Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
5 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
5 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

Le sigh
Working as we speak on my CS

Kwan’s Type-97 was like any other which bore the designation only its interior varied due to her personal adjustments, some even to accommodate her unusual height. She had slid into the cockpit the first time a couple of years ago and she felt more at home in her seat then she felt anywhere else and her suit fit like her skin. She checked her Support cannon’s ammo clip remembering when her instructor once trapped her in a launch with an empty clip that could only be noticed in a visual. Sure it was unlikely she’d have the cascade of faults he’d set up but it was the small things that killed a pilot.

Next she checked her scope and verified it was functioning and as she braced for launch checked out the focus setting and the twitch setting that were the difference between a tight grouping and exposing herself to return fire.

Grace was her Unit’s name and she was named after Sgt Grace of the 4th Georgia rifles who was the legendary American sniper who killed the highest ranking soldier. Grace was calibrated by her mistress and her need to do her job to the best of her ability and was an extension of the Amazon that sat at her controls. Once all systems were checked Kwan announced ”Wolf - 11 Launch”

Soon she was skimming NOE so closely that leaves and other loose debris spun in her slipstream behind her tumbling in the TSF’s wake. She knew she was entering a combat zone the clues abundantly furnished by the fragments of a nearby unit raining down around her.

Soon she was coming to a stop in a good position to support her teammates and hide 3/4s of her Fubuki from return fire as she began a sweep of the area seeking her first target while keeping an eye on Wolf-5-9- and 7 for any change in position or status.
When your Agent says "Let me be Honest with you" its time to find another Agent.

By making such a declaration the Agent has basically admitted they haven't been Honest to that point or to a lesser degree not completely forthcoming. How do you trust someone after they make such an admission?

The Music caster seems to lose it’s mind and begin pumping out club music as in Gentleman's club music and the tank comes alive with a Virtual Rocker Girl as Moon decides to use the systems scoring sensors to observe the partons in real time. She logs them all and finds the machines recorded patrons files checking for any Feddsec intrusions and is pleased to find no more than that which is in the corporate profit interests .

The music throbs as the Virtual Moon lipsnyc's another sector of her consciousness uses the replay features of the Sammie’s sensors to look for the bulges.

Not your average Icon she is able to perform complex functions comparable with an Archangel class net entity sans the major Citadel as support but rather than make her more vulnerable it has made her a dangerous nonstandard type and unpredictable. So unpredictable that she has developed little tricks to deflect any hunter/killers with ease leaving the virtual beasts chewing digital cobwebs instead of her own algorithms.

Only the most connected even know of the Bluemoondreamer and those that do believe her deadly Assassin, an insane Diver, or Demoness of the Darknet who preys on the unsuspecting; they’ll all wrong she is Moon and she is because she is. Does she conform to the standards of AI and Human normal sanity...not on your life because she is making it all up as she goes and her inherent skill as a Hacker based on her perception of the net as her own plane of existence and she a creature native to it rather than an intruder or an intelligence built by the intruders.

She takes note of the Mancer the pretty woman and the PI….The Dick.

Not many of his kind in this world perhaps he’ll relieve my boredom if I watch him long enough she says only in the virtual world
@RumikoOhara Also, did you intent to join the roleplay? I said it was okay earlier, if you didn't catch it. Or do you like spectating more? I know I do sometimes.

Thought I might skulk for a bit as I see if two other RP I am a member of move or stall
Plus I still need to figure out my role

Moon drifted in the VR haze that surrounded the patrons of the Sammie watching them from beyond the Virtual Veil like the Ghost she was and only a true Netrunner could detect her in a casual sweep and if they did it would require their focus to see her as she was. To everyone else Moon was a beer babe, ad babe or the icon of one of the other patrons.

She had been drawn here by strange events such as the Armitage AI being still active in the Moonies revolution and had managed to now exclude Feddie forces from the dark side
Mandy Slacker Leader of the Moonies had even Gained control of Selean Mount Rail launch Installation...Feddies worry she may start throwing rocks

Got a quick-ish sketch of a standard unit in the following hour I got home from work. As you can see, strong oriental themes. I'll probably add more to it later on, maybe even different variants. But I need to stop. I have to work on that post, after all. Sometimes I forget I'm a GM. XD

I must say it is a lovely bit of art, love the weapon

Is it an energy caster or kinetic?
Somewhat luck that I fit this one in directly. Been a long weekend. Hope they do soon so we can get this rockin.

No worries

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