she got close to them and she suddenly grabbed one of them. β€œ Got you~! What a tasty morsel, not to catch you all knights and princesses. Nobody can defeat me, the big evil dragon!” She drew out her sentence with a growl and so the game of tag resumed.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical
Skills: N/a


Lisa was going through a full set of questions and examinations for each patient, to make sure of the state of each one in most precise manner possible so they could with good conscience release them to home rest instead of keeping them locked up tight in the hospital. She knew full well that it wasn’t the most comfortable thing to be at the hospital no matter what, being at their homes always calmed people, sometimes it was inevitable, but human nature was such. After all the questions and checkups were over with, she noted this patient down for home rest and to be discharged, said her polite goodbyes and headed out of the room. She was polite and friendly with all the patients after all.

To her surprise, she came face to face with Mary right out the door in the hall. Lisa right away realized something had happened if this was happening. It was all a matter of learning out what it was now.” Mary? What’s going on?” She asked, seeing the woman. She still had patients to go over after all and she well knew that Mary wouldn’t disturb her unless it was important.

The moment the words β€˜hospice ward’ left Mary’s mouth, Lisa barely held back a gasp, but couldn’t hide a really deep breath. It’s been months since then, but lil Lilly passed away, but as the one there when it happened, Lisa still very much remembered it. Positive as she was with her outlook on life, some things were just too great for simple positive thinking to overcome easily. She finally too took a deep breath. The more she heard, the more her mood grew grimmer. Finally she couldn’t contain it anymore.” Shit...” She cursed under her breath, rubbing the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes to think.” So… it’s that bad, huh.” Lisa mumbled. For them to be taking in the General into the Hospice Ward… things were bound to change in the near future.” I...” She started and stopped talking, closing her eyes once more and shaking her head for a moment.

After bringing her mind back on track and focusing, Lisa nodded to Mary with serious face.” I will take care of it right away, don’t worry. The rooms are kept clean to begin with, so it’s not like we will be preparing it from scratch.” She added.” I will go prepare it now, will resume with the patients for discharging later. In fact here’s the list so far.” Lisa mentioned and showed it to Mary.” Will check over the rest after this and I will come inform you once I’m done preparing a room in the Hospice Ward.” With that Lisa headed over to her desk first to drop off the papers and files she carried since they would be a hindrance while preparing a room. Afterwards she headed towards the Hospice Ward, grabbing cleaning supplies in the way there before deciding on which room felt the best for the purpose and going inside. As maintained as they were, since it wasn’t occupied it wasn’t in perfect state, so first things first. Clean it and make it ready for receiving patients. With that in mind she picked the broom. She was going to sweep the floor, wipe the dust, change the bedding, wipe the floor with disinfectant and so on. She had a few full hours of work ahead of her. Her personal pride didn’t allow for shoddy work when it came to this type of thing. She was going to put in her many years worth of experience into this..
Cat calmly performed the given trades with the loony man and finally selected herself an assortment of varying civilian use ammo in numbers within teh agreed deal. She made sure to pick a couple of everything, but she grabbed every shotgunshell she found. Both hers and Donny's handguns didn't use standard ammo from what he had avaible here. Donny's from what she recalled by the form and size of the gun, using the same ammo types as her rifle and his rifle used even bigger bullets. Still having a number of smaller ammo types avaible just in case they come across a weapon they can use that made use of em would be good. For example the gun that her new partner was repairing.

She made a note of the crossbow bolts, but didn't comment right now for a few reasons. First seh didn't want to raise it to the attention of anybody that might be listening and second she had no crossbow to use em with so that was moot untill she gets one. Maybe for the future, a crossbow would be a fine replacement for day to day hunting of all manners of things. Way quieter than a gun and with recoverable ammunition. Eventually she will get one, but for the time being, better make good use of their resources and not trade them all away for naught." Good trades, will likely come back to trade again in the future. Have a good day." She told the slightly crazy man and headed away from him. His craziness wasn't a bad thing per say, besides who's to say he wasn't the one truly sane and all of them were being weird?

