Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

I'll be doing a post tomorrow
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Mhm, thank you. The wind is restless...but that does not mean there are those seeking to interlope here.”

The beast and Chieftain would listen to Nobunaga explain the plan once more. Enli would especially so, seeming a bit skeptical at first, but as the petite girl would keep speaking, he would start seeming to slowly come around to the idea. Once she was done, the older man would nod in approval.

“This...would be a good idea, yes. Giving the hunters something - someone else to throw their beliefs in - is something I couldn’t have thought of. If we could pull it off then this would solve nearly everything with as little bloodshed as possible.”

As they would speak, Novak would don the mask once more. It seemed as though it would indeed, still function as it had in the temple. So the world would slowly become grayscale once more...strands of light, flowing through the air. Wind, perhaps? It flowed lazily, towards the gathered group. As he would walk the perimeter and make sure there were none eavesdropping, the light that seemed to be the wind would eventually make an abrupt turn, forming an arrow that would zip through the air - embedding itself in a deer some distance away. The beast would thrash, a painful call as its life was ended. He could see what seemed to be eyes, staring at him, from just beyond the edge of the grove past the deer.

Upon removing the mask there was no such situation occurring. Rather, the deer seemed to have been spooked by something further in, some running away from deeper within the forest beyond, settling just on the edge of the grove.

“If...if you would be willing, please, come to the village. I assure you if you show yourself to the villagers as openly here, they would be just as welcoming.”

“Hm. Humans welcoming a beast such as myself? Improbable...but perhaps, perhaps I am wrong. Evidence to the contrary is already before me.” It would say, before sharply turning its head away from the group in the direction of the deeper parts of the forest.

“Is something wrong, Elder Beast?” Enli would ask.

“...it is likely nothing. Not even they would be so bold.” It would focus his attention back on the group. "I have given the proposal some thought. I can indeed, at least teach the humans the ways of the forest directly. Discern which plants are toxic. The animals that live here. How to speak, and befriend them. If we are certain of this, then let us go. The sooner we resolve this the sooner this forest can return to as it was."

Plant hunting

The makeshift weapon would hit true, hitting the wolf right where she intended. A pained yelp as it was struck, the wolf whining as it was sent flying away from her and into the ground a few feet away, having a bit of trouble scrambling back to its feet, seemingly momentarily dazed from the impact. The second wolf would back off, snarling and growling warningly as it would find Misaki once more placed between it and the foal.

A few tense, long seconds would pass as the two wolves would seemingly consider if the foal was worth it...and then, the one that had been given a good whack would whine before turning tail and fleeing. The other would soon follow, a low whine as it would flee back into the forest.

The foal that she had been protecting would give a small leap of joy, soon running over to its savior as it would rub its head against her body in a show of seeming affection and thanks. Strangely, she felt like she could actually almost...hear something. It was quiet, but it definitely felt like a ‘Thank you’.

The deer would lay down on the ground near Misaki, seemingly content with staying near her for now.

A little secret
@Click This

“Woah woah, slow down! You met Iva? E-erm...ah...that’s...a lot to take in.” Lazhira would frown, quickly moving to Leannah’s side to offer her a shoulder to help support her. “Haa, but trials and quests and dungeons...sounds pretty much like him...” Lazhira would comment with a sigh, though quickly would shut her mouth as she’d help moving Leannah back towards her house. “Uhm, Narkissa, thanks. I’ll take Leannah back to my place. Get her as patched up as I can.” She’d say, with a smile. “Y-you can come too, but you seemed a bit busy, yeah? Oh! But if you see the others tell them I’ll be taking care of Leannah instead.”

Lazhira would help Leannah back to her cabin, helping guiding her through the streets and easing her through the door to her hut with a simple push as the cat would soon find themselves on the bed in Lazhira’s place, where the girl would quickly grab some bandages, dousing them in some sort of herbal paste and applying them to Leannah’s burns.

“Jeez, you really did a number on yourself.” She’d say with a huff. “What did I tell you about going overboard. You’re lucky you didn’t end up a pile of furry ash. And you met him! Ugh, ha...I suppose now is probably a good time to talk with you.” Lazhira would say, finishing wrapping up one of Leannah’s arms and waist. The bandages felt cool, soothing upon her burns. “Hold on, let me get you something to eat you’re probably starving.”

Soon Leannah could hear her working, the smell of cooking fish and the sound of her cutting vegetables and other fruits and berries from the forest. It wouldn’t take Lazhira long to come back with a small plateful of fish and fruit for Leannah as she’d hand it to her.

