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Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.020: Chicanery on the Shoreline

Interaction(s): //

Aurora and Harper exchanged greetings and replies and Gil found himself pleasantly distracted, in good company, good climate, and with plenty of exciting external stimuli. It was good to get back into the swing of things, find himself slipping back into the right frame of mind and the right way of talking, socializing. With the rest of Blackjack arriving - even Amma, offset in the distance but distinctly within earshot and sight-line, keeping tabs even if she deliberately separated herself, wasn't immune to the bond the team had been able to foster in the short year Gil had been attending the university; Katja, her towering stature exaggerated even further against Amma's significantly slighter frame, scooped up the dark woman with the ferocious affection she was notorious for. Gil's back ached in sympathy at the sight of the embrace - but he smiled warmly, appreciating the intention of the gesture, afforded even to those who placed themselves on the fringes of the team.

Any affection for the unlikely group of compatriots was quickly replaced with the sheer crippling weight of second-hand embarrassment. Lorcán and Aurora were quickly engaged in conversation - expected, and with all the normal amount of pointedly not discussing the obvious chemistry and electricity between the two - but this quickly unraveled as Rory - god bless him, with all the good intention in the world - injected what, Gil thought, was a surprisingly clever play to pitch the two dancing love-birds face-first into each other. Unfortunately, such a play was lost on the naive and too-nice, and all that really ended up happening was Rory pitching egg into his own face, and Lorcán pitching straight over the cooler that, again, had been delivered with Rory-brand good-vibes in mind. Gil couldn't help but pull his hands down his face as he watched the scene unfold in front of him and the rest of Blackjack, utterly powerless to stop any of it. Calliope, ever the aloof team mother, had watched the same events, and come to the same conclusion, and had helped Lorcán up before Gil had had time to react and interject himself for the same assistance.

He turned back to Harper and smiled, a well-practiced sparkle twinkling in his eyes, that 'don't worry, you're the only person here I want to talk to' look that he and Artie rehearsed for signings and red carpet interviews.
"It's times like these, Harp, that I remember how lucky I am to literally be in three places at once."
With that, one after the other, two perfect-replica Gil's stepped forwards from the original himself, a shimmer in the air around all three as matter and HZEs rearranged themselves at Gil's will into new forms.
"Gentlemen." The three said to each other, simultaneously, the overlapping identical voices creating a strange echoing harmony.

2"Harper," Gil2 said, maintaining the smile and giving a polite nod to Harper, Gil3, and Gil. He went to Lorcán, helping him brush sand from his back and kicking ice away into the far-sand. He gently swiped the seltzer from Lorcán's hand, winking as he did so - they both knew the red-cheeked young man didn't really want it - and scooped an orange soda from the freshly-chilled cooler instead, thrusting it into Lorcán's open hand with one arm, while the other swung around Lorcán's shoulder and they gently stepped away from the group's earshot, head lowering as Gil2 began to offer what he thought sounded like sage advice, and hoped would be the catalyst to Lorcán just being frank with his feelings.3"Ms. Baxter," Gil3 said, maintaining the smile and giving a polite nod to Harper, Gil2, and Gil. He went to Rory and Calliope, collecting a beer for himself and an energy drink for Rory, seeking to rally behind his well-intentioned friend and hoping that he and Calliope could streamline the plan somewhat and help Rory in his ever-quest to help other people. And perhaps, in the process, help himself - don't think Gil hadn't noticed how Rory looked at Haven sometimes. Or Katja. Or Mei. Or even Banjo - not that Gil had any problem with that direction of things, but Banjo, of all the eligible bachelors around campus?. Hey big guy, maybe pick a lane and let other people pass, hunk.
"And fortunately, that lets me remain here with you, Elf-Eyes," said Gil, keeping that same smile plastered across his face, gesturing loosely to the sketchbook that Harper clutched to her chest like Pandora's Box. "Are you most landscapes or portraits these days?"

The Fae

Luckily for Aurora, Gil’s approach took some of the pressure off by changing the subject. “Gil! It’s great to see you too.” She replied to his greeting. “Of course, this year is going to be one to remember, I just know it.”

“Yeah… gonna be great,” Harper managed as an answer to his question.


“Looks like Myotis could have a real shot at the Laurels this year…” Aurora joked to Gil.

Rory/Aurora/Lorcán kerfuffle.

Lorcán trips over cooler, Calliope helps him up before calling Rory over for a 'chat'.
The Fae

Charms/Wards: Rowan Trees, Rowan Tree & Herb talismans/amulets, bells, gifts of bread, four-leaf clovers, inside-out clothes, cold iron, shunning Fairy places, avoiding offense or invasions of privacy, knowing names, fairy ointment

Traits: Cannot lie; must accept gifts, but are obligated to repay in kind; equal exchange in all barters; bind others, and bound themselves, by their words and the terms of their agreements (geas)


Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.006: Chivalry on the Shoreline

Interaction(s): @Lord Wraith, Lorcán // @Qia, Harper // @Melissa, Aurora
Gil sat on the beach, perched atop the crest of where the coastline swelled up as the tide met the island; the ocean lapped at the sand a handful of feet below him, and he wriggled his feet deeper into the shore, enjoying the warmth of the sand covering his toes, and the heat of the sun on his back through the unbuttoned white-linen shirt he wore to ward off sunburn. He watched students eat, drink, run up and down the coast, swim, shriek from the cold; many smiled or waved, some blushed - he gave them all the same friendly smile, a short wave back, a quick peace-sign thrown up when he noticed someone holding their phone up for a photo. His team, and his other academic peers entering their final year, were well-used to his presence, and the mystique and allure of his silver-screen history had worn off for them. Not so for the flock of new students that came with the start of the new semester - Gil's enrollment at P.R.C.U. was a well-promoted piece of trivia, both by W.H.A.T. and the university itself, and Gil was sure that the ferry over contained more than a few low whispers of the campus' own resident Hyperhuman movie star.

