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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, interior
Action: Cure Wounds 2nd level on Berry( 8hp healed)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“But…. I promised!” Kosara replied to Marita with her most innocent and pleading expression and voice.” Besides he is a bad guy! Stabbed me even! With a sharp spear! A few inches to the side and I would have been hurt gravely! Breaking his leg should be the least we do!” She added quickly in very self certain voice.” I mean we lack sands to bury him to the neck… and that’s the next best alternative! Evil shouldn’t be allowed TOO much clemency!” The tiefling stated, pouting like a child.

“It is a gift from a very important friend! Of course I treasure it!” She replied to V with a huge bright smile as she ran her fingers across the coat. It was her first coat too! Down south you didn’t need coats so she had never even seen one before she made it north. Even then she had kept to her cloak which was gradually getting not enough to keep her warm with the winter closing in.

Seeing that the cleric was firm in her non leg shattering ways, Kosara just turned back to the fire and pouted hard instead. Mr Silversmith correcting her on her way of addressing him, caused her to briefly stop pouting and look at him.” You are a smith though? A Mister Smith… wait intonation!” She suddenly stated with a look of pure realization why he had corrected her. She had said his job as if it was his name.” You are a mr smith! A silversmith is still a smith, are they not?” She blinked at him, before turning back to the fire.” I don’t really need a silvered item. I got the magical golden sword that grandpa gave me that I can summon when I need it.” The dancer quipped from her position by the fire. It was very nice and warm, especially after fighting and spending so much time in the cold rain outside. She even took off the coat, placing it in front of the fire by her side. She hoped that it would dry faster that way, also that she herself will dry faster without the coat.

“Ohh… right away, Berry!” Kosara hopped up from her crouching position by the fire and darted over to the monk. It took exactly no time for the tiefling’s hands to dart to the wound where there was still an arrow lodged it seemed. She blinked and touched carefully around before nodding.” I will heal you about… now!” She stated and channeled the magical energies, uttering the chant that her grandpa taught her, watching it’s effect on the wound and briefly wondering if it was possible to heal something around an object and thus keep the object hidden within your very body, it was a fair ponder to have seeing she was looking at an arrow in a wound!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior - > Silversmith's, interior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Victory was indeed rightly declared as no other enemies showed themselves and the ones present had scurried off like the rats they were! Kosara blinked, wondering if they ran off because rats or because there were even more evil schemes at play. Evil constable dude seemed pretty certain this was not over and since he escaped it was probably the truth. In fact she was just about pondering the benefits of using a intensive application of fire to burn the municipal building, her grandpa would understand since it would be for a good cause. Though if there were innocents there, it wasn’t going to be a good solution. She was pulled from her mental wanderings when Kathryn exclaimed one of them was alive. That caught the tiefling woman by completely and utter surprise, given who it was.” How though?” She asked honestly confused.

“Ehh… I think I agree with Berry on this, we should get him out of view… And BREAK HIS LEG. I promised I will break his leg after all.” She grumbled. This guy had made her very very angry. He and that crossbow ratman that took shots at her from the building. He had likely already escaped, but yeah. Grumpy Kosara wanted bodily harm. He was defeated so she wouldn’t kill him outright, at least not on purpose. It was one thing to kill an enemy in battle another to execute him. Though she still marveled at his luck at surviving everything. ANYWAYS, back to wanting blood. She promised him broken legs damn it and she was going to get one of his legs broken. It would also stop him from running or being much of a danger.

With that she decided to follow the silversmith’s invitation and quickly moved the door and made her way inside past Marita and into the warmth and out of the rain and cold outside, joining the purple dressed bard and the mighty pig.” Thank you, Mr. Smith.” Kosara told the man, he did invite them inside after all, especially given their last encounter previously. For now she wanted to dry a bit by the fire too.” I’m sorry, Victoria. The coat got damaged.” She eventually apologized as she studied the gift’s damage now that she was out of the rain. It had gotten a few good cut and tears because of the crossbow bolts and that guy’s spear. One more reason to break his leg… or maybe an arm. Leg was better, it would hinder escape. She scattered the bloodlust thoughts aside for the time being though.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13) -> (J15)
Action: Dodge
Bonus Action: Healing 2d6(10hp)
Reaction: N/A


With that pest properly punctured by phenomenal presentation of pure power, Kosara's head sharply turned to V who acted right away and spoke up, suggesting they were best to go under the sands and hide out for the time being, so to speak. The tiefling quickly hopped a few steps to the light so she formed a line with V and Morty. Thus making sure they had people looking in all directions, with her looking at the alleyway where some of the buggers ran away into and a good overlook at the house that housed the archers... wait no, crossbowmen! Crossbow...rats? 'Ratbowmen?' She blinked in her mind, trying to figure out the correct term, but fell short so she scattered teh thoughts away. In any case she was ready to dodge at the slightest of provocation pertaining to herself and instead focused her mind, allowing the Celestial energies that filled her body constantly because of her connection with her grandpa to be channeled into her wounds.

