Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Rune_Alchemist: Okay, form analysis time.

  • Does Beast Tamer not have a weapon type? You mentioned strongarming some monsters into submission, but I would expect that a game would not want to just throw a player into the fray Pokemon-style in this instance.
  • Gathering should be more specific; 'mining' and 'harvesting' could qualify just as easily as 'fishing' (which, like, let's be real, what MMO doesn't have fishing in this day and age), so a clearer, more specific direction would be appreciated.
  • Can the Arachne speak? I suppose it's an assumption that the answer is 'yes', but it's better to ask to make sure.
  • Is there a 'multitasking limit' in terms of monsters? This is a future-proofing question, as it might end up overwhelming to control too many pseudocharacters at once.

1. Ah. Something I sort of forgot to consider. Suppose I was too focused on the more taming aspects that I didn't really consider the actual combat style of the class itself. I was trying to avoid having her be able to really fight things solo, since well, I want to avoid a situation where she does everything when her mounts are probably going to have a wide variety of talents as is...hm.

I suppose probably normally they'd just use heavy weapons? Probably have similar physical ability as a base fighter...or could go the fisticuffs route to actually wrestle monsters lol. Open to suggestions on that front.

Hm, In that case might swap her third class for another support/command class? Maybe something that gives buffs based on verbal orders given.

2. Fair enough. I was mostly thinking of something she'd have to synergize with her armor work...so I guess I'll narrow it down to mining.

3. Yes. I imagine the class allows her to 'speak' with most mounts, though its less talking and more understanding their body language and such. I'd imagine more humanoid/special monsters could speak clearly. (Particularly special dragons or similarly tiered creatures, perhaps.)

4. I was imagining in game she'd only be able to use one at a time, and either be locked to a particular mount during combat, or take a few seconds to switch between them.

After Isekai'ing, It'd probably already be pretty difficult trying to control more than two at once. I'd say probably a limit of three at once for most, but generally it probably shouldn't go above one or two since that should likely hopefully be enough for most things. I don't want to turn into a one man army, after all it realistically it'd be hard for someone to keep track of more than that I feel.
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“...are you certain? How would you-” The beast would turn its gaze towards where the deer had been startled. Its eyes narrowed, it taking a few steps away from the group towards where Novak had pointed. Wind trailed between the beasts antlers, air being sucked in from the world around, coalescing between its horns. “No matter. Stand aside.” Enli would take a few steps away from the deer, obviously not wanting to get caught in whatever the Elder Beast was about to do.

The Kyrnith would inhale.

And then exhale.

A blast of wind would cut through the air - stronger than any natural wind could possibly have been. The gust of wind cut the ground, ripping chunks of rock and earth from their resting places. The trees were not spared either, as the picked up chunks of earth would tear into the trees, foliage, carried right through the foliage and brush where Novak had indicated.

There was a shout from somewhere beyond. The force of the wind would ultimately impact a tree, the loud sound of wood splintering as it struck followed shortly by the sound of a loud thud, the tree falling from where the wind had cut deep into its trunk.

“Damn it! We’ve been found out!”

“Doesn’t matter, we’ll just kill them all here instead!”

Voices, obviously hostile intent as three hunters who had barely managed to avoid such a powerful blast of wind would get to their feet. One with a bow, the other two with spears.

“I will leave these three to you. I must protect my kin.” Before anything else could be said, the massive dear would begin galloping, bounding in the direction of the three hunters, nearly knocking them over a second time as it would disappear deeper into the forest.

The three hunters quickly recovered, one already knocking an arrow and launching it in Nobunaga’s general direction while the other two would start making their way towards the Novak.

“Remember, Enli’s our target!”

Plant hunting

It seemed like this time the deer didn’t want to leave her side, curiously watching what she was doing with some manner of curiosity. Now that they had been better acquainted, it seemed as though it was less cautious around her. She had effectively just saved its life, after all. It would spend the rest of the time Misaki was gathering plants almost seeming like a curious kid, wondering what she was doing and constantly seeming to ask questions. Thinking that she was a bit hungry or something, the deer would start helping pulling the bamboo shoots up after awhile, before handing them to her.

It would get a bit confused when she didn’t eat it, but would still help her gather a bit more.

It would take a while indeed for her to gather a good chunk of material to use, but she would have quite a good bit of it if she kept at it. After that it would just be her attempting to use it for what she wanted - attempting to make paper. Seemed like she might have a helper now, too, if she could find a use for a deer.

A little secret
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Lazhira would thank Narkissa for the help, glad to have someone else help her with leannah.

“...please don’t call me that.” Lazhira would reply sternly. She would fall silent for a few seconds, not really sure how to respond to what Leannah was saying it seemed at first. Lazhira would eventually sigh, scooting over to Lazhira. “Well...if you don’t know what to do...then just do what comes naturally?” She’d say with a curious tone. “And well, we know he’s doing something bad, right? And up to something. So we just have to stop him, right? So we find one of those orbs and you give it to me. It’ll be safe with me, promise.”

Lazhira would give Leannah a quick hug before standing up.

“You look like you could use some rest, so...uhm, I’ll leave you here, but if you need anything I’ll be just outside or in the house, okay?” She’d say, giving Leannah a pet on one of her ears before heading out of the room, leaving Leannah alone or with Narkissa if she wanted too.