This all suited Gil; he liked the attention, he liked the occasional 'special consideration' afforded to him by the academy, he liked most girls coming pre-wooed, he liked that he had go-to small talk that was simple for him and exciting for his conversational partner. He liked that it helped distract him from the text messages from Elle he'd had that morning. The phone was clutched in his hand and while it was locked, face ID would quickly re-open it to the same message exchange that hadn't left the screen since it had ended.

He'd had the usual from his parents and Arthur; good news from Arthur even, the feeling of which was quickly forgotten in the face of knowing he'd fucked up with Elle yet again. He knew when he sent it that mentioning LA was stupid, but so was mentioning Ann Arbour. The bit about filming wasn't even supposed to be trite or deflecting, but Elle's response was clear. Gil might be dumb, but he wasn't stupid. Elle had no love for Hollywood, had taken considerable steps to remove herself from the city and the lifestyle, and Gil's suggestion was 'maybe I'll fly us out for a weekend together in the city you hate that's the very symbol of why we split in the first place'? Gil wasn't stupid, but he was dumb.
He sighed, and shoved the phone into the pocket of his trunks. He scanned the coastline again, looking for a new distraction, and spotted Lorcán on his board paddling in to shore. Gil smiled and called out, waving his hand to grab his attention.
"For someone who has been on a board since he could walk, you wouldn't know it!”

"The waves are gnarly my dude, guess the water just isn't my element today." Lorcán smirked as he spotted Gil and trekked across the sand toward him, board under one arm and seawater rising off him as steam. You'd be forgiven for thinking the sun was working some overtime if you didn't know Lorcán, or indeed the common reason anyone here was on this particular beach, rather than some other stretch of west-coast shoreline. Lorcán stuck his board upright in the sand with a forceful stab, and sat down next to Gil to join in with his people-watching.
“Are you looking forward to putting together the Homecoming Trial for this year’s freshmen? It’s tradition for the graduating class to work together creating a new obstacle course. With any luck, maybe the Chancellor will let us run the course before the new class.”

Gil chuckled softly and maintained a friendly smile as he replied.
“I find I’m more equipped for emotional labour compared to physical, but you know what they say - many hands make light work. You hear a lot of good sayings in the industry, but that one particularly seems to follow me…”
Gil looked up, trailing off and shielding his eyes from the sun as a young girl approached nervously from behind Lorcán; Lorcán followed his gaze before noticing her and welcomed the girl before beginning introductions.

“Gil, this is my ‘baby’ cousin, Ripley Jones,” Lorcán said with a smile, embracing the petite brunette with a side hug. “She’s starting her first collegiate year this fall.”
“Hi,” Ripley replied shyly, before brushing her bangs away from her face, before turning to whisper to Lorcán, “You didn’t tell me you knew Gil freakin’ Galahad!”
A confused look came over Lorcán’s face for a second before bursting into a wide smile.
“Oh yeah, he’s-” Lorcán paused, turning back towards Gil, “-you’re a movie star or something, right?” Lorcán chuckled softly. “Y’know, she actually lives in Crestwood Hollow.”

Gil beamed, standing and brushing off the sand to offer a hand to shake. “Always nice to meet a fan. You know we actually shot on-location for a few episodes. It’s a beautiful town. Would you like a selfie?”
“Of course she wou-” A sharp elbow to the ribs stopped the words mid-breath as Lorcán was forced to sharply exhale.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Ripley began to whisper frantically, “This is so not the way I wanted to meet Gil Galahad!” She pleaded, tugging at Lorcán’s hand. “I am so going to get you back for this the minute I find out which one of these girls is-”
“I think we were leaving after all,” Lorcán said with a smile while tucking his surfboard under his arm. “If I don’t see you before the kick-off ceremony, enjoy the rest of the holiday.”

Gil pointed a finger and grinned. "Hey - you too, bud. Big day tomorrow!"
He watched the pair trek off down the beach, chatting to each other as they went, and the grin faded from Gil's face as they went; the jovial expression was gone completely before Lorcán and Ripley had put 10 yards behind them. He put a hand to his pocket, feeling the weight and shape of his phone through the polyester. Come on, Gilbert. Get a grip. It's your last year, and then an easy ride to your very own Walk of Fame star. Imagine what that Hollywood Reporter cover shoot will do for your image.

He scanned the beach again, and nearly wished he hadn't when he spotted the second teammate of the day; Banjo himself, parading out of the water with half the dignity Lorcán had shown but twice the self-aggrandizing confidence. Gil watched him wring out his shorts and strip his shoes and socks and then looked away as Banjo looked up and around, pointedly searching for someone else to engage with. Or at least to provide a buffer. Gil wasn't sure he had the patience at this present moment to present his usual amiable facade against Banjo's particular brand of attention.

