Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Shimizu Kaori
Occult Investigation Club Room

Ah, rain. Rainy days brought back some unpleasant memories sometimes. Dressed in a black school uniform and a longer than usual skirt to help cover any extra appendages, Kaori would sit a tray of baked goods on the middle of a table, feeling quite pleased with herself. She had made these just this morning, and were still mostly fresh! Ah, she poured every ounce of love, sweetness, affection and maybe just a tiny bit of Jorogumo venom that she could manage.

She made sure to get here early just so she could do so, wanting mostly everyone to be able to enjoy themselves. A bit of cleaning and house keeping too. Oh, and to make sure she was in the perfect position so she could greet Tomoko. She heard, well her friends, a certain number of little spiders would inform her that Tomoko was approaching before she even opened the door.

"Tomo-chaaaaan~!" Immediate upon walking into the room, Tomoko would feel herself being almost knocked over by Kaori. The spider had nearly jumped on her and knocked her over. "How was your day? Did you eat properly? I made some snacks~" Innocent questions, accompanied by the not so innocent act of her shoving Tomoko's face right into her chest while her other hand started...groping the other girl's butt. "Ehehehe, though maybe you'd like to snack on me insteaaaad~?"

Fish? Fishing.

“Bait, huh…”

“H-hey! Don’t ignore me!” Sionna harrumphed, pulling on Seelay’s hair. “Luring it out was my idea you big dumb dummy!”

“Well, using bait is nothing new…and we could, I guess. Sacrificing a few fish so we can get more seems like a good idea, but are you certain you can deal with it?” He’d give Seelay a frown.

“Well if we don’t do somethin, we’re gonna lose one of our other sources of food.” Another fisherman gruffly replied, bringing over a crate full of fish after hearing their conversation. “Box full of fish here. Feel free.” He’d plonk it down on the ice next to Seelay. “Any idea how you wanna go about it? We could put some sort of large net trap on the ice…maybe have the hunters standby with spears, too.”

“Hmm…if it can come on land, maybe we should just leave the storeroom unopened? It’d look pretty suspicious otherwise wouldn’t it?” Many suggestions, but it was ultimately up to Seelay how to handle it. “Might be best to wait until night or early morning too, that’s when the fish are usually most active.”

@Cu Chulainn
A certain little spider

“Torch? Huhu, no, no torches.” Achel would grab something from the nearby work table, handing it to Gideon. A small metal lantern, seemingly somehow in the same styling as the spiders dress. Metal and glass, with small spiked flourishes decorating the spaces between the glass. A small hook was at the top, presumably so it could be attached to the belt or other hook. The flame inside was already lit with a blue colored flame.

He’d recognize it as a sort of spirit-fire those often who worshiped the goddess of death used to guide spirits or a sort of fire often seen in areas with many lingering spirits or dead.

“Wouldn’t want to scare anyone. Hehe, maybe you’ll find some help, perhaps too?” She’d start walking, her somewhat stiff gait carrying her from the hallway, past a few more rooms that lead deeper into used parts of the crypt until she’d eventually lead Gideon down a flight of stairs, then down another hallway and deeper down inside the earth. As they’d travel, more spiderwebs made themselves evident, along with other various cave spiders though they seemed entirely harmless, choosing to ignore the two of them. Eventually the stone hallways would become much more smooth, swirling yet jagged patterns being carved into the stones as she’d come to a large chamber.

A circular room with a nearly unnaturally smooth floor engraved with a semi-circular moon shape that faced upwards. A downward spike was shoved through the middle while a small diamond shape hovered above. Gideon would have seen such an emblem before - though rarely. It was a particularly old emblem of the god known as Iva’Kroh, or the illuminator.

“Here. You probably don’t know, but Dawn was built by the Illuminator and his followers, shortly after the Moonless Era. The cult was dismantled some years ago…I doubt they’re still around, heheh.” She’d giggle, perhaps a little suspiciously. There was a good chance from her mannerisms she knew more than she was letting on. “This is the deepest part of the crypt…as far as I’m aware. Well, the known crypt. I do not know how to get into the deeper parts of it…though my friends have told me a bit about what lays beyond, hehe.”

The room itself was circular, with the floor being made of the impossibly smooth stone as previously observed. The walls made a dome above the room, rising upwards from the ground. Smooth but jagged stone patterns were carved, creating a path to the top of the room where what seemed to be some sort of hole was made in the ceiling from which hung what seemed to be a chandelier. It looked a bit like a chandelier with a magnifying glass attached to the bottom. The chandelier itself looked like it was supposed to hold some sort of large object, rather than any sort of light source.
A few hallways split off, where down one Gideon could see what seemed to be a gentle white glow of light. The other seemed to lead to what seemed to be something of a…torched study or something? It was hard to see since there was no light aside from his lantern, but it may be worth looking into.

