Life, posting, and proper sleep are a tough juggle at the moment.
Life, posting, and proper sleep are a tough juggle at the moment.
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y The Batman _________________________________________________________ Caucasian | Vigilante | Independent _________________________________________________________ Gotham | New Jersey | United States of America C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S P O S T C A T A L O G P O S T C A T A L O G | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T This is a Batman turned on his head, dynamic reversed, the globally-known basics discarded. Real identity unknown and irrelevant, The Batman feels to been birthed directly from the oppressed suffering of Gotham's working-class, a walking avatar for the ever-looming class war; someone, somewhere, grew tired of the exploitation of the masses, and grew disillusioned with the idea that change would come, tired of waiting for protests and movements and cancellations to enact sweeping change. Waging his war without the backing of Bruce Wayne's usual billions, The Batman is a brutal, unforgiving, resourceful man, leveraging every advantage and exploiting every weakness. While still concerned with petty crime, his efforts are less about prevention or striking fear, and more about inspiration and unification; when a teenager robs a liquor store with his father's snub-nose, is it for thrills? Or is it because eighty dollars in their hand pays for a week of food, and 3 bottles of booze equals 3 nights without the belt across their back? When an unemployed man agrees to play night-watch when a local mob boss needs to move contraband, is it because he's trying to get his foot in the door of organised crime? Or is it because eleven interviews and eleven rejections weigh heavily when the rent cheque is due? And most critically, why mug the lady allowing herself her once-a-month spiced latte treat, when there are hundreds upon hundreds of billions being stolen from the common man every single day? Why not steal it back? This is The Batman's key focus; the Fortune 500, the 10 richest CEO's, the pompous, entitled, exploitative, planet-destructive, callous 1%, who care more about the extra zero on the end of their octuple-figure annual bonus than a mother forced to pick which one of her children to feed each night. The Batman is a soldier, but not in the war on crime; in the Class War. Gotham's real criminals are those in the penthouses, the board rooms, their ivory towers built as headstones upon the planet they are killing. These are the men who need locking away. This is the Batman's mission. He will inspire and bring hope to Gotham's working-class masses; he will frighten and instil fear to those who grow rich from their deaths. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) A true Year Zero for The Batman, he appears in Gotham apparently overnight and begins a brutal campaign against the criminal elements of the city; but while at first the police appear complacent to let him have his fun doing their 'jobs' for them, heads soon turn when it becomes apparent this new vigilante is waging a war on white-collar crime just as fierce as that on violence and gang-banging. Making quick enemies of powerful people, The Batman becomes GCPD's number one priority, and finds himself contending with the 'boys in blue' as just another gang that needs putting down. Naturally, as The Batman wages his war, power balances will shift, and the face of Gotham City will change forever. |
▅▅▅▅▅▅ Y E A R B O O K P H O T O ▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅ Y E A R B O O K P H O T O ▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y ▅▅▅▅▅ Lucille 'Luce' Amanda Calder _________________________________________________________ January 27th, 2005 | 18 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | Female | Pan-romantic Ace _________________________________________________________ Houston | British Columbia | Canada ▅ P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ▅ P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅ M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S ▅ M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S ▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅ N O T E S ▅ N O T E S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅ P O S T C A T A L O G ▅ P O S T C A T A L O G ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ _________________________________________________________ | ▅ S T U D E N T S Y N O P S I S ▅ S T U D E N T S Y N O P S I S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ A Canada Native, Lucille hails from Houston BC, a small mining and forestry town which sees an influx of ecotourism throughout the year. Growing up the youngest child to a single mother of 3, she had few prospects afforded to her; she didn't fare well in school, her brothers were ambivalent to her social failings, and her mother, though meaning well, was simply too overworked and exhausted to properly parent her only daughter. It looked like, unless fate graced her with some great serendipitous incident, she would grow, live, and die in Houston BC. It would seem, then, that fate is in possession of a cruel sense of humour. Fate did indeed visit upon Lucille, but it brought with it calamity, not providence. On a family camping trip - the cheapest way their mother could provide a 'vacation' for the kids - a particularly stormy night brought disaster upon them. Weakened trees from small wildfires finally gave way beneath the force of the storm, and came crashing down directly on their tents. Lucille's brothers were both killed immediately, crushed and speared. Her mother was trapped, both legs broken and pinned beneath a tree. Only Luce was free, but she by no means emerged unscathed; she had escaped being utterly pulverized by the tree-trunk, but