Instead, Gil flinched as the creaking static of a megaphone erupted from behind him before Harper's voice boomed through, sounding for all intents and purposes like a drill sergeant shouting orders; yet despite the harsh tone, Gil felt a small flutter ripple through him regardless. The barked command was Harper through-and-through: disciplined, observant, in favour of the greater good, and unwilling to suffer fools.

Well, hopefully not that last one.

Gil got up, putting text messages out of his head, hoping Banjo didn't notice him amidst the crowded beach, and turned to find the source of the yell. He spotted Aurora's hair before he saw Harper, but Aurora was approaching Harper anyway - and if Aurora was around, Gil could be sure Lorcán would be gravitating closer, if not already bee-lining for the pair of girls. A little two-man tête-à-tête was potentially in order, and the perfect thing to rouse Gil from his funk and bring back the sunny disposition that had been so-far absent from an otherwise gorgeous day.

A light jog through the sand warmed up his legs and helped the sunlight catch his toned torso just-so through the open shirt; he gave a friendly wave as he approached, standing with a smile at a safe distance and making a point not to pay too much attention to what either girl was choosing to reveal, whether that be by Aurora's bikini, or Harper's sundress. Of course, that wasn't to hide that he was interested - just to show that he was interested in a more noble, chivalrous kind of way. That was the idea, at least. He couldn't afford to be being seen as lecherous.

"Hello, ladies! Lovely to see you today. Enjoying the weather? Excited for our final semester?"
T E N - E I G H T Y
T E N - E I G H T Y
"Handsomely charming, charmingly handsome, and the other one."
Gilbert 'Gil' Emory Galahad
June 13th, 2003 | 25 | Caucasian
Single | Male | Heterosexual
Bristol | Bristol | United Kingdom
Lynx | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Athletic
H A I R C O L O U R || Brunette
E Y E C O L O U R || Steel Blue
H E I G H T || 5'10"
W E I G H T || 150lbs
S C A R S || None
T A T T O O S || None
P I E R C I N G S || None
O T H E R || N/A
Born in Bristol, England, Gil Galahad was raised an only child in a well-to-do household with loving parents who undeniably doted on him a little too much. As the first and only to his extended family, he was lavished attention by his mother, father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and eagerly soaked up every drop; he became performative at an early age, theatrical, engineering a steady flow of praise and adoration. His parents encouraged this behaviour, pushing him into child dramatics programmes and extra-curricular classes, fostering a latent talent for acting in hopes it would crystallise into success.

Ultimately, adolescent narcissism paid off, and after a series of castings in small parts, a young teenaged Gil landed the titular co-lead role in the breakaway hit Romeo & Juliet & Zombies – the surprise of the summer, a throwaway zom-rom-com turned box-office smash hit – and was propelled into Hollywood gliterrati completely.

Bristol was left behind for the sparkling hills of LA, his parents seeking to capitalise on his silver-screen triumph and flip their beloved son into Hollywood’s hottest commodity. Success in this endeavour was mixed; the film was beloved and represented a significant payday for the Galahads, but performances in follow-up castings as Gil inevitably transitioned from adolescent heart-throb to adult acting were received with more mixed reviews, and slowly but surely the roles tapered off, and then the worst thing possible happened; Gil discovered he was Hyperhuman.

His agent, of a more pragmatic mind than his parents, rapidly changed tact; he knew Hollywood would throw Gil to the gutter, and was determined to get ahead of it. He sourced pro-Hype activist movements and progressive independent channels, pushing Gil’s emergence as a pseudo-‘coming out’ PR puff-piece – and it paid off, landing Gil a central role on the independently-produced Hyperhuman-focused soap opera, Crestwood Hollow. His character’s introduction was well-received by fans of the show, and his storyline – utilizing his powers to portray both sides of a classic (if melodramatic) ‘evil twin’ arc – saw hot-and-cold reactions, but brought his name some recognition again; Gil Galahad was a hot topic in Hyperhuman circles, and he loved being talked about. When the storyline tapered off, and Gil’s character Put On A Bus, he segued into Pro-Hype activism, becoming the face of a new campaign with "Working for Hyperhuman Artists & Thespians", or W.H.A.T., a progressive actor's union fighting for Hyperhuman actors, artists, and performers in general to be accepted into mainstream Hollywood.

All of this ultimately lead to PRCU as the pinnacle of PR moves; as a ‘notable’ Hyperhuman for PRCU to tout in their enrolment brochures, and a clear path for Gil to boost his legitimacy, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement, and Gil began his academic career in September 2027, enrolling in an Acting Major – emphasis in Stage & Screen – and a minor in Sociology, to keep the ‘activist’ image alive.

For the most part, Gil’s enjoyed his time at the academy, and he’s welcomed the adoration from devoted fans and co-activists; but for the most part, he’s just ready to get back to Hollywood and break ranks into the A-List once again.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Q U A N T U M R E P L I C A T I O N

Gil is able to store the atomic quantum-entangled ‘memory’ of any object he’s come into physical contact with, and is then able to manipulate matter and HZEs in his immediate vicinity to instantly reproduce a perfect replica of the object, as it was as the point of being ‘stored’. Gil’s most common use of this ability is storing himself, utilising the quantum nature of his power to copy not only his body, but his very consciousness, and produce a sentient, independent clone.

L I M I T A T I O N S ||

Gil’s replications are dependent on available matter, HZEs, and his own energy levels to produce copies, and the size and complexity of the object impacts his ability to replicate; too many copies of too complex an item in quick succession saps Gil’s own strength until he can’t manifest anymore without fatiguing just as fast. Static material objects are easier, but at max current potential he can manage 2 full clones – Gil2 and Gil3 – but feels slightly woozy afterwards; any more just knocks him out.