A Traveler

“Eh? Danger, what are you-”

Before she had even managed to finish the sentence, the snow under her began to shift. Just like his dream from before, from the snow beneath them, began rising a number of undead. Ice preserved flesh slowly began shambling to its feet. Thankfully, there wasn’t the absurd number that he had already seen - but it was hard to tell exactly how many there were. They popped out of the snow around them, and it was likely that there were more around the village itself.

“Wah! They just popped outta the ground! I don’t think zombies are flowery enough for that!” Either way, Nicholas had just saved Elisette from outright just getting her ankles chomped on by some sort of undead looking thing. “There’s a lot of em too! Is it zombie season or something?!”

Elisette would draw her sword, standing between Nicholas and the approaching horde, but there was the very real fact that they were going to slowly be surrounded at this rate. “Nngh, alright we need to get to the village. We can probably hide there! Don’t fight unless you have too!” The nearest one of the undead would lunge towards Elisette, the girl easily sidestepping the slow, clumsy creature as she’d slice its abdomen with her sword, eviscerating it as it would stumble to the ground with a pained groan. One that had crawled out of the ground near Nick was lunging at him.

The longer they were out here in the field, the more in danger they likely were. Elisette seemed intent on cutting a path straight to them through the village. Of course, he could always choose to fight the horde.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Hm, like I said, I’m no hunter or fighter. If someone’s after Enli’s life at most I could probably just stall them.” He’d cross his arms, frowning. “But those...Oni, are they called? Of yours are strong - seen a single one lift well over his own weight with just a single arm. Skilled with both blades and guards, from the looks of things. How much would it take to hire ‘em for a few days?” Bolcha would ask up front.

This could be a very good change for Nomura to prove himself to Mie, if he still wished to do so. Of course, whether or not it was within his authority to promise something was another matter entirely. As he’d ponder the question, the fox from earlier would make itself known. In a rather odd fashion, it’d seem to...wave at him with its tail? Before quietly hopping out a nearby window. It didn’t...want him to follow it, did it? That was a bit odd for a fox, but he might have assumptions by now it wasn’t exactly a normal fox.

The Builder

Donovan would pray. For the protection of Akando. It was a small prayer, but even such a small prayer may have some effect, or boon, but as far as he could tell, there was nothing special happening from it. Perhaps it was not something he could see, for it was not him asking to be protected. He'd just need to have faith his god would here such a small request.

“Hm...alright, fine.” Akando would nod. “I’ll whistle if there’s anything wrong or I find something.” He would set off, and as skilled a hunter as he was, it was easy enough for him to move through the underbrush with no problem whatsoever. It seemed as though, at first, there was nothing particularly wrong here. Donovan could see a few deer running in the distance that seemed like they were spooked by something, but for the most part, it seemed as though everything was peaceful.

...but it would not be long before he could hear a commotion of some sort, coming some distance from the south, back towards the beach, close to where he was incidentally close to where the deer had fled earlier. There was a dull thud followed by a loud crack, as though a tree had fallen.

A cold breeze blew past him, but he’d see or hear nothing else after that little outburst. It was quiet, and despite having seen deer earlier, they all seemed to have fled by now.
I'll be posting tomorrow, sorry for the delay~

Alright, here we go. Let me know if the companions are too strong or whatnot. Didn't think I needed to really go into too much detail as long as I listed general abilities and strengths/weaknesses.

If there's anything wrong with the classes too, lemme know too.

Still working on a beast tamer/summoner/bard thing

Will have something up probably tomorrow~
I'll work on something in the next day or two
I'll post in the next day or two
Been a tad bit unmotivated these past few days.
Yo, jolly boy been awhile since we were in a thing.

I suppose I might be interested. Looking for something to maybe fill some time. How fast paced do you expect things to be, exactly?

And would be playing some form of an undead be acceptable
The hunt begins again

For as imposing as they looked, these people were not hunters. They might have looked the part, but skill wise? Incredibly weak! Pathetic, even! The Goddess would slam one of her tails into a nearby soldier, the force knocking a group of them right off their feet as she'd swiftly turn, one of the other tails clamping upon the body of a fool that had sought to get close enough for melee. Lucky he didn't, his end would have been far more brutal.

But still...

"Is this the best you fools can do? You have audacity, I'll give you that but that is all." Perhaps enjoying herself a little was unbecoming of her righteous duties, yet she couldn't deny that well...she was a huntress, after all. And a beast. "You're not hunters - you're prey that merely has-" A few soldiers some distance away would aim at her with those odd wands, a low thunk noise as something was lobbed from them. The huntress barely had moments to shield herself with her tails before they'd explode. What sort of weapons were these? Magic stones that exploded upon impact? Annoying, that they had some paltry tricks up their sleeves but in the end, it'd matter not.

"Hmph." Instead of trying to contest with whatever explosive magic this was, she'd instead avoid. As a second one came sailing in her direction, she would push off the ground with her four tails, which would in turn send her leaping into the air. A stylish, totally necessary acrobatic flip followed as she'd land right behind the one who fired it. A spin, her tails lashing out once more at the soldiers. "I don't know what these things are, but you can't possibly expect me of all Gods to lose to such a cheap trick?" Ideally she'd finish this quickly so she could focus on helping the priestess and maybe gleaning some answers from her.

Ah, her poor tail had gotten signed. Tsk.
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