The Missing huntress

Grunts of pain, groans of discomfort as the red-robed cultists had been completely thwarted by Atzi and Vammy. The one current at the mercy of her however, only responded with a grin. It was odd - she didn’t recognize him but it was odd. She could pick out distinct features and they seemed familiar, but she couldn’t put a name to a face.

ultimately He’d say nothing else as he would slowly start to become methodically tortured by Atzi until indeed, his face would swell to twice its original size almost from the bruising. No matter how many she’d torture though, none would give her a straight answer beyond what had already been said.

“Heheh, demon. You think you can break me?” Meanwhile, the one that Vammy had absconded with was merely chuckling as her mask was removed. The same curious thing happened with her - yeah, she was a person. Yeah, she seemed human…but aside from that, for the life of her Vammy could think of no distinguishable features from her. “I’ve already given my body to knowledge and the pursuit of it. You do not scare me, indeed! Any would be welcome to know demons…” She’d laugh, pulling out a dagger from her belt. “We’ll see who ties up who after I dissect you!”

Before she could do so, however, an arrow would graze Atzi’s face.

Looking from where it had come from, Atzi could see not just a single other cultist…but ten, twenty? Thirty? It was hard to ultimately count, but there was more of them, seemingly just appearing from the snowing ground in the fading sunlight.

A taller man wearing a black mask instead stepped forward.

“...you did well. We assumed one would be drawn by her disappearance…but to think…you could handle so many. I make to you…an offer…the same as your friend. Enlightenment and purpose. Or. Ignorance and folly.” Its voice was oddly disjointed, as though it was having trouble speaking.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

The giant creature moved after them, heavy footfalls pressing into the snow as it would chase its prey. The good thing was, it was not gaining on them. Bad news, is they were also not really losing it either as it would move with a slow, purposeful pace. The stretcher carrying the injured Oni moved as fast as they could, but without any intervention -

A cloudy maze would emanate from Nylah’s wings. Flecks of sparkling, snow-white clouds would be left behind her as they ran, the predator charging through it heedlessly, but not seeming to initially be bothered by it. Yet, as Nylah and Lissa ran, and more of the dust was released it would eventually start to…stumble a bit. Not enough to really hamper its movements, but it had seemingly inhaled enough for it to slow its judgment ever so slightly.

Not enough though, to end its aggression.

Seeing its prey starting to get away, its tongue lashed out, aiming to grab a hold of Nylah. No doubt she’d get dragged right into its gullet if if got her.

Burned Village

The two kids responded with a frown to Marduk’s demeanor, the girl taking a few steps back while the boy repositioned his sword, clearly not thinking too much of his manner. Thankfully for Reinhardt though, smoothing things over was a simple matter. He gazed warily at the waterskin and hesitantly lowered his sword, accepting the drink with a serious expression.

“We…we don’t know much…” The girl responded, expression changing into one of worry.

“We live here.” The boy responded a bit firmly, voice faltering a bit as he’d continue. “W-well…lived…here…I guess.” He’d take a small sip of the waterskin before offering it to his sister. “...It happened so fast. We were so busy running and trying to avoid the Fomorians so we could find dad-”

“We don’t know much…There was so much fire, burning everything…the fomorians, buildings…everything was burning…But…I did get-”

“Thats enough sister.”

“B-but…didn’t he say…that knights name is Ethelred…? Wasn’t that one of the ones she-”


“Brother!” The two had a momentary glaring match before the brother relented with a sigh. The girl would fidget briefly on the spot, trying to think of the best way to put into words what she had seen. “I did…get a good look at it! T-the fire breathing thing…It was really, really, big. Enough that it could block out the sun with its size. It had these really, really big claws on its feet and a head full of sharp teeth - and also a really weird orange crest on its chest that glowed…”

“If it hadn’t been for uhm, this knight lady…with this big red sword we’d…probably not have made it.” The brother continued with a frown. “She…drove it off and led us to a nearby village a few days from here…she told us that if someone by the name of Sorcha, Ethelred or Reinhardt came asking about the Fomorian we should help them…”

“...uhm…I still don’t think it was a fomorian…”

Well, there they had it. The kids at least provided something useful and even a lead on Elnith from the sounds of it.

There was nothing otherwise special about the gouges on the wall, save for perhaps how big they simply were. It seemed like most had come from a downward angle, as though whatever it was was either swinging these claws downwards, or were simply crushed in somethings impossibly strong grip. The fomorians too, seemed nothing special - though if this large fomorian was capable of using such fire, then were these the victim of friendly fire? Had they already expired by the time they were burned? Or perhaps, something else?

