i am so sorry if there is anything wrong, i am so high rn
N A M E :
A G E :
B I R T H P L A C E :
E M P L O Y M E N T :
P E R S O N A L I T Y :
B A C K S T O R Y :
M I S C H E L L A N E O S :
S o r c h a M e s a
S o r c h a M e s a
S o r c h a M e s a
"Do you like scary movies?"
— Scream (1996)
— Scream (1996)
N A M E :
Sorcha Nora O'Sullivan Mesa
A G E :
30 - December 21
B I R T H P L A C E :
Ciudad de México, Mexico
E M P L O Y M E N T :
Director / Producer / Writer
P E R S O N A L I T Y :
Sorcha is a passionate and dedicated woman that will pour everything into the current project she is working on. A perfectionist, a trait that runs in the family, Sorcha will work herself to the bone until everything and everyone is just as she imagined. It doesn't matter if Sorcha has to go through sleepless nights editing the screenplay, the script, or the visuals. Her fear of failure and obsession with her projects is what drives Sorcha, almost to the point of exhaustion.
While Sorcha could be pretty intense in her work, she does try to make room for relaxation. Outside of her work, the woman likes to go on adventures to places she's never been to. She enjoys new experiences and the change that it brings to her life. Sorcha isn't afraid to delve into the unknown and instead embraces it, using her experiences around her to fuel her creativity. She likes to call herself an observant woman, always reading into people to try to figure them out. With that said, Sorcha isn't afraid to voice her opinion and cares very little about what people might think of her. She usually has a witty or sarcastic remark to give when people give her shit, which she takes none of.
Sorcha loves to talk with random people on the streets and restaurants, often just enjoying small talk or those deep conversations that make you question the meaning of life- but never anything about herself. Really, Sorcha is chill with pretty much everyone she meets. Although she could be a bit of a flirt, especially when a beautiful person is in front of her.
Sorcha is a passionate and dedicated woman that will pour everything into the current project she is working on. A perfectionist, a trait that runs in the family, Sorcha will work herself to the bone until everything and everyone is just as she imagined. It doesn't matter if Sorcha has to go through sleepless nights editing the screenplay, the script, or the visuals. Her fear of failure and obsession with her projects is what drives Sorcha, almost to the point of exhaustion.
While Sorcha could be pretty intense in her work, she does try to make room for relaxation. Outside of her work, the woman likes to go on adventures to places she's never been to. She enjoys new experiences and the change that it brings to her life. Sorcha isn't afraid to delve into the unknown and instead embraces it, using her experiences around her to fuel her creativity. She likes to call herself an observant woman, always reading into people to try to figure them out. With that said, Sorcha isn't afraid to voice her opinion and cares very little about what people might think of her. She usually has a witty or sarcastic remark to give when people give her shit, which she takes none of.
Sorcha loves to talk with random people on the streets and restaurants, often just enjoying small talk or those deep conversations that make you question the meaning of life- but never anything about herself. Really, Sorcha is chill with pretty much everyone she meets. Although she could be a bit of a flirt, especially when a beautiful person is in front of her.
B A C K S T O R Y :
Born in Mexico City to Mayra Mesa-O'Sullivan and Declan O'Sullivan, Sorcha grew up along with her three sisters. Her mother was a famous singer in Mexico, and her father was an Oscar-winning actor. Talent flowed in their veins, so it came as no surprise when her older sister began to express her interests in acting or singing. Their parents wasted no time; as soon as she could sit up, their parents had started to influence them with music, classical films, and many music lessons.
In school, Sorcha was that loud kid that ran around screaming at the top of her lungs. She was a little troublemaker since day one all the way to Juilliard. She'd often had witty remarks or sarcastic comments that didn't fly well with the teachers or professors. Sorcha was a smart and responsible student; she got all of her assignments done, showed up to time for every casting and rehearsal- but holy shit, could she be a little shit. She would always pull pranks on her professors, skip class to watch movies with the potheads, and spend a serious amount of hours playing video games.
Her love for film came from horror films first; during her first year at Juilliard, Sorcha wrote her first successful screenplay for her writing class. Very quickly, she became a fan of classic horror films that just kept growing and growing.
Her first real film was named Deep Into the Abyss, a horror film filled with soft monochromic colors and dark themes. That got her name out there; soon, there were more films, one after the other, all revolved around darker themes in life surrounded by so many beautiful scenery and dreamlike colors. That had become Sorcha's signature, something that she didn't mind much. That was until she began to lose interest in her own films. Everything just seemed... the same.
So, in typical Sorcha action, she decided to drop everything for a month, only telling her cat sitter, and left to embark on a trip. She didn't let anyone else know where she was going. Sorcha had one goal; to pull herself from the creative block and get back to her roots - horror. Unfortunately, she didn't have many miles and the fastest place she could go was Michigan.
Born in Mexico City to Mayra Mesa-O'Sullivan and Declan O'Sullivan, Sorcha grew up along with her three sisters. Her mother was a famous singer in Mexico, and her father was an Oscar-winning actor. Talent flowed in their veins, so it came as no surprise when her older sister began to express her interests in acting or singing. Their parents wasted no time; as soon as she could sit up, their parents had started to influence them with music, classical films, and many music lessons.
In school, Sorcha was that loud kid that ran around screaming at the top of her lungs. She was a little troublemaker since day one all the way to Juilliard. She'd often had witty remarks or sarcastic comments that didn't fly well with the teachers or professors. Sorcha was a smart and responsible student; she got all of her assignments done, showed up to time for every casting and rehearsal- but holy shit, could she be a little shit. She would always pull pranks on her professors, skip class to watch movies with the potheads, and spend a serious amount of hours playing video games.
Her love for film came from horror films first; during her first year at Juilliard, Sorcha wrote her first successful screenplay for her writing class. Very quickly, she became a fan of classic horror films that just kept growing and growing.
Her first real film was named Deep Into the Abyss, a horror film filled with soft monochromic colors and dark themes. That got her name out there; soon, there were more films, one after the other, all revolved around darker themes in life surrounded by so many beautiful scenery and dreamlike colors. That had become Sorcha's signature, something that she didn't mind much. That was until she began to lose interest in her own films. Everything just seemed... the same.
So, in typical Sorcha action, she decided to drop everything for a month, only telling her cat sitter, and left to embark on a trip. She didn't let anyone else know where she was going. Sorcha had one goal; to pull herself from the creative block and get back to her roots - horror. Unfortunately, she didn't have many miles and the fastest place she could go was Michigan.
M I S C H E L L A N E O S :
FC:Mishel Prada // 6E6277
- Sorcha is bisexual, with a preference towards women.
- Her movie, Twin Flames, was nominated for best picture.
- She has two cats, Bonbon and Panchito.
- She smokes pot, like a lot of pot. Eats it too.
- Big k-pop fan.
- Wants to make a fantasy movie next, not sure where to start.
- Sorcha knows how to speak English, Spanish, French, and some Gaelic.
- Used to be married to an actor named Davis Woodlock but divorced after a year of being married. And no, she will not talk about it.