Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

I'll make an attempt at postin' tomorrow
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

The older man would click his tongue.

“Don’t regret ignoring opportunity, lass. Trustin’ everything you see or hear is how tragedy happens.” And he would simply turn and walk away, leaving Nobunaga to her own plans.

“Ah, hello. I was just discussing some things that happened with Novak here yesterday.” Enli would give a warm greeting. “Nothing troublesome, just...well, I’m sure you heard the talk on the way here.” He’d say with a light sigh, shaking his head. “Now, perhaps Novak you could continue?” He’d listen with mild concern as the traveler would speak, though his concern would turn to mild seeming confusion as he continued but he wouldn’t ask questions until Novak had said his piece.

“...I...orb? I don’t remember there being anything about an orb of some sort...” He’d frown in thought. “And...you say lazhira has knowledge of this? I assume its because she spends more time in the temple then she did doing anything else...I...hm. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help in this. I suppose I can go over the things we have again, but I don’t have the time for now.” He’d say. “I would not want to keep the Kyrnith waiting. If you’d like to instead, there’s still some scrolls that may tell some things. I’ll take a close look once I return this evening.”

Plant hunting

The deer would bound towards Misaki, the wolves nipping at its heels as it would make a beeline for the fox. With the brief seconds she had to compose herself and think of an action, she decided to arm herself with what seemed to be a shaft of a bamboo-esque plant. The deer would leap past Misaki, as the fox girl would stand as steadfast as she could against the wolves as they would run up to her, slowing the dash for the deer as they would snarl, yip and bark towards the fox.

Her defensive posture at least, seemed to make them wary and question if the two were going after the kill - but wolves were also pack animals...there was likely more than just two around here, but at the same time she didn’t see any, and her ears didn’t pick anything up either, but it was difficult to focus as one of the wolves would make a few cautious steps towards Misaki, while the second would circle around to her right.

The Deer had positioned itself behind Misaki some ways, just close enough to her to give the predators pause if they attempted to go for her.

A little secret
@Click This

“Uhm...I guess? I say dad, but its more that well, he sort of made me?” Lazhira would respond slowly. “Uhm...I’m not sure how to explain it.” She’d say with a light chuckle. “My story well...He sort of tossed me out when he got bored of me. If It wasn’t for those fishermen that literally fished me out of the water I’d be dead. Dummy probably wanted to see how I’d adapt to life here as an experiment or something.” Lazhira would give Narkissa a look of mild annoyance and irritation. “So, erm, I guess? If that’s what a Demigod is. Anyways, other than that I don’t really have much of one. Ended up here after that, those parents raised me...well, that was a while ago. They ended up dying in a fishing accident when a storm hit the coast some years ago.” She’d take a seat on a nearby stump, seeming a bit wistful as she’d continue.

“Uhm, but that’s also why he’s looking for me. When I was still with him, I heard a lot about his plans...which is why I don’t think the Kyrnith has anything to do with this. Maybe not a curse, but its the easiest thing I could say to convince you guys, and that fog is sort of...I guess a side effect of whatever thing is sleeping beneath here.” She’d frown. “...which he wants to free. He needs two keys for it, and the first was well...destroyed, and the second...is the orb that went missing, and why I wanted to steal it...but someone beat me to it and I don’t know who or why. He probably thinks I could help him make another of those keys or something.” She sighed.

“He’s trying to break the seal - the fact that fog is here is evidence alone that he’s succeeded somewhat, but its probably taking longer without the key.” She’d look over to Narkissa. “So uhm...do y’think you could help? I know I’m asking a lot - getting on his bad side anymore is probably going to be dangerous, but if we do have the orb, could you give it to me? We can’t let him have it.”

A Traveler

“Eh? Wah hey! No passing out on me!” Was the last words he’d hear from the woman, before drifting off into unconsciousness as the fatigue of the trip and cold would finally be catching up with him.

The sky stretched above him, infinite stars and planetoids seeming so close, yet so far. He could likely reach out and just...pluck one from the sky and toss it around like a ball, should he desire. Where was he? Below was an endless vast expanse of white, though in the distance he could see something...a small...village? It was difficult to tell from this distance. How’d he get here? This was certainly not the place he had fallen unconscious in, but he certainly wasn’t dead...or was this simply his dying body’s attempt to make sense of his impending death?

...hm, no, somehow he’d feel that wasn’t the case.

Soon the planets would jerk forward, as though the plane of vast empty space he was standing on began rotating at impossibly high speeds. Faster and faster, until each was nothing but a blur in the heavens above, and he would be drawn to move towards the village as the heavens twirled above.

But soon, something would happen. A gust of wind would blow, an article of clothing with it. It would land some distance in front of him, it was...a maids dress? Well that was odd - but he’d have little time to think of it before something disconcerting would happen. Skeletal creatures would start rising from the snow, all rushing towards him - they were going to tear him apart -

And then he would wake.

