Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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Uh yeah, sure, if you could at least run the domains/aspects/what they were the deity of by me first that'd be great.

I doubt there would be a problem since aside from a few certain deities that are pretty important its pretty much free real estate. Off the top of my head Time/Cycles, Moon, Sun, Eternity/Stagnation, are the only domains that would be unworkable.

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Also Rune:

"why everyone take blood magic"

Did I say that? Tee-hee~

Anyways, for those interested, I added the Queen's name and the name of the other NPC vampire lords to the character tab along with a brief description of each. These are characters, any character you make should know at least in some capacity even if there is no real relationship there aside from just knowing they exist. You don't have to do anything with them, or even mention any relationship at all, but you can know them if their name comes up ICly.
This has way more interest then I thought. I suppose by now I should just realize I make absolutely banger top tier RP's, huh. Alright, lets see here...turns on Bloodborne OST

Akyasha, huh. Short simple, sweet and I find nothing wrong with the CS overall.

@Princess Peril
A vampire warrior, huh. I see I see. Overall, I find nothing objectionable here. Simple and sweet and nothing needs to be changed, I think.

@Cu Chulainn
Honestly, absolutely phenomenal work as always. I love everything about this. I'll shoot ya a question on discord but for now I see nothing that needs to be changed.

Smol vampire is a welcome addition. She behaves exactly as I'd expect a vampire too. That is to say, for now nothing needs to be changed.

@Dead Cruiser
Arrogance, even for a vampire hm? I'll assume that he has the standard fare of blood magic and some alchemy related stuff. I see no errors or anything that needs to be changed.

I'll wait until the whole thing is finished to render complete judgement, but just to make clear - You seem to be going for Enthrallment and charm as abilities, correct?

@Psyker Landshark
Oi, you can't just show up out of nowhere. Back ye, back!

Jokes aside, I approve. A regular old Darknight with good ol' blood magic and necromancy with a personality to match. I see nothing that needs changing here, good job.

@Click This
Good work as always. I see nothing wrong with Giselle.

We seem to have quite a few blood magic users, huh? No one wants to do something fun with other forms of magic? Oh well, guess any other NPC vampire lords I make get to have fun with other stuff, heheh.

Anyways. Good work everyone, glad to see everyone is mostly hitting the mark with what I envisioned for the rascally little vampires we'll be playing as. Once everyone gets a CS in or one week from when the thread was posted I'll make my final judgements and acceptances.

For now, I'll probably be adding some NPC profiles to the Character tab over the course of the next few days. The Undead queen herself along with some NPC vampire lords that you can also, if given the opportunity, could resurrect.
@Fading Memory

For your first question regarding art.

The inspirations for this are heavily influenced by Bloodborne, if you've ever played it. I don't want to say they'll be straight up copies of either the Hunters or the Cainhurst nobles, but starting there would be a good base as far as general aesthetics and the overall feel of the game is going to be.

Culturally, heavily, well Victorian Gothic. Large grand cathedrals with lots of pointy edges (Notre Dame, Victorian era fashion) those sorts of things. That said, this is also well, Gothic fantasy. Some exaggeration and unrealistic aspects are to be expected. As an example of two potential characters that will be in the RP -

There will definitely be some heavily grotesque and eldritch creatures present, but for the most part Vampires are expected to act with some manner of grace/decorum/and be a bit of a beacon of pure vampiric elegance and imperiousness within this game.

As for your character idea, that seems totally fine, sure. A bard is always welcome, and vampires certainly always love good entertainment, especially of a more macabre sort.

Hopefully all of this helps some.

On another note, I shall go through CS's tomorrow morning and give thoughts/if there's anything that needs changing then.
Forest near Harzel

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

“A-a dragon!?” The boy shouted. “But…but aren’t…they all dead? Didn’t the King kill all of them…?”

“I-I knew it! There was no way that thing was a fomorian! I told you, brother!”

“If its a dragon how can we kill it?” The boy asked. “You seem awfully knowledgeable about them…” He’d question Reinhardt as the two would gratefully take up the knights offer of a ride. The two would settle in behind Reinhardt as the group would set off, leaving the burned village behind.

“...ehe, mister that was terrible.” The girl chuckled at Marduk’s less than clever joke, offering him a small smile as they’d head out.

Assuming there was nothing else that they wished to do here, the trio would set off. The ruins of the village behind them. The children contented themselves with talking to Reinhardt, or idly chattering to the knights. The boy seemed to take a particular liking towards Ethelred, now that the shock of the initial meeting wore off he seemed to think the icy powers and armor was rather cool.

