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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Coach House
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Umph.” Was all Kosara could say when a huge mass of compacted snow hit her square on the chest, nearly causing her to fall back. She rubbed her chest a bit, blinked and glared at the biggest woman in the group. Of all things to do...” This… means… WAR!” She proclaimed and the snowball fight was on. Well a snowball fight was what it was at the start as at some point, the excitement got a bit too much and it descended into an outright snow brawl. Masses of snow were thrown, people were wrestled down. Kosara’s excitement getting her a bit too emotional and her barbarian rage was showing once they started to throw each other around and wrestle in the snow like a pair of over energetic kitties playing around.

Needless to say there wasn’t much in the general vicinity that was left spared in their wake between the snowballs and the proper unarmed battle afterwards. There wasn’t much to be said about it really, except maybe the fact that they were lucky the area was marked for clearing or something if Kosara would have been able to recall Cecily’s words at this point of time. As things stood, Kosara was a bit too happy as she was laying down on the snow next to the bigger woman where the two of them had ended their snow fight in some semblance of a tie… probably. Honestly Kosara had no idea if they were even fighting for a win, it was just too fun to play in the snow even if they got a bit too physical about it at some point. A good way to let out stress and energy! She was happy, breathing heavily as she laid on her back and was trying to make snow angels in the snow by moving her somewhat tired limbs around.

“Thank you!” Kosara grinned like a loon as the bigger woman loomed over her and helped her get up from the pile of snow. The tiefling took her hand and off they were on their merry way back to the couch house at least until the tiefling had an idea. It was a double idea really, one that she had considered seeing how tense Kathryn was in general and her own desire to get a bit touchy feely.” Hey, Kathryn, do you want a massage? I’m pretty good at it and a good massage removes a lot of stress and feels great!” Kosara offered with innocent smile, still grinning from how happy she was overall after their play date in the snow.” I only want you to carry me back to the couch house on a piggyback ride!” She added grinning. Somehow the usually reserved and suspicious Kathryn agreed, which caused the pale tiefling to practically beam in happiness when she hopped on Kathryn’s back and the two of them were off. All she specified was that she wasn’t going to drink cursed undead brandy that may or may not be from rotting cursed undead grapes.

Having Kathryn carry her back was certainly an experience that Kosara enjoyed a damn lot! The way the woman sprinted back at full speed made the tiefling giggle make happy screams. As the old saying went: gotta go fast. Or something like that anyways.

Once back at the coach house, she barely registered what exactly the bigger woman said to the others because it was the simple truth, context not withstanding, but at this point we all know what Kosara’s relationship with context is. She just grinned and gave a lil wave with one hand to whomever Kathryn spoke with as she let out happy noises as the bigger woman danced up the stairs. All in all so far? Great experience would ride Kathryn again… that may or may not have come out the wrong way. Depending on context of course.

“Sure would, I need to quickly change from these clothes too...” The tiefling said in reply as she was finally put down on the second floor of their temporary home. Needless to say, Kosara herself was rather wet…. No wet was understatement. From their intense fight in the snow, Kosara was practically drenched to the bone. So while Kathryn was out to prepare, Kosara skipped merrily to the room where she she shared with the others. She picked her dry clothes which in this case was her dancing outfit as her travel outfit was what she had on in the snow. She made sure nobody was around and changed, then she lined her wet clothes near the fireplace to dry. Then she merrily skipped over to Kathryn’s room.

There was wine, she took a gulp of that, mostly to warm herself a bit.” A bed works, now lay down on your stomach and let me show you a proper massage from back home. We usually do it without clothes and using oils, but that’s not obligatory.” She explained and quickly got on the woman’s back. A massage was on and ohh boy, Kathryn needed that, Kosara realized once she felt how strung up and stressed every bit of the woman’s body was. It took actual effort to work through her back to the point Kosara’s hands had gotten tired by the end from the effort, but it was damn worth it! For the joy on Kathryn’s face and for the fact they had gotten a bigger friendship bond! That evening was a joyous occasion indeed.


