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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Mmm… yes. Survival works too.” Kosara nodded to Marita very logical suggestion that meshed really well with the hunker down and survive the night point she too had made just earlier. Only question was as of where they should stay and defend tonight. Marita had also made a point of protecting their new friends and Kosara very much agreed with that, though she had no idea where the L’Rose’s were right now and had the feeling none of them really knew that bit of information either. Unless somebody did and they were keeping quiet that is.

“I’m not sure if there’s a place we know that we can really use to make our defense that’s going to be of better use than this building… or the hayloft.” Kosara quipped from the side.” At least we’ve not been anywhere, well maybe Mr Silversmith, but I don’t think he will want to house us… maybe we should try a temple? Are there any temples? Temples will probably want to help against an infestation of ratmen, right? Cause temples are from stone… probably and the hayloft and the public house have a lot of flammable wood. If it resumes raining, it might be safer.” She asked, blinking at her friends. ” As for the L’Rose’s, does anybody know where we can find them?”

She just peered at Berry in confusion when he didn’t like the idea of burning out the nest. Well yes, getting other buildings on fire might be a problem, but as far as she could remember the Municipal building was well enough separated with a wall and everything… unless she was mistaken, which was also possible. In any case, burning that out, especially if it was the base of the ratmen, would mean they both take away a base of em and make them panicked. Both good things. He did bring the point about a way in.” The main entrance’s mostly open… I mean there were gates, but we did drop barrels by the gates, so they must be able to be opened to get stuff inside, if we want to go in, we just do it the same way. A door cannot handle too much Celestial Blasts before shattering, probably.”

“They probably have easy time navigating buildings… Earlier they were ambushing us from inside those houses too.” Kosara pointed out.” We cannot fight on the streets because it’s likely to end the same way. I’m not even sure how they ended inside, we never tried to get into those buildings ourselves afterwards.” The tiefling grumbled, starting to recall the rat they left behind. Was he alive? He was alive… why didn’t they kill him again? Ohh yes, Kathryn. She owed her some talking sternly to her about it later!” Well… I blast them with a lot of magic next time and hopefully this time they don’t dance as much. I’m up to do anything the rest of you all decide in the end. I don’t need much resting to recover! Not sure if splitting up is a good idea though, what if constable rat arrives again and catches us split up?” She pipped up in the end.

In the end she took on a thoughtful look. She then bolted to the nearest fireplace and sat by it on her knees focusing real hard.’ Grandpa, grandpa! There are evil ratmen here and they are hurting people and tore up my coat that was a gift! We think it might be best to send word to another town where there’s a sheriff! What do I do, can you help? Or advise? Please?’ She began thinking ‘REALLY LOUDLY’…. Probably. Her Grandpa was her pact patron. Even if she never referred to him as anything aside Grandpa and his name. Sometimes she felt he always watched over her, other times he would keep silent. This was the first time she really needed his wisdom and advising so far away from home. Could he even hear her all the way here? Was her ‘thinking loudly’ even really something that reached him? All the other times she often needed him, she’d just run to his cave, but now his cave was months of traveling away.
@Sigil posted,but from phone cause work. If there are mistakes or something to edit I will be sure to fix once I get home.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


"It's not that big of a difference. Back home we use flat bread to wrap stuff in all the time and it's closer to a sandwich!" Kosara defended the wrapping techniques about making sandwiches. Alright it was NOT a sandwich thing for certain, if there was a certain way to make them, but she was gonna stubbornly stick to her position out of sheer desire to be a contrarian about it with Kathryn right now. They can call her petty and childish, but she would prefer to be referred as willful if anything. Also... she wasn't childish!

Suddenly she grinned from ear to ear at Kathryn's next statement. The tiefling woman looked quite smug right now as she made herself most comfortable on her chair and looked the warrior woman in the eyes." Ahh, but you do agree it's a sandwich then!" She snickered, having gotten the win on their debate. Kathryn had maybe unintentionally had a slip of the tongue or just decided to humor the white haired woman, but the end result was a smug and happy Kosara that had decided that this was her win.

"That you did, V !" The tiefling chirped happily as the platters if food were put on the table and to be honest with her argument won, now if the other party considered that the case or not, was not really relevant to her childish joy and personality, her stubbornness and focus had taken a sudden drop and other things were getting priority... like food to eat and not just talk about.