Nightmare or dream, he’d wake..

He was close to the foothills of the mountain now, though it was hard to tell where exactly he had traveled, nothing looked familiar in this expanse of white. The only thing he could tell, was that she had seemed to carried him down the opposite side of the mountain.

“Wah! You’re awake!” She’d shout. “Jeez, I thought you were a goner! You had a bit of hypothermia and you look like you had been walking forever! You northern folk are crazy!” She’d laugh, though didn’t seem to mean that in a bad way. “Anyways, carried ya down the mountain. Should be pretty safe here. Ya should probably eat something. Them scrawny arms of yours probably aren’t gonna help ya a lot if ya don’t.”

She’d offer him a wooden bowl with a few freshly cooked bits of what seemed to be fowl in it.

“So what’s your name anyways? And why ya traveling them mountains?” She had set up what seemed to be some sorta makeshift camp, and he had been laying on a small, somewhat uncomfortable fur mat near a fire. Didn’t seem to be anything around for awhile, save for what seemed to be a forest far in the distance and the vast fields of snow that seemed to be normal here. “Don’t suppose you’re from that village I’m supposed to be looking for, do ya?”

The Roma Mob

Vallanur would click their tongue, only muttering a slur under their breath as they’d watch Augusta leave. Octavia would follow Augusta, though the pup would start barking and snapping at people as they passed in some manner of aggression, only stopping and seeming to barely restrain itself if Augusta ordered her not too. The guards would let her pass without a problem, the queen having already told them they’d be her guests, as such should be treated as one would treat any of the royal family, and as expected Augusta would find the queen right in her throne room.

“Greetings, Augusta” The queen would reply with a friendly tone. “Indeed...I can imagine that your pup gives you no end of trouble...demons can be quite...insatiable as we know all to well.” The Queen would observe the elvish woman and the pup, who was still restlessly pawing at the ground. Her tall, pale ethereal form would stand from her throne, the long dress seemingly gliding across the floor with the same odd, otherworldly grace.

“You are my guest, so of course it is my due responsibility to ensure your comfort...but of course, as you know a favor may often require another favor in return.” She would say. “And the favor I must ask in return...I will be holding a...gathering, of sorts in a few days. Important people from all of Gloom Hollow will be present. You will be my partner.” If Augusta looked at her eye, it seemed to not reveal anything of note.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“On to business then, good.” Mie would say, taking a seat again at the table. “Thankfully for the both of us, there’s not many villages on the trip north. A few small ones and some tribes roaming the snow fields here and there, but they shouldn’t cause us any problems. I think you could handle them well enough.” The fox would slowly frown. “The only one that will probably give us some problems...is the Rimewind tribe.” She sighed, voice turning troubled as she’d continue. “You’ve never been up there, but they’re a...hm, particular tribe of humans that worship an Elder Beast that calls themselves ‘Vechnyy Moroz’. These folks are zealous at best and fanatics at worst...but i’ve managed to work out a, shall we say, agreement. Their God has a particular fondness of an extremely pure Alcohol, so as long as I bring a few barrels of that we can pass. As long as you remain respectful to their God and don’t get in the way of their ceremonies we can pass unimpeded and are perfectly friendly otherwise.” Mie would swish her tail. “I’ll handle the talking with them. I hate to say it, but if we piss that thing off, we’ll end up in its trophy room. I mean that literally - it’ll freeze things alive and put them on display if it likes them. I’d like to keep my floofy tail unfrozen.”

“That beast sounds like real work...ain’t never heard of an Elder Beast being worshipped as a god...but I guess people will do what they have to.” Eirhild chimed in. “What’s it look like anyways?”

“Never seen it myself, but they describe it as ‘A giant winged, four legged creature made entirely of the purest ice that can freeze even flame.’. I don’t wanna test those claims or see it, either.” She’d humph. Mie would spend the next moments giving Malphas a rough crash course in Chagawa etiquette as well, so he could more easily play the part of a native. Honorifics, titles, a bit on the political situation, namely the constant clan warfare among the people as well as the most notable and prominent clans of Oni and Humans. If nothing else, he could probably pass on a surface level for any who was asking.

“Now, if there’s nothing else...there’s something you can do for me. Enli asked for some alcohol, and I’d like you to deliver it for me. Just ask one of the Oni and they’ll give you a crate to take to him. I’ve made a rather special reservation for him. Once you return, I may have...something else I’ll need you to do for me.”


Alrighty, here we go.

