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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Their little friendly and fun travel through the woods turned rather abruptly into a forest mystery of adventurous proportions like one of those stories the road weary adventurers who have traveled far and had stopped for respite at the oasis would tell at night. There were all the ingredients here! A forest, supposedly upturned cart, weird voices/noises and the party had no idea what’s really happening! It was amazing!” Sure~!” Kosara chimmed as they told her that she and Kathryn should swap places, not a surprising move all things considered. On one side you had a woman in a coat and on the other there was a giant of a woman in armor with all those amazing muscles! Kosara was now seriously pondering why the self proclaimed half giant wasn’t dressed like a barbarian!? If she was, she’d see all those muscles, but no, it was armor all the way. She lightly shook her head.’ Focus on the adventure at hand!’ She reminded herself. Them probably perfect abs came later... yes.

She then looked at Hugh in horror.” Indeed, we should leave the wagon away from the conflict! The mule might get hurt.” Kosara nodded, looking at the animal that was leading their merry travel so far. It didn't look overly concerned with what was happening. Did it know something the rest of them didn’t, or was this common enough situation in the life of a mule? She knew camels could be very indifferent of things happening too at times. Maybe this was something similar, or maybe it just hadn’t realized the possible danger.

“Well, I can fight at range and up close if I have to!” She stated ,pulling her small crossbow, her eyes filled with sparkles of excitement. She hadn’t had a battle since forever! Grandpa was the last one to bring her anywhere dangerous and it wasn’t goblins back then, she fought kobolds under his guidance and cooperation. Granted Grandpa was too powerful, so he mostly kept her protected while she got her feet wet into the whole fighting thing at first! Now though Gramps wasn’t around and she had other people for support and to support! It was going to be marvelous, though safety’s first! Kosara closed her eyes, placing a hand on her chest and focusing her mind as magical energies surged across her skin and formed a magical protective layer as she used one of the things Grandpa taught her – Mage Armor. Well it was his version of Mage armor, which in reality was considered a warlock ability, but Kosara had no real idea what Warlocks were per say despite being one. Now prepared for this, she double checked her crossbow and nodded.

“So… need me to open the combat with a spell? Pretty sure I can hit the one on the rock from here with one of the spells Grandpa taught me, with the crossbow though, I will have to get a lot closer.” She asked, eyeing the gobbos in teh distance. This was indeed an adventure out of a fairy tale. It always started with kobolds or goblins! Like in all the tales the traveling adventurers told her as a child!
know I said I'd post sooner, but stuff happened on my end too and now Im covid again. Engery is sapped and what not, will get a post in the next day or two, but yeah... sigh.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Learning things from V was fun. The bard was a good teacher and good with her words, probably a professional thing. In any case, Kosara was learning heaps! In the end she concluded that horses and mules had a lot in common with the domesticated camels of the deserts. Albeit she supposed camels were funnier and way better for the hot deserts. Kosara seriously doubted a horse’s survival in the scorching sands without humans to care for them and she had seen camels eat cacti… like with the thorns and all, it was forever a mystery how the bastards didn’t seem to hurt much from it. She too liked Cactus Water and even a bit of the plant mush at times, but she’d do well without the spikes thank you very much!

Now as for the domesticated animals of the North and what V revealed about the ‘festival’, all of Kosara’s reply could be summed in a single long sound.” Oooooooh..!” She stared at the incredible number of animals that were doing their last walks and then looked at Morty, staring at the undead pig.” That’s. Mighty incredible actually! A walking emergency food supply! Why hadn’t the folk back home figured this out! I need to deliver this knowledge back home!” The easily excitable white tiefling proclaimed at the surprising revelation as if she had discovered a holy relic or knowledge from eras past! It was incredibly good thing to do actually! It could easily shave you so much space in effort of carrying supplies and if you can load the walking supplies with more supplies! She could hardly imagine all the possibilities! It would also cut down on supplies for the pack animals!” Wait… if this is done on a camel, can we replace the hump with a barrel or something to store water for people instead…!” Revelations upon revelations today!” Thank you, V!” She grinned at the bard, tonight, Kosara was going to have a long write into her journal about the utilities of undead pack animals and of course of northern customs.

