Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Well, I was planning on posting today but time got a bit away from me so it'll be tomorrow

Aluvera - City Streets

"Hmm~" Kokoma would hum lightly, looking up at the sky. Jeez, this little elf was getting pretty worked up over this, wasn't she? Well, she was cute so she couldn't really say anything. "You think too much." She'd say as a group of harpies would break away from the group, heading for them more. The one she had avoided before was heading right to them, too. Hmm...this was an odd feeling, wasn't it? She wasn't feeling upset, on edge, or anything other than...excitement? Like the feeling before stepping into a new raid boss, or some other new as of yet experienced event.

Thankfully, this bit of danger would remind Kokoma she had a weapon with her. A fairly standard swordspear, bearing a red banner and a stylized image of a wolf, silver in color upon it. She'd pull the spear from the resting place on her back, grinning in excitement as she'd make move in front of the elf.

"Stay behind me, yeah? I'll make sure to protect ya~" She'd grin, as the harpy would start making a dive for her. Maybe this was a dumb idea, but if she had become her character...then she should be able to do everything her character could do, yeah? Then that meant...

"I can do this~!" Kokoma would lunge forward, thrusting her spear towards the Harpy. It had been a skill in the game, so that meant she could pull this flawlessly off too, yeah? The avian screeched, the blade meeting its feathered target, impaling it upon the long blade. "Ya-yeeet~!" A totally appropriate battle cry later, Kokoma would finish the move, spinning once, building up force and launching the harpy towards the other three that were closing in on them. "Hey feather brains! If you're looking for a cute girl, I'm right here!"

Indiscriminate murder is counterproductive, so instead I chose to sleep on fluff.


It was rare she woke up, not remembering what exactly she did the night before. Aliah's tails though, seemed to have a pretty decent calming effect on her...not that she was ever not really calm, but they definitely made her relax. So relaxed, in fact, she did not want to in fact get up.


Ilren would yawn, blinking tiredly as she'd briefly sit up, noticing the other sister sleeping next to her. Well, at least she had all her clothes this time and there wasn't a dead body. Should she get up? She probably should. There was probably something she could be doing, but on the other hand...nnhn, the archer would collapse backwards into the tails, looking up at the 'ceiling' of their room. Part of her just wanted to stay here, lounge the day away, not thinking about anything. Wasn't like she had to do anything...hm...

Maybe she should go mess with Aliah.


"Hn..what sis...?" She'd groggily say, seemingly having thought she had heard something, but whatever the case was she'd sigh heavily, "Haaa, nope, getting up it is." Ilren would get up off her bed. "Morning Aliah...annnnd morning Momoki." She'd say, impishly grinning as she'd give the other one a shove, hoping to roll her out of her furry bed.

Aluvera - City Streets

"I'm adorable, thanks for noticing~" Kokoma would reply to Sefira with a impish chuckle, rolling off the elf and sitting on the ground next to her, tail still aggressively wagging. She seemed to either not hear or chose to ignore the old man comment in favor of completely missing the context of the 'you're' part of that sentence.

"But jeez, not even a thanks? That cute butt of yours was about to become harpy feed." A brief pout, ears drooping slightly. "I take cuddles, pets and any display of affection as payment. If you're feeling particularly frisky your body works too kehahah~" Her mouth would curl into a teasing grin. Despite her seeming nonchalance about this entire situation, Kokoma did in fact, realize the sort of danger they were in, which is why she as choosing to stay with this girl for the moment instead of running off. No cute girl was gonna get harmed on her watch, no sir~

"Hup," She'd jump up from her sitting position, looking towards the square with a bit of interest after finishing her teasing. "Eheh, you look like you could use Kokoma's protection, so I'll go with ya for now yeah?~ Don't worry, I'm good at that."

Aluvera - City Streets

This was definitely Aluvera. The market, the sounds...ah, it was as if everything had gotten suddenly turned into glorious, 24k HD with photorealism. And it didn't seem like she was alone here either, if the perplexed gazes of a number of others were anything to go by. Still, she didn't pay them much mind as she'd sprint through the streets. She was just running from sheer excitement still at this point, not even bothering to register much of anything else. It wouldn't be until some minutes later she'd have finally managed to actually run out of breath, slowing to a walk as she'd still start looking in amazement at the city around her.