Goddess of Hunting and Judgement. I may have gotten a bit wordy, but overall, a more or less physically capable Goddess with some ability to detect deceit, vanquish evil and hunt sinners, all that fun stuff. I'll edit anything i need to~

Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin

Enli would listen to Novak’s explanation, a concerned expression growing longer on his face the longer he spoke. The older man would exhale, long and tiredly as he’d seem to lose some of the vigor he had since last evening. He’d end up taking a seat in the usual place near the table by the time Novak would finish speaking, head held in his hand as he’d shake his head.

“...I assumed some of the hunters had. Why wouldn’t they? It is a logical choice, once the Kyrnith stops supporting us, but...to openly attack you...” He’d sigh again, shaking his head. “I have no reason to not believe you, after most of you outsiders have been so helpful already, and if Mie is helping you all, then its even more reason for me too.” He’d straighten his posture, the troubled frown turning towards one of more serious determination. “I do not believe it is just between me, no. I expect the Kyrnith would be fine with it as well...I am no fighter, either, so having a skilled one or two not affiliated with the hunters would be a welcome boon.”

Enli would stand again, having regained that brief lapse in seeming motivation.

“I suspect its not the act of worshiping him itself that is currently causing the Kyrnith to disassociate with us...its likely that the hunters are being completely irreverent of the deer in the forest, among other things as well. Once your companion arrives, we’ll set off. I’d rather get this over with sooner than later. In the mean time...please, ask me anything about the temple that needs discussing. I'd be happy to elaborate if I can.”

Just an old man


“..pfft. Ahaha, treating me like a random mortal! Outrageous!” He’d laugh, seemingly amused by the open opposition. “Ah, that makes me so furious if you were someone else I’d just turn your brain into a delicious little soup! Oh I like you!” The laughter would die down, as he would follow after Nobunaga, seemingly not really too perturbed by the thought of having to seek a mortals attention. “Ah, no matter. Opportunities only come knocking once, would be a shame for you to never get your hands on something you want.” He’d end up following Nobunaga for a little ways, seemingly intent on getting her to react or to open actual discussion in some manner.

“But as a man of opportunity and learning, I always know how to make more, y’see.” It seemed as though he was saying that he could give Nobunaga something she wanted, while he’d get something in return...but if she didn’t, then he’d simply find another way to get what he wanted, from someone else. “Course I understand if ye don’t trust me. Poor little Iva, always the one people blame. Not my fault you mortals don’t have a measure of self control. Unlike you...which is why maybe I think we can help each other. You get something you love, and I get something I want to know. Everybody wins. You, me, the people of this village! Well, one person wouldn’t win, but that’s a solution to all the other problems.”

That last phrase was said with a surprisingly serious, stern tone for the rest of his jovial demeanor. Of course, it was just words from a seemingly irreverent God who was connected to whatever bad was happening here. How much of it was truth? How much was it a lie? What was he offering anyways? He didn’t elaborate, and if she asked he didn’t seem intent on that, either. It really was up to Nobunaga if she was even listening to his rambling. It was probably best just to ignore him, after all.

If she decided to ignore him further, she’d arrive at Enli’s place just in time to overhear the end of the conversation he was having with Novak. He would seem to have vanished without further pestering.

Plant hunting

With an agreement between them, Misaki would leave Lazhira’s house. Paper should be easy enough, and there were likely plenty of plants in the forest for Misaki to find of use. She’d eventually find her way back to where the ‘Bamboo’ shoots had been located. The only difference was, that this time, she was by herself. In a forest. Full of probably some creatures that wouldn’t mind an easy meal.

Pounding plants into pulp was something that was more time consuming than it was difficult, though she could reasonably do it after a bit of work. As she would work on whatever it was she was doing to prepare the bamboo for its making into paper, she’d find the forest a fairly quiet, relaxing place to work...at least until her two furry ears would make out the sound of a few twigs crunching nearby! In fact, something was approaching rapidly! A few things!

She’d have barely a few moments to react before a familiar blue furred foal would run into sight, being chased by what seemed to be two particularly hungry wolves. It would slow, upon seeing Misaki, though it would quickly make a beeline for her.

Seemed like it assumed Misaki would protect it.

A little secret
@Click This

Narkissa would easily find herself able to find wood in the forest...but high quality wood? Well, that might have been somewhat difficult. Many of the trees in the forest were growing well as they could in the snow covered area, but they didn’t seem to be particularly suited for large scale projects. If she asked the villagers, they’d point her towards the northern end of a deeper part of the forest. As for wood laying around the place, there was quite a few cabins that had a decent stock of firewood laying around, but nothing she seemingly could use. After asking around a bit, though, she’d be able to find something towards the edge of the village, near the start of the forest. Some freshly cut trees, stumps sticking just above the ground. A small cabin nearby with a bunch of hand axes seemed to indicate this may have been the place where some villagers would gather lumber and wood if they needed it for construction, though it looked like it hadn’t been used much recently.