Afterwards, Kosara listened to Marita’s tales of her home.” Sounds like a very magical and beautiful place, Martia.” Kosara told the cleric with a smile. She now wanted to see such a city.” Maybe you can tell more stories of your home again eventually? I would love to hear even more of the lifestyle and culture of your family and people.” Kosara loved hearing about interesting cultures and far of distant lands with their own unique beauty to them. She herself was never underground much. Well Grandpa Horny Golden Horse lived in a cave, but it wasn’t that far underground nor was it overly deep, so it didn’t count. Sure Marita had let it be known that they were a cult and all that, but even cults had their own culture outside of dangerous rituals and what not. Like… what type of mushroom recipes for food they had? Or maybe did they have preferred decorations they carried on their clothing? So much interesting knowledge.

While everybody was having team time, talking, Kosara basically didn’t even notice Hugh at first, mostly cause he wasn’t talking and was keeping his distance. He eyed him for a moment, before stopping to pay him any heed and returning her attention to Kathryn and her own tale. It was a marvelous tale of treachery, bravery and castles!” Wait… you are almost a princess then! Like in the fairy tales that travelers used to tell me! Had knights, castle, escaped tragedy, but you didn’t find a prince to help you. You instead trained and became a warrior of your own right… well you are a heroic princess now?” Kosara marveled, giving Kathryn a most honest stare of marvel.

And then there was the fact that there was some commotion ahead of them. It was weird really, over somewhere ahead, hidden by the terrain and fall forest, there was a lot of jabbering and laughter. Kosara blinked and turned forward, tilting her head.” Who’s laughing? Why are they laughing?” She asked in confusion and looked at the others.” Anybody else think this is weird? I’m curious now!”
heya Happy New year! Will be posting tomorrow. Sorry for the silence and absence. When holidays arrive I tend to lose track of time, especially since I had gotten an addition week+ of paid leave. Once resting started, I just shut down for a good while and then holidays started proper.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby -> On the Path
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara gave Victoria a huge bright smile.” No problem! Hugs are the best!” She grinned and nodded in sage like manner as she let the bard move away to do her own things at her own speed. Kosara noted the return of the hug a few moments after the initial surprise from the hug attack passed and was pleased! At least one member of the party wasn’t against things like friendly gestures! The north so far proved to be such a curious experience with the way people acted. Back home in the desert it was so much nicer! Well that could also be cause she was basically family with everybody at the oasis… Hmm now that was a topic to ponder, but at least V proved that hugs were nice! Now if only she could figure out a way to get Kathryn to pick her up and carry her on her shoulders…. Tasks for later… tasks for later.

With that done, her attention turned to the Fancy Sneaky Monk man that displayed a map!” Ohh…!” She made a sound of wonder and scooted over to observe the piece of parchment in detail and what and where he was pointing out.” Okey… I’m so far from home it doesn’t show on the maps! Hehehe.” She grinned, following his pointing out where their destination was in this case the Avonshire proper. She smiled and then chuckled when Hugh suggested basically just under a daytime of travel.” I for some reason doubt we will arrive today during daytime, but we can try! And trying is what’s important!” She chuckled, quickly put her things into her bag and dashed towards the wagon outside.” No better time than the now!”

Kosara now dressed in her nice, comfy and warm new coat and boats and gloves scampered out of the inn and in a glance located the wagon with V who was sitting in the driver’s bench. She moved over and climbed into the wagon, before hearing the bard’s words and seeing her move to the side.” YES!” She joyfully proclaimed and hopped over, taking a seat by the bard. Today was a good day!