Additionally, Gil can only store a single object at a time, can only store objects he’s made physical contact with, and while he can store and replicate himself at any time, doing so ‘overwrites’ any currently-stored item. Gil’s clones are also bereft of powers themselves, unable to manipulate HZEs in the same way, so they can’t create their own clones – no recursive replication loops.

Gil’s clones are able to self-sustain indefinitely, but they require sufficient nourishment to do so – roughly 1.5x the average caloric intake and healthy rest that a standard man of Gil’s size and stature would need. Without any sustenance or sleep, a clone can last 12-16 hours before crumbling, but grows exponentially weaker as time drags on.

Finally, Gil can store and copy other people, but due to the complexities of the human psyche, is unable to replicate their consciousnesses like he can his own – so he only produces unsettling, brain-dead versions of their bodies, which understandably upsets everybody and is best avoided.

W E A K N E S S E S ||

Gil’s copies aren’t enhanced in any way, and are only as effective or powerful as the original object is. Gil’s clones are independent copies of his consciousness, and while they’re aware they’re clones, they’re not necessarily automatically subservient to the original Gil.

All of Gil’s copies are essentially half-HZE constructs, so anti-hype tech and weaponry that disrupts HZE ions is not only effective at inhibiting Gil’s powers, but also acts like spreading salt on ice against anything he's replicated.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Gil’s not super invested in PRCU as an academic institution and an opportunity for self-improvement as much as just using it to line him up for some stunt-casted roles in the growing pro-Hyperhuman movement within Hollywood, ultimately seeing the university as the best political move to claw back his waning fame and land in LA’s good graces again. He’s grateful for the place offered to him by the academy, but has taken it somewhat for granted and seen it as an easy ride thus far.

Gil’s aware of the Hyperion incident and the controversies surrounding it, and Alexandria’s move to purchase PRCU, but is ultimately of a ‘doesn’t affect me personally so I don’t care’ mentality. Sure, he’s pro-Hype, but his plan is to graduate, break big back into movies again, and never look back. He’s pro-Hype and (carefully) vocal of his activism while it serves a purpose, but he’s also aware that he can pass as ‘normal’ if he needs to drift away from this latest cultivated image.

Gil likes the university; he’s pleased to have the chance to graduate with an honest-to-god degree; he’s happy to support a progressive agenda, especially while the agenda favours him; but for Gil, it’s less about scholastic ambition, and more about making the smartest move to get rich and famous again. Will that attitude continue through the completion of his graduating year, or will he ‘go native’ and actually fall in with those he supposedly represents?

Separately, I'm seeking to engage in a romantic sub-arc with Gil, finding that special someone that connects with the actual person beneath the LA-bred schmooze and superficial charm, forcing Gil to realise that true fulfilment and interpersonal connection runs deeper than reading a 4-star review from rogerebert.com, or fan-mail off tumblr. Ultimately, he needs someone to save him from both LA and himself, and only then can he grow and develop into a fully-rounded person.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
CHARISMA, EMOTIONAL CONTROL || Gil's long been a handsome, charismatic young man, able to charm nearly any audience, winning friends and successfully networking among many crowds. At the same time, he's been able to keep a firm line on himself and his emotions, tailoring his emotive responses to the situation at hand to engineer the best results. It doesn't work for everyone - he's been accused of being 'fake' on more than one occasion - but for the most part, he's well-liked and easily sociable.

ACTING, VENTRILOQUISM || Performing from a young age, as well as taking classes, extra-curricular electives, and coaching, have helped groom a knack for acting into an honest-to-god skill. He's not oscar-winning, but he's good enough to have been casted and seen some critical success. A side-talent, and one he doesn't upkeep with anywhere near the same kind of concerted effort, is ventriloquism, an old hobby that he started as a lonely only-child, and kept up when he realised he liked the sound of his own voice.
S M A R T C A S U A L || Ever-ready for a pop-up interview, outside of PRCU uniform Gil likes to maintain a well-groomed wardrobe of suit jackets, stylish shirts, and a mix of slacks and jeans.

I T E M ( S )
T H E E S S E N T I A L S || Given the nature of his powers, Gil likes to take advantage by keeping a couple of small essentials on his person for day-to-day use: cigarettes, matches, a business card, and a cash clip. Everything you might need to chat, flirt, or bribe your way out of a tricky situation.

T O O L ( S )
B A C K - U P S || With no guarantee that useful items will be readily available when a potentially dangerous situation arises, Gil keeps a couple pragmatic back-up objects on his person in case he needs emergency access to something to copy, specifically for when schmoozing fails and he needs to defend himself - a self-defence folding knife, and a Glock G19 pistol (licensed, of course). Having practiced with both weapons, both in and out of PRCU, they're handy emergency items in a last-resort circumstance.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?

Gil knitted his brow, concentrating and looking like God's own prophet descending from Mount Sinai to dispense wisdom. Delivered with a practiced sincerity:
"Open yourself up to what the academy has to offer. There's so much more to learn here than just what your course has to teach you. Really take the time to better yourself, and it'll help you better the world around you as a result."