Later in time after some days had passed, they had all were settled in for a nice meal when their resident master craftsman Urmdrus had apparently finished their various requests made out of the materials of the fight. He had first came to Kosara with her collection of assorted decoration pieces for hairs, horns, arms and so on. Kosara let out a happy squeal.” These look so precious!” She exclaimed in joy, praising his craftsmanship. She was about to lunge into a hug of gratitude when his words continued and she halted midstep, looking at him with her huge white eyes open wide in surprise. She carefully placed the things in her arms on the table and gently took the whip made out of the ankheg.” Ohh… this is PERFECT!” Kosara’s happy face took on a whole other dimension as her grin got even wilder now… Maybe even a bit creepy. She moved the whip a bit, getting a feel for how it felt and let out a bit of evil cackle. She was a true adventurer now.

As a whole it was a marvelous event of gift giving. Lots of joy and happiness. If only the world could continue to pay attention and have this being the case all the time instead of evil plots, genocides and evil mastermind evils. Sadly… what was life without adversity… well it was terribly boring probably. World will do as the world did and to make the world go round there always had to be something happening. Probably for the amusement of the gods.


The rest of the time had sadly not passed as nicely… Well it wasn’t terrible, but Kosara had found herself progressinly stressed out as time passed. Be it from her own instincts that something was weird, maybe it was paranoia, but it wasn’t paranoia if they were out to get you. What was out to get them? She had no idea, but it was out there. Or the encounter with undead that weren’t behaving like proper undead and having the decency to move about so they could put them in the ground as it was proper. She had spend a good deal of days stressing out, wandering the place, waiting for the metaphorical other shoe to drop until she just couldn’t stand it anymore. All of the relief and joy that she had gotten days ago from the snowfight was gone. So… stressed out and very easily angered Kosara, decided to… just rest.

As she she had finally spent a good deal time just resting. She didn’t venture far out of the coach house and it’s relative safety behind the walls, the soothing presence of the fireplaces. The nice people that visited from time to time and only relaxing activities. Pay in the snow in the walled yard section, lazy by the fireplaces, write in her journal, reread her old journal. Sketch some pictures of what she had experienced and dance. It wasn’t as… productive as what the others were doing, be it caring for animals, teaching Lizbeth to fight or apparently V who was helping out a healer. Kosara wasn’t going to learn anything new, she wasn’t going to master a new craft. What Kosara was going to do is come to terms with herself and realign back as she should have. With long hours of resting in safety, meditative like experiences of long silent dancers or staring into the flames… optionally by also napping, curled up near said flames.

Slowly, but certainly the stress was melting away, her nerves were soothing down until she wasn’t getting jumpy by just walking out the door and expecting the world to jump her with hidden horrors. Perhaps the biggest realization she had in that time of resting and retrospection was… death. It certainly took some thinking and introspection as she had never come close to brush with it as she did back in the fight in Avonshire. Her first proper battle… That was a life she had to consider continuing with… and consider it she did, easily deciding to move forward with it despite the dangers. Grandpa was right, she had done good back then. Helped people and helping people who couldn’t quite help themselves was worth the risk.

As a whole, the long rest, introspection and quiet peace did help her refocus and realign herself so just maybe she could continue forward without as many emotional hijinks of the negative variety. They were still out to get them, no that wasn’t paranoia, but that didn’t mean she should led the dangers control her life. By the end of it she had looked at the snowy fields out the window on the second floor and for a first time in what felt like weeks…. Kosara felt the happy desire to go play in the snowy fields.


As time moved onward, it seemed that V was the one who had been reaching a boiling emotional point as one evening while retelling her experiences as a healer in training she apparently had an emotional outburst. Kosara hadn’t seen the other woman cry like that before. The bard had excused herself and went to get some fresh air… and just to calm down. Kosara was of the opinion to follow and make sure she would be alright, but her tall VERY GOOD friend beat her to the punch.