At some point though, she’d realize she was being followed...though it was soon apparent it wasn’t anyone she should be worried about mugging or causing her harm - rather it seemed Lazhira had found her after some time away.

“...hey. Uhm...we should probably talk. I erm, its probably obvious I know a lot more than I’m letting on, huh?” Lazhira would say with a sheepish, uncertain grin towards Narkissa. “I didn’t wanna say much in front of the others but you and Leannah are probably...the only ones I really trust a lot, and I’m sorry if I’m bothering you while you’re busy, but I want to go ahead and get this out of the way...if we could talk in private.” She'd hesitate for a moment before quietly adding, as if to convince her further. "...he's my dad. Erm, the Illuminator that is."

A Traveler

Of course, the giants would attack sooner than the woman seemed to have expected. The spear wielding giants would attack in tandem. One would swing its large, heavy spear in an upward strike with force enough to dig a deep cut in the earth with it. The woman would barely be able to deflect the blow, having little time to bring her sword up to deflect the blow which would send her own body spiralling across the snow covered mountain side. The second would immediately take this opportunity to attack her as well, the spear coming down upon her body as she’d lay recovering from the previous blow.

But the blow would never hit its mark.

Instead of attempting to defend, in the last few seconds she’d get to her knees...rolling forward and slashing the giants feet with her blade. The large cleaver like blade would slice each ankle, the tendons in each being severed with clean precision. It would bring the giant crashing to its knees, feet no longer able to hold its impressive weight as she’d then, in a rather cruel display, systematically render more of the giant’s muscles useless.

It would attempt raising its spear to cut her, but she’d slice its wrist muscles, severing the muscles in it. As it would make a grab for her with its good hand, the blade would slice the muscles in its forearm and shoulder, until it had been rendered completely immobile.

The final blow, the blade cleaving into its neck. A long, deep gash nearly severing it as it would fall onto its back where it would proceed to bleed out.

“Ahah, jeez, haven’t you heard that double teaming a lady is rude!” She’d jovially call out. The remaining giant was carefully gauging the situation, holding its spear defensively as it looked at its fallen comrade, and the ones struggling to get up at the base of the mountain...and it would make, perhaps the intelligent decision that this human was no longer worth it as it would turn and start running.

“Oh no you don’t! Nuh-uh, no one runs from me after picking a fight!” Instead of running him down, though, she’d throw the blade at it. It would careen through the air, spinning as it would soon impact its target. The hefty blade struck true, the blade nearly cleaving the head of the giant clean in two as its heavy body would soon crumple to the ground. The two giants that she had managed to throw off the cliff had gotten to their feet, but had no desire to continue the fight and were running.

“Heh, yep! You two down there run and tell your king not to mess with me!” She’d pull the blade from the head of the giant, grinning triumphantly. “...oh hey, almost forgot about you.” She’d say, running over to Nicholas. “Eh~ What’s a cute guy like you doing all the way out here by yourself? You get lost or something? Out hunting? You’re not very well dressed, but you don’t look like the cold bothers you at all, huh! You must be pretty powerful or somethin’ heheh!”

Seemed like Nicholas had stumbled on a somewhat terrifyingly energetic girl out here in these mountains.

The Roma Mob

“I see. Unfortunate. I was hoping you’d be more...open to learning more, but if that is your wish.” Rullphana would say mildly disappointed. “Well then, it was an enlightening experience for me nonetheless. Do not be late to the lessons with Leuca. I will not be waiting on anyone.” With that affirmation, Rullphana would wave Augusta off, turning back to her samples and cleaning up any other mess she or the pup had made during her experiments.

Vallanur would give them a dismissive huff as they left the tower, though Augusta wouldn’t get very far before Octavia seemingly started to act up for some reason. The pup was growling, digging at the ground and whining lightly. A quick check with the eye would show something a bit odd as its status.

Seems like she may want to find Octavia something to eat.


“E-eh? I-isidore!?” Raezel would shout, quickening her pace to keep up with the human and the one who had just pick-pocketed her. She wasn’t sure what Isidore was up to, but she was pretty sure she couldn’t do anything about this by herself. If the figure was upset about being seen, or being followed it didn’t seem to mind as Raezel did her best to keep up with the group.

“If you want answers, not here, and not with the brat.” The elf would reply. Their tone was urgent and curious, but not hostile - as they would keep walking, but not seeming set on any destination. As long as they were being followed by Raezel it seemed like they weren’t going to be heading to their actual destination. “But if you’re not working with Rullphana...then maybe we can be friends.” A simple request, and perhaps a bit of an assertion that whoever this was wasn’t a fan of the esteemed court wizard. “Lets just say someone with the authority to have you executed for this bit of interference asked me to do it.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Hm, a bird mask huh...” Mie would think for a moment, walking over to where a few chests and other things of hers were. Rummaging around for a few moments, she’d eventually find something Malphas was looking for. A number of masks - though they didn’t seem to be completely what he had described. In fact, Mie seemed to have a lot of these masks around come to think of it. Especially of the fox sort, despite not having seen anyone wearing those. Regardless of the thoughts on it, she’d soon return with something that Malphas may have found to his tastes.

