“Good morning, Miss Ari. Please, there is no need to apologize. You look lovely,” Mathias reassured her, offering a warm smile. Although, he did notice a leaf sticking out of her curls near her ear. It was cute, and it did quirk his interest in what she could have been doing before coming to the mixer. "And I completely understand feeling jittery. This is actually my first outing of this nature since... well, it's been a while," he added, hoping to alleviate some of Ari’s anxiety with his sincerity.
“Ah, may I? You have a leaf.” He pointed at his own ear where the leaf was in her hair. As she nodded he reached out and plucked it out of her hair with a soft chuckle. Ari’s face flushed red as she fixed her hair nervously, “ Sorry…I thought I had found them all…” she giggled, “Sneaky little guys,” she said softly.
Attempting to change the subject Ari adjusted her dress and cleared her throat, offering him a soft reassuring but unsure smile. “ I don't believe i’ve seen you at any of these events, have you attended one this season?” she asked curiously.
“Oh, no need to apologize at all,” Mathias replied, his smile gentle. “I think you got them all now.” He wasn’t so sure if he was making things better or worse. He felt like he was eighteen years old again in his first season. “As for these events, this is my first one this season. I’ve been putting them off but I thought it was time to step out and enjoy some socializing. How about you? Is this your first event?”
“Oh..no.” she said with a rather grim expression, “My mother makes me attend nearly every one of them. They aren't my favorite thing I'll admit. A Lot of painted faces so to speak…” she continued to smile nervously, “ I am glad about the people I have met though, I met a few Wonderful people so I guess it's not all that awful but I much rather be swimming in a lake or collecting interesting rocks from a creek bed lately I've really enjoyed forging the fields and wooded areas…a lot of lovely things grow around here. " She laughed lightly, “ I don't think many of the noble ladies would enjoy any of those things though.” she paused for a moment attempting to come up with her own questions. “Are you from some great nation traveling here? Or perhaps a social climber? Or maybe a knight perhaps? “ she clearly was slightly drunk still from the night before as her thoughts came stumbling out without much thought behind them.
“I can understand,” He smiled, watching her light up as she talked about the outdoors. “No, I wouldn’t know of many ladies who would enjoy getting dirt under their nails.” He laughed along with her. “ A knight,” He admitted with a nervous smile,Ariella’s eyes seemed to light up at his response. “My father is a lord in Varian from the outskirts of Breoven, and I’m the Captain of the Royal Guard. Currently on leave for the season,” “Captain?” she asked in a impressed tone. Mathias looked at her carefully, “Miss Ari, shall we order some food? I heard the coffee here is good, or are you more of a tea person?” “Oh! Hmm.” she paused for a moment to think, looking down at the small place card with food and drink options on it. “Coffee sounds wonderful” she smiled at him. “ Maybe some scones and jam to go with it?” she said pointing on the menu the morning options. “Homemade Scones and fresh made jam from the seasonal fruits of Sorian, perfect for sharing.” she read the description to him.
“Absolutely; I’ll add some poached eggs as well to make it a complete breakfast,” Mathias nodded with a smile. He set down the menu and scanned the room for the waitress, waving her over before returning his attention to Ari. “Miss Ari, if I may ask, what is your full name? I wouldn’t want to disrespect you by addressing you informally unless, of course, you prefer it.” Mathias was mindful of the different customs and traditions in Caesonia compared to Varian, especially regarding formalities and etiquette. He wanted to ensure he showed her the proper respect, both in the cafe and in any future encounters outside its walls.
Shrugging her shoulders “ Lady Ariella Edwards…” her nose scrunching as the words came from her lips. “But you can just call me Ariella… if you're comfortable with that, that is. I …” she caught her breath as she remembered he was a Captain of the Royal Guard. “Unless …do The Royal Guards have strict roles on how they address others? I wouldn't want to request anything that may cause an issue… Lady Edwards is fine as well.” Her nose was slightly scrunching again but it was quickly replaced with a smile.
Ah. The wrinkling in her nose caught Mathias off guard, and he had to cough to stifle a chuckle. “There is no protocol to follow when a knight is off duty,” Mathias said quickly so as not to cause her any more trouble, a hand waving off her worries. “And I wouldn’t want to slight your character,” He was unaccustomed to calling a lady by her first name without a title as everyone adhered to more strict protocols and roles inside the castle. A side effect of being part of the Royal Guard. “Ariella, when it's only us two,” he offered, and Ari’s face lit up with a smile in response. “Lady Edwards everywhere else, how does that sound?”
“So, Ariella, what are your hobbies?” Mathias wanted to keep things light and casual. “ Well…” she took a nervous breath, adjusting herself in her seat. Should I tell him of my real interests… “ My mother made sure I was trained in alot of things…singing, needle work, Running a household…” she attempted to list off all the boring and trivial things her mother had made her do as a child. “But what I really enjoy is the outdoors. Prefer it actually.” she smiled “ I have this beautiful garden that i’ve built into a bit of a sanctuary. I spent most if not all my time there when I’m not being dragged around to events.” she paused trying to come up with more. “ Reading,Botany…I really like studying up on plants and the different things they can do for us. “ she caught herself before rambling on about how many interesting plants she had found around the woods and surprisingly how many of them are actually poisonous. “What about yourself? Being the Captian of the Royal Gaurd i’d imagine you wouldn’t get much time off.”