Still she had good stuff, tomorrow they might get better trades from security on more specific gear, but these were good public trades. She kept the new luggage secure as she walked in the direction of their makeshift camp. They had food for the near future and coal to keep temperatures high if they every got hit by another cold wave. All in all it was a good enough deal for everything. Paper could be used for padding underneath the armor and clothing, keeping them warmer and drier while also serving as easy tinder when they needed it. Alternatively it could be for packing, which was nearly as important. Finally, could be used to seal off small gaps and spaces. There were other uses that were likely to become apparent with time, thigns had a tendency to happen and requrie unusual solutions with materials one had at hand, so it was better to have a good selection of materials always at hand.


The mutated dog made a barking sound of some kind at Donny's voice and then a whine. While hte girl kept quiet for a moment, before giving the hidden Donny a chuckle as she crouched by the crates and sat on the ground next to her dog." Trade? No, not really, got nothing to trade. Already ate my daily rations and haven't really explored outside the place... Not really allowed out by myself, too young htey say, so I just keep occupied around town to earn my keep."

"Was wondering if you have stories from the outside actually. I mean last people we had come were kind of assholes and then caused a bunch of problems for everybody so we didn't get much news from them and the people here, don't really like talking about what they had it like in their old places before they came here, so... I'm curious." SHe explained in the kind of voice that only a very curious child could." Hey in return, I could tell you about Underhaven! I've been ehre for a good long while, I've more or less learned a lot of the ropes. Can also share some rumors and stuff I heard in return."

Amelia Payne
Location: Camp Mexico Beach's Beach
Skills: N/A


The innocent laughter of children was often the best possible cure for many an emotional fatigue. That was part of the reason she enjoyed working with the lil guys so much and because of it her game for dragon and knight at the beach as she was playing the role of the big evil dragon that had taken over the castle was a pure joy.” Rawr! I will breathe out fire and take out the pesky knights!” She stated suddenly and made deep breathing sounds as she looked at the kids around her.” However, I prefer hunting, so I will give the knights a chance and only go after the princesses!” Amelia added and purposely a bit slower rose up trying to grab one of the girls from the groups.

A series of surprised and then happy squeaks sounds filled the air as the kids true to their age stood up lightning fast and were already dashing away, shouting happily taunting the β€˜dragon’ as the big bad Dragon Amelia gave chase! They ran about for a little bit, before she decided it was time and quickly grabbed one of the kids, putting a pause to their impromptu game of tag.” Look at that, I’ve got myself a knight!” She stated, holding the kid underneath the armpits.” Now this bad dragon shall cast a curse! You shall be the next dragon and the only way to break the curse is to catch another!” Amelia theatrically in grand manner proclaimed, before adding an as evil laughter as possible. She then dropped the kid and let him go so the game can continue on.

Seeing her work complete for the time being, Amelia decided to take a breather from the running and looked around, checking where everybody was at and what they were doing and if anybody from her group was missing or the like. Then she noted where Professor was at and walked over.” Hey.” She greeted as she got closer.” Saw the impromptu teacher meeting earlier, sorry to skip, but was playing with the kids.” Amelia added with a small smile.” So need any help with anything while they are busy playing tag?” She asked, still keeping an eye on the younger students around the beach right now, ready to bolt in any direction at a moment’s notice in case any of them needed help.


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical
Skills: N/a


β€œThat’s good. At least we know they are in capable hands. Hopefully they all return later.” She nodded, having at least one person proficient with medicine to a decent degree on a mission outside the walls was crucial. First aid was crucial to stabilize a wounded person and in a world like theirs where danger’s behind every corner, it was well darn critical. She sighed, sadly there was no cure or even prevention to the zombie virus besides well… not getting bit. Maybe one day in the future when civilization has reformed properly and infrastructure and sciences have returned to being worked on, they will find a cure or at least a method of prevention. She was thinking in β€˜when’ instead of β€˜if’, because well… being positive!