As they finally departed, with the rest of the group joining them on the wagon, Kosara was listening and doing whatever V told her to, making sure to memorize any tidbit of information about leading a wagon. In any case, the journey itself proved to be rather interesting affair, especially with the scenery. There was the first inklings of snow? SNOW! She never saw snow before… at least not from up close. Yet this far north, the white tiefling realized she will be having her first proper winter in the north! There was bound to be more snow from now on. There were countless other curious things like the lines of animals led by ropes to different locations.” Is it some kind of festival about animals that they lead them all?” She asked, curious about it. Never having encountered the tradition of stocking up on meat for the winter. In addition there were friendly people offering greetings as they passed, greetings to which Kosara merrily returned with joyful voice and energetic waving of her hands.

“I personally I’m looking forward to seeing and experiencing what a winter is.” Kosara chimed in at the talk about the location and the weather.” South in the desert it’s always hot days, chilled nights, blazing sun, golden beautiful sea of sands, I love my home, I love the atmosphere and the scenery, but I am looking to see the fabled beauty of the northern winters.” The tiefling mused, looking around.” We will try to help them, I’m sure one way or another it would work out. Things often work out one way or another, I’ve been told. We will do our best and then enjoy the winter times! I want to see the men of snow I’ve heard so much about! I wonder if they really at night come to life and defend the houses from the monsters that lurk in the winter nights.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“I am!” Kosara replied to Kathryn, showing her all the things written on the current pages of her journal which recounted the vents of last night. There was also an adorable small drawing of a bandit pear one the upper strip of the left journal page with Kosara having drawn it down since in her opinion it was an important detail. Her written letters were rather artistic with all manners of hooks and loops and other decorations. Almost resembled a language on itself, tough it was a bit amusing to look at since it was written with coal sticks instead of ink so the lines weren’t anywhere near as thin and elegant as they should have been, making it appear a bit childish more than anything.” Writing everything down so my sisters and grandpa can read it later. Also other people, I’m thinking of publishing my traveling journals one day in the future!” It was an innocent dream, one that wasn’t about the potential money, it was about the journey and the wonders she’d see along the way!

Then she looked at the arriving V who started the greeting with a curious choice of words. So Kosara tilted her head at her, in quizzing manner.” Hmm?” She made questioning sound, looking at the purple bard. Then the tiefling’s white eyes grew wide in surprise and wonder as she saw and heard the gifts that V brought! True, Kosara’s wardrobe wasn’t actually the best and even with her more warm getup, it wouldn’t be exactly a pleasant experience if the weather gets even worse or they have to camp in the wilderness away from warm housing.

It took all bit a single quiet moment of marvel, before Kosara was out of her seat, hugging the gift and then crashing into V also.” V! THANK YOU! This looks amazing and warm!” She let out a joyous shout as she gave the bard one very tight and grateful hug! Sue Kosara has had gifts in the past, her family in all but blood would give her small things, grandpa would give her others and patrons at the inn she grew up at would give her small things at times, but this was different! V didn’t have to do so, but she did and Kosara was incredibly touched by it.” Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She repeated, practically trembling from excitement. After all it wasn’t just a coat! There were gloves and some warm looking boots also! It couldn’t have been cheap! Kosara was so emotional from this sudden display of kindness, masquerading as something selfish, that she practically missed the question posed by Kathryn cause she was busy giving hugs to her benefactor!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“You don’t need bread when you’ve got the cheese!” Kosara replied back with a huge grin on her face, quickly munching down the rest of her morning meal, before stretching. On the whole it wasn’t a meal with too great a volume. Sure the bacon and the cheese were both things that filled well, so she was good for the time being.” Besides, the world’s too boring if you get too bogged down in things! Experiment, see and experience new things!” She added with her patented at this point upbeat and cheerful voice.” In fact… I might try to make some of the traditional flat breads of the south. Think you will enjoy em, though not now. Maybe another day when we aren’t about to start traveling!” She quipped, making a mental note to make a list of things she’d need to try to make flat bread.