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

Gil broke into a wide smile, his eyes sparkling warmly. He looked like he'd been waiting to answer this question his whole life.
"I just wanted to be a better person, improve myself mentally, philosophically, emotionally - and let myself deliver some better performances for the fans! But as soon as I arrived, I knew this place was truly special, and I'm hoping when I leave I can open some minds to the potential this institution holds for everybody, Hyperhuman or not."

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

Gil raised his eyebrows, sitting back in his chair and really taking the time - or appearing to take the time - to consider the full implications of the question. Finally, with a polite, wry smile, he leaned forwards again, pointing a playful finger.
"Open-campus day for the whole world. I think there's a lot of people out there who just don't know any better, and this incredible university has the capacity to show them different. With everything this community has accomplished on Dundas Island, it's the modern Eighth Wonder of the World - they just need to show it off!"


"It takes more than talent to stay ahead."
R I P L E Y, A R T H U R ( A R T I E ) || T A L E N T A G E N T
R I P L E Y, A R T H U R ( A R T I E ) || T A L E N T A G E N T
Gil's agent, who landed him his breakout role in Romeo & Juliet & Zombies and has since guided Gil's career with a steady hand and cunning eye. An actor of some success in his own right in younger days, he's stepped to the side-lines in the latter half of his career and brought his talents for PR and social manoeuvring to bear instead, being instrumental in every major beat along Gil's journey through Hollywood so far. While he's certainly not a completely morally-upstanding character, his intentions are well-meaning and ultimately he's just a driven, ambitious man, who's realised the careful direction of others is an easier path to success than triumphing through his own efforts.

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"There are more important things out there than a good review."
B A I N E S, E L E N O R A ( E L L E ) || E X C O - S T A R
B A I N E S, E L E N O R A ( E L L E ) || E X C O - S T A R
Gil's co-star from Romeo & Juliet & Zombies, the titular heroine who delivered a more critically-successful performance than Gil, but didn't flourish under the sudden spotlight as Gil did and ultimately faded from Hollywood, moving back home to Ann Arbour, Michigan. She and Gil kept in touch, though, helped by fond memories of a brief romantic tryst on-set and for a short time afterwards; Elle's down-to-earth, honest approach was the only thing that cut through Gil's superficial schmooze, and he worries that no one else will understand or accept his true nature. She's still willing to lend an ear, take a phone-call, receive some texts, but finds, increasingly, that conversations are less two old friends catching up, and more Gil talking about himself - and she'd rather leave her time in LA behind her, where it belongs.

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Gil's a very talented boy. We're lucky to have him."
G A L A H A D, A N D R E W || F A T H E R
G A L A H A D, A N D R E W || F A T H E R
Gil's dad, an accountant working remotely from his Bristol home for a London law-firm, but with a theatrical history of his own - in his younger days he performed in a series of theatre shows across the South of England, and this on-stage confidence is likely where Gil gets his dramatic leanings from. He's proud of Gil's success, especially the ways he's been able to take advantage of his Hyperhuman nature for further opportunities, but does worry that it may still all come crashing down, and Gil's chosen academic path with PRCU doesn't necessarily offer him the fall-back that Andrew himself had with accounting - on either his choice of degree, or his choice of institution.

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Whatever happens, he'll always be the star of my home."
G A L A H A D, R O S E M A R I E || M O T H E R
G A L A H A D, R O S E M A R I E || M O T H E R
Gil's mum, a kept woman between Andrew's sizeable salary and Gil's generous royalty checks. An intelligent and fierce woman in her own right, she keeps active within her local community and is well-read in Hyperhuman literature following Gil's emergence. There is an amount of restlessness that comes from her circumstances, but she's not ungrateful enough to begin to complain about her position, and is instead thankful to have a loving husband, a talented son, and the freedom to pursue her own passions.

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.


"Sometimes you can be a little too passionate."
R O T H, L O R C Á N || B E S T F R I E N D S
R O T H, L O R C Á N || B E S T F R I E N D S
"I like Lorcán; I like his passion, his zeal - he's a true believer. Guy wants to improve everything for everybody and it's hard to deny that kind of ardour for a good cause. But there's an undeniable naivety - and it's not Lorcán's fault - that comes with his kind of upbringing. You grow up in a utopia built specifically for your kind, you develop a blind spot for the real world, and boy-howdy does this guy have one hell of a wake-up-call waiting for him - if he hasn't already started cottoning on."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Be smart, or be irritating, but by god don't be both."
O L Y P H A N T, A N D R E W "B A N J O" || T E N S E
O L Y P H A N T, A N D R E W "B A N J O" || T E N S E
"I don't think I've ever met a person like Banjo, and I mean that with all the positive and negative connotations attached. The guy is smart - too smart for his own good - and emotionally intelligent too, but just seems to put those gifts towards...being annoying. Catch him on a good day and he's enthralling company. Shame those 'good days' have to be quite so rare..."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"A woman of two minds...why does that feel strangely familiar?"
P E N A D A, P A L L Y X || F R I E N D S / C R U S H
P E N A D A, P A L L Y X || F R I E N D S / C R U S H
"Pallyx is...of a dualistic nature - certainly something I can relate to, on both the metaphysical and literal levels. Her relaxed nature is refreshing, easy, makes being in her company simple...until she flips, and it's paranoia, superstition, apprehension. If you know which one you're getting it's manageable, but if you're expecting one and surprised by the other, it can be a little tricky. But there's something that makes me want to manage it, makes me want the surprise. I can't explain it. I just like being around her."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Very off-limits. In more ways than one."
D E L E O N, C A L L I O P E || C R U S H
D E L E O N, C A L L I O P E || C R U S H
"It's a shame she's still so closed-off even after her prolonged enrollment at the university, but I'll be damned if I didn't admit there's still something alluring about her aloofness...and of course she's beautiful, and what better power couple is there than movie star plus political powerhouse? We could be the modern Brad and Angelina. But I'm no homewrecker, and I attract enough of Banjo's regrettable attention already...no harm in admiring from afar, though."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"I can only hope even her eyesight isn't good enough to see through me."
B A X T E R, H A R P E R || C R U S H
B A X T E R, H A R P E R || C R U S H
"She sees everything, including the value in holding herself and everyone around her to higher standards. I wish I could do the same - every second in her company feels like I'm disappointing her, and through her, myself. Enhanced vision? No kidding. I flinch every time she looks at me. So why am I always trying to get her to look at me?"