“So...uhm...he probably told you I’m his uh, daughter right?” Lazhira would say hesitantly, taking a seat on the bed next to Leannah.

A Traveler

“Name? Eeeh...hm, I think Rheane said it was something like Liven or Liv-something.” Elisette replied with a small frown. “It’s one of the larger ones around here, and we had some soldiers stationed there, but...” Elisette would glance towards the ground, a mild worried expression. “...we’ve not been able to contact them in a while. We sent a courier to investigate, and he said it was mostly overrun with undead and the people there were barely holding on.” The woman shook her head, grinning brightly. “Ahah, but don’t worry about it. The Apostles of Rheane vow to save humanity so I’ma do just that!”

If nothing else, she had her positivity going for her.

It was getting fairly late in the morning - the dark, cloudy skies were giving way to light and blue sky quickly. Indeed, his ability had specified night...but perhaps, he’d have forgotten that it also said he’d never be lost out in the wilderness, always drawn to wherever it was he intended to go. That is to say, should he have a rough destination in mind, he could find it even if it might take some time.

Regardless, it would seem perhaps there was some success. Guidance was asked, and though its power was weak, it would be given. After all, what was the sun, but a massive star as well? As he would observe the skies above, for the briefest of moments the clouds would part in a peculiar fashion far to the east, a ray of sunlight shining upon the land some distance away the vast expanse of snow at least making this easily visible.

Supposing he would follow through, it would be a fairly long trek through a vast expanse of snow. The morning would bring neither warmer weather nor more guidance, and that was all he’d have to go on, but somehow he’d get the feeling, like a little assurance that he would be going the right way. Along the way, Elisette would chat more about the general area and where she came from - the Apostles of Rheane, who apparently were, according to her, a group of humans dedicated to the help and protection of humans that had been in existence since the Moonless Era before. She’d also tell him about the Elves of the Tamaln forest, and the fey - who were apparently not people he’d want to run into. Even if the elves seemed friendly at first, they were both fiercely territorial and were servants of the Fey, who themselves were notoriously untrustworthy and never had any good intentions towards humans.

Then there were the Bastelian. A matriarchal race of cat people that stalked the snow fields, riding upon their giant feline mounts, plundering and raiding anything from humans. Bloodthirsty people who worshipped a violent sun Goddess by the name of Auset-Kythet who they were currently building a massive temple too, if their reports were anything to go by.

Of course, the Giants he had seen not too long ago too, led by a ravenous four armed king who wielded a sword of fire in one hand, carried the head of an old god in another, and was said to have wisdom and survived the destruction at the beginning of the Moonless Era. He could choose to listen or not, she’d be talking away in a friendly manner regardless. She’d also of course, ask about where he came from and what life was like on the other side of the mountains, to the north.

It’d be well into the afternoon by the time Nicholas and Elisette would find their destination. They’d see it from a fair distance away, the snowy hills and plains allowing for one to see quite some distance. It was hard to tell as they approached, but an eerie, unsettling silence fell over the world.

“Ah~! We’re here! Ahaha, you really came through huh. Not that I doubted ya.” She’d reply in a friendly manner. Elisette would start striding confidently into the village. “C’mon, its getting late and my feet are freezing. We’ll see if we can find anyone...and keep an eye out for anything bad, huh?”

Something wasn’t right.

This was fairly similar to that dream he had not too long ago. That nagging feeling of danger in the back of his head would get stronger. They were both in imminent danger, here.

The Roma Mob

“Oh my, you sound almost like you don’t want to see me.” Augusta noted with a playful smirk as she moved a bit closer to him. A martial arts of sorts? She wasn’t very familiar with them. She could name a number of them but she wasn’t sure about how each of them were suppose to be done. “Or were you busy with your daily practice? I can always come find you later.” She mentioned trying her best to make her words sound inoffensive.

“That’s...not true. Not true at all.” He’d reply, rubbing the back of his head. “I wasn’t expecting uh, anyone here. Uh, you need something? I can show you anywhere around the palace or Gloom hollow.”

"Not for the moment at least." Augusta mentioned, moving a little closer to him. "Rather, I wanted to have a chat with you, if you wouldn't mind." She thought about the best way to approach this but felt that the direct approach might be the best way, but she couldn't help teasing the little Prince some. "First, I must ask, what do you think of me?"

“Uh, that’s a question alright.” He’d reply, a bit slowly. “Well...you’re obviously a rather, erm, unique Sirithen for even wanting to come down here. No martial skill whatsoever, and you seem to prefer the arcane arts. I guess...odd? In a good way?”

