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@ONL there we go, typos that software found fixed and all that.
What you call typos, I call creative writing :3 xD No worries will give it the olde double check tonight.
we are live folks! Time to place bets for survival! Also prepare goats, we gonna need them for sacrifices.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bob's Public House -> En Route to Silversmith
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Hmm? Alright.” Kosara stated and nodded energetically her white haired head as she was finishing putting on her outer clothing and then her bags on, resuming her earlier state of somewhat energetic traveler. Adventuring was dangerous business and she was glad she had people to adventure with. Now if said people wanted to adventure in this case was a question not asked for they weren’t given much of a choice. There was evil, there were ratmen and they were now involved in this madness even if they didn’t want to. Chances are escape wasn’t possible, fighting out in the darkness in the wild would probably be harder, but likely way much more heroic.

Without much fanfare, but not without eagerness and energy, she hopped after her bardly friend out of the barn right after Berry and Kathryn.” Makes sense… mr silversmith and our friends means that ratmen would likely come after us anyways. So… maybe our holing up would serve as a bait for them to focus on us rather than causing too much chaos?” Kosara suggested at the warrior’s words as they made their way outside of the nice and cozy warm inn. Back into the humid, dark and chilly outside. She shuddered visibly just walking out despite her warm coat. She had gotten rather comfortable by the fireplace after all.

“But… I can fire golden lights? And fire? Holy fire?” She had blinked at Berry.” I mean, grandpa asked if I wanted to also learn to fire lightning from my fingertips, but I declined at the time. I instead learned to summon an unseen servant to help me with the chores back home at the oasis and around grandpa’s cave, allowing me to spend more time on truly productive tasks!” She explained, her reason behind learned said spell over the alternative destructive one. Kosara was many things, but she didn’t really consciously mean anybody harm. Except evil of course. That and well… the logic behind her priorities was something that likely only she understood at times and at others, it was a logic so simple and to the point that it was notable in it’s own way.

“Hey night’s fast approaching, want me to create some light? I can make 3 sources of light, though one will drop if a fight happens for I must then cast other spells.” She asked as she was hopping behind her friends and fellow adventurers, jumping from one leg to the other in the movement forward, though she did try to avoid puddles.

@ONL beeeeeeen waaaaaaaaaaaaay toooo long, I don't even remember her anymore xD and mostly sure I've lost the archives of that character along the time.
Will go with a character based off one of these, just not sure which one yet.

Well, well, oh well, supernatural adventure schenanigans, eldrich hindrances and lovely insanity! How can I say no to TIME if they are hiring xD?

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was thinking hard and possibly trying to reach mental connection that may or may not be there, but eventually as it was really just her overworking her little brain, gazing into the fire and thinking happy thoughts, that fire danced in a really pretty way. So pretty way that in fact Kosara halfway gave in to the great snooze and somewhat drifted into sleepy thoughts still sitting by the warm and cozy fire. She did not fall asleep completely, but it was all a rather haze of sounds and words that made their way through the nice dreamy haze, making her let out soft snoozing sounds. She liked napping as much as she liked dancing and being active. Kosara liked a lot of things… happy thoughts and dreams of endless golden dunes, women in veil clothes dancing across sandstone floors, music and the noise of life at a tavern, the gentle silver light of the moon… golden scales that gleamed in the sun and moon lights…

Days and nights spend around a fire much like this one, talking with her grandfather as he taught her magic and what’s right and wrong. The origins of stars and world… and what powers might one day be at her disposal. Suddenly a cold current briefly made its way inside the building, causing the currently almost topless Kosara’s skin to shiver in a way akin to the ways it did when one went too unclothed into the late night desert when the temperatures dropped and her sleepy eyes suddenly snapped open as she bolted upright like a snake had snuck into her lap. All memories, dreams and hazy mind once more forming into coherent whole.” HE’S LIKE ME!” She exclaimed in realization, blinking and looking around.” Cloverwish… Cavendish, he’s probably like me! A warlock as grandpa called me!”

Suddenly realizing that Kathryn was standing, others looked serious and she was just confused for a moment.” Hmmm… what did I miss? Is it time to go?” She asked, merrily and hopped into her seat once more, buttoning up her shirt and putting on her nice gifted coat once more.” I tried to see if I can reach Grandpa and ask him for advice or to see if he can help with reaching a message to the Sheriff, but I couldn’t… anyhow I remembered! If Constable badguy wasn’t an overly magical originally and now wields magic, he’s probably a warlock! Like me…. Well not exactly like me, he’s probably a bad warlock! He vanished earlier, right? There are spells that can do that, Grandpa had suggested them to me, but I wanted to learn to heal instead.”
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