The two children seemed unsure of what the knights were going to do next, or if they were in trouble for being out here in the first place.

Southern Giants Rest
Early Night


Fio headed down from the library, Sucaria blissfully asleep or simply choosing not to bother Fio at the moment. Fio, would eventually find her way to where the queen was, and perhaps, she’d be a little dismayed by the scene. A number of soldiers had gathered around both her and the queen. A pile of empty mugs were sitting haphazardly on the table near them. Leo was standing nearby, a bemused expression being worn.

“What’s the matter, Luna?” Sorcha grinned with a boisterous laugh. The entire room reeked of alcohol by now, and the group was certainly enjoying themselves. “You said you weren’t a lightweight!” She’d slam the mug in her hand onto the ground, causing it to shatter upon impact. “Bring me another already! I’m parched, ahaha!”

Maybe, Fio would have thought to leave before she was seen -

“Ah? Fio!” Too late. The Queen got up from her seat and before Fio could run, she’d run over, grab the small girl and shoved her face right into her chest. “Come! Join us! Luna and I are having a friendly competition!” Fio, was then, dragged back to the seat and plopped down right next to the Queen. “Luna luna, I found a third player!”

Fio was still being firmly held against the queen’s bosom.


Upon seeing the armored man heading to his assumed rescue, the Tuatha’s eyes widened, a friendly grin spreading across his face.

“Ahaha, I almost expected Cecilia to come herself. Guess she's still busy with the giants to send a friend.” He’d respond quietly, but with a friendly tone. “Only that these guys and mine have been fighting a lot. Got careless and got nabbed on the way back from Airedale…but you probably know that. It'll be easier to fill ya in once I'm out.” He’d frown before shaking his head with a grin. Seems he had some assumptions about who Niall was, but ultimately that could work out in Niall's favor if he wanted to stick with it.

There was well, not many choices of hiding as armored as Niall was. The best chance were a number of boxes proved just high enough to hide behind and conveniently would seem to have enough room for someone to move behind silently if they were acrobatic or quiet enough…though it might otherwise be hard for him to get to the door she had left through.

The table nearby…a few cutting implements. Scalpels? Some thread, several jars of some sort of…grotesque body parts that seemed to come from various fomorians. The table itself didn’t seem to have anything too important except maybe telling of what she might be about to do here. She likely had anything important under lock and key until she was ready to use it.

“If you can’t get me outta here - that freaky fomorian ran off with my axe. Get it and I can get out myself.”

Said freaky Fomorian could be heard in the room she had entered, humming a little tune to herself as she went about whatever work she was doing. He still had time, it seemed.
Keeper of the Arcana


"Why am I being left to finish it ooooff!?" Kokoha shouted, the giant frog being slowed just enough for her to get into position. "Fine then! Guh, you'll see what a cute highschool girl is capable of! Here I go~!" As the Hermit lent her its power, Kokoha would swiftly dodge completely out of the way of the frogs descent, turning right on a dime and still holding Justice in her hands. With a leap high into the air, she'd aim for the frogs eye. Her feet slammed into its body, soon followed by her impaling the sword inside it.

"Hup~!" In another swift movement, Kokoha would pull the sword alongside the frogs body, intending on creating a large gash on it before leaping away once more, intending to land on its back so she could stab it again and attempt to give it a death by a thousand cuts.

Spider is here.

Protect your undergarments.

I'll get to polishing up kumo-chan tomorrow.
pervy spider is present.

Fish? Fishing.

“Its black, I think.” The injured fisherman said.

“Lots of fins too, didn’t it?” Another chimed in, walking over to greet the elf.

“What? No, how does it have lots of fins? Fish don’t have more than three at most…” A third called back. “Well, not counting the tail.”

“Maybe its not a fish. Maybe its more like…some sort of squishy sea spider with eight arms that can steal crates of fish from storage.”

“Thats dumb. Its probably more like some sorta large deep-sea predator we occasionally fish up.”

“...as you can see we haven’t seen much of it.” The injured fisherman responded with a frown. “I’m sorry we don’t have much more information. We haven’t dared go into the water for long since it showed up. Only thing I might be able to say is that we saw one of the nets we lost get dragged out over by the cliffs near the old ruins, the one with the obelisk. Might be living somewhere near there. There’s lots of caves, both underwater and along the seashore. Pretty expansive places if you don’t mind swimming a bit and the cold water.”