“Hmm? Is that so? I suppose I’ll take it.” Augusta mentioned while crossing her arms. “Apologies for such a… Umm, direct question as such.” She lowered her head a small bit apologetically before raising it a small bit and looking the Prince in the eyes. “So, while the Queen and I were talking I asked her a favor. Then, she also gave me a proposal.” She looked away for a second before directing her eyes back. She cleared her throat and continued. “It was a suggestion that we marry. You’re smart so I’ll assume that you can make a guess why. Thoughts on that?”

“She, uh, what?” The prince seemed rightly taken aback. “Uh. Oh. I mean...oh...uh...it’d...be a decent move I guess, but it seems a bit...soon? Wouldn’t someone related to the King be better? Unless...you are? I mean you’re pretty enough-” He’d pause, quickly looking away. “Uh, I mean...seriously what is mother thinking asking this...I’ll talk to her, tell her its a bad idea. Sorry for that, Augusta.”

Augusta didn't seemed to be too phased at being called pretty by the Prince. Perhaps she didn't see this body quite as her own yet. "It seems your Mother has something planned. I don't want to miss word anything but she mentioned that an unknown person can be anything in the end. And it's not as if I said no…"

Augusta shrugged. "Rather, if all works as intended, it could be a massive boon to me, would it not?" She thought aloud. "You're not exactly bad on the eyes either really. "

“Oh. Uh.” The Prince would frown a bit. Her not saying anything about not being related to the king may have given him the wrong impression. Perhaps that’s what she wanted, though? “Well, mother...isn’t wrong. She’s usually not. And I mean, I guess I’m about average. I’m not that good looking...a-anyways, uh...I wouldn’t be against it? Not like I’ve been really good about the whole finding a partner thing, and eh...” He’d rub the back of his head. “This makes it easy, at least? I’m not a people person.”

"Average? Are you sure? I mean, maybe you're not conventionally attractive? Honestly, if we tried a bit we could make a pretty convincing girl out of you." Augusta moved her hand to her chin, thinking about it a small bit.

“Bweh?!” The prince would seemed taken aback for a moment, that Augusta would say such a thing. “I...I mean, sure I guess? I’ve always taken after mom, but uh...that’s just a bit much isn’t it? I’m a Prince, I need to look the part at least, sorta. What kind of suggestion is that?”

"Why do you need to look the part? A tradition of your people? I'm not really someone from these surrounding lands so I don't really understand." Augusta offered an explanation with a shrug. "I'm likely going to have to learn this all soon enough, so do tell."

“Uh...I mean, you’ve...never heard of a ‘prince’ dressing in women’s clothes, have you?” Nesherit would reply with a mild frown. “Besides, wouldn’t dresses and the like get in the way of my martial arts? I guess it’d be fine for casting spells, but hm...” It didn’t seem like he was entirely opposed to the idea in and of itself. Maybe Augusta needed to give him a bit of a push.

"I've heard some stories from various places about it, actually. And while they might get in the way of martial arts, it's not like you'd be wearing dresses all the time." Augusta mentioned with a smile. "In fact, I can think of an outfit from a foreign land that's both beautiful and fairly functional. As long as you don't mind showing off your legs I suppose."

The woman studied the prince up and down and began to walk around him, trying to get a good grasp as to what outfits and such would be good on him. "Well, I feel like we could make you into a beauty regardless."

“H-hey...you’re...thinking something weird, aren’t you?” The prince would say with a mild bit of concern for his well being.

"Weird things? Maybe. I might be wondering if you have a… decent bit of free time. And, might I borrow a bit of money? Call it bonding for likely future partners." The woman mentioned. "I have a place in mind."

“I’m the Prince. I have the most money in Gloomhollow...” He’d say, a bit uncertain though definitely sounding a bit proud in that assertion. “Bonding? Future partners…? What do you mean, exactly? But, no I’m not doing anything but we should probably tell mother we’re both fine with this arrangement.”

"Hmm, I suppose… But, there is one thing I want to do with you before we tell her." Augusta mentioned as she grabbed his hand. "Would you?”


“The Ice Guard...why would ye...” Otti would frown, the dwarf seeming a bit perplexed why Isidore would be asking, but would quickly shrug it off. “Sure thing, friend, I’ll keep my beard to the stones.” He’d say, as Raelzeth would hop up from her seat, beaming at the good news that Isidore brought. The young elf would walk on over, eager to get out of this tavern as she’d follow Isidore out.