The effect was practically instantenous as the golden celestial energies settled into the number of wound she sustained from the rats, the wounds stitched themselves up and left her skin underneath in a rather nice shade of pristine pale skin that was showing through the bloody marks left in her currently soaked clothes. Maybe she was going to have to change... or use a looooooot of prestidigitation to dry up later.

"We can grab Paranoid smith man and head back to 'base'? Well also I think it's given to say that my hunch that the Municipal building was a place of interest and involved in dark schemes was proven solid! At least now I don't need to try to sneak inside to provie it." She suggested helpfully and smiled. Now she didn't remember if she had voiced that hunch to the others, but ehhh semantics. Before showing her now missing wounds to V." And I'm good, anybody else needing a bit of healing? I can help!"

@Sigil Alright Guard two's turn! He doesn't get insta sniped by eldrich blast cause Kosara's priorities shifted since he wasn't in view and she deprioritized him.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 11/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!! on guard 1
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“You show your true colors at last!” She screamed at the annoying cowardly rat that literally disengaged away from her, avoid her neatly prepared leg that was just itching to perform a kick when he tried to run away! The nerve and to hiss at her!” I’m breaking your leg today, buddy! Come back here! Oi!” She shouted at the rat, eyes gleaming menacingly! How dare the forces of evil and cowardly tactics run away from a fight just because the enemy could fight back! She made no mindful thoughts related to the fact that THAT was called good judgment and temporary retreat. With a side glance she also noted the other related rodent guard disengage and dash away as if running for his life!

Well Blueberry Pie ran after that guy and Kosara was perfectly content with letting the fancy monk do some fancy monking and ideally punch the living lights out of the rat’s head. She would love to bury them in the sand of the desert for a day to see how they like it with all their evil deeds, but maybe another time. More pressing matter, like a blasted rat that was running away! Not on her bloody watch!

“NO… YOU… DON’T!” Kosara’s posture shifted again as she leaned forward eyes deadlocked on her target as the rat was running away. Her stance was almost beastial in it’s on way as she bared her teeth and growled words of power, fingers shifting instantly through ritualistic gestures as a crackling static noise filled her mind." CELESTIAAAAAAAL.... BLAAAAAST!" A flash of gold gathered at the middle point between her horns, a sphere of golden energy crackling and shifting for a mere moment, before it was let out. The golden beam of energy streaked through the air, hitting the target with utmost precision and utmost force. She watched with huge happy childish grin as the rat crumbled onto the puddles on the cobblestones after that hit on the back.

“VICTORY!” She stated, striking a heroic pose with a huge smile on her face.

@Sigil and Kosara has been posted. Not sure if it's guard 2's turn now. But imma tagging you to make sure since I'm not sure if the battle's endign or anything and guard two got... eldrich blasted. So yeah
a very tired bump

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 11/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!!( EVEN MOREEEE!) on guard 1
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


He stabbed her. At her exclamation of pain from being stabbed by sharp and pointy metal object that drew some blood, piercing through the flash of Mage Armor and drew a shallow line. Then the spear was pulled back followed by a second attack that luckily by combination of magical armor, dexterity and luck missed clear off her. She let out a pained angry hiss at him. His a bit beastial traits as if intensifying. She was just about to explode into a string of very pointed and angry righteous words when there was a twang… and something struck her from the right side, drawing more blood and piercing through her magical armor.” Agh!” She exclaimed as she caught sight of the crossbow bolt that had struck her.

Between both the somewhat shallow wounds she had gotten so far, they added up to somewhat serious injury that had blood flowing out of the wounds, getting washed by the rain into her clothing, staining it red and making her feel just a tad numb, but very very angry. She had heard just moment’s earlier Kathryn’s exclamation and then the shouts of the guards. Yeah they were going to try to get away. She felt the gentle magic of Marita that blessed their abilities. And then the shouts from Cavendish with his swearing basically his revenge and Kosara just about had it with all of this. Her eyes flashed and so did her horns.