It really couldn't be a dream now, could it?

"Keaheheh~!" Kokoma visibly vibrated on the spot. If Tatl had been with her she'd probably have gotten whacked or something, if the spiders personality was anything like she imagined, but she couldn't help it. If her excitement levels were in fact, capable of going supernova, they definitely would have by now. "I...I can't...ahaah~" She was so caught up in her enjoyment, she hadn't first even registered the sky darkening.

Her laughter though, would be cut short by the sound of something rocking the earth in the square not too far away. Her ears flicked in the direction of the noise, her head soon following suit as she'd also, see the sky above splitting open, monsters spilling forth. Someone else may have hesitated, or found this entire situation to be absurd, but those people just overthought everything as far as she cared - more importantly...someone looked completely out of place and some harpy was about to try making a snack out of them it seemed like.

"Miss elf get down!" The smart, and logical thing here would be to attack the harpy with her spear...but Kokoma was completely forgetting she even had it. So instead, she'd focus on doing what she was attempting in a much more literal fashion - protect the cute looking confused elf. So instead of assaulting the harpy, she'd instead, seemingly assault Sefira. She'd tackle the elf, knocking the both of them out of the way of the harpy's talons, it screeching in mild annoyance as its prey would be taken from it.

"Whew, good thing I was just walking on by." Kokoma would say, laying atop Sefira, not bothering to get up as she'd let her head rest on the other girls chest. "Ehehe, you can thank me for saving that cute butt of yours." She didn't realize it, but her tail was wagging fairly frantically back and forth. "...Cute chest too. Mind if I lay here for a bit longer, eheh~?"

I'm young and cute again? Waaah, my ears are so soft!?

"Aaaaah~" Kosame, was tired, but when was she not tired? Haaa, being a blue collar worker working a dumb 9-5 to five job for a dumb company for just making a living was a ~total~ drag. "At least I got home in time for the Expac~" She'd excitedly giggle to herself as she'd open the door to her apartment, quickly throwing off her suit jacket and tossing it onto a nearby pile of clothes that really should probably be put in the washer, but eh, she'd clean it later. She didn't want to miss the start of the newest expac.

First though, food.

She worked straight through lunch to get home early enough. Nothing a bit of fancy ramen couldn't fix.

The company drone sit in her chair, practically vibrating from excitement. Probably a bit odd for a woman in her thirties to get that excited over a game, but did she care? Not a single bit. Aaaah, how many new little monsties were going to be in this expac? Which ones would she have to fight? Oh, and of course, what new classes? Maybe she could find something better suited...she wasn't really thinking about how easy it was to get in either. She was far too focused on just how exactly she was going to be proceeding. First she'd feed her current monsters. Harvest their materials. Make sure her player owned shop was up and still selling things on the market or whatever.

As soon as the servers would come online...Ah~!

"Here we-"

She'd login, selecting her character.

For a moment, she thought the bright light was either her excitement reaching supernova levels, but that was a silly thought. The next was that her computer had just went and died on her, but that too soon proved to be not what had happened.

"-gooo? eh?"

Looking around her, she was standing in what seemed to be a field. Rolling lush plains of grass surrounding her. Large city walls rose in the distance. Had she worked too hard? Did she pass out? Did she not get enough sleep? Was she have some sort of weird fever dream, because this looked suspiciously like the outskirts of Aluvera. For a few seconds, she'd just stand there, for a very few seconds in her life, absolutely stunned and not having any witty or silly quip to make, or someone to antagonize with her usual antics.

"...Okay Kosame, maybe you should have laid off the special coffee." She'd grumble, reaching up and scratching her head...only to find something fairly unexpected. "Fweh?! Soft?!" Taking her other hand, she'd quickly check to make sure she just wasn't imagining it. No, that definitely was some sort of...fluffy...ear? Wearing a perplexed expression, she'd quickly look down at her body, her concern only growing with each part of her she looked over.

