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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Bed and breakfast --> Silver Smith
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The meeting with the L’Roses turned out fine…ish. Cecily had revealed she had felt the stalking presence that likely was the same one that V had reported on. Which in turned may have been the guards…? If the Cravenwish wanted to catch them for some reason. Eventually they separated from the duo, Kosara waving at them.” Just be careful until we figure this one out, alright!” She had told them as they left the place and headed to the Silver Smith nearby. Honestly Kosara supposed she should be more concerned, but she was also having way too much fun still. That said, she was suspicious of Krakendish’s goals. It was weird and likely it had something to do with the municipal building… A place she really wanted to have a look at later. For now though, the Silver Smith.

Studying the place on the outside it looked rather… decent? No direct places to get into. No windows that had no boards on… no places to directly climb up. Though she might still be able to climb if she wanted. For the time being however she tried to do what Kathryn was doing and look in through the boards, trying to spot things. Well the scouting proved successful when there indeed seemed to be somebody inside the building!

“Yes, we should! We can ask them politely to talk to us!” The tiefling agreed, energetically nodding her head as she and the warrior woman made their way to the front door.” Ye… let me...” She mumbled preparing her small fists, by comparison to Kathryn’s impressive form anyways, to hit the door.” One.. two… two and a few grains of sands… THREE!” What proceeded to happen was Kosara starting to knock rapidly on the door with both her hands, seemingly trying to go for a speed record on the topic of door knocking.

“Hello! Hello! Can you please at least come and talk to us~?” She called out to whomever was inside the building. They had spotted somebody.” We saw you there through the windows. We just want to chat, there’s no even need to open the door! Pretty please? I'm going to continue until you reply!” She continued, still drumming on the door as if her life depended on it. Only by this point she had dropped the speed record focus and while rapidly knocking still, she was instead going for a drum-like rhythm. To be specific it was the general attempted rhythm of that one song about the rotund lady Fanny she had heard last night. Hey it was still fresh in her mind and it kinda surfaced while drumming on the door. She wasn’t stopping or slowing her attempts at making music out of the door. She was going to continue until whomever was inside reacted in some way or another. Besides door music sounded fun. Her Grandpa was going to get a kick out of it once he heard of what she was doing.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Road towards the L’Rose Family --> bed and breakfast
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara proudly and seemingly completely unconcerned strode forward to their destination, without care in the world. The whispers of the townfolk unheard or not cared about as she did so. In this specific case Kosara had absolutely no care in the world, not listening in as she did. She was used to stares, usually it was stared from different nature by people when she was dancing. Here it was the stares more in line with what she was noting once she began traveling. People really had some weird opinions she had no understanding about. The white tiefling had no idea why some people didn’t like her kind. Was it the horns? Were all the people just jealous of the horns? It could have been, Grandpa had taught her that humans especially were greedy by nature and would covet what they did not have. Seemingly horns and tusks of creatures were among those too. Well in any case, she was just used to all kinds of stares to care. Anybody tried anything and she’d return in kind, but just stares did not break bones and all that. Besides let them stare, she did like the attention. A dancer enjoyed the people’s eyes no matter the reason… probably. At least Kosara did. She was even pondering giving a sudden unplanned performance for the locals in this richer part of town… that was divided by a street from the regular part of town. Northerners were weird folk.

“ Don’t worry! Let them stare even more! Stares and whispers cannot break your bones. Besides for a performer all attention is good attention! A traveling bard taught me that.” Kosara proudly stuck out her chest even more in what was probably an approximation of heroic proud stance of self confidence in her mind.” If we had more time I would do a performance for them all, but we are kind of on a task, so I guess no dances for them. Maybe later! Besides if they look at me long enough and see me perform they might like me afterwards! People seem to like me a lot more after they've seen me dance.” She smiled.