It was about when they were halfway through the forest that they would stumble on something of an obstacle. Some ways down the road in the direction they were going, was a group of knights. Wearing fairly stereotypical chainmail and armor covered by a tabard bearing the crest of Harzelslack.

“What kind of children just run off? I’d be surprised if they haven’t become fomorian dinner already.” A red-headed, young looking girl near the front would say. She was wearing full plate armor, a well crafted blade at her side and seemed fairly important from the fact she was effectively leading the procession of about six knights, including herself and a purple haired fellow next to her.

“That’s enough, Gráinne.” He was dressed in black, well put together armor with a cloak hanging from his shoulders. “Just because we’ve finally arrested that Black knight doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. Whatever fomorian it is out here still. It concerns me that she went so quietly when she’s fought us at every other turn.”

“Haa, really Lonan?” The redhead replied with a grunt. “She was half dead when we found her, she’s probably just waiting to escape and taking advantage of our merciful laws. We should just execute her already.”

“The law exists for a reason.” He’d reply, whacking the redhead on the back of her head. “She may be a criminal, but I will not besmirch the law laid down by the King. Now think. If she of all people were half dead from this Fomorian, then how do you think we’d fare if we ran into it? Keep your mouth shut and eyes and ears open for those kids.”

…now, who could they be talking about? Regardless, unless they hadn’t been spotted quiet yet by the party as it had stopped and the five seemed to be discussing their next moves. The children seemed to shrink a bit at the Harzel knights appearance, trying to make themselves a bit hidden behind Reinhardt’s frame.

Southern Giants Rest
Early Night


“Bweh~” Sorcha’s head would subsequently meet the table as she’d faceplant from the unexpected impact of Fio’s sword. Her hands released the small witch from her grip, allowing her to wiggle free and finally put some distance between the queen and herself.

Not that the Queen seem bothered.

“Ahahaha~!” She’d sit up, laughing boisterously at Fio’s bonking, seemingly completely unfazed by it. “How many times is that? Twice so far?” She’d laughed again, in response to being bonked a second time in fairly recent memory. “Ehehe you’re lucky I’m drunk and your cute or I might start taking offense.” She’d immediately turn around, waving down a server. “HEY! ANOTHER DRINK!”

She’d turn towards Fio offering her an excitable grin and passing the witch the mug she had been holding.

“That’s the spirit!” Sorcha would grab another mug as the server would bring them. “Lets make this more interesting too! A bet! Luna has to let me eat whatever I want if I win!”


Heading down the small hallway Niall would quietly make his way towards the room the Fomorian had disappeared into. Her back was currently towards him, her white dress brushing against the ground as she’d make small movements, seemingly stitching something together on the table in front of her. Niall had to get a bit closer to see exactly, but what he saw probably didn’t do much for his assumptions about this Fomorian.

A human body. Fresh, from the looks of it. She had made several long incisions on it, practiced. Medical. Precision.

“Hehe, almost ready. Once I finish you I can get onto that big guy in there…” She’d chuckle to herself. “But first…” The dark skinned woman would then, move from the end of the table with the head of the body towards the opposite, conveniently furthest from Niall.

“You are something alright, heh.” She’d bend over, attempting to lift what was likely the axe the Tuatha had mentioned. A large thing, bigger than a man was made from steel and bone it seemed. As she’d attempt to lift it, she’d make small grunts of exertion, clearly the weapon being far too heavy for her. But after a few moments, she’d manage to lift it over her head….and promptly swing it downwards with a little battle cry.

“Ahaha-wah!” And promptly nearly sling her own smaller body into the nearby wall from the momentum and heft of the weapon. “Gweh…so heavy.” She’d drag the axe and prop it up against the wall behind her. “Whew…maybe I’ll dismantle you and see if I can get some of that giant magic myself…”

She’d go back to the body, back still turned towards Niall. As long as he was quiet, or perhaps if he even could make a distraction of some sort again…even riskier, perhaps he could ambush her. She seemed pretty busy doing...something with the body, but he couldn't quite see what.
Alright, how many slots are there? And what’s the deadline for CSes?

Did I forget to put that here?

Seems like I did.


As stated in the INt Check, I'll be accepting five, maybe six players. No more. As for the deadline, probably 1 week for everyone to get their CS's in.
The Queen

Known Vampire Lords


-'The Society'-

The Violet Witch

Other NPCs

Servants of Ichor

Ten years, did the Witch labor under the gaze of Ichor.
Answers to be given, questions asked. Sleepless nights and days of work.
At the end, when the efforts had nearly been in vain, did the body stir
Jubilation. Praise. Ichor blesses.
"Rise, the first of the undead. Rise and let us walk the night together once more."
- Bible of Ichor, Chapter 2 verse 4

"Arise, my children. Ichor grants you succor once more. Arsie from your eternal slumber. Drink deep of my blood as you did when you were born. Fear not the sun or relics of the Gods, for they no longer hold any power. Find the tomb of the silver swords. Revive the First. Bring her before me. So as I command, you will listen."