“That’s alright, make sure she’s fine!” Kosara called out to the warrior woman who was leaving to case after the bard. There was no need to flock V right now. The others would be there if she needed them and Kathryn was a big teddy bear and very huggable. She would calm V down. How did tiefling knew that Kathryn was a good hug? Had everybody seen the body on that woman? If she didn’t give good warm and reassuring hugs, nobody would!

Still Kosara moved near the window to listen to any suspicious sounds or calls for help. Nobody ever knew if something might happen. At first all was quiet and in the events that had just transpired the silence was raising a tension, but then out of the darkness a sound came. A sound of violin and then Kosara smiled as she hopped to sit on the window frame of the window she had opened to listen in the darkness. V was playing… The woman was damn good at it and it showed. Like Kosara needed to dance to clear her head, she supposed the woman needed to play.

So here she was, sitting on the window, listening to the distant performance, sipping a cup of warm wine with a smile on her face. Maybe, everything would be fine by the end of this chapter in their story. When the music ended naturally, she nodded, and hopped down from the window, closing it back up. She downed the rest of her wine and threw off her thicker top, revealing that she did indeed wear her dancer’s top underneath again.” Who wants to dance!?” She asked happily, pouring herself a second cup of warm wine.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: To the Mystery Grapes
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!” Kosara cheefuly replied to Berry in regards to his inquiry on the grapes. Indeed these were the same grapes alright. She could even point out from which branch she pulled the ones she had brought to the manor earlier. Indeed, the branch was on that grapevine over there! Suddenly she recalled he didn’t just ask for confirmation. She gave the shiny dragonoid… ahm dragonborn a flat stare of unspoken intent and thoughts. She stared for a few long moments… eyes locked into him, before she just blinked, tilted her head and let out a single.” Oops… knew I was forgetting something!” She then chuckled innocently.” I mayyyyyyyy have gotten overly excited about the wall and forgot to tell or show Cecily the grapes.”

With that she nodded to the only male at the party at his agreement that these didn’t look natural or at least that these didn’t look like they belonged here. She was in quite the agreement! Not that she knew what kind of winter plants existed, she was from the desert! That said the cold snow was a weird thing and very fun to play in. Even if it made her skin feel a bit too cold at times. Or how the colder winds made her shiver. The cold wasn’t going to stop her from playing in the snow! She may not get another chance for a long time! And after a good energetic jaunt through the forest and playing she (mostly) didn’t feel the cold! Yes… no anybody who says otherwise was not correct.

“YES! A LOT OF FUN! I LIKE THE SNOW! IT MAKES EVERYTHING LOOK WHITE AND PURE!” She replied to her very good friend, despite said friend’s attempt to continue eating weird potentially dangerous grapes that may or may not be spawn of evil magic or curses… or monsters. Were there evil plants that uses parasitic grapes to infest people?! Was it possible to make evil alcohol? She eyed Kathryn. She was going to have to keep a close eye on her best friend… just in case. But first she made a snowball and threw it at Kathryn.” Stop eating potentially evil grapes!”

Her attention then return to the grapes. Her eyes narrowed and she summoned her Pact weapon and without warning began stabbing the ground where one of the vines was as deep as she could. She was stabbing, and stabbing into the forest earth, trying to get deeper, relying on her magical sword of golden horsy awesomeness( because the handle had a golden horse head) to make it through the cold earth. At this one moment, Kosara was a woman of focus, commitment, sheer will. Silently, methodically, she made short work through the earth. After that she stood up properly, sword rapidly vanishing into motes of light returning to wherever pact weapons went.” Well… there’s nothing buried underneath them that I could find.” She stated in surprisingly calm and serious voice.” I expected maybe a giant bug or evil grape growing undead.” And there was the typical Kosara thinking.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Secret Distillery(outside) -> To the Mystery Grapes
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


With half the crew heading off to deliver alcohol and hopefully get somebody to come check this out so they could head ahead and do other stuff in the meantime, Kosara and Berry were left to their own devices as the smoke from the ashen bodies in the burrow was clearing out. Now it had to be said that Kosara was already up and doing said thing as she was acting like a child and playing with the snow. First of all, she would never NOT be amazed by this cold frozen water thing called snow. It was marvelous, pretty, cold and wet all at the same time. Also made for good playing. Making snowballs, digging into said snow, throwing snowballs around or making a snowman. This was her current task. MAKE A SNOWMAN! And making one she very darn was!