After a while they finally reached their destination! She looked at Kathryn who posed a question and nodded eagerly.” Sure! We can apologize later if we got the wrong place. Got to be polite.” She added with a grin as she watched the warrior woman go ahead and proceed to knock on the door a few times until eventually somebody opened the door.”Hi, Mrs Cuvier! I’m Kosara!” She greeted the woman in turn as the owner of the place( probably), wanted to send them away until a familiar voice was heard from within. Sure enough Cecily and Lizbeth were inside! She finally spotted them at a table and gave them a wave with one arm from around Mrs Cuvier and when the woman finally allowed them in, Kosara bolted inside.

“Mrs Cecily, Lizbeth, good to see you again!” She greeted energetically as she made her way over to the table. Only to stop at the sound of metal hitting something from the door. She looked at Kathryn who probably had her helmet hit the door and snickered. On the good part of it, one helmet was taken off and Kosara called that a pure gain. Afterwards she proceeded to give the two women quick hugs as greetings.

With the warrior finally joined them at the table, she smiled at the two again and nodded at Kathryn’s words.” Yeah, we were worried something might have happened to you two.” She leaned in closer and said in quiet voice to Cecily.” Mr. Cravenfish was seemingly searching for you two last night. We taught it suspicious, have you felt uncomfortable since yesterday? We think people are being stalked, feeling like they are being watched. That happened to you two?” She directly spoke and asked, because tact was a hard thing to do and Kosara didn’t have the attention span to spare and prolong the questioning. Better ask directly!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Hayloft→Road towards the L’Rose Family
Action: Prestidigitation
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Kathryn, you are the last person I’d call FAT!” Kosara was offended and angry at the insinuation!” I know you are hiding all those great muscles underneath those armors, don’t even try to pretend otherwise! So I guess we had a case of mistaken communication about the meaning of words. What’s with you northerners and your use for words that mean this type of thing and use them for something else?” Kosara grumbled and pouted.” Next you will tell me that you use something like bitch to NOT mean female dogs...” She huffed in annoyance… Then stopped, recalled something in her travels, looked at Kathryn, sighed and placed her face in her arms.” Of course you do...”

“So that’s what Grandpa meant by looking for the meaning behind the words...” She mumbled to herself quietly. Of course the question if that’s what her old and sagely advice giving Grandpa meant, was a whole different can of worms. Kosara sighed again.” I guess I owe the man an apology now, but that can wait for AFTER we check on the L’Rose family.” The tiefling concluded, putting on her new and comfortable coat.” Let’s go!” She stated, pulling some dried meat form the stuff she bought last night that wasn’t eaten up, since to her disappointment pretty much nobody took of the foodstuffs she brought back. Everybody more or less went to bed right away, so at least she had some breakfast.” Thank you, V!” Kosara called to the bard who informed them of the location of their new friends.

She also brought her bag this time around, making sure she was ready for the road just in case as she hopped in place, looking to check if Kathryn was ready to depart..” Come on, Kath, let’s go! We’ve got things to do and places to check! We can probably even check the Silversmith’s place while we are in the area. Seemed curious!” She stated with a huge grin as the big hand of Kathryn rubbed her on her head. It was nice… reminded her of when her Grandpa would rub her head when she was little. It was… nice. As Kathryn headed outside, the white tiefling quickly followed her out the door of the hayloft and into the street.

Place still had some fog, but with the sun on the horizon it was… maybe going to change? She had no idea, in the desert there wasn’t any fog… not that she was aware of anyways. But that said they didn’t have mirages out here either, so it was a give and take kind of situation. “ Alright, let’s go! To adventure!” She happily proclaimed, marching forward to the place where V said she had dropped off their friends last night. Kosara was a woman on a mission and this fine chilly morning, that mission was to find interesting things and meet friends! Maybe try to see if she could get inside the silversmith to see if they are still there. Maybe if she helps them, they could silvercoat some of the decorative coins she uses for dancing scarf… or maybe they will give her a good price on making some proper silver ones instead.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: Prestidigitation
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was quickly roused from slumber by Marita and the energetic pale teifling was quickly with eyes wide open and crawling out of her bedroll with little fuss. She was used to wake up in reasonably early time and every morning one had to get up early in the desert stop to clean the place up. They all lived and worked there after all, so it built habits.” Good morning, all! Did you all sleep well?” She greeted as she made her way out of the bedroll and proceeded to carefully gather up her sleeping gear. Roll up the bedroll, attach it with the straps to the traveling bag and so on. Once all was gathered up, she followed V’s direction and went in to deal with some hygiene tasks for the new day. Though she did not apply makeup, Kosara did instead on top of the slight use of magic, she just washed herself really well with water and soap. Magic cleaning was one thing… but soap cleaning was a whole different feel! What she really needed however was to get a bath later… her long hair needed proper care and honestly she’d love to get it braided anew.

