Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A Location: Avonshire - > On the Road Action: N/a Bonus Action: N/a Reaction: N/a | ![]() |
The time following directly after the battle was a bit of a blur of fatigue, pain, stress and not a small degree of general mood drop, especially for Kosara who had taken some pretty serious hits during the fighting and whatever happened at the end with the spooky voice. Mind you she didn’t even remember the spooky voice, but it didn’t make her feel any better with the growing fatigue in the following day. Bidding goodbye to some people, helping others, generally try to make sure everything was mostly safe now… very very tiring day following a deadly struggle with little to no sleep.
In the end though by the time that they had went to bed the next night, with only SOME paranoia on Kosara’s part, she was so dead tired that no amount of potential ratmen lurking around could keep her awake.
Only rather than the expected nightmares or mayhaps the blissful oblivion of dreamless night, her dreams were filled with the warm golden presence of a familiar being. Her Grandpa had reached out to her. His words filled her with much pride and happiness in ways that few things could. She truly considered him as her family and his opinions mattered a lot to her. His admittance of interfering to get a letter was something that only made her let out a knowing giggle. The words about the future change and how it would be both scary at times made her afraid, but as a whole as the dreams settled down with a scent of Jasmine and Spring water, she was finally allowed to rest. The first true rest she had since she left home and the last one she was going to have in a while…
The following days when the Sheriff arrived were once more very hectic, which was expected all things considered. They did after all arrive in town for an investigation only to end in a fight to the death for the presumed survival of the townsfolk against wererats of all things and apparently undead rat abominations or something along those lines of those big ones were to be considered. The arrival of soldiers to bolster defenses and settle the order in Avonshire were a thing that Kosara approved off a lot though. People needed safety and in difference to Cavendish’s men these folks seemed serious about their job.
Their rewards came with probably less than ideal fanfare, well scratch that, for all the fatigue and general stress that Kosara was suffering in silence, she took to her journal with very much a lot of fanfare as she got a hold of the empty book and spun around with it in her arms a few times. The gold was also taken with a bit of an afterthought as she rushed to make the first page on her new journal. Old one was almost done, just a couple of pages left, she had to prepare the opening page of this one well in advance with neat writing and maybe a drawing.
A visit to the Honey Barn was more or less mandatory for Kosara who wanted to check in on the women working there. Much to her relief, it was MOSTLY safe from damage even if some people might have been missing. The talks about performing there didn’t bore fruit though because of everything that transpired and Kosara not really being quite in the mental condition to perform, but she did bid everybody there good luck and best of health before departing with her utmost sincere apologies that she couldn’t perform. Luckily Madam Marcie didn’t press the issue for which Kosara was grateful.
In the days following the fight as Kosara found herself a bit more settled down even if just as much stressed and she could swear there were things around always out of sight, but taunting her at the edge of her awareness or the way everything just felt… different, even herself. In any case she had eventually figured to take a stroll around Avonshire to get some shopping done for souvenirs and general goodies. She had the gold now and felt very right to buy some trinkets and general accessories. So she spend a day shopping before returning shortly before sunset, not wanting to be outside during night alone. By the time she had returned back to the others, her bag was now filled to the brim with all kinds of various things. Chief among them the nice set of tools for cooking so she could show the others some of the cooking from her home later. That had cost her a nice shiny gold coin, but all things considered she was pretty sure it was well worth the cost. With that there was also a bag of ball bearings. Now what a tiefling dancer might do with all the shiny balls you might ask? Well.. she wasn’t sure, but they were so many, and shiny and she figured she’d find them a purpose later. That was another gold coin spent.
Finally the last… well many last purchases were the all kinds of knick-knacks, jewelries and accessories for a total sum of around 10 gold coins that she got from around town in various stores and carts. Nothing like what dancers wore back home, but there were all kinds of shiny chains of various makes, bells and many more. Would make for good gifts back home.
When they had finally departed down the road, Kosara had just stayed riding on the wagon, sitting in the back, holding her old journal, trying to write something at the final pages, that despite the rocking shouldn’t have turned out as jagged looking as it did. All the while since they left town, she felt like there were things hiding in the surroundings. A distant shadow here, a closer shadow there, some low noise that sometimes turned out to be a forest critter and others seemingly nothing. It was putting her on edge, stressing her out ever more.
Her head snapped to the side just as something… maybe… no maybe it was nothing. She grit her teeth and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Ever since the night that her grandpa had visited her dreams, she hadn’t had a proper rest. It was affecting her and it showed on her general looks too. Maybe the rest at the winery would do her a lot of good… or maybe she could get drunk. People back home always said alcohol solves most issues…
She felt a presence approach and her head snapped towards the source only to come face to face with Kathryn. The tiefling woman blinked at the warrior, taking a few tired moments to process that fact and nodded.” Hey Kathryn.” She greeted the woman back with a smile, putting the stress and everything aside, focusing on the moment and her friend.” Ohh?” She made a questioning sound as she shuffled over in curiosity.
She curiously picked the box from Kathryn, it looked nice. Inside the nice box was an equally nice ring. She blinked at it with a grin, her inner self really liking the shiny in front of her eyes. When she saw that Kathryn had a similar one though… She let a loud squeel of joy.” Friendship rings!” She exclaimed happily as she hurriedly put the thign on. Her sisters all had friendship rings from many people, but then again they got a lot of gifted jewelry all the time.” Thank you! My sisters have all kinds of frindship rings and now I have too! We are VERY GOOD friends indeed!”