A black mask, with a long...beak? Or rather, it seemed to in fact, be a nose? Or stylized to be both. Either way, under its long ‘beak’ there was clearly gold colored teeth turned upwards into a grin. Its eyes were a bit angry looking, with the eyebrows turned downwards into a serious expression, with large eyes and elfin like ears that would cover Malphas’ own. A number of feathers like engravings were under the chin and top of the mask, seeming to mimic a beard, or hair.

“I think this is about the only one I got with a more...bird-like appearance. Careful though. If you’re on a mountain in Chagawa, some mountain spirit might think you’re one of them and challenge you to a race.” She’d chuckle with a grin. “As for a name, fine. You’ll be Shigenaga Nomura. You’re from a small village in Chagawa that I took in to train when a raiding party of Oni destroyed your village. If anyone asks where you’ve been the past few days, simply tell them I had you finalizing a sale for me and were traveling with only a small group from our previous destination. I'll leave everything else up to you.”

For some reason, it seemed like Mie at least had some experience with quickly coming up with identities on the spot even if this one wasn’t too in depth.

“Anything else? If you want something more bird like, you can probably find something from one of the craftsman around here. If not...then lets sit. Go ahead and ask me any questions, otherwise...I’ll tell you some things about what we’ll be going through on the way back to Chagawa.”
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin

“No need, as long as you put that to good use.” The craftsman would reply with a grin. “Bring me anything else, I might be able to make more stuff from it if you stick around.” He’d give Novak a friendly wave as he left, before getting back to work on the fresh game that was just brought to his workshop. His trek to Enli’s longhouse was rather uneventful. He’d pass a few more villagers, but nothing would impede his steps across the snow covered ground until he arrived.

The warm air from within was as welcoming as always, with the smell of freshly cooked fish, meat and a few vegetables. Curiously, he’d notice a certain black fox named Ayumi skulking about the place though she’d quickly flee to some other corner of the longhouse. What was she doing here?

“Ah, Novak.” Enli would say, greeting the skill seeker with a warm tone. He was dressed in his usual robes, though his demeanor was noticeably more lively than it had been in the past two days. Perhaps he had been given some measure of hope, or just relief since things were potentially looking better for the village now, save for the sudden increase in the danger in the forest. “Apologies. I don’t have much time to chat. I do not wish to keep the Kyrnith waiting. We might not get another chance to meet peaceably. I also heard from a few hunters you went into the temple yesterday. You’re lucky to have come out in once piece...ah, but never mind that. What do you need?”

Just an old man


Nobbu would leave the safety of Lazhira’s home, stepping out into the cool morning breeze that was coming from the sea. It seemed to be as pleasant of a day as any here, in Dawn. Yet there was a tangible feeling of unease over the place. People were milling about, starting their day as usual, yet there was an undeniable feeling of...disquiet.

And then there was an old looking man, a rather exquisite cane was somehow managing to stand up on its own, while his hands pressed what seemed to be a simple wooden flute against his aged lips. The melody played was somewhat disconcerting. It was familiar -

Ah, it was the same melody that she had played yesterday. His silver eyes would lock with Nobunagas as he’d slowly put the flute away, grab the cane by its head and give her a grin.

“Oi, lass, over here!” He’d call out towards Nobunaga. “I’ve got a proposition for ya.” If Nobbu would care to look, she’d notice the figure was more well dressed than most of the villagers. His silver, aged hair was well groomed, and his dull grey robes were inlaid with flowing, gold patterns. “Of course yer free to run, but I don’t just talk to anyone ya see.” There was little mystery to who this old man was, from the way he was carrying himself. It might be best to not get involved. “Don’t worry about bein’ seen. No one will notice...well, unless you call attention to us. Probably best we don’t, that.”

Lazhira’s House
@PKMNB0Y@Click This

For the most part, Lazhira would remain silent as her guests discussed whatever it was they were discussing, not caring to get involved for the moment. She mostly kept herself busy by cleaning up the room, or by doing some random busy work, but eventually it seemed she’d run out of things to keep herself occupied. Oddly, she didn't seem interested in their paper making scheme, despite her seeming curiosity and desire to learn things. After spending some minutes cleaning the pot she had used for the stew, she'd look over to the two occupants of her home.