There was quite the time before the others returned. About an hour or so, but it passed like a short few minutes, especially to the thiefling playing in the snow. She had rolled up a very big snowball and then one smaller to put on top of the other which surprisingly took some effort and creative thinking. Needless to say afterwards she had hopped over and up to the tree on top of their mysterious location for whatever lil twigs she could scrounge up for arms. For eyes she just went with the smallest pebbles she could find in the pile of stones and dirt they had created. There was no nose, but for mouth she used broken up sticks. It wasn’t the most beautiful of snowmen, nor the most decorated, but hey it was a snowman and it was mostly done and it was pretty darn big what with spending an hour or so rolling up the biggest snowballs she could.

When the band returned and the friendly gruff craftsman dwarf too, Kosara greeted them with energetic waving of her hands.” Hey! Nice seeing you again, Mr. Urmdrus! Found a hidden thing!” She exclaimed with a huge grin now that he could examine as her attention refocused in turn away from the dwarf, her snowman and onto V who was acting almost unusual to herself… maybe not quite unusual, but maybe she was just hopeful for the murder mystery. What with being a necromancer bard and probably needing drama and tragedy as part of her daily needs… That was how necromancer bards worked… right? She knew regular non-necromancer bards tended to give out heavy compliments to pretty ladies a lot… at least some back home did whenever they met her sisters. Granted her sisters did enjoy the attention and the gifts.

“Alright, off to the mystery grapes!” Kosara cheerfully agreed with the others and hopped away from her snowman to follow the bard and the warrior, leaving said snowman for somebody else to deal with at a later date. Was a road there? She had no idea and hadn’t actually thought about it. So if somebody had to move a carriage or a wagon there at a later date… well… There would be a murder mystery of the crushed snowman to deal with.

Arriving at the mystery dried up grapes that had a stench of rotting MEAT, Kosara was looking up with expectation as Kathryn and Victoria got on the task of investigating and examining the mystery. The bard was quiet in her work, Kathryn not so much. Then the warrior ate one, much to Kosara’s amazement somebody could stomach that stench… both literally and figuratively. Kathryn the booze whisperer or whatever that word about a person who knew alcohol was, apparently had insights.

“Wait… so the brandy we found was from this type of grapes?” She blinked.” Are these MAGICAL grapes?” She asked, looking at V who had been quite quiet so far, then she frowned.” Alright, but why do they smell of rotting MEAT!? I mean… grapes are not meat! I would know… I’ve eaten both grapes and meat. Totally different things that as far as I remember when spoiled have different bad smells… I think… yeah!”

She was now eyeing the grapes too. If Kathryn could try one, she could too!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Secret Distillery?
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“That it might, V, but what if the things start moving or something else?” Kosara asked, looking at the returned bard from inside the space underneath the earth.” We can’t rightly leave it open either.” Kosara stated as she headed to the exit to wait for the smoke to clear out some. She looked at Berry who had a rather good idea on how to proceed with this unexpected situation actually. Though to be fair his sudden shininess was a bit distracting. Now she was wondering if all dragons and dragonborns were such if somebody took the time to carefully to clean and polish their scales. On that note a side thought wormed it’s way into her mind about what sort of polishing tools and supplies might be needed to polish dragon scales. She blinked and the thought was galloping away to join all the various random ideas that were in residence in her head that were no doubt going to return at some opportune time at a later date. Such as when they visit a jeweler or a bath house.

Also on that note she also wondered what it would take for her own horns to be polished to a mirror shine. Why? Well… she liked shiny things Though admittedly her horns weren’t smooth exactly so was it even possible to polish curved horns covered in ridges? She blinked again and refocused her mind once more with the ease of somebody who was at home in switching thoughts at a moment’s notice. Now back to the topic of burning mummied people which was very important yes.