“Sounds like this beastie is just shy.” Sionna, thought this would be a good idea to make herself known and chime in her two cents as she’d take her usual perch on Seelay’s head. “Maybe I can use my fairy charm to draw it out~” She did a little pose on top of Seelay’s head that the fairy probably thought was supposed to be ‘sexy’.

It definitely wasn’t.

@Cu Chulainn
Tsk tsk, body snatching is a crime you know...

“Ah yes, fate. That silken string that so many seem to be either ignorant too or fight against…does the hollow one in front of me have a curious fate? Ehehe, well, no matter. If you do its none of this spiders business…” She’d respond with a friendly smile, motioning for Gideon to follow. She’d lead him from the main temple hall and towards the back, down a flight of stairs to the basement where she’d push open a large wooden door with some minor effort.

Gideon would immediately recognize it as a crypt. Many bodies had been laid out, Achel and a few other helpers having done so much work already, but so much more to go. It seemed though, she was by herself now. The place itself was fairly large, in fact…it didn’t seem like it originally was a crypt judging from the layout. There was a very good probability this place was much larger.

“I’ll get straight to the point.” Achel would say, once she’d close the creaky wooden door behind Gideon. Her voice would take a much more serious tone, though her usual smile didn’t leave her pale lips. “Someone’s been stealing my bodies. I would hunt them down myself and strangle them slowly with my web…but I have far too much work to do, and I don’t want to panic the residents.” She’d move over to some of the bodies, immediately getting to work again while talking.

“Its no one in the village…I have asked my friends and they’ve said its not.” The Chiralata replied. “But they don’t tell me who is doing it…so it must be someone living in here! Or around here…who would live with a bunch of corpses? They must not have very many friends.” She’d say with a smile. “This place was once a larger complex, but it was sealed off a really long time ago. Maybe a little spider puppet is making off with my bodies…hmph…ah, if only I was a proper maid…”

The Missing huntress

“Gweh!” The fireball hit one of the archers first, slamming into his body and knocking him to the ground from the impact. Unfortunately for Vammy, most of the archers were a bit spread out, having set themselves up at intervals around the edge of the rocky hill that overlooked them - so it was less chaos than she’d have likely hoped, but enough to get one of the archers off her back.

“Kill the creature!” Another one of them would shout, as one of the archers nearby the one who had been fireblasted dropped his bow and drew an axe, aiming to instead smash Vammy’s face in while the second got to his feet, a bit dazed from the impact.

This of course, left three archers still focused on her…an arrow would graze her stomach, the only thing saving her from being impaled was her speed. A second would impact her thigh, but the demon inside her head only laughed at the surge of pain she’d feel.

“Yes, yes! Rip! Tear! Burn and bleed!”

Atzi made short work of the three that had attempted to engage her. Dealt with swiftly and brutally. The meatshield did its job well, soaking up several arrows that had been launched at Atzi with a few more grazing her by the time she had made it to where the archers had been positioned.

“Illuminator guide us!” One shouted, dropping the bow and pulling a spear. He’d lunge towards Atzi, not caring for the meat shield seeming to think attempting to impale his former comrade and Atzi both would be the best idea. The second got in close, pulling only a small hunting dagger from his belt and attempting to swiftly cut at Atzi’s shoulder.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Perhaps, if they had simply ran and not launched the spears of light towards the monstrous entity they’d have been fine. After all, it didn’t immediately attack them, which meant that it likely was simply observing and watching them. It had just nabbed a wolf, and likely a deer earlier so it was likely full and unlikely to immediately engage them.

Yet, a certain moth, though it a good idea to launch weapons at it.


A croaking roar followed as the ground under them rumbled, more trees being shoved aside like they were nothing. Snow kicking up as whatever it was barreled from the treeline and into…view? Well, logic would have dictated something popped out, but once the snow settled…there was nothing? Well, there was clearly something there - it began barreling towards the girls, leaving deep, heavy impressions in the snow as they had seen back when picking plants, shaking the earth with each of its steps.

Ah -

Briefly something flickered in the air. A lizard-like creature, incredibly large with a triangular shaped head with a somewhat flat top. Two bulbous eyes which looked in different directions. It was covered in dark green scales, a tail that curled behind it upwards into a spiral with four, long and heavy limbs allowing it to stand at what seemed to be at least as tall as your average house. A soft fleshy pouch of some sort was under its chin, a bit like a frog.

But they would lose sight of it again as its scales would shift in color seemingly, making it seemingly blend in with its surroundings by shifting the color of them from a forested color to that of snow and air.

It would proceed to run after them again. It was not a particularly fast creature, however, but it was certainly lumbering towards them at a decent pace.

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