“Hey that’s not a bad idea, V!” The dancer exclaimed as she was wiping her wet face with a piece of cloth from her bag that doubled as a towel whenever she didn’t need it for anything else. Her bangs and face were still glistening with moisture for a bit, before she did another wipe with the cloth and she was good.” I can probably make myself another cheese and bacon sandwich! Or maybe I will try apple and bacon one this time!” She felt… in the mood for food experimentation.

Once her mind was made up, she quickly put on her brand new and comfortable soft coat and hurried to be ready to leave with V who was taking down Morty from the lift.” Anybody had anything curious happening on their watch? Mine was pretty calm, finished catching up in my journal without any interruptions.” She stated, dancing out to the door leading outside that they would be using. She partially opened the door and peaked outside just a bit to check how it was. It was… cold. Seemed to be a thing with the North, but that aside, it was starting to get to proper daylight now. Dawn was among her more favorite times, there was something magical watching the sunsets and dawns in the desert. After spending some time North, she had seen a number of dawns and sunsets and concluded that they were quite pretty here too. Afterwards confirming the world outside was not dark and scary, she looked at the others and just as she was to rush off to find a table, her eyes locked onto Kathryn and instead closed the door, skipping over to the warrior woman instead.” Hey, Kathryn, I got to confirm this… last night you said you were ‘mates’ with that male elf in the Public House. Did you mean ‘mate’ mate or was a term for friend or something like that?” She asked dead serious, looking the tall woman in the eyes.” Cause if you did not mean a partner to sire a child with, then I owe the man an apology.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Yeah, I’d prefer to not take the last watch. I’d take first if possible.” Kosara piped up with a smile, pulling her journal from her bag.” I’ve got a lot of things to write that I hadn’t in the last few days due the general situation and happenings. I need to catch up on them.” She explained merrily. She had to write down the Pear inn, the meeting with the law and everything that transpired between then and their arrival here in the hayloft! Especially about their heroic defeat of the goblins that also had a coffin goblin that might well be a new tactic of the sneaky green menace. They had to document it!

“I agree, let’s go check up on them in the morning!” She stated with a smile, noting Kathryn concerns for their hosts. The two womenfolk that were left without their male family member were in a vulnerable position. Especially if there were evil ploys at play! The teifling was already planning all manners if mean vengeance for all evil doers in the town. Like burying them till their neck in the sand! Wait there wasn’t enough sand here… maybe by the river? Or she could just repeatedly kick them between the legs. Apparently that hurt a lot or so the experiments and first hand experience in kicking people there told her.” It is suspicious now that you mentioned it indeed.”

“Ohh no no, V, you misunderstood me! You can protect yourself well, I saw that in the forest. I meant that we should be well on guard and turn ANY attempted evil ploy onto the enemy! If they try to attack you, we should capture them with utmost prejudice and then make them tell us all the secrets of the secret conspiracy! Least even if you do know how to defend yourself if they employ underhanded evil means, nobody can say what will happen. So we display vigilance and be very mean when we get them!” Kosara stated with a huge grin.” I can’t quite use grandpa’s means to extort secrets, but he did say that if you keep stepping on their shins while they are down, eventually they will sing and also be unable to walk! He also was the one who advised kicks between the legs for people who accost women as an easy and effective means of punishment that do not pose danger to their lives. He was very specific that endangering lives was very grave thing to do and should be handled with care and caution.”