“The good thing is that the bodies were turned half to ash. So it will be way bonier undead if they do rise and those are easier to deal with a lot of the time, yes?” She stated and asked at the same time. As far as she knew it, skeletons were easier to deal than zombies. Why did she assume so? Did she have extensive experience fighting undead?! Not really, but she figured that skeletons lacked the meat and tendons bit to keep bones together so a good whack with something solid would send them tumbling to pieces. Grand logical deduction indeed.

“Alrighty then, I’m waiting here until we get news from the manor.” Kosara cheerfully stated, hopping up and down, before proceeding to take guard… ahm… she proceeded to start rolling up a snowball… Then she proceeded to roll said snowball over the ground to make a bigger snowball… She may or may not be going to be making a snowman… A big one. Why? Why not! So she proceeded to play in the snow, whistling a merry tune.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Secret Distillery?
Action: Sacred Flame x2 (12,12)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


As the others apparently had decided that their investigation into the… destillery was over for the time being, Kosara was still looking with studying gaze at both the dead figures. The one that the dragonborn ahd poked with his claws and the one she had looted… ahm… searched for clues. She was actually NOT planning on taking the coins really. First of all it was silver, wasn’t shiny enough. Second it wasn’t right, especially if these people were known to others in the community around these parts. These silvers probably belonged to somebody, maybe relatives or family and it would be right to return it to them… IF they weren’t magical in some way that is.

“Yeah I agree, we should block this place up before leaving.” Kosara agreed with Berry when he brought it up. V had decided to go grab a cart. Kathryn herself was apparently focused on getting the booze as an important thing to do. Everybody with their own priorities she supposed.” What should we block the entrance with though? I mean we can pile the rocks back up, but it will take a while. Maybe we can fit another door on it? Or move some barrels to block it?” Kosara offered some suggestions, before her eyes once more focused on the bodies.

“Hmmm...” her eyes narrowed at the one that Berry poked. There was something weird going on here. V failed with her necromancy spell about talking with the dead. Why did that happen was the question. Suddenly she gestured with her left hand and spoke a brief incantation.” Sacred Flame.” The golden radiant energy descended onto the body further away from her and covered it almost like a veil… before the body burst into flames. As far as she was aware this spell was for ‘creature’ targets. Which usually included undead too. She was fairly certain it didn’t attack random non creature things.” Okey… something’s off with that body. PRetty sure if it was simply a dead person the spell shouldn't harm the body.” She stated flatly as she pulled away from the one she was next to and then repeated.” SACRED FLAME!” A second veil of golden light descended onto the second body in the premise and moments later it too began to burn in a controlled show of flames, turning it partially to ash.

“Alright… something really off is going on here! We are BLOCK THIS PLACE BEFORE LEAVING!” Kosara stated flatly as she made sure the things she had found on the body earlier were securely stored away and to the side of the room.” Do you guys think we can pull the door from the shed and use it to fit in place here? We can then use a barrel or something to block it so it cannot be opened.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Secret Distillery?
Action: Investigation(Looting)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara turned her attention to V who was apparently unable to use her magics to speak with the dead. According to the bard, it wasn’t working. The tiefling looked confused, tilted her head, poked the body at her feet.” Maybe they are too dead… or not dead enough… but can a dead body not be dead enough unless it’s walking about?” She was getting confused.” Is there such a thing as a magical dead… there was a magic surge after all… or is it undead… hm.” She was musing in confusion. Though she was now giving the bodies the judging eyes.

It was around this time, Kosara’s attention was turned towards Berry who apparently was threatening one of the dead guys. Kosara looked at the blue shiny Berry, blinked, trying to recall the direction of the body, not quite recalling it. Then she looked down at the body in her feet and crouched down, studying him more in depth. Were these undead then?” If what Berry’s saying is true… will we have to bury the entrance before leaving later? Can’t let these… bodies wander around on their own if it’s the case… or if we don’t want to risk it, could we just… put them on a pyre?” She asked the others as she brought forth her grabby hands and began carefully ruffling through the remains of the body at her feet.

