Kosara Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a Location: Coach House Action: N/a Bonus Action: N/a Reaction: N/a | ![]() |
“Umph.” Was all Kosara could say when a huge mass of compacted snow hit her square on the chest, nearly causing her to fall back. She rubbed her chest a bit, blinked and glared at the biggest woman in the group. Of all things to do...” This… means… WAR!” She proclaimed and the snowball fight was on. Well a snowball fight was what it was at the start as at some point, the excitement got a bit too much and it descended into an outright snow brawl. Masses of snow were thrown, people were wrestled down. Kosara’s excitement getting her a bit too emotional and her barbarian rage was showing once they started to throw each other around and wrestle in the snow like a pair of over energetic kitties playing around.
Needless to say there wasn’t much in the general vicinity that was left spared in their wake between the snowballs and the proper unarmed battle afterwards. There wasn’t much to be said about it really, except maybe the fact that they were lucky the area was marked for clearing or something if Kosara would have been able to recall Cecily’s words at this point of time. As things stood, Kosara was a bit too happy as she was laying down on the snow next to the bigger woman where the two of them had ended their snow fight in some semblance of a tie… probably. Honestly Kosara had no idea if they were even fighting for a win, it was just too fun to play in the snow even if they got a bit too physical about it at some point. A good way to let out stress and energy! She was happy, breathing heavily as she laid on her back and was trying to make snow angels in the snow by moving her somewhat tired limbs around.
“Thank you!” Kosara grinned like a loon as the bigger woman loomed over her and helped her get up from the pile of snow. The tiefling took her hand and off they were on their merry way back to the couch house at least until the tiefling had an idea. It was a double idea really, one that she had considered seeing how tense Kathryn was in general and her own desire to get a bit touchy feely.” Hey, Kathryn, do you want a massage? I’m pretty good at it and a good massage removes a lot of stress and feels great!” Kosara offered with innocent smile, still grinning from how happy she was overall after their play date in the snow.” I only want you to carry me back to the couch house on a piggyback ride!” She added grinning. Somehow the usually reserved and suspicious Kathryn agreed, which caused the pale tiefling to practically beam in happiness when she hopped on Kathryn’s back and the two of them were off. All she specified was that she wasn’t going to drink cursed undead brandy that may or may not be from rotting cursed undead grapes.
Having Kathryn carry her back was certainly an experience that Kosara enjoyed a damn lot! The way the woman sprinted back at full speed made the tiefling giggle make happy screams. As the old saying went: gotta go fast. Or something like that anyways.
Once back at the coach house, she barely registered what exactly the bigger woman said to the others because it was the simple truth, context not withstanding, but at this point we all know what Kosara’s relationship with context is. She just grinned and gave a lil wave with one hand to whomever Kathryn spoke with as she let out happy noises as the bigger woman danced up the stairs. All in all so far? Great experience would ride Kathryn again… that may or may not have come out the wrong way. Depending on context of course.
“Sure would, I need to quickly change from these clothes too...” The tiefling said in reply as she was finally put down on the second floor of their temporary home. Needless to say, Kosara herself was rather wet…. No wet was understatement. From their intense fight in the snow, Kosara was practically drenched to the bone. So while Kathryn was out to prepare, Kosara skipped merrily to the room where she she shared with the others. She picked her dry clothes which in this case was her dancing outfit as her travel outfit was what she had on in the snow. She made sure nobody was around and changed, then she lined her wet clothes near the fireplace to dry. Then she merrily skipped over to Kathryn’s room.
There was wine, she took a gulp of that, mostly to warm herself a bit.” A bed works, now lay down on your stomach and let me show you a proper massage from back home. We usually do it without clothes and using oils, but that’s not obligatory.” She explained and quickly got on the woman’s back. A massage was on and ohh boy, Kathryn needed that, Kosara realized once she felt how strung up and stressed every bit of the woman’s body was. It took actual effort to work through her back to the point Kosara’s hands had gotten tired by the end from the effort, but it was damn worth it! For the joy on Kathryn’s face and for the fact they had gotten a bigger friendship bond! That evening was a joyous occasion indeed.
Later in time after some days had passed, they had all were settled in for a nice meal when their resident master craftsman Urmdrus had apparently finished their various requests made out of the materials of the fight. He had first came to Kosara with her collection of assorted decoration pieces for hairs, horns, arms and so on. Kosara let out a happy squeal.” These look so precious!” She exclaimed in joy, praising his craftsmanship. She was about to lunge into a hug of gratitude when his words continued and she halted midstep, looking at him with her huge white eyes open wide in surprise. She carefully placed the things in her arms on the table and gently took the whip made out of the ankheg.” Ohh… this is PERFECT!” Kosara’s happy face took on a whole other dimension as her grin got even wilder now… Maybe even a bit creepy. She moved the whip a bit, getting a feel for how it felt and let out a bit of evil cackle. She was a true adventurer now.