“Well as long as we don’t leave town, pairs should be enough. Especially if we aren’t up to search for fights.” She shrugged and looked at the others at the table and at the one supposedly sent by their generous host the Arbalest man. Especially at the druid. That was a good one, she smiled at her.” Indeed!” All in all things were on the looking up. Hugh had made some pointed and apt comments so despite his lack of social skills, he did in fact have some skill when it came to this whole investigation business it seemed! She still wasn’t taking his as a leader through… well didn’t matter. She was getting her revenge from now on, through friendship! What a weird thing to even think or even conceptualize. Adventure this was indeed.

“Hmmm...” Hearing the Owen’s explanations, Kosara pulled her bag into her lap and started examining the contents.” Hmmm… Don’t really need more supplies for the time being actually. So… I’m good and will wait here! Got writing to catch up with anyways! Don't know when the next chance to do so would present itself.” She quipped as some of the party were scattering to prepare. They had maybe a few minutes or a few hours. So she pulled the well traveled journal and a stick of coal and began writing down the events of yesterday down on an empty page. As a whole the journal was all kinds of tidy and even writing, though clearly made with different materials she had on hands at different times and likely at all manners of situations. Be it ink or coal. She mostly wrote with coal sticks.

Ink cost a good deal of money, so she was saving it whenever possible. She neatly was writing down the events of last night now, how she found the inn and what not when she noticed Marita returning, donned in her armor.” Hey.” She greeted, before burying her nose back into the journal, seemingly sketching the inn’s sign outside. She had a good number of pages already filled on her traves to this place. Plus she had gotten it and written on it even before she departed her home. It originally was her diary and now traveling journal.
"It's a curious thing, is it not? Such a curious designs of many legs, so precisely woven to move and then something gets on the way of one and all of them fumble because redundancy isn't in many xenos' vocabulary." Medaira shrugged." I want to drop a gargoyle on somebody before our time on this planet is over." She finally added innocently." I have the perfect audio file loaded into my player just for it. It will be glorious and I'm certain I will win first prize in the trapper's competition I got going with some friends."

"Yes,drunken armsmen are happy armsmen. So I hear at least, something about being too wasted to care about things happening! Our dour friend prank victim Stukov, could certainly use the uplifting of spirits!" She chirped with a pun very much intended, but was playing it otherwise with straight face. Well as straight as Medaira's face was, which was a mixture of: way too innocent and plotting schemes that would result in somebody's pride crumbling at the end of an extremely embarassing chain of events. Which in itself was better than what most tech priests had which was confusing and otherworldly mechanical feel or uncanny valley.

"I'm certaaaaaainly up for a friendly competition between the three of us later~!" Medaira chimmed in when it came for booze drinking." I've got a meriad of ways to makeeeeeeee it even more interesting too!" She added innocently, rocking her wine glass back and forth gently, making the red liquid swirl inside it." A few games we used to play back as weeeeeeeee trainees before I became a magos and all that." Medaira smiled.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Morning, Kathryn!” Kosara greeted back when her new tall friend appeared. The grand woman had once more donned her armors, making the tiefling want to pout. She will see those muscles one day dammit! In any case, the mood was nice with the warrior’s arrival. On the topic of the letter, aside their employer’s sudden preoccupation, Kosara found it of little importance. There wasn’t much place for speculation with this little evidence to draw from. The old Arbalest was of important status, so he indeed may be having a lot of things to deal with. They really needed to get out there and start gathering evidence and clues! A true adventure indeed!

Well then Hugh appeared. Given their interactions last night, there were many ways it could go. Kosara having almost finished the cheese and bacon sandwich and firmly holding it between lithe fingers, suddenly turned to face the, in her opinion grumpy, monk. She had a huge smile on her face.” Good morning, Hugh! Let’s have a great and productive day today!” She told him with a smile. Thus was her plan, thus was her goal! She will be friendly with him and if he called her pest or something alike again, she will exact righteous retribution one way or another! Well… given his reaction to her presence, chances were just being friendly and vocal around him was enough punishment. “ I will keep my letter! I will show it to Grandpa and my sisters when I return home in the future!” Kosara said and made sure the letter ends up in her bag.