Lisa made a note of the takes in her pad and nodded at Mary.” Alright, I will get to work right away then. Sooner I’m done with it, sooner everybody would be happier.” She smiled and after making sure all her paperwork for the time being was neatly dealt with, she started walking towards the wing where the flu cases were quarantined. On the way there she put on a mask. While walking, she made a mental list of everything that had to happen. From the dozen patients half were likely to be discharged if nothing had worsened since last night. So that meant 6 people processed and allowed to go home, 6 sets of discharge files to fill out and then the cleaning. Others might do it today, but she as also counting it in her time just in case. Better be prepared than sorry.

With that she walked through the door of the first room with patients.” Good morning!” She greeted with the usual joy and enthusiasm, filling her voice. She was a naturally happy person for the most part and she acted the part. She looked at the patient she had noted last night that was likely to be discharged today. She kept notes of these things such as who’s fever broke on which day. It made it easier to track that way. In fact Lisa had drawn a simple to follow calendar for the days in her notepad to keep track of it.” I hope you had a nice evening rest? Well hopefully it was so, now let’s take your temperature as procedure. If everything is good, you can get discharged today and spend the other 3 days back home!” She reassured with a smile.

β€œNow while we are taking your temperature, are you per chance feeling anything off about your body besides the usual flu symptoms?” She asked, starting to make notes in her notepad. The patient was likely to be left to go home today, but it didn’t hurt to be extensive with the questioning just to be sure.

Amelia Payne
Location: Camp Mexico Beach's Beach
Skills: N/A


The kids were being their usual childish selves as they should be and enjoying their wild games at the beach by the waterside. She was smiling, watching over them. It was a gratifying experience, she supposed. Seeing these young people live their life and play a part in their growing up. Keeping an eye on the area, a wide and energetic movement caught her attention as she spotted Nigel waving at her. She smiled and waved back too. He was a good man, a bit odder than normal, but not really out of it. His fascination and adaptation to act with Roman Empire era mannerisms was a bit curious at first, but gradually she got used to it. Besides he was useful to have for D&D with his wealth of historical facts of that very important for humanity era.

She noted there appeared to be some kind of impromptu beach teacher conference going on, judging by the gathering of people close to one another, including Manny and Nigel. Well she was busy watching over the kids, so she wasn’t quite with them. The older kids and youths didn’t require as much babysitting, however there were also a number of younger ones that she really needed to pay attention to.

β€œMiss Amelia, Miss Amelia, play with us!” A young boy roughly the age of 6 called out to her as he and his friends were trying to build a very big sand castle.

β€œAlright, Zack.” She replied and walked over to where the group was, making sure she sat at such an angle that she had better view of where most the other kids were playing at.” A sand castle? Hmmm, very well! Let’s start with the main tower or the keep!” She proclaimed and gradually started helping the kiddies make the most impressive castle possible.” Also don’t forget, a moat is always good for defense! … unless there be dragons attacking you, then you might consider jumping into the moats yourself!” She quipped, earning a few giggles as she made her best dragon impression and joke roared at the kids around the sand castle. While playing the dragon, she spotted Manny waving at her and she waved back, before returning to her dragon impression.

β€œRAWR, what a fine castle in the making! I will make it my lair and hide all the princesses and gold inside!” She growled in fake deep voice.” Woe are all the silly heroes and knights in their quests to stop me! Are there any heroes here? If so, I will just add their stuff to my hoard!” She added with a grin. Playing and interacting with children was easier than with adults. Children were innocent and didn’t carry the social norms and expectations...


Lisa Mason
Location: Medical
Skills: N/a


β€œHow time flies. It feels like only yesterday when he arrived.” Lisa mused when Freedman confirmed Mary’s question about it being the day that Hunter was being allowed to go free. Well as free as one could be given they were inside what was basically a fortified commune with a good chunk of military or former military presence in it. It wasn’t bad here, not bad by any stretch, but even she knew that some people won’t enjoy it easily, especially if they were used to the freedom of the wilds nowdays. Adapting was always a task that took time. Still Hunter had performed it surprisingly well over the last few months.

