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Lily was barely moving honestly. A body that kept healing and regenerating didn't mean she was a boundless wellspring of energy. After over 14 hours of being on foot, working heavy lifting work, no time to have meals or rest, she was about as dead on her feet as one could be. At this point she was way beyond giving any care to what happens with the villains and 'heroes'... Not like she wouldn't be dragged into it if somebowdy wanted her to be. The tracker on her ankle meant her locations were always known to the Gotham PD.

To her susrprise somebody was calling out to her to hurry it up. She looked up at the man. She didn't recognize him, wondered why she cared. Gotham was not a city where most people survived if they cared for others. He also ahd that peculiar looks about him that suggested one of hte many denizens that weren't officially existing in the city aka the city rats/homeless population. Struggling to walk a bi faster, she made her way over to the other side down the alleyway, making way away from the huge grocery store just in time as one of the walls burst in a shower of concrete, bricks adn chunks of the metal shelving used inside. From it came forth a trio of Joker dressed hoodlums that were waving guns about and having a firefight with presumably the police. By this point she had managed to reach the end of the alleyway and the corner of the building leading to the streets proper.

She barely managed to turn the corner before everything turned black for a moment and she just lurched forward, leaning on the nearby wall and sitting down on some stairs." Hey, thank you for the warning... Most wouldn't bother." She told the man who had decided to provide some measure of help even if it was just a warning. The gunshots echoing from the alleyway turned hectic as screams about 'the bat' began. It wasn't hard to figure out what was happening in the alleyway right now.
@TheaSong Good post!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silver Smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara’s jolly door drumming song, that may or may not have a jolly rhythm of a questionable piece of folk music, suddenly halted at the screaming that came from the other side of the door. There were people there indeed! They succeeded!’ Wait, what did we succeed in again?’ She thought for a moment, having lost the original goal of this in a bit of a slip of the mind, but soon recalled they were searching for clues, recovering from the surprise from the person on the inside of the building screaming at them. A thing that had apparently also gained attention from the crowds around.

“You are alive!” She cheerfully exclaimed with a huge bright smile.” Hey, we just really need to talk with you! Pretty please?” She called to the hidden person.” Look, it’s not that we are searching you for silversmithing work! Besides if you do not talk to us, I’m just gonna keep drumming on your door until you very much do now that I know you are inside!” She called out with a huge grin. She might have been a generally good person, but Kosara could be a stubborn as a mule when she really wanted something. Kind of like a child. Actually yes, she was very much like a child at times.”Also that choice of language was very very bad and impossible to accomplish!”

“So I’m pretty sure, nay certain, it’s for the best for us to talk! That way I don’t keep banging on your door, what do you say? I’m sure we can help you with something or other for your help?” She continued on and she could continue with this for a long long time indeed! Now that they knew he was inside, she wasn’t going back until one of two things happened. Either he talked to them or Cravenwish showed up to mess with the plans at which point she might as well go and check out the municipal building later! The white tiefling really hoped he talked though. Saved her the trouble of making music out of his door. Though that did make her wonder how long it would be before he snaps and opens the door if she kept knocking on the door… It was a fair question after all.
"Yes, sir... thank you." Lilliane quietly spoke, head lightly tilted forwards, giving this bowed look as she nodded to the obese man in front of her. That was her boss and she absolutely hated him. Lily worked as a as general worker in a grocery store chain and this man was the guy who ran this store. Her tasks here varied widely from day to day, but since they were constantly understaffed to limit expenses, the guy was making a lot of money since he made them work harder while keeping the money that would usually be spend on more workers. He had friends in the rest of the stores that allowed him to hide it from the people who actually owned the entire thing, so as long as the profits stood as they should be, he was scott free to do whatever. She was one of the about dozen workers here and she was tired, overworked every day. Still it was one of the few places that had agreed to hire her and he did so by cutting her pay even more.

She was currently obediently waiting for her salary to be given and he was instead berating her and abusing her psychologically. He liked to do so, but she wasn't breaking. After a while, a few indirect insinuations, a few not so veiled ones and a lot of shouting, he tossed the envelope with her salary to her. It was lighter than what it should be, but she was used to it. With all her willpower she walked out normally out of his office and headed to the changing rooms in the back of the big store. She took off her uniform there and by the time she began walking towards the staff entrance on the back, she was already shuffling her feet tiredly. It had been a 12 hour shift... 12 hours of night shift that had somehow gotten even more stretched out since it was well into the day now.

Just as she reached the back entrnace, there was a big crash, sound of broken glass and shouts as something was apparently happening. Chances were that it was a store robbery, but given the chaos it was more likely that one of the many 'villains' was on a rampage. A rather regular thing in Gotham. She had no idea who it was and didn't really care. Happening across events like this was the norm in this blasted city. So she just walked out hte door, leaving the chaos behind and with a tired shuffle walked onwards, following the back alleyway towards her destination. She had to stop by the bank to deposit her salary. The sounds of battle, crumbling concrete and police sirens barely registered with her. Maybe... she should see if she could move to Metropolis...
Sure, have a go at it! Lookging forward to reading the post.
@TheaSong and there we go. So do you want to start hte RP?

Name: Lilliane Marie Helgate
Age: 21
About: Borned and raised in Gotham, Lilliane, never quite fit in with the world around her. Born into a middle class family, she often saw the grim reality of the accursed city, yet there wasn't much to do in order to change her lot in life. It was their life and despite the madness that was Gotham and all the villains running about, her family made do with what they had. They were never rich or targets of organized crime... at least until Lilliane was in highschool. Her super powers began manifesting around that time as she began rapidly recovering from illnesses and healing from injuries until eventually it became so fast that it was obvious it was NOT natural. That earned her some weird looks... people began distancing from her, some began bullying her since she healed anyways... Worst came when she was 16 and got targeted by the Joker who had gotten wind of her unique gift and was wanting to check it out. Lily( as she prefferes being called), doesn't actually remember much from that time. A trauma of sorts, but she knows she got pumped full of the joker chemicals and survived it... then she got pumped full constantly until it got absorbed into her and she became poisonous with the stuff by mere touch. Police say she used to do stuff for the Joker, obeyed and the like for a while until Batman managed to capture him eventually and she got captured too. After a few years of rehab, psychological interventions, a lot of experimental therapy to ged rid of the Joker stuff, a file in the polife and a constant tracking bracelet she was allowed back in society. A society that was now even more hostile... She had a proper criminal background, she was behind on her education, was awkward around people and nobody wanted to hire a potential criminal... She managed to set her life eventually, working menial jobs and finishing her education on the side.
@TheaSong No problem. I'm going to be a bit occupied today so might take a while before I post here though. Will do so later today. It is D&D sunday after all~
*Digs a pitfall and covers it with leaves*

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