"Uhm...so if you guys don't need me for anything, I'm gonna go...erm, maybe help some fishermen or maybe go find some fruits or herbs in the forest. Need to restock and stuff." The look Narkissa gave her though, wasn't lost on her though, and she'd quickly inform them of where she'd be later. "...if you need me, erm, I'll be at the obelisk by noon! Promise! Its a great spot to see the sea from...hm, maybe I can make everyone something to eat and we can eat out there..." She'd trail off, and unless stopped would make her way out of the home.

The Roma Mob

Rullphana would say nothing as she began her examination. The Syringe worked as expected - drawing blood from Octavia. The pup would growl as its skin was pierced, but would stay still as it was ordered too. She would place the blood in a small vial, studying it briefly before placing it on the desk. A small dagger Rullphana would use to cut the pups flesh, for seemingly no other purpose than to see how quickly the pup would heal from physical trauma. More Esoteric instruments seemed to follow, too. She would place the pup in some sort of magic circle - seemingly some sort of ward. Rullphana would perform a few spells, too, though the complexities of them were far too difficult for Augusta to notice on her own without some use of magic to attempt to decipher them as well. One of the last tests involved placing a blood sample in a small cylinder with some sort of crystal on top.

It would promptly shatter upon being supplied with magic, causing Rullphana to stare at it slightly in a mix of disbelief and wonder.

“...hm, well, that was enlightening.” Rullphana frowned, looking to Augusta. “In short: I have no idea what demon this is. I can make a few educated guesses, but aside from that...I’ve got nothing. Its not something we’re familiar with as far as demons go. No bloodline that I am aware of has these properties. What I can tell you though, is that its blood functions as almost a near limitless source of magical energy - which is why she can seemingly heal from nearly anything. It can also likely be used as a medium to empower spells and magic...though there are likely some side effects. I’ll need some more time with the blood before I determine conclusively anything else from it. I can also tell you that its makeup is unstable, weak, as its still in its infancy.”

Overall, it didn’t sound like she discovered many things about the pup from these initial tests.

“I would like to keep her overnight, though I assume you won’t let me?” Rullphana would ask. Octavia was already whining and didn’t seem too comfortable with it. Augusta’s eye would reveal she was tired, uncomfortable, and a little upset and angry. If Augusta hadn’t ordered her to behave she’d have likely already attacked the shadow elf.


“Pfft, no. Why would I go back there.” The shadow elf replied with a huff. “I told ya I hate that place. Swords are boring, ya know. No creativity. Slash slash stab poke.” Her rather simplistic view of swordplay, aside, she was heading in the direction of the markets again, specifically the more out of the way places of it. “How’d you even use one to defeat a magic user anyways? We’ll just fireball you from a distance.” Raezel would keep a steady pace as she walked, not caring too much if Isidore tried stopping her or tagging along.

“...you gonna keep following me? Someone might think you’re a creep.” Raezel would say, offering Isidore a teasing grin as she’d stop walking. “‘Sides, I got super secret stuff to do and humans aren’t invited - h-hey!”

Someone bumped into Raezel. A taller figure that...also appeared to be a Sirithen? Pale skin, pointed ears under their hood.

“Watch it ya tree hugger!” Raezel would call out.

“Sorry, sorry. In a bit of a hurry.”

“Yeah yeah, you better run or I, the magnificent apprentice of Rullphana will-eh?” Raezel would quickly check her pockets. Cold sweat would form on her forehead. “...die. That’s what I’ll do. Die. Painfully. Horribly. H-hey get back here with that you thief! You stole from a kid! What kind of a terrible person are you!” In a somewhat expected turn of events, seemed that elf had just plucked that seed from her pocket. She would quickly glance to Isidore. The apparent Elvish thief though, was already quickly disappearing from sight. “...H-hey. Wouldn't mind uh, you know, making sure I don't die?”

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@Cu Chulainn

“Heh. Trying your charm on me won’t get you anywhere.” Mie said with a chuckle, though the friendly smile was short lived as she would don a more serious expression. “Truthfully, Malphas. You have nothing to offer me. You are charismatic, to an extent, but I don’t really need help with the whole charisma thing. I’ve plenty of that myself, fufu.” She’d giggle in a smug fashion as her gaze would slowly fall on Eirhild.

“Though...perhaps...” Mie would look to Eirhild, pausing a moment. “...well, maybe. Yes, mhm, perhaps that could...” She would mumble to herself for a few moments, expression shifting a few times between deep thought and dollar signs before she’d finally reply. “...Hm. You know what. Maybe it’s about time I started expanding the reach of my little caravan. I’m just a single little fox, after all. I can only go so far by myself, and most humans south of the mountain don’t like my fluff. Uncultured fools~” She’d turn her gaze back towards Malphas.