With the great sandwich debate left behind, Kosara took to the food, but before taking off her shirt, leaving herself in her dancer top she wore underneath. The place was warm enough and she needed to take things off for a bit. Wearing that many layers was not something she was used to. Sadly she could only hope that Kat took some inspiration and takes off some of thst metal, Kosara wasn't forgetting those muscles anytime soon. Now feeling a bit more free and with her mood on the rise, she took food, picking only tasty things unlike Kathryn's balanced diet, though not much in quantity since she was going to eat just a little.

When the topic of what to do for the evening was brought up, she looked around." Well... not many choices I think. We either hole up and try to stand and survive the night or we go out and go for the offensive." Kosara stated as she childishly played with her food." We could try to burn their nest at the municipal building. Pretty sure it's there, since they barred access. Alternatively we could try to go out and bait them to come to us at a chosen location." She finished her simple ideas and returned to her food.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Thank you, Miss Lea!” Kosara replied energetically to the nervous wreck of a young woman that at this moment looked like a person of auspicious blessing that would bring food to their tables! She gave Lea a most sincere wide smile. Kosara was a person that wore her emotions on her sleeves most of the time… possible problem was that her mood swings were common and all over the place. As clearly expressed when Kathryn, the cause of her current general pouting mood, pipped into the food narrative with a heretical thought! Her gaze slowly turned towards her favorite, but currently angry-able buffed warrior woman.” Maybe… we should replace the bread with apple slices… yes applies, bacon and cheese! It will probably go great with the bacon and cheese.” She gave a stare at Kathryn, like a kid that wanted to see if her current efforts were annoying somebody.

While Marita was having what would only be likened to ‘adults talk’, the type of talk that was how most adults did in serious situations, Kosara’s pouting and irked kitten state was surprisingly interfered with when Bluebarry pie monk walked over to join in the sandwich discussion! Much better topic than talking about Grumpy Cavefish, the constable. His interruption brought a huge grin to Kosara’s face.” See, Berry gets it!” She stuck her tongue at Kathryn in victory.

Then just as V was getting into the serious talk she brought up a fine point about their Grumpy Coverstable.” Ohh, you mean he’s got somebody like Grandpa to teach him and allow him to use magic?” She blinked at V in a bit of a surprise.” Well it cannot be Grandpa… Grandpa’s good and wouldn’t help people like him, but he did say that the world was vast and there are others that aren’t as good and that they help people do bad things for favors or something.” The tiefling dancer supposed, thinking of what she had seen so far. She had no idea who would help constable Grumpyratface to play with the other rats and do evil things. Unless it was the king of the rats! A brief flash of a big fat rat with a crown on it’s head showed up briefly in her head before it got scattered when V moved the topic to having a good tasty warm drink.” Mmm… yes!, great idea!” She quipped and hanged her back on the chair she decided to sit on. She also took off her coat.

“Hey, Marita, would holy water help with the ratmen?” She looked over to the cleric and asked.” Grandpa’s magic was effective on them, would thrown holy water on them help? Or maybe fire? Grandpa says that fire helps with everything if used properly. I think he meant monsters, but I’m not too sure on that one.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, Outside-> Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Merry Kosara, with a shining goal set for her, was a Kosara that was not getting into too much troubles. As evident by the fact that once V had gotten her on the path of getting back to the Public House and keeping up with her on the front of the group, she more or less completely forgot to pay attention to where Kathryn was depositing their capture along the way. Mind you, that might have been a bad thing in the long run since Kosara was still most certainly up to silencing him and ending any mortal, circumstantial, lesser or even imaginary dangers that he represented to her friends and the townfolk. As it stood however was that she missed where Kathryn put him and only when they arrived at their destination did she realize she had been had! Trickery! Treachery! Betrayal! She gave Kathryn a very angry kitten glare.

On the topic of what had transpired she pouted in the side. Kathryn was getting a nagging of the era later. They were going to have words one sidedly and she was going to hear exactly why letting that creature live was a bad idea and why she should have just finished him off once he proved for certain he was dangerous, evil and evilly dangerous... also dangerously evil.” They take can take a beating... grandpa's magic works well though.” Kosara helpfully chimed in from the side and took off her bag, putting it on an empty table nearby, before taking off her coat again and shacking her head energetically to get some water off her.” Should have tried to hit Cloverfish with a Celestial Blast, but I was busy fighting some others... and getting shot by crossbows...” She halted and turned to show her righteous(kitten) fury at Kathryn.

“I will be good to go with a rather quick rest, nothing too long really.” She added and made her way to the closest place of warmth nearby.” But for what's it worth with the rats, it seems they really don't like magic. Like... REALLY don't like magic. When we showed magic, they got loud and really energetic in attacking us... so... magic hurts them good I think.”