“Ahah, maybe you’re not so bad after all.” She’d say with a laugh. “Thanks for that. Ugh, Rullphana would have made me spend the rest of my life looking for another...whatever that is.” She’d make a move to grab it, but stop when Isidore asked his question. The elf looked like she was about to give some half-baked, slightly sassy reply as she opened her mouth to respond, before slowly closing it with a mildly pouty expression.

“...I’d...burn them? Repeatedly. Uh...” Raelzeth would take a few seconds to think before responding again. “...Yeah, I got nothing.”

At least she was being honest.

While it may have been difficult to entirely tell the time in Gloomhollow, so far underground, it was likely getting a bit late as far as the Elves were concerned. The crowd in the tavern had remained constant, but the streets were seemingly slowly dwindling from activity.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Ah, that.” The craftsman would chuckle, lowering his guard a bit as he’d let Nomura in. “There’s been a fox going around stealing fish, and some hand tools recently. Snagged my leatherworking tools a few days ago. No idea what it’d want with them.” He’d relax his posture, taking a moment to take a quick look around. The fox had already scurried off, to wherever it was hiding.

“The Kyrnith, though? Well, its not exactly a them. Its a deer. Elder Beast. Guardian of the forest of sorts. Been here since before the village even was. Not much else to say about it, really. Used to let us freely use the forest as long as we didn’t hurt its deer...but well, you should know how that’s going. A hunter running into it in the forest these days is a death sentence. Never seen it myself, but the hunters say it can bend the wind to its will.”

The craftsman would move a bit further into the longhouse, deciding to take a seat near the firepit. “Take a seat, if you want. You don’t seem a dangerous sort, so maybe you can help me with something.” He’d say with a bit of concern. “I got a friend who says someone might be after Enli’s life. I’m strong, but I’m not a hunter by any means.”
The hunt begins again

As she ascended the stairs, the Huntress began pondering the ways she should be greeting the mortals. She didn't wish to scare them, or hurt them - more than once her prodigious strength caused some accidents when she wasn't paying attention. But she was a Goddess, she couldn't casually simply go around saying hello to mortals. There was a proper procedure to these things...hm, loud but friendly introduction? Make them give her an offering of fruit? Maybe ask one to take care of her divine tails. They probably haven't been properly maintained in so long. She could already hear them complaining. Or maybe she should thank them for waking her-

Perhaps she had been too optimistic.

The chamber they exited from held little interest to her. Its construction was curious, to be sure, but she doubted she'd glean anything from it all things considered. So she would step into the welcoming outside air, gazing over the stony expanse, a far cry from the warm sands and colorful jungles she was used too. The forest far below seemed welcoming, but alas - it seemed she may need to perform her duties as a hunter of evil before she could immerse herself in the luxuries of such a welcoming sight.

Two dozen. Maybe a handful of more. Instead of keeping her tails close to her to appear as non-threatening as possible, she'd quickly change her tune the moment the carnage before her became apparent. The four appendages would extend outwards, gazing in all directions as to not let a single human here go unnoticed, not even the dead. A single large humanoid...metal construct? Of some sort lay slain...and near the door to them, was a man. Unmoving, also deceased. It was easy to guess what had happened here.

A protector, slain by these before her.

So, these people were after this priestess, and likely had far less noble intentions.

"I see." Alasayana would inhale. Fury of the righteous sort would begin beating within. "I shall remember your face, warrior, and those stalwart eyes of yours. You did well. Please, rest. I will handle everything else." An exhale as she would offer a small comfort to the already deceased soldiers spirit as she would turn towards the Goddess of Commerce. "Save your breath, Auriea. As much as I loathe to agree with the Sun, I doubt they will listen...and I can not let their apparent transgressions go." With O'Menus taking the golden blade belonging to the warrior, Alasayana would opt for the best weapon she would know how to wield.

"If they wish to become prey for challenging the Gods and our apparent benefactors, then so be it. Lopaley protect the priestess." She would turn her attention to the mob before them. Her tails would writhe behind her, the once passive faces upon them snarling, glaring at the red clad soldiers gathered. She would stand before them as O'Menus would begin his rush to their apparent leader. Even if she could no longer sense evil, hostility, lies and the sort of things that bred and fostered evil...she needn't such senses to determine what those before her were - and as a Goddess, she could not be wrong in her judgements.

"Know this, mortals! I am Alasayana the Goddess of Hunt and she who judges the guilty and consigns their souls to oblivion!" The Goddess would open her eyes, divine fury burning within. "Stand before me and accept your fate, or Flee! It will not matter. Not a single one of you will leave here alive for your sins!" And thus, her judgement had been given.