Hello hello, welcome to the OOC.

Link to the Int Check

Firstly, some rules -

1. I have very few, and really, most are guidelines, but If nothing else, read this one. It is likely the most important rule here. In regards to combat - PvE should be simple enough. Against lesser mobs I'll likely let you go ham as you need to and feel free to describe what you do yourself. Against bigger threats though, you do not get to decide whether or not you hit an enemy - or if your attempt at something was successful or not. I do. If you're unsure, just ask. PvP may happen here, though I do not expect it to be common. In such a scenario should it happen, resolve it yourselves in an appropriate manner, or I will be forced to micromanage the combat and nobody will be happy.

2. I will be attempting to post once or twice a week for those that have posted. This is not exactly a hard and fast rule, as I won't be keeping any strict deadlines here. Only real rule I have - is post at your earliest convenience. At most I will be willing to wait a week. After that, I'll continue posting as usual whether you post or not. Go long enough, and well, I'll probably start checking for a replacement.

3. Once I make a final decision on something, that's it. I will try to be as fair in things as possible, but if you're not happy with it well...too bad, I guess. If you're unhappy enough to give me grief or constantly question my decision after then either leave yourself or I will eventually eject you from the RP and banish your character to the shadow realm.

That's it really! Anything else just ask.

Onto the fun world building bits!

A few notes about characters:
  • Players will be fairly powerful to start with. They should be able to reasonably handle most non-boss level threats without too much trouble either by themselves or with a companion. Your power of course, will come from your blood and the power that Ichor grants her undead children. Your powers may be degraded after so long being well, dead, but you will surely, slowly, regain your former power.
  • Magic and power for Vampires can vary greatly. Terramancy, Blood Magic, Celestial magic, summoning...there are many avenues that Ichor's blessings present themselves, and while some are common and well known, there could very well be abilities out there that are unique to an individual. As a rule, vampires are physically stronger than the average human and possesses skill with Blood Magic as a base.

Creatures born of the union of Ichor and the Violet Witch. No one is quite sure how or when the first was made, only that they were created from a bestial blood-sucking creature in the Ophidiel Era. Unique to most undead, they look mostly entirely human. They retain their memories, personality and general appearance save for the key fact...they are now undead. Unbound by the normal rules of the cycle of life and death, bound to the Goddess Ichor.

As the children of Ichor, vampires are given boons from her blood. Many avenues of power are open to them, possessing supernatural charm and strength with peculiar magical affinities. While they could subsist for a time on animal or other blood, they truly must feed on the blood of humans. Going too long without doing so would leave one weak and eventually starting to revert to their more bestial roots.

Creating a new Vampire is something of an honor and not easily done among them. A vampire must be willing to give their own blood to a human under Ichor's gaze in a particularly bloody, decadent ritual where the one to be turned is given new unlife as well as the subject must be willing. Whether under the influence of some charm or illusion spell or not. There may be other ways, for humans that walked particularly dark paths, but generally earning Ichors favor is not done so easily otherwise.

Of course, with such power comes some weaknesses. Silver acts as a potent poison, weakening and diluting Ichor's blood which flows through all vampires veins. Upon being afflicted with it, they will find their bodies weakening as their blood magic begins to wither in potency from the poison and the divine properties of the metal rejecting the undead from within. (effectively, it'll weaken your blood magic and physical abilities)

Holy emblems too, will weaken a vampires magical abilities creating an area where the divine influence overpowers Ichor's own. This extends to mantras and passages from other divinities holy texts as they drive out Ichor's influence. Of course Ichor's blood still remains strong. (Effectively, it'll weaken your magical abilities)

And of course, sunlight. The bane of any vampires existence. The holy light of the Gods near instantly burns Ichor's blood and kin, scorching them with an imperious gaze. While you do not have to currently worry about this...perhaps it'd be good to remember to never walk within the light as a vampire unless you want to end up burning your unlife to ash in seconds.

The Peculiar Magical Affinities:
While human mages may study stars and draw power from things around them, Vampires possess innate magical abilities stemming from Ichor herself. Much like the paladins and servants of the Gods of old once did. This is a list of most common, and not an entirely comprehensive list. A small description of how each particular magic will work. At a base level, they are stronger than humans physically, possess the ability to use Blood Magic naturally, and can see even in areas that lack light completely.