She let out a chuckle.” Hey, look on it from the bright side, at least it means we can help them if we are letting them go.” She pointed out the positive in it with a grin. It could be way worse after all. Still she nodded at Mary.” Got it. I can do it.” She confirmed and followed Freedman and Mary towards where Hunter was. It was good to see him prepared to leave, maybe he will get Izi back eventually too.” Here you go, Mr Monroe. No problem.” She said in polite almost official voice, the almost part because it carried slight tinges of teasing in it. She hadn’t called him Dog Boy or anything of the like since she started working as his nurse. She handed over the paperwork so he could start filling it out.” Thank you.” Lisa eventually said, taking back the paperwork and quickly giving it a look over to confirm everything was properly filled up and signed.

β€œDon’t worry, Hunter.” She finally said with friendly voice, dropping the formality as she secured the papers away.” Izi’s fine, she’s rather energetic actually. I make sure shes’ well taken care of even when Nikki’s busy or distracted.” She reassured the younger man with a smile.” She’s being well kept and gets the required scheduled and unscheduled vet visits. Izi’s one healthy and happy dog. So now chin up, face forward and do that interview properly without fear. You’ve done a marvelous job so far, just keep it up, I’m sure she will enjoy seeing you again.” She told him as he was moving away with Roy and Freedman.

Once Hunter was gone, she followed Mary back to the second floor, putting on a mask on her face, so they can start working once more with the Flu patients. She was really grateful it didn’t seem to be the worst possible scenario, the flu spread was rather small all things considering and she hoped it was going to stay this way. After a few patients she looked at Mary.” So today’s the day of the expeditions right? Any final word on exactly how many people we sending out?” She asked, curious as she returned her gaze back to the work on hand.
@Lucius Cypher yeah darn time flies >< June seems to be very hectic for my family, we've got a number of birthdays in this month
Cat nodded, taking note of the stocks the man had and hte deals offered. She wasn't planning on selling everything she could right here and now. Hell no, this man didn't have quiet enough for it all. Instead she was going to make the best trades here she could and try to trade the big things tomorrow at the town proper and maybe even the security office. Hell they would likely do some good trades for the emergency light sticks. THe coal was... well.. a curious deal. Her eyes narrowed as she took a good look into the paper bag. Honestly she didn't have much use in the bat, she had the crowbar for that now. And the coal was useful for more than just burning, getting a few more ingredients she could make primitive gunpowder or black powder as they also called it." Sure, bat for the bag o'black stones, but also that stack of old newspapers." She replied, trading those over. She'd have to make sure they were better secured later though. Maybe also wrap the paper back into some plastic wrapping or something to preserve the coal dry on top of just keepit it from dirtying her stuff and she had use for the old newspapers.

"Alright, here's good 7 .308 bullets." She stated, lining those up and pointed out at the 18 .223 rounds." Trades's honestly good enough by itself because the 308 if you've got the right gun could mess some serious shit up even against heavier targets." They didn't really need the sword in all honestly. Swords weren't really an underground close quarters and narrow corridors type of weapon.

"Now for the food... I offer this to you for a good deal of those nutrient bricks." She told him and showed him one of hte spice packages from the MREs. Once upon a time in a era far gone spice was worth it's waight in gold, now it was worth far more than that. Salt and pepper. She was showing him the salt package. Salt was very darn hard to secure nowdays. A buntch of cheap nutrient bricks wasn't nearly quite enough for a fair trade when it came to salt though." I want the birks and a select choice of the box of smaller bullets."


Meanwhile as Cat was haggling trades and barter, at their impromptu shelter where Donny was resting at, something and someone was skulking about. A doglike creature was sitting by the boxes they used for cover and a human shadow came over." So I hear there be new guys here, Freshly arrived from beyond the walls. Anybody home?" A childishly female voice called as a young girl, likely in her early to mid teens stood by the canine. She was a rugged lookinmg thing, wearing ruffled and tattered clothing, her hair a short dirty mop, but her eyes were burning with curious flames. She looked like many of the other people living in the gheto here. Physically wise, she looked rather thin, her ribbs almost visibile, but overall in decent enough shape for the style of living.
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