“CLESTIAL BLAST!” She shouted and fired another blast of energy at the guard that had just stabbed her moment’s earlier.” Evil cowardly rats! When I’m done with you, I will break your most favorite leg like grandpa says! I don’t know how a man can have a favorite leg, but if I break both of them I’m bound to get it!” She growled at him, barring teeth an glaring most angrily at him.

Guard One next!@Sigil

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!!( AGAIN!) on guard 1
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The fight had… basically went with little difference from moment’s earlier. Others joined and then the guards decided to stab at the fallen Kathryn.” OI!” She shouted in righteous anger at them as the scuffle progressed. There were magics and skills used. Kathryn got up and joined the fight somewhere behind her where ol Grumpy was. Then suddenly the sound of shutters hitting something was heard and Kosara barely had time to follow the line of sight before seeing a pair of guards INSIDE the buildings… were they prepared or what?! And they fired crossbows! This was getting weirdly complex and honestly confusing. Berry monk was using some astral thingies of some variety that she hadn’t seen before and it looked somewhat impressive and shiny.

Moments later she felt a tingling from the music indicating that the bard was supporting her. She could practically hear the words in her head! The guards in front of her seemed rather irate, especially the one she blasted with a celestial bolt. She was NOT apologizing! He was a monster, she was certain of it now!” Don’t get all angry at me monster! And stop moving! I gotta hit you real good for attacking Kathryn while she was down!” She angry shouted at the man as the energy once more formed at her horns, forming a ball of golden light that shot out as a beam of energy at the guard she had attacked just earlier. She was going to take him out, and then kick him a few times, and possibly if she got the chance break Cravenfish’s leg! Mind you when she had heard her grandpa use that threat, he had meant an entirely different ‘leg’, but Kosara had taken it as his honest to god legs. On that note…

“I’m coming over for you two next! Cowards! Monsters! Evil! Come here and fight light men!” She shouted at the guards that were most cowardly hiding in the buildings and shooting at them.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior (J13)
Action: CELSTIAL(eldrich) BLAST!!!
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

The fight kicked it off rather quickly and by surprise, Kosara vaguely realized as Cavendish bashed Kathryn into the ground, rather impressive feat considering size differences and one that rose red flags in her mind." Hey!" She shouted in protest as the man rushed towards the door and bashed it in while ordering his men to turn Kathryn into a pincushion! The never of that man." No you don't you meanies! Don't you hurt my friend!" She shouted at the two guards with the spears as she turned to face them, face locked in justified glorious childish like expression of anger as she stared at one of the guards.

Her posture lightly hunched forward as she pointed her harns at the man." CELETIAL BLAST!" She shouts as sparkles of golden gather at the middle point between her horns and unleashing a point blank beam of golden energies right at him! It hits true, searing at him with just fury! In return Kosara hears a really loud hissing from the man. Why is he hissing, he isn't a snake! Though the reflection of dim red from his eyes gives her a momentary pause before she narrows her own eyes in fury and bares her teeth. They had explored and investigated enough so far. They had information that there were wererats here and possibly other monsters like coffin and tree goblins! Maybe even many others more! This just confirmed it in her mind." YOU ARE A MONSTER AND I SHALL DEFEAT YOU!" She growls, eyes darting between the two men now as she pointed a finger at the men!


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara had fun dancing in the rain and in the puddles. Correction, she had a LOT of fun! Splashing about was just so satisfying, even when she heard the pastry named dragonborn call out to her a few times to get her to stop because she’s apparently splashing him too. She just giggled and continued dancing. Well it wasn’t that bad, surely! Just a bit of water! She just danced, not like she was targeting him specifically. She was sending water everywhere around her with stomping or spinning. She wished it rained like this back home, it would be one incredible spectacle to dance under rain for a public! Maybe she could learn a spell or find an enchanted artifact that would make it possible? She had to send the idea to her family, if they could figure it out, it would certainly make the Oasis even more popular and bustling!

Eventually she turned to look at him briefly when he posed a question and just laughed a bit and nodded as she spun around, sending her braid flying. It was actually shifting her mass a bit because of how wet it was, but not enough to hinder her. Just enough to make it behave differently than normal and she liked how weighty it felt.” No!” She replied and did another spin with a huge grin on her face.” I’m from the desert, so there’s hardly any rain and even when there’s any, it’s way shorter and weaker. I don’t know we’ve ever had rain like this back home. I mean I saw it rained more up north when I began traveling here, but I never stopped enough to pay attention so far! Such a mistake on my part!” She quickly added, giving him a huge grin briefly before hopping away, only to nearly slip and fall over when she heard a certain grumpy constable that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Alright that wasn’t right, she had lightly noted somebody making music, but didn’t expect it to be Mr Grumpy.