As a whole it was a marvelous event of gift giving. Lots of joy and happiness. If only the world could continue to pay attention and have this being the case all the time instead of evil plots, genocides and evil mastermind evils. Sadly… what was life without adversity… well it was terribly boring probably. World will do as the world did and to make the world go round there always had to be something happening. Probably for the amusement of the gods.
The rest of the time had sadly not passed as nicely… Well it wasn’t terrible, but Kosara had found herself progressinly stressed out as time passed. Be it from her own instincts that something was weird, maybe it was paranoia, but it wasn’t paranoia if they were out to get you. What was out to get them? She had no idea, but it was out there. Or the encounter with undead that weren’t behaving like proper undead and having the decency to move about so they could put them in the ground as it was proper. She had spend a good deal of days stressing out, wandering the place, waiting for the metaphorical other shoe to drop until she just couldn’t stand it anymore. All of the relief and joy that she had gotten days ago from the snowfight was gone. So… stressed out and very easily angered Kosara, decided to… just rest.
As she she had finally spent a good deal time just resting. She didn’t venture far out of the coach house and it’s relative safety behind the walls, the soothing presence of the fireplaces. The nice people that visited from time to time and only relaxing activities. Pay in the snow in the walled yard section, lazy by the fireplaces, write in her journal, reread her old journal. Sketch some pictures of what she had experienced and dance. It wasn’t as… productive as what the others were doing, be it caring for animals, teaching Lizbeth to fight or apparently V who was helping out a healer. Kosara wasn’t going to learn anything new, she wasn’t going to master a new craft. What Kosara was going to do is come to terms with herself and realign back as she should have. With long hours of resting in safety, meditative like experiences of long silent dancers or staring into the flames… optionally by also napping, curled up near said flames.
Slowly, but certainly the stress was melting away, her nerves were soothing down until she wasn’t getting jumpy by just walking out the door and expecting the world to jump her with hidden horrors. Perhaps the biggest realization she had in that time of resting and retrospection was… death. It certainly took some thinking and introspection as she had never come close to brush with it as she did back in the fight in Avonshire. Her first proper battle… That was a life she had to consider continuing with… and consider it she did, easily deciding to move forward with it despite the dangers. Grandpa was right, she had done good back then. Helped people and helping people who couldn’t quite help themselves was worth the risk.
As a whole, the long rest, introspection and quiet peace did help her refocus and realign herself so just maybe she could continue forward without as many emotional hijinks of the negative variety. They were still out to get them, no that wasn’t paranoia, but that didn’t mean she should led the dangers control her life. By the end of it she had looked at the snowy fields out the window on the second floor and for a first time in what felt like weeks…. Kosara felt the happy desire to go play in the snowy fields.
As time moved onward, it seemed that V was the one who had been reaching a boiling emotional point as one evening while retelling her experiences as a healer in training she apparently had an emotional outburst. Kosara hadn’t seen the other woman cry like that before. The bard had excused herself and went to get some fresh air… and just to calm down. Kosara was of the opinion to follow and make sure she would be alright, but her tall VERY GOOD friend beat her to the punch.
“That’s alright, make sure she’s fine!” Kosara called out to the warrior woman who was leaving to case after the bard. There was no need to flock V right now. The others would be there if she needed them and Kathryn was a big teddy bear and very huggable. She would calm V down. How did tiefling knew that Kathryn was a good hug? Had everybody seen the body on that woman? If she didn’t give good warm and reassuring hugs, nobody would!
Still Kosara moved near the window to listen to any suspicious sounds or calls for help. Nobody ever knew if something might happen. At first all was quiet and in the events that had just transpired the silence was raising a tension, but then out of the darkness a sound came. A sound of violin and then Kosara smiled as she hopped to sit on the window frame of the window she had opened to listen in the darkness. V was playing… The woman was damn good at it and it showed. Like Kosara needed to dance to clear her head, she supposed the woman needed to play.
So here she was, sitting on the window, listening to the distant performance, sipping a cup of warm wine with a smile on her face. Maybe, everything would be fine by the end of this chapter in their story. When the music ended naturally, she nodded, and hopped down from the window, closing it back up. She downed the rest of her wine and threw off her thicker top, revealing that she did indeed wear her dancer’s top underneath again.” Who wants to dance!?” She asked happily, pouring herself a second cup of warm wine.