“Hey, Mr. Robert, is there any CHEESE and BACON I can buy? I'm a bit peckish and I want to make a sandwich.” She asked, accenting the words and looking in challenge at Kathryn.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, Outside
Action: Pact Weapon summon~!
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


For a difference from the usual state of affair, Kosara was now giving Kathryn the angry pout expression since the warrior woman of giant muscle renown was refusing to see reason on the topic and white tiefling was already planning the rat’s demise as soon as Kathryn let go of him somewhere. She wasn’t taking chances with the party well-being nor the townfolks’. This rat was a pest and a menace and she was utterly convinced he was evil judging by his expression just a few moments earlier.

Her righteous and justified plans for murder were suddenly interrupted when V walked over to her and Kosara turned her entire focus and attention at her bardly friend in glorious purple.” Ehh it wasn’t too tense... it might not be a bad idea though. I do want to rest a bit more and maybe something to snack on.” Kosara nodded to V, seemingly entirely missing the sarcastic notes in her voice.” Yes!” And like that a certain rat pest was (ALMOST) entirely forgotten as tiefling swung her hand with a flourish and aimed down south where V was heading. A scimitar with a golden handle with a horse head pummel formed in her hand.” Onwards.” She cheerfully quipped and put the sword away before running after V to catch up and go along with her friend. She made sure to keep on the opposite side of wherever Kathryn ends of the bard though. Kosara was being angry with her and was going to ignore her for the time being. Later she was going to give her an earful about the dangers of pesky enemies that shouldn’t be treated like friends just because they are defeated. Also because she was RIGHT!

“I want a warm Cheese and Bacon sandwich! Also spiced wine.” She stated eventually and cheerfully, on the topic of food and drink to be gotten when they get to rest a bit. The spiced wine was natural of course, but why the sandwich one might ask? Well Kosara recalled Kathryn’s reaction to it earlier and she was going to do it again just o mess with her! No she was NOT being childish. It was just the right punishment of irritation for her knightly half giant friend for not listening to reason.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, interior → Outside
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“What do you mean?” She asked cutely at V, head tilting in confusion at the question. She wasn’t suicidal… probably. She didn’t think so? The tiefling was just trying to make a dialogue with whomever was on the other side of the door! It never hurt to be cordial and friendly with people!

Ohh it was going down now. Kosara was going to hurt that rat badly. He was proven multiple times that he was a menace and evil and his wicked grin was about the most certain prove she needed. He was not repentant in any way shape of form as far as she was concerned and she didn’t pay any attention to the door for a bit as she turned around and glared at the rat, golden sparkles dancing across her horns as she was preparing to blast him to proper death this time around. She gave the ‘I told you so’ glare at Kathryn for her continued defense of the little rodent. Her attempts at solving the situation didn’t seem very good, but it was cute. Kathryn trying subterfuge was adorable!

Sadly her momentary distraction with a half-giant’s adorable attempts at subterfuge and misdirection cost her the chance to finish off the rat menace once and for all as a decently loud bonk was heard. Kosara looked with absolute awe and admiration as the cleric had whacked the bastard with her mace over the head!” Yay!” The tiefling childishly cheered at the sight, grinning like a child that god a gift.” See, perfect.” She told Kathryn and looked at the others while still grinning, noting that Berry was suggesting to leave quickly and Mr Smith of Silver Mallard seemed in agreement Kosara nodded.” Alright, just let me pick my clothes first!” She called loudly and probably rather wrong choice of words, but eh details as she darted over to the fireplace, picking up her things, putting them on in motion and rushing out the back door. She will kill the rat later… Not like they could just bring him along anyways. She was still wondering why they were even keeping him alive.

“And out~ Thank you Berry.” She chirped as she stomped out of the door in the light rain again, having rushed past Berry that had held the door open for them. Now she just needed a good chance to Celestial Blast the rat into oblivion and save everybody the troubles he would bring. Both the townfolk and the party's...

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, interior
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Yes, he is probably very much worse!” Kosara half agreed and altered Kathryn’s words back at her.” That disarmed prisoner would have been ready to skewer you the first moment he had the chance to do so, likely would do so and if the situation was reversed, he most certainly wouldn’t offer you the same courtesy you are trying to display here.” She growled glaring at the rat that was now mostly hidden behind the warrior.” What about this curse thing? Should he spread it further? What then?”