“Of course, entrusting someone I just met with that sort of responsibility is well, a dumb idea. So here’s a proposition. On our way back to Chagawa, I’ll let you handle any sales or talking we do. I’ll give you pointers on the value of items and things, and by the time we return, if you do well enough...I suppose you could say, I’ll invest in you. Give you something to start up with, and let you do some trading yourself. Of course, I’ll take a cut of the profits as you’ll be a branch of my own caravan, but you should still make quite a profit.” Her mouth would curl into a sly smile.

“All I ask...in return, is your loyalty, fufu. Maybe if you do well, you'll earn something nice."

"Mhm...we're fine." Neffy would reply, slowly following the group into the old ruin. The inside showed no signs of light. The darkness that permeated the air was stifling, and as her eyes made out the large pillars and the rotten red carpet she couldn't help but to feel on edge. Nothing new with that, but this place gave her the creeps. She wasn't scared of the dark or anything - in fact she was more likely to say she was scared of the daylight. Random thoughts aside, though...Neffy would cautiously take a few steps away from the group. She didn't see anything, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything else here. Where there was five undead, there was likely to be more.

That left the question of what were they doing here, and in this place of worship? Something had to have made them. Maybe she was being paranoid.

"...No undead. Not any I can see...this place is creepy..." It was, however, seemingly fairly quiet, if not for the conversation of her companions. She couldn't say she didn't like that. Neffy would quickly scan the area, seeing if she could see anything that may be of particular value that she could sell-er, bring back to the church to its rightful place, yes. "...Carpet. Stone pillars...almost reminds me of home..." Perhaps it was just the general feeling all religious places made her feel. Extremely stuffy, like she was constantly being watched or judged. "...should I scout further in?"
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin

“Hm, seems like we have a deal, then.” Mie replied. “Heheh, don’t regret it later, human. I’m not exactly known to be an easy fox to work for.” The fox would lightly chuckle, taking a moment to eat some of the food in front of her. “You have time, though. I have another deal with some of your companions. Three days before I leave. You have that long.” She’d let Novak leave, having assumed they had an agreement. He could catch a faint start of another bit of conversation about Mie asking the dwarf something about an Elder Beast Lure or something similar…

Most of the people in the village were amicable as they had always been, but it seemed they were discussing some news about the temple as he’d walk by. Something about the hunters saying it had just upped and vanished, with a waterlogged altar being found underneath - but most importantly, was that fog seeming to have expanded outwards, nearly doubling the size in which it covered. The hunters were seemingly on high alert, all positioned at stations near the edge of the village, ready to intercept any aggressive animal that might wander near.

The butchery and workshop that Bolcha worked, was as busy as ever. A group of hunters would rush by Novak, carrying in a fresh carcass for disassembly before swiftly also heading back out. As Novak would approach the craftsman, his face would light up with seeming eagerness as he motioned for Novak to follow him to the back.

“I was wondering when you’d show up.” He’d say to Novak, leading him to the nearby leatherworking station. “Here you are. One good, nice set of armor made from the scales of that beast.” He’d say, feeling a bit self satisfied. It was a simple garb, really. Flexible cloth stitched to plates of scales woven together, effectively creating a form of scale-mail. It included a simple vest that hung past his waist, long sleeves that would protect ones arms. A cap with cloth on the inside to cushion blows, and thick fur boots for travel. He seemed to have thrown in warm fur gloves, too, to protect Novak’s hands from the cold.

“Rather proud of it. Don’t get to work with that material often. The things meat is good, but they’re tough to kill if you don’t ambush ‘em. Threw in some gloves and a quiver for arrows too, if ya want.”

Lazhira’s House
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Click This

“Erm, yes.” Lazhira would reply, a bit uncertain sounding as Misaki made a reply to her statements. “...are you going to do that today then?” She’d ask. “Er, oh, meeting with Kyrnith? It’d probably be a good idea to go with him. Make sure nothing happens...but I don’t think I’d be going if you did.” She’d suggest, assuming that Misaki and Nobbu might be going with Enli to meet with the Kyrnith. Lazhira seemed to be obviously on edge for some reason, from the way she was speaking and otherwise seeming a bit distracted...but she didn’t seem keen on talking as usual, either.

“Uhm...if you don’t need me for anything today, I think I’m just gonna stay here. I should be fine.”

A Traveler

The giant certainly at least, seemed slower than he was. Nicholas would dash towards the giant, a risky gambit to avoid getting grabbed by it. He would narrowly avoid the hand, the appendage diving into the snowy ground behind him with, kicking up a mist of snow and dirt from the rocky ground. He would then, attempt to take shelter near the Giants shins - he barely came up to its shins! The giant would let out a deep, rumbling laugh as it would lift its other leg, pulling it back and then driving it forward in an attempt to kick the human.