For the first time in a millennia, the Goddess of the hunt, would do so once more. While O'menus would rush towards the apparent leader, she would rush towards the assembled troops. Black, bestial maws each going for a different soldier as they would rip and tear, drag and slam them against the ground or other soldiers as she would rush into the fray.
The hunt begins again - Unknown room

Poor girl - but such was human fragility. Alasayana would allow Trineon to inspect the girl, the god of the oceans likely far better with healing than she was. She would have continued idly watching Menus, least his temper boil over like that of the desert wastelands scorching the sands, but Auriea said something much more helpful - humans. More of them. Above, likely outside whatever chamber this was. The Huntress would smile lightly at that.

"Mhm. Worry not. I have no intention of causing undue injury. I was having a nice dream though...I think." Not that she would get very far before a commotion was heard. The loud noise offended her ears quite a bit - and the shouting...some sort of commotion? The words that were heard made it clear the humans were obviously concerned for this girl. A priestess, hm? Of whom, was the priestess of then? To summon all of them like this...this girl was proving to be more and more special by the second. It seemed O'menus was of a similar mindset, though he was reacting far more like she'd expect a tyrant too.

Before she ran off, though...Lopaley's voice met her ears. A sound argument, but that didn't mean she liked it.

"I see no reason why a conflict is a forgone conclusion." The goddess would reply with a frown. "It sounds like they are merely concerned for the girls safety. Returning her to them as she is will be the best thing we can do." She'd assert, though her eyes would follow Menus as he left. "...but given that ones disposition, I may need to restrain him before he hurts the mortals." The Huntress would sigh in a mildly tired fashion. "Very well, I'll allow you to look after her, but assuming they are not hostile, we attempt to return her to the humans first." She'd turn to leave, tails gently lifting the girl into Lopaley's arms as she'd turn to leave.

So she would follow the others out, a purposeful, determined stride, tails tucking close to her body.
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“I agree. Allowing the god to have it seems...detrimental.” Enli would say with a nod of agreement. As the two before him declared their readiness, it seemed Enli would hesitate for only a few seconds as though he wished to say something else, but would quickly simply declare his own readiness. “Very well, let us be off. It would do well to get this over with. I’ll allow you two to lead, then.” The elder would then leave, and assuming Novak or Nobunaga neither had anything else to add, they would leave the village for the small shrine where they had met the Kyrnith the previous day.

It would be a relatively peaceful trek. Enli, despite being on the older side was keeping up fairly easily. Along the way, a number of blue furred deer would bolt off into the forest at their approach, running from the humans that were intruding upon their territory, until eventually the familiar sight of the somber, peaceful grove would come into view...whereupon the altar would be laying the deer, tall and imposing having already been waiting for the three to arrive. Upon their approach, he would stand, the other blue furred deer around him, startled by the approach of the humans would flee further in, just past the treeline and watch them with curiosity.

“So you have arrived.” It would speak. “I must say, I did not think you would actually come. It has...been long, since the leader of Dawn and I have spoken.”

“You...you are the Kyrnith.”

“Indeed, I am. Now then, leader of Dawn. Speak the reason for your arrival.”

“O, great Kyrnith.” Enli would begin, bowing and showing a manner of sincerity. “It...has been brought to my attention that those who worship the God known as the Illuminator seek to...unleash some sort of calamity upon this forest and village. I wish to both mend relations between our humble village so we may hunt and gather freely in this forest again without earning your ire, as well as learn to discuss a way to perhaps resolve this issue peacefully.”

“...your words are noble, Elder, and I hear sincerity and truth in your words. Yet, to truly break worshippers such as those who follow that witless god, requires more than simple persuasion. The outsider here though, has a rather intriguing idea, that may perhaps, benefit us both in that regard.” The deer would turn to look towards Nobunaga. “Speak your idea, traveler, and tell us how you see an Elder Beast such as myself, teaching these villagers and usurping the title of a god.” He would turn to Novak. “...if you could, watch the grove to ensure the wind does not carry our words to those who do not deserve it would be welcome.”

“I-I see. I do not believe I heard the entire details of this plan, yet.” Enli would remark, seeming a bit flustered by the beasts manner of speaking.

Plant hunting

The two wolves would snarl and bark, coming to a standstill as Misaki would take a threatening posture. They were animals, after all, and body language should definitely be taken into account when they were hunting. A thing that clearly looked threatening, and something that certainly looked like it wouldn’t hesitate to strike back was something most animals could be cautious of.