In the midst of their intriguing conversation, Mathias leaned in with a warm smile, intrigued by the woman's unique interests. It was evident that she had little regard for the societal norms and expectations placed upon ladies her age, and she made no attempt to conceal her disinterest. “What are your favorite flowers or plants? Do you study mushrooms as well?” “Lavender” she said with a bright smile. “Not only is it beautiful and smells wonderful but it offers so many benefits…” she paused “ Mushrooms…Would it be cliche to say Death Caps. I’ve found some amongst the brush along the woods. They are so interesting, they take on the shape of a simple fungi looking like so many edible ones yet this one would certainly lead to someone's death if consumed.” She took a sip on her tea, thinking maybe she had shared a little to much.
"Being a Captain is admittedly more demanding than being a soldier," Mathias acknowledged with a slight shrug. "There's a mountain of paperwork, and training requires meticulous attention to detail. Our busiest period coincides with the spring and summer months when new recruits undergo intensive training. And yes, I must admit that leaves me with limited time off. Something my son seems to lament.”
A son? Ariella perked up. “ You have a son?” she smiled “ How do you manage it all? A father, Captain of the guard…I can barely manage to make it through an afternoon of tea cakes and pleasantries.” She leaned back against the chair, taking another sip of her tea. “How old is your son?...I don’t want to push you if you're not comfortable talking of him.” she quickly added.
Mathias’s shoulders relaxed slightly as he saw Ariella perk up. “He’ll be turning five later this year,” he said, his voice swelling with pride for Lukas. “He’s the perfect little gentleman—attends his lessons without protest and is well-behaved, so there’s not much to manage there.” Lukas had inherited his mother’s curiosity and eagerness to learn, traits that Mathias treasured in the boy.
He scratched his neck, a smile playing on his lips. “Would you consider an afternoon of tea, cakes, and botany more fitting to your tastes?”
Mid sip of her tea Ariella paused for a moment before slowly put the cup back onto the saucer curious if he would consider himself apart of that request. “ Yes!” she smiled brightly “More simply suggested, a picnic setting would be much nicer.” she remembered her shoeless feet in that moment, tucking them under the hem of her skirt hoping he had not noticed. “ Although, not something I could see happening” she said slightly disappointed “ Many of the ladies here would likely protest at the prospect of their dresses getting dirty, Where as I am disappointed there isn’t more dirt” she joked giggling nervously as she reached for her tea again. “I’m sorry I’m…not very good at these events.”
“Oh, a picnic would be most welcomed,” Mathias nodded, picking up his own tea to sip. “Yes, but I am not asking the other ladies, I am asking you. And if you prefer to feel closer to nature, may I suggest foraging instead?” He’d done so in the past with his mother during her days off. She would disguise their outings to the woods as a fun trip. Years later after her passing, he’d realized they’d been foraging for anything they could eat for the next week or so. He shook his head at her last statement, he really did not mind, and in return, he hoped she didn’t either. It seemed like they both struggled in these sorts of events. Her for her disinterest and him, for lack of attendance. “Really, there is no need to apologize Ariella.”
But I am not asking the other ladies, I am asking you Nearly spitting out her tea, Ariella adjusted herself in her seat as the smile that adorned her face could not be hidden as much as she tried. She set the tea cup down before attempting to string together words. “ No one has suggested or asked me before. “ she studdered slightly “Just surprised…pleasently surprised” she smiled. “Foraging is one of my favorite things to do!” Attempting to calm her excitement, Ariella nodded before casually fluffing out the hem of her skirt. “That sounds like a wonderful afternoon. You could bring your son if you wish…I dont want to suggest anything too forward but with you only being able to see him for limited amount of time it wouldn’t be any bother for me.” She offered another reassuring smile.
Mathias smiled, taking another sip of his tea before setting the cup back on the table. He leaned in slightly, “I’m quite surprised no one has asked you yet. Who would miss such a grand opportunity to spend a day with a lovely lady surrounded by nature? I suppose I am lucky to be the first to suggest it.”
“Color me pleasantly surprised, too,” he couldn’t help but smile at her suggestion. ” If you don’t mind, I’ll plan it out and inform you a day later on. This is on my invitation.” He smiled again, but this time he let some of his own excitement show.
“I looked forward too it” she smiled before standing up in her seat. “It was really nice to meet you, refreshing actually. Normally I find these things rather terrifying but you made it much easier to handle.” she did a slightly curtsey, her barefeet peeking out from the hem of her dress covered with red paint.
Mathias rose to his feet, echoing her curtsy with a bow. “The pleasure was entirely mine, Ariella.” he said, his smile broadening. “It’s not every day one meets someone as refreshing and delightful as you.”
His gaze fell to her bare feet, peeking out from the hem of her dress, stained with red paint. He gestured towards the door. “Why don’t you take my carriage? I insist. The floor is still wet outside, and I wouldn’t want you to catch a chill.” Offering his arm with a gentlemanly flourish, he said, “Allow me to escort you.”
Slightly hesitant she smiled and nodded accepting his arm “ Thank you, I think I can say it was also refreshing and delightful to meet you aswell. I really am looking forward to our picnic.” She attempted to hide her smile but it had failed.
Walking towards the carriage she stopped by the door releasing her arm from his “Well, I suppose I will head home, My mother will likely be upset… So I guess it would be best not to worry her anymore. She’s not a fan of my hobbies” she shrugged softly as she clasped her hands infront of her dress. “It really was a refreshing day, I didn’t know what to expect but I am glad I came.”
”Have a good rest of your day, Ariella.” Mathias opened up the carriage door, held out his hand for her to climb in and bowed before closing the door. He waved at her through the small window and signaled the driver, ”To the Edwards estate.” He watched the carriage until it turned a corner, a soft smile on his lips, only interrupted by his stomach's protest at the lack of food.