She did turn to Naivara who also arrived.” Morning, Naivara! Hope you had a nice rest!” She added with a smile towards their resident druid… Could she use the term resident when they were a party since last night? If at that? Hard to decide, maybe maybe not. In any case she smiled to the woman and finally gave a nibble on her creation. Cheese and bacon sandwich was indeed good. Without the bread in the way it made the taste very different, though she made a thoughtful face, wondering how it could be made even better. It needed something more… juicy to make it flow better? Quite the ponder, she had to explore that avenue later.

“Well we don’t need to question people about the disappearances exactly though?” Kosara quipped when Hugh and Marita mentioned that going on an investigation and asking pointed questions wasn’t a good idea. She also giggled at Marita’s near slip in tongue.” Sure there might not be many of the cases in here, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing of note happening. We are clearly adventurers, we can just ask people adventuring topics that they would expect us to ask? Maybe there’s nothing to find or maybe there’s something of note.” She added.” Also, we should check if there is a brothel around and ask the women there. The women working at brothels always know a lot of stuff!” As for how she knew that tidbit? Well she lived and grew up in a tavern on a somewhat busy desert trade road. Places like the Oasis where she lived were the lifeline of the traders, so naturally there were all sorts of services avaible. She knew a lot of prostitutes back home, lived with some of them. Those women knew stuff, a lot of stuff.” Well if we are on limited time in town, it’d be better to spread into pairs or the like to ask around and do preparations before moving on, I think.”

Then another new face showed up. Judging by the overall appearance it was a cleric woman!” Hello! My name’s Kosara, nice to meet you!” She greeted the woman right away. The cleric apparently was sent by their employer to deliver a message, a cart and to answer questions? Though the way she said it, it was less answer questions and more a reminder to get to work! Kosara was curious now, she was intently studying the woman while eating her cheese and bacon sandwich. Her eyes moved from the cleric to the bard.” Nope! I’ve only ever rode on wagons and carriages, never teamstered one! I’m certainly willing to learn, once we are out of town that is!” She quipped and looked at the others, wondering if anybody had experience in commanding a mule pulled wagons!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara looked curiously at Kathryn as the somewhat alcohol influenced woman came up to her again and reach with a hand, stopping midway for a moment. The tiefling again had that expectant look, waiting to see what will happen until the taller woman finally decided to pet her horns instead. The white thiefling let out a small chuckle and nodded.” Thank you. Have a good night, Kathryn.” She told the woman who walked away to go to sleep. It was then Marita’s turn to say she was going and Kosara nodded.” Have a good night.”

The dancer was a bit surprised at the druid’s rather great reaction to the performance and smiled happily, though she was once more surprised at the coin. She did not object however, just gratefully nodded.” Thanks, Naivara. Though the true star this time was V’s expert skills. I underestimated the floor a bit, hopefully before this quest is over I will get to show you an even better performed dance.” Kosara added.” Well, I wish you a good evening should we all head off to bed before you return. We shall see each other surely in the morning.” With that she watched the druid walk away into the night. She was right about that there were things just as good as any bed though. Kosara was well versed in sleeping on the sand under the shade of a tent with just a cloth underneath her. The sand did make for a fine bed once you made yourself comfortable.

Hugh was once more making himself the target of childishly simple ire from Kosara. The Fancy Sneaky Monk was certainly annoying. She tried to ignore him, but he just kept going! What was wrong with being in the same room as her! Also just ‘Her’, talk about not having manners!’ Alright, change of plans, I was planning on ignoring you from tomorrow, but if you call for revenge, I will happily oblige!’ She thought and pouted, plotting her revenge. He seemed to be reacting bad to her presence overall since moment one. Kosara could work with that. She could just annoying him by being nearby. Thinking about it, it did seem a bit counterproductive, after all the more she annoyed him, the more annoyed he would be… She was going to have to see how this goes, but it was not over quite yet. Ohh the game has just began!