“Alright,V , have a good rest. I will make sure to keep the brazier going!” She told the bard who promptly went to get her beauty sleep. Kosara was much in agreement, but she was used to going a bit later to bed if she had to. In the oasis one had to work till well into the night. The nights were usually busier than the days anyways.

With that Kosara more or less turned her attention on writing her grand tales of adventure and exploring into her journal while occasionally drawing a sketch or two in her rather amateur way. She wasn’t a drawing artist, so her sketches were very rough and not always precise, but she always liked them. They were enough to imply what had happened or what she had seen. Like the bandit pear form that one sign. That one actually turned very true to the original for some reason. Totally not because of it’s simple shape or anything. So once she was done with writing she was left with little else to do, so she spend it trying to figure out how to get Kathryn out of her armor and see the muscles underneath. When brainstorming ideas about something you were passionate about time flowed quickly and eventually as the next person for the watch was in turn she left it to them to be wary and in the company of Morty while she cuddled inside her bedroll, her long white braid the only thing that mostly made it’s way out of her bedroll.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara listened to Marita’s briefing about her discoveries and gatherings of information in general about the purpose of their lil adventuring party here. She nodded and finished getting into her bedroll on the upper floor of the hayloft. The bales certainly gave the place a very different feel to the place she’s been before.” Mmmm… but if I want to go perform out tomorrow night, I would have to have somebody come along… I suppose it’s prudent, it would just be a bit of inconvenience at times.”

“Well there must be a common reason to abduct those people… if not common between them then it’s a reason for their captor. Maybe if they just needed random people then the woman wouldn’t have felt stalked.” The tiefling pipped up from her bedroll from which only her head right now showed up.” Investigation at night could lead to results, but we need to start from somewhere not just randomly walk about least they blame us for some underhanded ploy.” She smiled at Kathryn, who still had the blush of alcohol. The pale tiefling wondered if the huge woman would be with hangover tomorrow. Hangovers were fun! Well not for the people having them of course. But if you were drunk enough to get hangover, chances were out cold once asleep. Then well… on people that deeply asleep, it’s possible to play pranks on them with little difficulty.

V’s comments about the municipal building and the constable pulled Kosara’s attention as she had listened intently and nodding.” Wait… Cavendish? I thought it was Cravenfish…” She blinked, tilting her head, finding herself unable to recall it properly in the way the bard had spoken it. Was she paying that little attention when they had met the man?” Well… Crav…. Ahmm Cavendish.. yeah… ahm… yeah… if something’s going on with him in the municipal building, I think we can be sure that it involves his underlings too, so we can expect city guard problems?” She theorized. It would also make sense, seeing that somehow nobody ever saw anything and knew anything of when the people went missing except that it was at night. Didn’t they have night watch or something?

What the dancer didn’t expect was V’s admittance that she felt like she was being watched.” Ohh no! We should be careful and protect you then, V! If the evil enemy plotter tries something with you, we need to be ready to get the jump on them.” Kosara stated with a serious voice. Suddenly the tiefling displayed a confused expression as she tilted her head, her face gradually morphing into a thinking scowl.” By the by… anyone noticing this rather weird person that’s constantly greeting and mentioning fine day for fishing and ‘Huah huh’?” She asked, recalling the man she met earlier in the market.” I’m pretty sure we met him when arriving into town and I met him earlier in the market again. Any of you had chance meeting with him too?”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“We don’t need a staffed kitchen when we can cook ourselves!” Kosara mentioned happily at V’s comment.” We can probably get pillows from around town and a tub too!” The happy tiefling added as she locked her eyes on the barrels that V pointed out.” Thank you, V!” She quipped and quickly pulled a satchel from her bad and a bundle from within that. It was a cloth wrapped around a rectangular object. Finally with that she moved over to the barrels.” If anyone wants something to eat, in my bag there are the foodstuffs I picked from the market earlier for you all! We can keep them for breakfast too if you so prefer!” Kosara informed them all as she opened the barrel and nodded at the water inside.