“Poisoning alcohol is a pretty good way to affect many people. Alcohol lasts a long time, is widely consumed and nobody would open barrels of it to test it without meaning to drink it… Gramps back home was very defensive of the booze, especially the barrels that arrived from afar.”

In any case, leaving the other to their own devices, Kosara focused on the task at hand… looting! No not looting, looking for clues! Yes that sounded better and more adventure-esque. Going through remains of the cloth and the body she started pulling out things. First on her list of clues was a pouch. It looked decent and looking inside, she spotted no less than 7 silver pieces. Weird number to randomly have in there. Then there were some tools she didn’t quite recognize and a knife. Tools and knive needed some work, but really she didn’t think they looked too terrible. Maybe some work with a whetstone and they would be as good as new. In any case, maybe the tools, the pouch and the knife would shed some light on the identity later. She didn’t know, but maybe there was something identifiable about them. Was going to have to ask the locals. Putting everything to the side carefully she finished her inspections of not finding more loot, but locating a big clue. She blinked, before nodding to herself.” I might be wrong, but this skull looks a bit… more battered than the rest of the body… Maybe somebody bashed his head.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Secret Distillery?
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“They are pretty dead!” Kosara called back an answer to Victoria’s question about the finding from their unfortunate hosts in this lil hidey hole they had found themselves into. As far as the tiefling woman could realize, yes death was present here and she was fairly certain it wasn’t an organized burial service like back home in some cases with lavish tombs and what not. Though it all begged a few questions: Seeing as these two apparently died here, why did they die here and more importantly who walled them off afterwards? People didn’t just wall off random places with dead bodies inside them unless they wanted to hide them away… or didn’t want to risk moving the dead for… reasons.” Looks like they’ve been here a good while.” She added, given the state of decay, wondering why mummies didn’t decay quite like this. Probably those special treatments that grandpa was going on about years ago? She didn’t exactly pay too much attention to some of the history lessons.

She kind of loosely listened to the others going on about theories when it came to the various possibilities that could have caused the apparent build up of magic to cause wild magic? On that note, she pulled her braid to check what was that about that V informed her of. Something in her hair…!?” Ohh...” She made a sound of realization when she found her braid neatly braided with flowers too!” OHHH! IT’S SO PRETTY!” She squeeled in delight, finding her hair now was a very nice boquet of flowers! It took time to braid flowers into one’s hair and she got a free makeover! She did a spin on the spot from joy. So this must have been the result on her form the wild magic surge. Others got taller… Kathryn too it seemed, though it wasn’t easy to notice since the difference was small.

Her attention then was pulled away from a flash of energy and light. It seemed their resident monk sneezed! SNEEZED ELEMENTAL MAGICS! Kosara blinked in shock and confusion.” Bless you!” She chimmed in as it was only proper, but then blinked in thoughtful manner as she eyed the monk.” You could breath elemental magics like a true dragon! That’s amazing! You should do it more often!” Kosara honestly told him, always happy to witness interesting and impressive pretty visual feats. Even if it was sparkly magical lights being sparkly and pretty. Though now that her attention returned to the matter at hand, she gloriously looked at the corpse she had Kathryn had examined and then went to search him, whistling a tune. For some reason she really wanted to get a whip… and a hat.” Time to loo… ahm time to search for clues and treasures of the past!” She corrected herself. This was no official tomb… or a grave… so it wasn’t grave robbing. Especially since she was just curious on what they had on them rather than taking possession of it. Yes. She concluded, whistling a tune, imagining herself, with a wide brimmed hat and a whip, outrunning a boulder. Like a true adventurer should.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Burried wall near the Sycamore Tree → Secret Distillery?
Action: Investigation(8)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


“Let’s dig!” Kosara happily exclaimed with shovel in hand as the duo had geared up with tools of the trade for their sudden excavation efforts. The peace and calm of the winter was nice and all, but Kosara being Kosara was in need of some excitement! The duo’s attack on the spot soon revealed that yes, there was something well of note there. Especially when some of it crumbled and let out the odor of rot of some kind or another. She turned to look at V, her own grin wide.” Ohh… we can let them do it, but let grab the mattocks just in case.” She confirmed.