errant branches had gored her through, puncturing a lung, her stomach, and unknown to Lucille, her heart; yet she felt no pain, her movement was barely hindered, and she continued to breath and pump blood and walk without severe issue all the way back into town and to the fire station. Her journey allowed emergency workers to mobilize and save her mother - but in the aftermath, it also revealed to Luce and the town that she was far from the normal, unassuming girl she had resigned herself to being. She was a hype, and such a designation came with its own connotations and assumptions. Lucile struggled with survivor's guilt and agoraphobia following her incident, and her mother struggled with losing her sons and receiving only a controversial discovery about her daughter in return. Eventually, it was agreed that the resources she needed were not available to her in Houston; the only place for her was P.R.C.U., and she found herself quickly enrolled and awaiting the ferry in St. Rupert. ▅ A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S ▅ A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || H Y P E R - A D A P T I V E S U R V I V A B I L I T Y __PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION || ESOTERIC __SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION || DYNAMIC Lucille's hype-gene has mutated specifically alongside her immune system and fight-or-flight response. When presented with physical trauma or sudden terror, before adrenaline floods her blood supply, a unique secondary hormone produced by her hype-gene is secreted from her adrenal glands. This hormone first blocks the receptors at her nerve endings, completely shutting down the nervous system pain response and instead replacing any incoming trauma signals with a direct signal to the endocrine system to produce further and further adrenaline. Then, mutated hype-adrenaline bonds with her muscles and completely replaces the aerobic/anaerobic respiration function, eliminating lactic acid build-up and allowing indefinite function without exhaustion. Finally, the bonded hype-gene hormone and mutated adrenaline flood her skull cavity, pass through the pia mater into the blood vessels of the brain, and signal the activation of an extremely intense, subconscious form of auto-bio-kinesis. This bio-kinesis allows Lucille's lower-level brain functions to take over the immune system response, and enable the rewiring of muscles, organs, blood supply systems, and bones on-the-fly to adapt to endure any and all incoming trauma without ceasing overall bodily function. Once trauma has ceased or the threat has been escaped, the hormone stops signalling, and the mutated adrenaline floods the immune system entirely. The body then expedites the recovery of injury, drawing adrenaline from its various appendages and organs in order to facilitate quickened recovery while allowing maximum up-time of the unconscious bio-kinesis to aid natural physical recovery - and finally, the adrenaline is purged from the brain entirely, shutting off the bio-kinesis and being disseminated as the final healing 'booster'. All these processes combined result in Luce being able to sustain intense physical trauma well above and beyond what would be typically fatal for a human, without feeling pain, losing motor or organ function, or slowing or shutting down - and then being able to recover from the trauma to full-functioning capacity at an increased rate after-the-fact. L I M I T A T I O N S || AMPUTATION, INCINERATION, IMMOBILIZATION While Lucille's ability makes her incredibly difficult to permanently put down, there are limits to the damage she is able to repair. Amputation of any limb will require surgical intervention to reattach; Luce is not able to re-grow missing limbs or hold it in place and heal the separation. Complete incineration of flesh also stymies the healing process. Finally, while Lucille is able to survive catastrophic amounts of physical trauma, she is afforded very little additional strength, and methods to incarcerate or immobilize most people will work just as well on her. In short, while Luce can survive with extreme aptitude, amputation, cremation, or incarceration are effective ways to eliminate her from any active situation, or kill her completely. W E A K N E S S E S || YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE FOR THE HEAD (OR MY EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE) Lucille's ability to adapt and survive hinges on the mutated hype-gene hormone and adrenaline combination reaching her brain and activating her latent bio-kinetic powers. This bio-kinesis is then run subconsciously without active control by Lucille. Without the brain, there is no bio-kinesis - so a sure-fire way to kill Luce is to remove the head, or destroy the brain. Additionally, while Lucille is almost purpose-built to weather injury, her power does little against mental trauma, as evidenced by the lasting emotional scars from her fateful camping trip. She possesses a heavy fear of forests and woodland, especially densely-treed areas, and suffers from agoraphobia, worsening as she leaves urban and city developments. She's also shouldering an unhealthy amount of remorse and self-blame alongside the grief for her brothers, born from survivor's guilt and her mother's difficulties with her after the incident. ________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Just going to do a few little post playing in my own space while I find my footing if that's okay. Don't want to mess up the flow everyone's got built up, but I do have plans to get Selene over when the time is right. Could potentially even offer a on-ramp for @Roman's new character if one hasn't been discussed/decided yet.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
What do you have to give thanks for? You live in Canada?
And here I was worried I killed the RP again lol