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Compassion, grace, resilience. It's easy to see why Lorcán's quite so captivated."
M I T C H E L L, A U R O R A || F R I E N D S
M I T C H E L L, A U R O R A || F R I E N D S
"It's remarkable how resilient and empathetic Aurora is, given the darkness of the path behind her. I imagine that sense of freedom inherent to her particular abilities comes with its own escape-hatch that help shine a light in darker moments, but even still, I've known people far less resilient from far better circumstances. It's obvious why Lorcán admires her as fiercely as he does - I do just wish the pair of them would get on with it."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Haven helped me understand 'good' attention and 'bad' attention. I prefer the former, but I know I'm lucky."
B A R N E S, H A V E N || C R U S H
B A R N E S, H A V E N || C R U S H
"I'm used to attracting eyes, but I know people look at me for the right reasons - or at least, the reasons I want them to look at me for. Haven, though...not so lucky. And instead of bearing the abuse, she decided to just abandon it, which speaks to a remarkable strength of character and comfort with one's self and your own company...none of which I can claim to have. Envy is an awkward and misunderstood emotion... it's people like Haven I should keep in mind when thinking about W.H.A.T. in my more cynical moments."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"It can be tricky seeing eye-to-eye with someone a foot taller than you."
K R U G E R, K A T J A || N E U T R A L
K R U G E R, K A T J A || N E U T R A L
"But god she's huge, isn't she? Protective, fiercely pro-Hype in a way that W.H.A.T. pales against, and a ferocious competitor. Not that I'm eager to get onto the field against her. Or with her. I know she's not hugely on-board with W.H.A.T.'s core mission statement, but I think she still appreciates that they're pushing for Hype rights at least, rather than against. As long as I can count on her support for my eventual Oscars campaign!"

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"The kind of person W.H.A.T. deserves...or any other pro-Hype cause, for that matter."
H I S A M A T S U, M E I || F R I E N D S
H I S A M A T S U, M E I || F R I E N D S
"Passionate to a fault - like Lorcán, but tempered with that real-world experience. She's known what it's like to be whispered about, shunned, looked at differently - but unlike a lot of others, she's not let it slow her down or put her off-balance. Instead she just mucks in, gives it her all. It's intense. It's admirable. It's something I wish I could do."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"I used to think Gil2 and Gil3 were my 'three amigos'. With Lorcán and Rory, though...maybe I have real friends now?"
T Y L E R, R O R Y || B E S T F R I E N D S
T Y L E R, R O R Y || B E S T F R I E N D S
"The quintessential Golden Retriever Boy. I can't imagine facing into the world with the kind of sheer blind optimism and moral up-standing Rory lives and breaths, but god if it isn't half a good pick-me-up on darker days. He's even good about being teased in those head-full-of-bricks moments. Between Lorcán and Rory, I'm at risk of walking out of graduation with some real life-long friends...provided I don't fuck them up when I get back to LA. I've had enough of that for a lifetime."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.

"Survival of the fittest, or strength in the pack? ...I don't think Amma would hesitate."
C A H O R S, A M M A || T E N S E
C A H O R S, A M M A || T E N S E
"The Alexandria transfer...shipped in with a complementary chip on her shoulder. There's a wild, feral energy about Amma - an innate, immutable yearning for freedom, expression, the ambition to be an individual without apology or compromise. It's intense. It's...attractive. It's a whole lot of woman I am certainly not ready for."

Use as many or few of the above symbols as needed to balance this cell with the cell containing the image.


Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.004: Post Title

Interaction(s): @Lord Wraith, Lorcán //
Gil sat on the beach, perched atop the crest of where the coastline swelled up as the tide met the island; the ocean lapped at the sand a handful of feet below him, and he wriggled his feet deeper into the shore, enjoying the warmth of the sand covering his toes, and the heat of the sun on his back through the unbuttoned white-linen shirt he wore to ward off sunburn. He watched students eat, drink, run up and down the coast, swim, shriek from the cold; many smiled or waved, some blushed - he gave them all the same friendly smile, a short wave back, a quick peace-sign thrown up when he noticed someone holding their phone up for a photo. His team, and his other academic peers entering their final year, were well-used to his presence, and the mystique and allure of his silver-screen history had worn off for them. Not so for the flock of new students that came with the start of the new semester - Gil's enrollment at P.R.C.U. was a well-promoted piece of trivia, both by W.H.A.T. and the university itself, and Gil was sure that the ferry over contained more than a few low whispers of the campus' own resident Hyperhuman movie star.