In any case as he too eventually went away to go to bed, she briefly pondered just following him to the room and joining him out of spite, but eventually decided against it. Call it a sign from on high, but honestly she was tired from traveling for days on end and really something told her to just go to bed. She’d have all the time in the world to annoy him… ahm take revenge later. For now though, she decided to hang out more with V downstairs and listen to her performance while she finishes her meal. After the meal was over and the bard eventually too excused herself for the night, Kosara finally decided to call it a night too.

Upstairs she quickly found where Hugh was and went to the other room that luckily had a free spot. Well luckily for HIM. She was rooming with Marita and Kathryn! Good turn of events indeed! She did note the pile of armor and the like that the warrior woman had taken off. Talk about layering. She was tempted to try to sneak a peak at the warrior woman’s muscles now, but she decided against it… people didn’t like being touched while sleeping, she had learned. So instead she just went to the free bed, which was the fabled cot, and placed her bag on it. She lined her cloak on it, figured she’d write in the journal tomorrow since tonight was already dark and people were asleep. It wasn’t good to wake them up with setting a light now. In any case, she carefully took off her dancing trinkets and returned them to the bag before stretching her arms and snuggling underneath the warm blankets. Her small crossbow in arm’s reach just by the cot.

Thus she slept well until the next morning. Back at the desert she’d wake up very early in the day, sometimes before dawn, but her she allowed herself to sleep in this time around. In fact she was roused lightly from a commotion somewhere and then woke up fully at the quiet closing of the door. She blinked and stirred, moving to a sitting position, looking around. Room with Kathryn, check. Marita was gone, so she was the one who had left not too long ago. Kosara rubbed her eyes sleepily and tossed away the blankets almost jumping into standing, stretching her arms once more. Without tasting any time, the first thing that Kosara did was take off the thin veiled clothing she wore. It wasn’t incredibly hard, but it was made with the idea of staying in place unless taken off for obvious reasons. In any case the tiefling didn’t mind the sleeping woman in the room as she undressed and pulled her other set of clothing from her bags. Kosara had two sets of clothing with her, the one she wore back home and one she had procured to wear when she came more to the north. She hadn’t put it on cause she frankly underestimated the blasted weather and the temperatures! In any case, her other clothes were very reminiscent of the dancing costume. The pants were of similar cut and design just of a more thick and protective cloth, dyed in dark gray. On her torso she wore an undercloth wrapped around her chest in a manner identical to her dancing top, just of again more thick and warm nature. Finally on top of that she had a white shirt. She couldn’t fit an extra set of shoes into her bag, so she carefully wrapped her feet in a warm cloth that reached up to just under her knee and secured it there, before she put on her usual shoes. They had nice soles after all, they just weren’t tall enough usually. After she slipped the pants legs back down, their tightened ends neatly securing just above her ankles. With her dressed up, she pulled her mirror, a piece of cloth, her waterskin and her cosmetics’ kit. Wetting the cloth with the waterskin, she made sure to wipe all of her makeup carefully before reapplying it. She never wore too much honestly. It was mostly there to put accent on her eyes. Her sisters always told her to not overdo it. She was beautiful and exotic enough as it was. She didn't put her veil back on right away, it would happen after breakfast. Didn't want to dirty it or anything!

After the makeup was done with, she put her things away and rebraided her hair which took a bit of time, but before long she was done, the braiding having taken the most of her time actually. So once she was done, she picked her things and headed downstairs where she found Marita, already prepared for the day along with V.” Good morning, you two! Looking absolutely marvelous today!” She called out to them and with almost a pounce moved to them. She was left a bit speechless at the sight of the breakfast however. She quickly took a place next to them. Kosara really wanted the cheese actually and maybe just a touch of bacon. But mostly the cheese, so she hurried to get some. Then she noticed the look on the two of them and a MYSTERIOUS LETTER!” Ohh… what’s in the letter? Guess bad news?” She asked, innocently, making an improvised cheese and bacon sandwich… without bread. Who needed bread when you got two slices of cheese instead?
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