Unfortunately, the wolves didn’t seem intent on letting their meal get away. One would make an attempt to leap towards Misaki, aiming to knock her over and both injure and disctrat her while the second had managed to circle around towards the foal, making a leap towards it...who would immediately give a shrill call and make an attempt to avoid the wolf by diving to the side, narrowly escaping the wolves claws and teeth, but stumbling over its own legs as it would unsteadily balance itself, already being a bit exhausted from already having been running from the predators while the wolf would quickly get back to its feet.

A little secret
@Click This

“Well...nothing special really?” Lazhira would chuckle nervously. “I can...mess with memories, a bit, I guess as well as uhm, give people ‘inspiration’? If that makes sense? I don’t really like doing either. Aside from that I can give someone a reaaaally nasty headache. That uhm, ball of light I have is sort of the expression of that. I can use it more physically, too, like I did with the slimes a bit I...may have used that sort of thing to erm, make people forget I’ve been here awhile.” Lazhira would sheepishly grin. Feeling a bit more comfortable since Narkissa didn’t react badly, Lazhira would cross her legs as she’d sit, becoming a bit less nervous. “But uhm, thanks...its fine. It happened awhile ago.” She’d bringup her hand, gazing at the mark on her wrist as she’d continue.

“I don’t know.” Lazhira would say with a sigh. “Opening it’s definitely not a good idea, and if we destroy it, then that means no one would be able to...or learn how to again, wouldn’t it? The temple was just an extension of his abilities - he can sort of...warp reality, to make memories and other things real? Somewhat. It was probably something that exists somewhere in his divine realm, and he just shoved it here as a way to make sure we didn’t stumble on where the actual cultists are. Or maybe its another place that exists somewhere in the world? He just removed it, and it’s been there for so long people just assumed that’s always been there.” Of course, what Narkissa was saying made sense...but at the same time, she didn’t think that was the best. “But if he just gets one then he gets what he wants anyways-” She’d assert, shaking her head, but their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a ballistic catgirl.

“Wah?! Leannah!?” Lazhira would shout, surprised at her rather sudden appearance. “Oh, you’re okay! You’ve been gone for almost an entire day...jeez. You look kinda like you’ve been through a lot. What happened?” She’d hop up from her seat, running over to Leannah so she could offer assistance if needed.

A Traveler

The objectively large woman would listen to Nick as he spoke, though it seemed like she might have trouble keeping her attention on a single thing at a time. She’d take a moment to inspect her equipment and the rest of the little camp she had made out here in the snowfield as he’d inform her of where he had come from and where he was going.

“The mountain people, huh. Dunno why you’d be lookin’ for them. They’re not super friendly to humans...well, the dwarves are nice enough I guess. We had ‘em build some stuff for us once.” She’d comment, taking out her blade and cleaning it with a cloth. Bits of the giants blood still seemed to have been on it from earlier. Upon hearing about the village with the undead, though, she’d immediately perk up, eyes going wide while an eager grin would form on her face.

“Wah! Yea! Undead! That place!” She’d say nearly knocking Nicholas over as she’d run over. “Rheane asked me to come look into it. Something about undead and stuff!” She’d nervously chuckle, standing back up straight as she’d sheathe her sword. “Uh...I should have already been there but uh, there was a snowstorm and I got turned around...Oh! Right my name! Elisette.” Elisette didn’t seem like she was very put together except maybe when it came to fighting things.

“So uh, if you’ve been there before that’d be great if you could help me. Don’t worry, I’ll keep that cute little face of yours safe from any other scary giants. Or wolves. Or Bears. Or a giant flying snow scorpion.”

It seemed like a simple enough request, which meant Nicholas would have to help her find this village. With his gift, it likely wouldn’t be too difficult. It seemed it was pushing him to find this village too, what with that little vision he had while he was unconscious. Elisette was already putting out the fire and putting away the small bits of equipment she had set up. Mostly what seemed to be the structure of a small lean-to that she had start putting together at some point. All he’d need to do is somehow focus on this ability of his, and see where it would take him. Or he could refuse, but then he’d probably make her cry.

The Roma Mob

If it was her intention to find the Prince, Nesherit would be easily found. He had been assigned to help guide them, after all, and asking a few servants would quickly point Augusta in the right direction. He’d be found in what seemed to be a large balcony up some ways within the palace, overlooking the town below. She’d be greeted with quite a sight, of the prince practicing what was clearly some form of martial arts, elegant and flowing as he’d perform a number of quick jabs, punches, and kicks, a few acrobatic twirls and movements.