This all suited Gil; he liked the attention, he liked the occasional 'special consideration' afforded to him by the academy, he liked most girls coming pre-wooed, he liked that he had go-to small talk that was simple for him and exciting for his conversational partner. He liked that it helped distract him from the text messages from Elle he'd had that morning. The phone was clutched in his hand and while it was locked, face ID would quickly re-open it to the same message exchange that hadn't left the screen since it had ended.

He'd had the usual from his parents and Arthur; good news from Arthur even, the feeling of which was quickly forgotten in the face of knowing he'd fucked up with Elle yet again. He knew when he sent it that mentioning LA was stupid, but so was mentioning Ann Arbour. The bit about filming wasn't even supposed to be trite or deflecting, but Elle's response was clear. Gil might be dumb, but he wasn't stupid. Elle had no love for Hollywood, had taken considerable steps to remove herself from the city and the lifestyle, and Gil's suggestion was 'maybe I'll fly us out for a weekend together in the city you hate that's the very symbol of why we split in the first place'? Gil wasn't stupid, but he was dumb.
He sighed, and shoved the phone into the pocket of his trunks. He scanned the coastline again, looking for a new distraction, and spotted Lorcán on his board paddling in to shore. Gil smiled and called out, waving his hand to grab his attention.
"For someone who has been on a board since he could walk, you wouldn't know it!”

"The waves are gnarly my dude, guess the water just isn't my element today." Lorcán smirked as he spotted Gil and trekked across the sand toward him, board under one arm and seawater rising off him as steam. You'd be forgiven for thinking the sun was working some overtime if you didn't know Lorcán, or indeed the common reason anyone here was on this particular beach, rather than some other stretch of west-coast shoreline. Lorcán stuck his board upright in the sand with a forceful stab, and sat down next to Gil to join in with his people-watching.
“Are you looking forward to putting together the Homecoming Trial for this year’s freshmen? It’s tradition for the graduating class to work together creating a new obstacle course. With any luck, maybe the Chancellor will let us run the course before the new class.”

Gil chuckled softly and maintained a friendly smile as he replied.
“I find I’m more equipped for emotional labour compared to physical, but you know what they say - many hands make light work. You hear a lot of good sayings in the industry, but that one particularly seems to follow me…”
Gil looked up, trailing off and shielding his eyes from the sun as a young girl approached nervously from behind Lorcán; Lorcán followed his gaze before noticing her and welcomed the girl before beginning introductions.

“Gil, this is my ‘baby’ cousin, Ripley Jones,” Lorcán said with a smile, embracing the petite brunette with a side hug. “She’s starting her first collegiate year this fall.”
“Hi,” Ripley replied shyly, before brushing her bangs away from her face, before turning to whisper to Lorcán, “You didn’t tell me you knew Gil freakin’ Galahad!”
A confused look came over Lorcán’s face for a second before bursting into a wide smile.
“Oh yeah, he’s-” Lorcán paused, turning back towards Gil, “-you’re a movie star or something, right?” Lorcán chuckled softly. “Y’know, she actually lives in Crestwood Hollow.”

Gil beamed, standing and brushing off the sand to offer a hand to shake. “Always nice to meet a fan. You know we actually shot on-location for a few episodes. It’s a beautiful town. Would you like a selfie?”
“Of course she wou-” A sharp elbow to the ribs stopped the words mid-breath as Lorcán was forced to sharply exhale.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Ripley began to whisper frantically, “This is so not the way I wanted to meet Gil Galahad!” She pleaded, tugging at Lorcán’s hand. “I am so going to get you back for this the minute I find out which one of these girls is-”
“I think we were leaving after all,” Lorcán said with a smile while tucking his surfboard under his arm. “If I don’t see you before the kick-off ceremony, enjoy the rest of the holiday.”

Gil pointed a finger and grinned. "Hey - you too, bud. Big day tomorrow!"
He watched the pair trek off down the beach, chatting to each other as they went, and the grin faded from Gil's face as they went; the jovial expression was gone completely before Lorcán and Ripley had put 10 yards behind them. He put a hand to his pocket, feeling the weight and shape of his phone through the polyester. Come on, Gilbert. Get a grip. It's your last year, and then an easy ride to your very own Walk of Fame star. Imagine what that Hollywood Reporter cover shoot will do for your image.

He scanned the beach again, and nearly wished he hadn't when he spotted the second teammate of the day; Banjo himself, parading out of the water with half the dignity Lorcán had shown but twice the self-aggrandizing confidence. Gil watched him wring out his shorts and strip his shoes and socks and then looked away as Banjo looked up and around, pointedly searching for someone else to engage with. Or at least to provide a buffer. Gil wasn't sure he had the patience at this present moment to present his usual amiable facade against Banjo's particular brand of attention.

Instead, Gil flinched as the creaking static of a megaphone erupted from behind him before Harper's voice boomed through, sounding for all intents and purposes like a drill sergeant shouting orders; yet despite the harsh tone, Gil felt a small flutter ripple through him regardless. The barked command was Harper through-and-through: disciplined, observant, in favour of the greater good, and unwilling to suffer fools.

Well, hopefully not that last one.

Gil got up, putting text messages out of his head, hoping Banjo didn't notice him amidst the crowded beach, and turned to find the source of the yell. He spotted Aurora's hair before he saw Harper, but Aurora was approaching Harper anyway - and if Aurora was around, Gil could be sure Lorcán would be gravitating closer, if not already bee-lining for the pair of girls. A little two-man tête-à-tête was potentially in order, and the perfect thing to rouse Gil from his funk and bring back the sunny disposition that had been so-far absent from an otherwise gorgeous day.