“Ohh I know perfectly well I’m on the side of good. Grandpa taught me well. Lots of ways to help people. You help by healing people… you destroying evil least it spreads it’s corruption also helps people. Breaking his legs is hardly a torture, it’s a means to ensure compliance and safety of others.” She was very adamant on her point of view on this one.” So you want to take responsibility for this…?” She narrowed her eyes at Kathryn now, expression very much displaying a very deep contemplation. Now the degree of contemplation was up to debate seeing this was Kosara we were talking about here, but who can ever really say. In the end after a REALLY long judging stare her eyes took in a look of pity and disappointment.” You are choosing to defend evil just cause it’s harmless now… Fine.” She finally stated, not even angry anymore. She just sounded very disappointed as she looked away from Kathryn.”I perfectly reserve the right to say I told you so later when this stupidity bites us in our very well shaped hinds. Possibly literally…” With that she turned around and her back to Kathryn to sulk by the fire.

Finally her attention shifted to the door where apparently somebody else had decided to engage in banging on a door. In the end she just stared at the door for a bit before walking over and starting to bang on the inner side of the door instead.” Hey, can come in only if you know the secret knock! Do you know the secret knock? Mr silversmith doesn’t allow people in without the secret knock took me ages and a nice song to figure it out earlier! Who are you anyways?” She asked without opening the door.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, interior
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara just gave a semi energetic nod of confirmation with her head at Berry’s gratitude. She was still pouting after all. She stopped for a bit, looked at him and nodded again.” No worries, I help anytime.” Her voice cheerful and her expression a smile, before she looked at ratman, frowned, frowned even deeper, made a hissing face and turned back to the flames to pout even harder. Resting while pouting was her goal now. With the occasional smile cause she just couldn’t NOT smile at people.

When Kathryn tried to be kind at their villainous rodent captive, Kosara channeled her inner raging fury and gave a glare. Well it wasn’t much of a glare… maybe an inclination of one? Just a bit? Point being she was outraged in her own little way. This was most definitely a bad guy that Kathryn was talking to, there was no question there. He stabbed her well enough to make that point… Was it a few times? Maybe two? She didn’t really remember anymore, point was he hurt her and she wasn’t in forgiving mood for evil doers.” He’s a bad rat! We shouldn’t be giving him food and water! We should break his little limbs and make sure he cannot hurt anyone! He’s here for information, not to be treated like a guest! Start breaking limbs or something until he squeaks the answers!” Kosara finally couldn’t take it anymore and hissed, glaring at the rat.

“He stabbed me! A few times at least! He shouldn’t be left to simply heal up and possibly later go and hurt other people! What if he targets somebody else later who cannot defend themselves or survive a stab with a spear? Defeated enemies are STILL enemies! And MOST IMPORTANTLY” Kosara puffed up her cheeks.” ...he damaged my coat! It was a gift! Stop treating him like a friend! He’s the same as the coffin goblin maybe worse!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Silversmith's, interior
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Alright Mr Mallard.” She eventually quipped back to the silversmith after having the realization of the fact that he was a smith not a Smith. Very different things those. A mr Smith and a mr smith were not the same things and only the vocal intonation differentiated those, something that she had trouble with in these foreign lands. Most things were understandable enough, but on occasion some things would slip. She did have huge pout at the fact she wasn’t allowed to break the rat’s leg still.” Yeah, getting back would probably be a good idea. We can rest there and then before figuring our next course of action.” She agreed with Kathryn on this one." As for the L'Roses, where could we send them in expedient manner? It's not exactly safe to travel the roads and nobody could ensure they wouldn't be chased after or that they wouldn't encounter tree goblins."

She paid a bit of attention to the work that V was performing and her rituals. Those were interesting in their execution in a way that probably only bardic ritualists of their purple clad fabulous entertainer’s group could. Kosara herself was more used to a bit more traditional rituals involving stuff like sacrifices, fires and other various things. There were those present here too, but the lack of desert related influences was quite distinctive. The possible mention of that hammer being something negative had her glare at the thing with as much kitten fury Kosara could muster, but in the end her attention was snapped away from the bard and to their stirring guest. She was eyeing his legs every now and then, contemplating the possibility of jumping over and stomp on one of those and if she would be intercepted. She really didn’t understand what the issue was. It was non lethal way of punishment that would ensure he couldn’t escape or be a danger to anybody anytime soon. Granted maybe he could heal faster? She wasn’t completely sure on that one and if wererats could heal faster, but still it would take him out of commission for a while.

“Hmmmph.” She grumbled and went over to where her coat was drying by the fire and just plopped back down next to the fire now that she had healed the fancy dragon berry pie monk. She decided to just take the time to stand by the warm fire and rest until they were ready to head back out again, but she did KEEP an eye on the rat. It would take a single well placed Celestial Blast to make a mess of him if he tried anything!
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