With that done she quickly took of her sparkling new coat and the shirt, leaving herself in only her chest wraps and the pants, before unwrapping the piece of cloth, getting it wet with the water in the barrel and then proceeding to begin wiping herself carefully. It was not a bath, but it will do the job for the time being. What was left afterwards would be done with her magic as much as she could. Nothing beat proper cleaning though. It felt real good to get rid of the sweat though. It was a bit cold since the brazier wasn’t quite enough to warm up the place completely, but once done, she was going to get dressed again and curl into her bedroll and blanket.

“Ohh yeah… I was saying about my adventures and discoveries.” Kosara released as she was cleaning her neck and shoulders with the cool wet piece of fabric.” The municipal building is suspicious.” She said in carefully weaker tone, looking about in the darkness, but it was darkness and they were inside, not seeing outside. Still she felt the urge to be theatrical about it.” The locals say nobody’s allowed in anymore out of sudden. So Mr. Grumpy Constable is hiding something there.” She added, shivering a little at the freezing chill in the night’s air. She hurried to finish cleaning her upper torso, before starting to warp herself back up in the layers of clothing she wore and headed to her bedroll deciding that it was too cold to continue with full body wash using a towel in this cold. It was nice to get rid of some of the sweat though. Still she hurried to get wrapped into the bedroll for warmth." Hey, where's Mr Fancy Sneaky monk? I last saw him heading after you, V."

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House - > Hayloft
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“!!!” Kosara let out a gasp of surprise and horror, staring wide eyed at her tall friend before her eyes turning to glare at the elf with extreme intensity! So it was THAT far already!? Ohh, he was so getting buried to his neck in the sands for a day or two to teach him responsibility and loyalty! She glared at Rickard a bit more, pondering the many possible ways she could apply the punishments she learned back home. Or maybe she should just tie him behind their mule and drag him about the place? She heard it was a punishment used sometimes…

“Bye, V, see ya in a bit.” Kosara called, waving to the bard, turning to her with a smile as the woman excused herself. Sadly she did not partake in the foodstuff munchies. There was something to be said about heading to rest tonight though. A long day of traveling didn’t really leave you with much energy to spare. She could go to the Honey Barn, but she wasn’t really at her best right now and it was kinda late what with spending time at the market. Kosara also noted she had to tell what she heard of the municipal building to the group. Or at least to V who was likely to relay it to the others.

Her eyes turned to the elf again. Scowling at him in innocent kitten fury.” I will confirm or deny with Kathryn later when she’s sober!” She finally stated, looking at him.” I know the meaning of the word mate. Animals have mates…. But I suppose meaning around these lands might be different…” She drawled slowly, staring at Kathryn and Rickard who too seemed to want to escape this situation.” I will apologize properly if Kathryn confirms your story.” She finally firmly stated.

By the way of things they were being politely in tavern and inn speak to go home since the place was closing for the evening!” Alright, sir! Thank you for looking after my friends!” Kosara chirped as she waved at the man and quicklly hoped up from the chair she was sitting on.” Come on Kathryn, let’s go!” The tiefling called and quickly jogged outside and heading to the hayloft, where to her surprise she was being very calmly and somewhat kindly admonished for her acts. Kosara blinked at Marita, sort of nodding, but still somewhat confused about the whole thing.” Alright… I will try not to if they are blackout drunk...” She carefully replied, planning to ask her grandpa about it later whenever she saw him the next time…. Also ask V… and maybe Kathryn on how they would have approached the problem.

Back into the hayloft, Kosara quickly smiled and ran about the place to where she left her sleeping things like the blanket earlier. She then proceeded to seek out if there was a source of water present in the hayloft.” Hey, anybody knows if one of those barrels over there has water?” She asked the others as she put her stuff on top of her bedroll before darting over to Marita.” Yeah, let’s make theories and deductions! I too discovered some things tonight while I was at the marketplace I think it might be of some importance and... ohh did you know they have somebody here that can make music with water?” She lack of attention struck once again as she recalled the rather impressive display with the water containers and music made through the use of them.
@Sigil made the edits
@Sigil heya Sig, can I do a few minor edits in kosara's post I just noted. Namely the lost color tags and the part at the end where she currently says: can retire instead of can't retire?
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