This performance would end quickly with red colored energy enveloping the princes’ hand, crackling of electricity heard as he would make a quick jab forward...and a dazzling display as the energy would pulse through the air, flowing until it dissipated like ripples through water...and then he’d notice Augusta.

“...oh...uh, hi. What are you doing here?” He’d ask, a bit uncertain.


It’d be easy enough to find his way back to the notably dwarvish tavern. It was as lively as always, and finding Rael was similarly easy. She was pouting at the counter, a familiar dwarf sitting next to her as she’d angrily be sipping on what seemed to be some non-alcoholic fruit juice of some nature.

“Your a stone-singer!”

“Only cuz my grandad was one.” She’d reply to Otti, who’d be laughing jovially.

“Ah, can’t say I’d ever imagine a dwarf doin’ it with a shadow elf of all things! But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” He’d chuckle, patting the girl on the back. “That’s a right powerful tool you go there girl, you should come to the dwarvin tunnels and learn to use it properly.”

“I am not singing my enemies to death, thank you. I’m gonna blast ‘em to bits.” Raelzeth would assert confidently, before seemingly deflating again. “...if Rullphana doesn’t turn me into a cave toad for losing that...”

“Ah, don’t worry girl! Stone-singing can be used with magic, martial mastery...anything, really! All it takes is focus and a voice as strong as the mountains!” He’d turn in his seat, having heard someone enter, face lighting up with excitement as he’d spot Isidore. “Ah, would ye look at that? Back for another round human? Or you here for the lass that looks like she’s about to have to go off and face their mom after breaking an expensive vase?”

“Shut up you dumb dwarf.” Raezel muttered, though was looking at Isidore with clearly some amount of hope.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Perfume?” Mie would say with a chuckle. “Sorry, you’ll have to pay for that. Stuff is expensive, especially the exotic stuff I got from other places I can sell for a fortune back in Chagawa, Nomura.” She would say, making sure to use his alias. “Go on. Get to work. I’m not paying you to stand around and look pretty. I’m the only one that can do that.” Nomura would easily be able to find the Oni that was guarding the package to be delivered. A brief exchange and he’d give it to Malphas, the bottle surprisingly small given how much she implied it would have cost.

In any case, he’d soon find himself arriving in Enli’s longhouse...but no sign of Enli. Judging from the words of a few hunters nearby, he’d have just missed him - having gone to apparently meet with the Kyrnith. Instead, to meet him, was the craftsman he had met earlier. Bolcha was standing off to the side of the main firepit, leaning against the wall, eyeing the masked Malphas with some suspicion. Perhaps it was a good thing he had yet to meet the elder, all things considered.

“You from Mie’s group?” He’d ask, noting the odd mask and the clearly foreign bottle of wine. “Don’t think I’ve seen you ‘fore. You need Enli, he’s left with some others to meet with the Kyrnith.” He’d note that the craftsman was carrying both a well crafted dagger at his side, and a spear was leaning nearby. He seemed suspicious of Nomura. “If that’s a delivery, just leave it here I’ll put it up.”

...huh, that black fox from earlier that was hanging around Mie and that had stolen that fish was currently sneaking around back, coming out of the kitchen as it’d eye Malphas, or perhaps, more specifically, the bottle of alcohol, and run off to another room in the longhouse.

The Builder

Donovan would have spent the night in Enli’s house, the older gentleman being as welcoming as always. The news he bought though, was something short of astonishing for the older man as the builder would present his evidence. They were...attempting to kill him, and not only that, also enrage the Kyrnith and pin his death, on him? What would they even gain from that, aside from causing chaos? Enli didn’t get much sleep that night, focusing on the matter at hand. He’d need to make sure this deal went through, didn’t he? The rest of the night would have passed fairly uneventfully for Donovan, the pain from his wrist slowly subsiding as the day went on.

The next morning, he’d be woken up early by Akando. The younger man seemed at least, eager to prove for certain whether or not this was going to prove without a doubt the rest of the hunters planned on causing harm to the village, or danger otherwise. After a brief discussion, he’d have informed Bolcha of what was going on, and the stout older craftsman readily agreed that if the life of his friend was in even potential danger, then he’d do his best to prevent that from happening. After letting Enli know they had left already, they'd already left by the time Nobunaga and Novak arrived early that morning.

So Akando and Donovna would find themselves deep within the forest, past the main altar where the Kyrnith was, and in deeper region where most of the Kyrnith’s deer would call home.

All was peaceful.

The wind, gently moving through the trees as the deer would flee from their presence.