Eventually the group had well reassembled, Kathryn and Berry looking a bit ruffled up from their fight… training…? Whatever it was, but point was that the crew well undertook the job of breaching the hidden room. Or maybe it was a tunnel? A secret dungeon!? Whatever it was, must have been there a while, what with all the roots and everything. Or the way the wood had rotted up. Even if it was buried that still took time. In any case with some team efforts and mainly letting the bigger people do it faster, the entrance was well uncovered!” YAY!” Kosara exclaimed when the way was opened, only for blink in confusion when a sparkle of magic… or was it a shiver of magic... glimmer of magic? There was something that happened that caused her to blink and look in confusion at the others.” Anyone else felt that?” She asked before her head tilted in confusion when she took in her friends. Something was just off. Not by much, but there was something off.

She stared at V who to Kosara was most easily to spot the difference… kind of. V looked taller. Visibly so. Kathryn at first glance didn’t appear too different outright. Berry on the other side was… shinier.” Hmmm… So V, you are taller and Berry’s shinier? Huh… weird! Anyways, exploration!” She quickly recovered, not noticing her own change, mostly cause with the exception of the fringe the rest of her hair was pulled in that braid behind her so nothing she could directly see without manually pulling her braid to check. So merrily she stormed into the newly opened space instead having confirmed her friends were alright( probably).

The room they had found seemed to be a distillery of sorts. There were crates, barrels, stills, tools… the room seemed remarkably well preserved actually. Kinda looked like a nice place for an earthen home. Of course there was one main feature that pulled quickly on the white tiefling’s attention. Though it was probably fairer to say two features as it was 2 dead bodies that Kosara ended up bolting over to to examine them.” Well… they are dead yes.” She stated the obvious as she looked at the two very dead looking humans.” This place must have been buried for a long while. Wonder if anyone around knows who these two were. Cecily said she had no idea of this place too.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Coach House( main hall) - > Burried wall near the Sycamore Tree
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


V’s interest in the buried wall was a huge mood boost for the tiefling. She was genuinely happy for the crew to gather for any reason at all. The last few days they mostly gathered up for mealtimes and Kosara kind of felt lonely all things considered once her adventuring out in the snow ended and she gets back for mostly being alone until mealtimes.” I don’t think so…?” She quite doubted it was insects. It was a bit too cold for insects, wasn’t it?

She turned with a huge smile towar’ds Kathryn’s direction, the one where she heard her voice from. Kosara’s expression fell just a tad.” But… exploration?” She asked, wondering why Kathryn didn’t want to come join them for the fun of exploring buried marvels…

“Maybe? But it looked weird… so… I’m not sure. Pulsating rotten grapes can’t be a normal thing.” She shrugged in reply to Berry who apparently was up with Kathryn for beating the hell of each other for some reason.” Yeah my thinking too. I was always told bugs didn’t like the cold! Which admittedly wasn’t a thing back home much. Sure nights can get chilly, but the days were scorching.”

“Alright, I’m going to talk with Cecily about the wall and we can then go check it out, V.”

Kosara’s dash was fast and energetic as only she or a kid could be. In any case, locating the Lady of the Manor wasn’t too difficult a task. In the end the talk with Cecily proved to be both fortuitous and not so much. On the bad side of things, the older woman had nothing on the way of information about the possible buried secrets sans possible ideas of forgotten buildings from times past. On the plus side however…

“V, let’s go. Cecily gave full permission to poke around!” The tiefling energetically called back when she returned, positively giddy with excitement and brimming with energy.