"Weh? Smaller chest?" She'd pat the sides of her face. That wasn't her face. "Furry ears...no. No way. Really? For really real?" She'd twirl a few times, almost looking like a dog chasing its tail as she'd in fact, manage to just see a long, white tail sticking from her backside. Her hands would reach behind her, just to confirm. A quiet yelp later, and yep, that was firmly attached to her butt. This of course, was not a phenomena she was unfamiliar with, what with all the pop culture and manga surrounding it, but like...what? Just what? There was no denying it. From the way she was dressed, her younger, totally cute voice, soft fluffy ears and her amazingly cute self, she had quite literally, had finally gone completely bonkers from overwork, or had just become her Emerald Odyssey avatar - Kokoma.

"Is something the matter Kokoma-"

And it was increasingly looking like it was in fact, the latter.

Upon hearing a voice nearby her, Kokoma's ears would stand straight on end, she'd spin and find herself unconsciously reaching out and grabbing something.

"...soft." Ah. It was...it was her. The arachne. Tatl. She was...ah. And she had reached out and was currently just...cupping either side of her face with her hands. If she was here, then...ah. Wait, did that mean all her mounts and tamed creatures were here?

"A-ahem...M-miss Kokoma if you...could let go of my face..."

"Eeeh, why would I do that when you're so pretty. I made a good choice in a maid, heheh, that outfit looks great." In response to this, the Arachne would inhale, face turning a bright shade of red.

"I-I was...uhm, going to ask...if you were alright. You were spacing out a bit..." The Arachne would respond, adjusting her glasses slightly in an attempt to hide her mild embarrassment. "But I can see you are fine, erm..." She'd say, quickly pulling away from Kokoma. "A-anyways...are we-Ah! Wait! Kokoma!"

Before Tatl could finish her question, Kokoma had set her sights on Aluvera. The moment the Arachne's attention wandered, the Shenke was already making a beeline for the city, sprinting. A wide grin plastered on her face. The more and more apparent it was becoming this wasn't some sort of dream - and even if it was - she should enjoy this, right? There was no reason not too! So she'd run into the city, down its streets. She didn't really have a goal in mind, yet, or was even thinking of her other mounts, abilities, skills or whatnot.

But not thinking was pretty par for the course for Kokoma.
While I think its a good idea at least for organization and just for ease of communication, I think it'll be fine even if not.

Anyways, suppose I'll get a post out first thing tomorrow.

Alright, I updated the CS. After some thought, figured I'd just go in on making her a fairly tanky support on her own with her mounts being the main offensive ability she has. Lemme know if you feel I went in the wrong direction lol

Revisions include -
Included the weapon. Decided on spear since that'd feel like, to me at least, the best weapon to use while mounted on a creature. (Still would take suggestions on that before finalizing it). Also made a mention of its probably going to be difficult to directly control more than two, and even then their combat effectiveness would probably dwindle without direct input.

Explained the buffs/Debuffs a bit

Changed her third class -

And lastly made the update to the utility class to be mining. Pretty much exactly as it says. Mine, identify, and generally know how much its worth and the quality.
The hunt begins again

Honestly, she'd have thought these humans would have either fled or crumbled by now. For what force backed them that could they withstand both the righteousness of a Goddess and the fury of the Sun? She would give credit where credit was due, at least, but that did not meant she liked it. They indeed, as much as she boasted otherwise, were worthy opponents simply because of how weakened she was. It was...kind of a novel feeling, really. Never once had she felt weakened as so. She couldn't say it was an unpleasant feeling. Was this what it was like to be the prey, just a bit?

"Amusing!" She'd say, unrelenting in her assault still. "Hmph, I rarely have felt so weakened as to consider mortals a challenge. You should consider yourselves proud, that you are allowed to stand even before my weakened form!" Of course such praises were neither here nor there. As amusing as it was, she must still continue with her judgement. A low growl as the group of mortals would train their weapons upon her. It'd be easy enough to shield herself from most damage by the use of her tails, but ah, how annoying. Her poor tails were getting dirtier and dirtier. Should she blame the priestess? Someone would need to groom them and she doubted there were any tail fluffers...nhn, no she should focus on the humans.

The goddess would take a defensive stance, using three of her tails to form a defensive wall between herself and the humans, using one tail to lash out at any that would get within its range and slowly make her way towards them. If she had their attention, then the others could easily make short work of most of them. She'd worry about her tails later. It was more important to resolve this issue quickly.
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