“This is where they’d do it.” Akando would comment, hand gripping his spear tightly. “If they were looking to make the Kyrnith even more angry, this would be the place to do it...it wouldn’t even be hunting for survival at that point.” The sun would be blocked by the foliage over head, and even the snow that dotted the rest of the forest floor seemed less dense here, creating a cool, somber gloom.

This still left a fairly large area to cover if they were looking for something, or a single person or people doing mass extermination of the deer here.

And because I forgot in the collabs, a few things for people



The massive collab post

The hunt begins again - Unknown room

"...Ah. Ashte. Auriea. I cannot say I've ever been here before but I am glad to see friendly faces." Ah, so there were others here she did know of, at least. Ashte, being the most notable and memorable of the group, always testing her skills against one who could reasonably best her in combat and in...other pursuits. Aureia, the one of gold and travelers. A good one to be friendly with, as long as one remembered her fickle nature. The one who took the time to protect the girl too...hm, what was her name? Something doing with Time, was it? Regardless of her thoughts on her though, she was not of concern at the moment.

No, her attention was on the Sun God.

It was thankful, she supposed, she had never met him before now. She heard stories, but she had never met the other god in person, for good reason it seemed. If this was how he behaved then she doubted she'd have never be able to stay her blade for very long. As much as she'd like to, though...the goddess would tear her gaze from the volatile God and turn her attention to her charge. Even so though, one of her tails would remain pointed towards the Sun God, the 'face' of it glaring and obviously ready to pounce should he make an attempt to do anything.

In a way, her tails seemed to always have a more direct way of exposing her thoughts at times.

"Rousing a Goddess from a peaceful slumber is a great offense, so I shall make sure to reprimand her properly once she wakes." She would use her tails to lay the girl on the ground in front of her, letting her head still rest on her tail so she could quickly retrieve her if she had too and taking a moment to inspect her for injury or the like. Dismayed, she found no physical wound or curse on the girl that was rendering her immobile. "I am no healer, so as far as I can say she is alive, but nothing beyond that she has a fever and she seems to be in a deep slumber herself. I doubt physical force will do little more than injure her."

It was likely a safe guess that she was the reason they were here...how much power did that even take? Bringing this many divine entities here? Had this odd chamber assisted in it somehow? Too many questions only she could answer, so she would make sure to get them once she was woken.
Don't mind me just acquiring smol lost girl and giving her a floofy heaven

The hunt begins again - Unknown room

Really, maybe she would have preferred to stay dreaming...yet all the same, consciousnesses would soon flow into her mind once more. A voice, calling for help. At one point, the cries of someone asking for help would be all she needed to assist someone, so long as it was a heartfelt, truthful plea, she would never turn down someone. Even now...who would she be if she didn't accept. She didn't know these things of course, as in the moment she remembered nothing as she floated there in that cool wet, embrace.

So she would find herself standing in this hexagonal room, the ceiling seeming quite high to one of her stature, but that was less important than everything, and everyone else in the room. Inscriptions. Ancient, from the look of them. Rings upon rings steadily becoming larger as they extended outwards. Whatever did they mean? Hm, she was no scholar but she couldn't help but to be curious. But...who exactly even was-


Memories. A desert. Warm and inviting. Harsh and unforgiving. A jungle. Wet, muggy, and filled with so many beautiful plants. A number of faceless people. Beasts hunted, large and formidable in stature. Corrupt humans, muderous or wishing harm upon the innocent. Criminals, hunting and giving judgement from divine. Try as she might search her memories, however brief she did so, she had no idea how she got here, within this room. Annoying, really. Did some other deity pull her here somehow? She didn't feel anything evil or worthy of -

In fact, she felt...rather weak, come to think of it. Well this was disturbing. Did some trickster god steal her strength? Sap her of her divine power? Hm. She was busy thinking, she didn't entirely see the fool attacking what was likely the only person that could give them answers. If it was her old self, she could have just jumped in and handled it herself, but it seemed as though another had that covered already, so she would take a more defensive posture.

"Hmph..." Alasayana would approach the sleeping girl as that weird looking one would block the blow from the irritable looking man. Sleeping on the cold hard ground like this could not be comfortable, nor good for ones health...so instead she'd give her what was obviously going to be the best bed of her existence. The four furry tails that extended from her waist would wrap around the girl, gently enveloping her in a warm embrace. "I don't know you, but know this - I will not abide you or anyone else attacking an unarmed civilian. If you wish a hunt to sate bloodlust or anger, there are plenty of beasts out there I am sure."

Ah, she felt so naked without her sword. Tsk tsk, and she couldn't feel anything about this place either...just what had happened?
Righto I'll get a thing going soon
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