Locating the spot wasn’t difficult, after all Kosara had it on her mind since she found it. Same with the spots where the got the grape, but she will try to drag V there later for the bard to see for herself. In any case, now at the point of interest, she pointed out to V the place she had leaned and revealed the stacked stones behind. It wasn’t much, but it was clear something was there.” See, it’s here! It looks like somebody blocked something! Do we dig it out now?” The tiefling woman asked, looking around, trying to spot any of the toolsheds for the fields that Cecily mentioned. A good pickaxe or a shovel would do wonders. Or maybe a hammer. Alternatively she recalled V's spell that seemed to shater that tree in that fight with the goblins.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 04, Barbarian, Level 01
HP: 34/ 34 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/a
Location: Up and Around The Timeskip - > Coach House( main hall)
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Alright, Kosara was ready to admit it. She quite liked this place… the nature around these parts was marvelous. As much as she loved the south, the endless seas of golden sandy dunes, the gentle sound of the winds, the beautiful clean if a bit cold evenings with the clear skies and the moon so beautifully hanging in the skies. Ohh yes she missed the beautify of her home land and her family, but now in these strange lands she was experiencing so many beautiful and curious things.

As she began settling into the life at the L’Roze’s lands, she got to experience the shift from the beautifully colorful hues of autumn with the first cold and white snows. It was such a marvelous surprise and so weird for her. At first she just looked out form the safety of their abodes at the falling snowflakes, wondering how it was all a thing. How did it sometimes rained and other times snowed? Why was it cold? Why was it white!? It was with a childlike wonder and curiosity that she had ventured out when the snows settled, stomping her way through the snow, feeling the cold, wrapped tightly in her clothes. Looking around, she wondered if she could hide in the snow with her long snow white hair. She had heard some animals gain white coats in winter.

It all was truly a marvel and she spend many a daylight hour wandering the grounds even before it snowed. Get up, have breakfast, prepare and storm outside to play.. ahm… explore! And she had returned back after her adventures every time covered in snow, and flushed up from the cold and activity. Then she’d dry up and spend some time practicing her dancing skills before the night arrives and she settles in for the night with dinner and writing of her adventures in her journals. She even wrote a letter she was wondering how to send back home, seeing it was so far away, but it was for another day.

It was on those adventures she had found some curious things! Kosara liked curious things! One was these dried up grapes? They looked just so odd in this landscape right in that moment. She could swear they were pulsating too! She stared at them for a good while, before figuring she had NO idea what they were. Maybe the locals knew! They seemed to be the experts on grapes and maybe V too if it was important for wine making… In any case, the pale tiefling carefully pulled one of the grapes with a cloth, looking at it intently as she studied how it pulled from the branch. The scent wasn’t… pleasant and it made her scrunch her nose. Once the thing had been secured, she bundled it up carefully for later display. Wondering what this weird rotting, fermenting grape was and it’s sludge like juice.

The second thing on a grand list of interesting curios was… THE WALL. Kosara’s discovery of it was quite the coincidence actually and she was really curious about it actually. She was going to check it later, but a half buried wall… Who knew what secrets and adventurers were hidden there! Of course her inner child who grew up by listening adventurers telling stories of dungeons and dragons was flying with anticipation. Naturally she also well realized that it could be a tomb for somebody local, but… she was going to bring it up with Cecily and Lizbet and see if they knew about it… and the weird grape!

So here they were one week later, one week of adventures and generally being busy and not having much chance to catch up and gather up the party. Breakfast was over and everybody was present! That fact made Kosara a very happy woman! She was beaming wide grins to everybody.

“Finally the group’s back together and we aren’t scattering!” Kosara merrily exclaimed.” I found interesting things while pla… ahm while exploring that I was waiting to bring up when we had the chance!” She corrected herself and pulled up the bundled up decaying grape, still bundled up carefully and tightly.” I found these weird grapes that were still in the field and not cleared. Looked weird and seemed to pulsate. Smell terribly though. Fermented and rotting.” She said placing the bundle on the table before continuing.” I also stumbled upon a makeshift wall buried in the dirt. Think it’s there to block something, so I plan to check it out in detail later after asking Cecily and Liz if they know about it.”
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