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so how are my eldrich trolling friends?

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Road to Mallard's --> Outside Mallard's
Action: Cantrip – Light on her sword.
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Alright! I’m going to make some light!” Kosara happily quipped at the human part of the party’s agreement with the benefits of artificial light to illuminate the darkness that was Avonshire after sunset. She saw rather well in the darkness herself, but Martina and Kathryn were humans so they wouldn’t. She wasn’t completely sure about V and Berry though. Still everybody would see better with lights and rats probably saw well in darkness. Light maybe bad for them? She could hope. So she focused on making the one object she was holding that would make for a fine light source… her scimitar! Sure it was a magical scimitar, but it made it only better! It would probably break the cantrip if she dismissed the pact weapon, but as long as she kept it present, the spell should hold. So with a bit of focus, some gestures, happy thoughts and other spell secrets that she was not probably allowed to mention, but she would if anybody asked, golden light began shining from the sword, bathing those present.” See, I can make light like this. Any one of you wants to also carry a light source? I can probably maintain one more easily enough and I can always transfer this one to one of you too if 2 of you want to have the light sources instead.” She explained happily, now that they had a source of proper light in this place that was rapidly getting darker and more depressing. There was evil lurking behind every corner!

“We can hope, Kathryn. Ratmen are probably scary thing.” Kosara nodded sagely at the warrior woman’s theory that people may have decided to hunker down for the night and lock themselves in tight just in case. It was probably the only and best course of action most would have. Kosara much doubted they left, not in this weather, well maybe some did, but it didn’t seem possible the entire town did? As she understood it, towns had way more people than simple villages and even villages sometimes had a lot of people. Also there were forest goblins lurking in the outskirts of the city. They killed some, but who knew if there were more out there. She could only hope people would be save tonight and that they manage to deal with whatever it was that’s going down before it could get worse. Before long they arrived before the glorious smithy of mr silversmith – Mallard. She blinked as Kathryn went on to do some serious beating on the door. She didn’t participate this time though, she just looked around and at the rest of the party.” So any takers to carry magical lights?”
and posted!

Eleonora Estelle

Location: TIME Agency office - Downtown Arkham
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: (Education/Knowledge Roll - 97 fail)

“Shuttup...” Eleonora growled, feeling the annoying buzzing of a doorbell. It was early morning… probably. Yeah it most certainly was, judging from the unholy abomination called sunlight that was making it’s way through the curtains that she had in her stupidity forgotten to pull over to block the windows before going to bed last night. Well she had better things to worry about back then. Well maybe worry was a wrong word as the killer headache was making itself known with all it’s wild fury of a racing stampede of mustangs across the plains.

Growling at the incessant noise that was killing her everything right now, she pulled herself out of her rather comfortable bed, still dressed in her silken nightgown and downed the glass of water on the nightstand by the bed. It helped a touch…. Just a touch. Not even minding her state of general undress aside the nightgown that really didn’t hide all that much, she dragged herself over to the front door where the killing noise was coming from her doorbell.” WHAT!?” She half growled, half shouted as she pulled the door open in a violent manner, glaring murdering daggers. Sexy nightware not withstanding, her hair was a mess, her eyes were red and her eyeshadows were dark enough to make her appear rather scary. What turned out to be the source of her wrath, was a young man, probably no more than 13 years of age. The kid’s eyes bugged out at her appearance, stammered, flushed and reached out a messenger note to her which she grabbed and slammed the door shut afterwards, dragging herself to the bedroom once more, sitting on the bed and after finally working her head through the headache, reading the note.

“Huh… of course, it had to be today.” She cursed under her breath. Rubbing her eyes and standing up, nearly tripping this time, having stumbled over one of the empty bottles from last night. Drunken flashes coursed through her mind, mostly disjointed as she made her way to the bathroom and proceeded to do with her mourning routine of showering with somewhat cool water and other morning health necessities including cleaning her teeth and mouth very well. Had to maintain decent smile despite all the alcohol and smoking after all.

The message had arrived in early morning, dawn barely arriving, so 2 hours later she was ready with everything, cleaned up, dressed properly and makeup applied to resume her usual appearance for those outside her home. Chewing on some ground coffee, she walked out of her home and headed to the agency. The cool morning air would help her wake up faster she surmised, especially with the raw coffee.


Wrapped in her black long coat and with her head protected from the chill by the humble black fedora, Ellie made her way inside the TIME agency’s office where she had been called. A sight for sore eyes, was the visage of the familiar secretary that manned the desk. The woman greeted her without missing a beat, professional that one was. Eleonora took off her coat and hat, putting them on the hanger.” Merci, love. I will hurry in that case. Though before I go, I must say, you look very beautiful this morning. We should well arrange an outing one of these days. Mayhaps a coffee?” She half flirted half complimented, hiding a wince as the sound of drumming type writer was like a rather uncomfortable approximation of big drums right by her ears. Coffee, cold and water helped, but didn’t magic hangover away. It just made it easier to manage the symptoms.” Well better not keep Harry waiting, see you later, love.” She added and headed into the office.

“Bonjour, Harry.” She greeted with a sultry smile, making her way into the man’s office and taking a seat as close to the window as possible to keep an eye out, she also noted that she was the first to arrive. That was funny, considering her state in the morning. In any case since the man was already smoking, she made sure to pull her own cigarette and light it up, taking a puff from it. In any case as the others began to arrive, she was a bit overly focused on fighting a hangover without looking such, so she just kept a neutral face, half closed eyes and silently smoking her cigarette. When the music was finally lowered down, she was quite grateful actually, though her eyebrows furrowed at the question that followed. Ellie tried to recall, but she couldn’t really remember hearing the name right now. At least not without any sort of context. If he was rich as it seemed, she may be ware of something related to the man, but by name alone? Right now she was drawing blank.

“Considering I just woke up and didn’t know the man was missing before that messenger arrived, I can’t say that I remember the name from anywhere. Might come back to me later though in different context.” She replied, taking a puff from her smoke once more, leaving faint red lipstick marks on the cigarette butt as she did, eyes focusing at Peacock.” If he’s that rich, it’s all the more weird nobody knows where he is. Men with money… well they tend to have people following their every move in attempts to curry favor or just try to make use of em.” She mused, taking another puff from the cigarette.” Any specific reason his attorney contacted US rather than the police? Surely there was more information given about this case than simply ‘ go find him’.” She quipped.
@ONL there we go, typos that software found fixed and all that.
What you call typos, I call creative writing :3 xD No worries will give it the olde double check tonight.
we are live folks! Time to place bets for survival! Also prepare goats, we gonna need them for sacrifices.
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