“Hello Mr Sir Constable Cavendish! Also company!” Kosara chose to greet him loudly, energetically and with a huge happy smile as she did a salute in the rain, sending water about again. Also didn’t miss to greet the constable’s stooges. Had to be noted, she was happy enough right now to call him by his real name without butchering it in some form or another subconsciously. Him appearing wasn’t going to BREAK her fun. No sir! That said, she tried to be a bit loud and hoped that anybody inside the silversmith might note the chaos outside. Kosara would have no qualms escalating things into a fisticuffs for the right reasons, but she wasn’t sure what was happening, despite strong leanings that Mr Grumpy was possibly part of the ones up to no good. So she attempted to give a bit of a warning to the folk inside. Wasn’t sure if they’d hear, but it was worth a shot.” Thank you! It’s very fun!” She quipped and hopped nearby.” Why would you want him to resist though? Aren’t men of law always wanting people to resist less cause it makes it easier?” The pale tiefling also asked, voice completely filled with curiosity this time around. It was a fair question she wanted to hear the answer to. Usually in her travels most guards grumbled about extra work while Mr Cravenfish seemingly wanted MORE work. Did he like fighting that much?

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, exterior
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With the joyous use of her cloak and the coat, Kosara was MOSTLY relatively dry with the exception of her head. She really needed a fancy hat that would allow her to protect at least the top of her head form the rain! Maybe one like V’s, but with holes for the horns? Possibilities, possibilities, or a bigger cloak that she could hood over her head despite her horns. That was also a possible solution and admittedly she could have put her own current cloak over her head as if it was a blanket and it might work… mostly. She didn’t think of it though.

Silversmith’s place was calm...ish? Yes that was a proper word or maybe it wasn’t? Kosara wasn’t really sure if it could be considered calm if they knew that for a fact on the inside there was a very paranoid and irrational man that had a crossbow. On the outside it was calm though, and the rain was making everything have this almost pleasant feel to it. She was starting to get used to being wet too by now as she hid under a ledge by one of the buildings while the negotiations crew went to start talking to the man. She vaguely noticed the door opening as she instead looked around and he attention focused on something she hadn’t paid attention to so far. As the rain gently fell it formed puddles across the roads. The rain drops made tiny splashes as they made contact with the ground.

While everybody was busy doing their own thing, she kneed down to look at the rain making tiny splashed closer. There wasn’t much if any rain in the desert. She had seen rain when she came to the north, but this was the first time she had actually nothing else to focus on, it was always usually something or other. Now as they were waiting outside, her idle hands and mind caught onto the rain and it’s many curiosities. She paid little attention to the happenings as she instead followed the way to a rather big puddle in the road where many raindrops were falling and making noise and rather pretty splashes before she did the only logical thing that anybody who hadn’t seen puddles before would do. With both feet she hopped into the puddle, splashing it’s water everywhere, including onto her pants and blinked at it. It was kinda like playing in the oasis, but different. She looked up at the rain that fell on her face and grinned at the dark crying skies. She had a childish glee as she spun around, sending water all around herself as she stomped and spun around. Her long and wet braid, now rather heavy also spun.” Hehehee!” She giggled in joy, happily splashing about in the water, stomping and kicking about, sending happy splashes. She didn’t even notice the door opening until the smith exclaimed rather loudly and only turned about to see Kathryn going there, before refocusing on the puddles and the rain and resuming her improvised watery dance of joy, not minding the fact that said energetic dance of joy was making her pants and coat rather wet also, with all the water splashing about. Nor who would have to clean the thing later.

This was part of why she chose to journey away from home! Back in the desert she’d never get a chance to play in the rain. Wondering about it, while dancing under the pretty rain, she pondered briefly how many other interesting things she may have missed on her way here, so busy to see everything and unable to keep up. Well she had time, all the time and was hearing that this Snow thing that was apparently similar to ice was gonna happen before long. She knew ice, cause of magic, but snow? Snow was something she hadn’t experienced so far and really wanted to also see snowfall. She was told that watching the falling snow was an experience even better than watching the falling rain! She didn’t know if it was nearly as fun though. Splashing about in the rain was amazing!
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