“Aha?” At least his shouting seemed to have gotten the attention of the woman. “Ah!” Before she could reply properly, the trio of giants would take this moment to launch an assault of their own. One, wielding a massive club that seemed to be the tooth of some massive beast, slammed it into the ground.

“Ahaha, how slooow~!” If nothing else, this woman seemed like she had massive amounts of energy to spare if she was taunting these giants so casually. The club barely grazed her cloak as a motion almost faster than Nicholas’ eyes could see followed. Her sword slashed upwards, a long, brutal gash being cut into the giant's flesh, blood staining the ground beneath them.

“Here we gooo~!” Instead of making another strike however, she would wrap her arms around the giants wrist...and in an impossible display of inhuman strength, would pull. The giant would groan, as Nicholas could see its body being lifted by the comparatively smaller human, as it would swiftly be pulled off the ground as she would toss it right over her shoulder in the direction of the giant that was attacking Nicholas.

The body of the giant would crash into the other, sending them both tumbling back down the mountain side. Nicholas would just barely miss being punted like a soccerball by the other one.

“Ooooi!~ Cute little guy, up here if you wanna live!” The woman shouted. “Can’t be sure there aren’t any more of these guys that’d wanna take a nibble out of ya~!”

The remaining to giants seemed perplexed by this humans strength, but the two spear wielding ones would ready their weapons, undaunted though, and set on proving they were indeed, strong.

The Roma Mob

“L-less than a week!?” A shout from Raezel could be heard from off to the side.

“...that...is rather impressive.” Rullphana would inform them, doing a rather poor show at hiding surprise at the mention of having only a week to perform such feats. “Since I doubt you’ve been given any sort of blessings or boons from anywhere, normally even harnessing a base level requires months and months of training, focus, and often meditation.” There was a tinge of both suspicion...and a little bit of jealousy in Rhullphana’s voice. A brief check with Augusta’s eye definitely confirmed it - it would inform her that the Shadow Elf’s mood had soured slightly due to both jealousy and mild contempt. “But very well. I suppose that’s your right as her owner...but I want no questions, and I’ll do what I need without any interruptions or I will throw you out.”

She would take the seed from Isidore, holding it in her hand in a brief moment before handing it to Raezel.

“I’ll study it in a moment. Make sure its kept safe while I handle the pup.” Assuming Augusta agreed to that, Rullphana would grab the pup, an annoying huff coming from the hound as she was grabbed by the elf. “Now then, if you’ll excuse us Isidore, I’ll be busy for the next few hours, most likely. Raezel, tell Vallanur I do not wish to be disturbed.” Rullphana would lead Augusta over to a small section of the circular room - a table with various magical apparatus and implements. She’d clear out a small section and set Octavia down on it. "Watch closely. I'll explain if you wish, but I won't answer things you can see for yourself." She would say to Augusta as she would pickup what seemed to be a small syringe looking implement.

Raezel would meanwhile walk over to Isidore and make a suggestion herself.

“Probably a good idea to leave her alone. She’d get annoyed if we interrupted her.” Isidore could choose to leave or stay, if he wished, but if he did follow the pale skinned elf out of the tower, he’d have a chance to exchange words with the blade wielding guard outside. “Hey, Vallanur.” Raezel would greet. “Rullphana doesn’t want to be disturbed for a few hours.”

“That so eh? Ha, never thought’d I’d see the day where Rullphana of all people would get cozy with a Tamaln floozy and a human.” The guard, apparently named Vallanur would grunt. “Guess her majesty’s words were true a bit then, huh? Whatever, just don’t cause trouble and don’t annoy me and I could care less what you do.”

“Yep yep...well, bye!” Raezel would run off, likely off to get up into some more mischief. Of course, this left Isidore free to do whatever he wanted.

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@Cu Chulainn

“Well, now that Novak is gone...” Mie would turn her attention to the other occupant of the room, finishing a brief discussion with the dwarf about that lure she was carrying earlier. Malphas had been quietly standing by himself since the morning. She was vaguely aware of everything going on, though she didn’t have the specifics. Ayumi was quite good at gathering information, after all. “Malphas, was it? I don’t intend to let you mooch off me forever. I let you stay as a courtesy and as a potential business endeavor, but I’m not a charity.”

She would get to her feet.

“We have an understanding of sorts, so as long as you pull your weight you’ll be fine...but I’m curious. What do you intend to do? You’ve made quite a bit of enemies in this village. The other travelers are probably getting suspicious, and well, maybe a little fox told me a snowy huntress might have it out for you.” She chuckled. “If maybe, you want to leave or find some other place...I might be able to point you in the right direction, but it’ll cost you. Or maybe you want to stay. I can offer the same deal I made to Eirhild and Novak, if you want, but I’m not sure you’d be a good fit for my caravan. The Oni usually aren’t fond of those with words of honey.”
And I shall post tomorrow
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