Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a Location: Estate House (Terrace) Action: N/a Bonus Action: N/a Reaction: N/a | ![]() |
Kosara gave V a huge beaming smile at the comment about her contribution. Yes Kosara was happy to be praised. A bit of praise was good for you! With that she proceeded to give the breads around the table before taking one of the empty seats.” I wouldn’t mind at all! In fact they are great meal to have on the go.” The tiefling confirmed to her bardic friend. She then turned to her VERY good friend and grinned.” You could! Back home we used to wrap meats and other things all the time. Mine has some Ankheg meat I roast-fried on the skillet before we left. It turned out pretty good I think, a bit different to fried scorpions, but quite tasty. Would go well with wine I think… or cactus water. All kinds of things go well with cactus water. Also maybe with beer... I hear fried meats sometimes go well with beer.”
She grinned and nodded at Berry.” Would love some tea to go along with the breakfast.” The white haired woman admitted and looked at the variety that was presented at the table. This certainly was a veritable feast for most reasons. There was enough food for everybody and even some options. She was wondering what to get when Kathryn got loud again and proclaiming aloud the marvels of that drink she tried that was apparently bitter. Kosara eyed Kathryn again with intense focus, trying to figure if she needed another Lesser Restoration in case she had drank some alcohol again, but supposedly there was no Alcohol involved.” But I like tea and there’s such a good tea here! So I will have to pass. Berry, I would love some tea!” She replied, eyeing Kathryn’s drink with intent eyes. Intent on what? Well that was only for Kosara’s mind to know.
“You are welcome, Lizbeth!” Kosara told the younger woman with a happy smile. Her food was liked! That was a nice feeling! Not that back home people didn’t like her cooking, she just didn’t have too many chances to do so. There were people who were working on the job back home with that, getting paid and everything. So she couldn’t hinder their jobs. On that note she was pulling some regular bread and pondering what to put on it when she looked at Cecily who was explaining etiquette to them. She listened carefully and then looked down at the spoons when they were brought up as a topic. So different spoons for different things… yes? She eyed the spoons on the table, trying to discern the differences. Was this one of those different spoon for each part of the meal thing that some travelers back home spoke about? She couldn’t see the difference much at this moment, so she went back over the words that were spoken. She looked at the spoon by her with eyes of a hawk.’ Oh…’ She figured it out! Spoon for Supping, not spoon for Souping! Sup not soup! The tiefling let out a visible sigh of relief. So in any case she just picked some cheese to go with her bread.
Ignoring the heavy topics of succession which was apparently a thing even with this family, Kosara was preparing herself a toast with jam and cheese as she looked up when Cecily asked what their plans were.” I plan to keep in practice so lots of dancing, but besides that… I’m thinking of just exploring the world around as the winter settles in. I’ve never seen snow before or had the time to properly explore nature this far north from my home. So… probably whenever I’m not dancing or about the estate, I’m going to be out exploring.” Or in other words, she was going to be playing in the fields and forests of the Estate. Because if her dancing in the rain back in Avonshire was anything to go by, she was going to love the snow. Locating anything unusual in the fields and forest would just be a nice bonus on top.