A light jog through the sand warmed up his legs and helped the sunlight catch his toned torso just-so through the open shirt; he gave a friendly wave as he approached, standing with a smile at a safe distance and making a point not to pay too much attention to what either girl was choosing to reveal, whether that be by Aurora's bikini, or Harper's sundress. Of course, that wasn't to hide that he was interested - just to show that he was interested in a more noble, chivalrous kind of way. That was the idea, at least. He couldn't afford to be being seen as lecherous.

"Hello, ladies! Lovely to see you today. Enjoying the weather? Excited for our final semester?"
Tooth fairy

Irish: Tuatha Dé Danann
Scottish: Seelie Court, Unseelie Court

Charms/Wards: Rowan Trees, Rowan Tree & Herb talismans/amulets, bells, gifts of bread, four-leaf clovers, inside-out clothes, cold iron, shunning Fairy places, avoiding offense or invasions of privacy, knowing names, fairy ointment

Traits: Cannot lie; must accept gifts, but are obligated to repay in kind; equal exchange in all barters; bind others, and bound themselves, by their words and the terms of their agreements (geas)
The Fae:
Aka fairies, fay, fair folk, faeries, fey.

Roots in disparate European folklore: Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, French.
Pagan deities, spirits of the dead, ‘demoted’ angels and demons, precursors to Mankind, or spirits of nature.

Traditionally human-like with fair appearance, magical qualities, and a penchant for trickery.
Can also refer to goblins, gnomes, sprites/pixies, ogres, trolls, and other such magic creatures rooted in above regional folklore.

Recurring motifs are trickster behaviour and the use of protective charms to ward off fairy/fairy influence eg church bells, inside-out clothes, four-leaf clovers, gifts of food (most commonly bread), cold iron, etc.

Fairies may stem from a root in Persian Mythology of the ‘Peris’, angelic beings said to be fair, beautiful, extravagant nature spirits, skilled in magic and supported by wings.

Size is not a constant in fairy folklore and they may be diminutive, of average human height, or several feet taller depending on mythology. Height is not also constant to one individual fairy - it may be a magical construct or affectation, changed at will.

Wings are common in Victorian and later era artwork, but are less prevalent in older folklore, where fairies are airborne under their own magic, or perched on ragwort stems, or on the backs of birds.

Some folklore paints fairies as ancient pagan deities, such as nymphs, dryads, and tree spirits, who lost reverence and perceived power following the rise of the Christian Church, and so who’s magical power dwindled in kind.

Celtic, particularly Irish, folklore favours fairies as the spirits of the dead; banshees, ghosts etc are of the fae, and the Irish ‘sídhe’, the etymological root for the Irish term for fairy, were burial mounds. It was deemed dangerous to eat the food left for the dead, and fairies were depicted as living underground where the corpses had been buried.

Fairies are often depicted as pranksters - tangling hair (‘fairy-locks’), stealing small items, and luring travellers into becoming lost. However they exhibited more dangerous behaviour - sudden, unexpected deaths were attributed to abductions, with the corpse being a magical wooden replica.
Charms and wards were necessary to protect oneself and one’s home from fairies; cold iron, amulets and talismans of rowan trees and/or various herbs, or rowan trees (considered to be sacred to fairies) growing in one’s garden.
It was also advised to shun or avoid places “known” to belong to fairies, to avoid insulting or offending them. Avoiding insult in general was important to protecting oneself from fairies.

In Scottish folklore, fairies are divided into the Seelie and Unseelie courts. While both engaged in trickery against humans, the Seelie Court was seen as more harmless pranksters and more likely to be more beneficiently inclined towards humans, while the Unseelie Court was more malicious, bringing intentional harm to humans for their own entertainments. Both courts however were equally dangerous if offended.

A considerable amount of folklore around fairies deals with abduction, particularly changelings (the replacing of human infants with fairy imposters), although adult abduction is not uncommon.

Avoiding fairy-occupied spaces, fairy-travelled paths, or digging into fairy land is heavily encouraged. Home owners would knock down corners that intruded on fairy paths, and cottages would be be built with aligned front and back doors, that could be left open to maintain a clear, un-obstructed fairy path. Fairy forts and fairy trees were left undisturbed, not even the grass being cut.

It was important not to offend fairies; either by complaining about them, or by taking false credit for their work. Gifts deemed of poor quality would lead to insult, as would looking too long at a fairy (infringing on their privacy).

It is believed that names have power over fairies, and that by knowing a fairy’s name, you could summon and command it. Doing so however would gravely insult the fairy.

A common feature in fairy folklore is the use of magic to disguise objects or persons. Fairy gold would appear as solid coin, but eventually reveal itself to be enchanted pebbles or gorse blossoms or gingerbread cakes, or other similarly worthless items.
Fairy ointment, applied to the eyes, allows one to see through these illusions; however, again, this poses a risk, as in some tales those who had applied ointment to their eyes and been discovered were then blinded.

In Irish folklore, fairies are descended from the Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of supernaturally-gifted people and the gods and goddesses of pre-Christian Ireland, supposedly having their origins in the islands to the North, or from the sky. After victory in battle against other supernatural beings, but suffering defeat at the hands of the ancestors of the modern Irish people, they were said to retreat underground to the sídhe, living on as fairies.

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