Once again, these are not the only things you'll be limited too. Feel free to get as creative as you want! These are just to give people direction and to explain a bit about some things you'll possibly be seeing in game. Do discuss with me any other magic abilities outside of these, though! I did chose these for reasons, and of course if you have questions about any of the above, do ask and I shall do my best to give examples. As well, feel free to hybridize! These are more guidelines and to give ideas.

Vampiric Thralls:
Thralls are the Elite of a vampire's servants. A mixed blessing that makes one an undead being, but not quite a vampire either. Those who become thralls undergo a ritual to become one, but are denied succor from Ichor. When such a case happens, they become a Thrall. A fully autonomous undead being completely and utterly loyal to the one who turned them. They gain enhanced strength and abilities, retain whatever abilities they had in life and also for the most part, look no different from when they were alive meaning only a fairly astute individual or fairly strong mage could even sense the change making them perfect for more undercover operations. As with turning a mortal into vampire, the target of Thralldom must in some way be willing. Either through coercion or mental domination. As undead themselves, they can't be fed from. Try not to go overboard.

Vampiric religion is focused on the worship of Ichor and studying the relics and texts left behind by her apprentice, the Violet Witch who gave the first of the Undead sentience and life. While not all actively worship her, all vampires know for a fact she exists, and that she is very watchful of her children. Worship of her often involves bloody feasts and shows of devotion. More eccentric ones tend to do so with some risque aspects involved. Its all pleasing to Ichor, whatever it is so long as you do not break certain tenets.

Ichor herself is something of an enigma, even to the vampires. The Goddess of Crimson Blood, Undead, Vermin and things which are detested by humans. Originally she was not even a God. She was given shape and form by the cries of the forsaken undead, thrown out of the cycle of life and death in the Ophidiel Era. With the help of the Violet Witch she created the first of the Undead and would go on to create Vampires from the blood sucking monstrosities that stalked the land. Likewise, Ichor's true appearance is something unknown to most of her kin, though a painting left behind by the Violet Witch depicts her as a woman with scarlet colored hair and a few scraps of written text where the Witch reports that somehow, they also possess certain masculine qualities.

Ichors attitude towards her children and humans are mixed. There's no doubt she has no love for humanity, and solely puts her affection onto her unliving children. Still, the bible instructs a strict code of both conduct and seven tenets that vampires are supposed to follow. Human beings, while little more than perhaps pets or entertainment to most...well, vampires can not exist without them, can they? You are free to interpret them as you wish.

The first of the undead:
Your Queen. The one you will be attempting to revive. Created on the guidance of Ichor after the Violet Witch endlessly toiled away. She may not be a vampire like you, but she is the first of the Undead that all Undead swear fealty to. She bears Ichors blood, after all, and is as close as the Goddess will ever be to truly being upon this realm. Imprisoned in a tomb of Silver swords by a now dead god. Supposedly though, those paladins still protect the tomb...

The world:
At the end of the Ophidiel Era, the sun and moon would both fall. The world would be turned into a lightless wasteland with no light upon its surface. The gods have died, their power weakened to minimum. An impenetrable darkness covers the land, chased away only by the torches of the humans that remain, fearful of the dark that surrounds them and the things which lurk within.

Players will be starting in the ancient city of Alavaris, an old city that was central in the conflict in the Ophidiel Era as it is where the Violet Witch supposedly once lived and operated from and at one point was a haven for the undead and their ilk. However, it was also one of the first cities to fall when the Hundred Paladins began their crusade. Who brought you back to this city after you were slain remains a mystery, for now...but whoever they were, interred you in an underground crypt, surrounded by a bed of nightshade.

Fortunately, it is now overrun with undead. Unfortunately, they are not your friends.

Well, it does exist I suppose, yet can it truly be called civilization? With the collapse of the Ophidiel Era, much technology, civilization, and history was lost. Gods names, forgotten. Rites forsaken. Cities buried under piles of rubble and ruins. Humans lived in walled off villages and large cities where even there, they are not safe from the horrors that stalk the darkness. Light will not help them. Worship of their dead gods, will not help them. Perhaps they simply need to be shown a much better Goddess to worship.

Much of the world was lost during the fall, but during the Ophidiel Era technology had advanced to the point of having something of a light steampunk flavoring. A bit like Bloodborne, if you want to imagine that. Rudimentary fire arms will be present, such as single shot pistols and you may find hints of more advanced tech later on, but generally, think rudimentary steampunk and gothic victorian as far as most things will go.

Gods, Spirits, and things other:
Gods...a thing of the past. A relic of the Ophidiel. None currently live upon this world abandoned by all divine providence. Humans, clever and strong still manage to live despite this. There may still be lesser spirits that exist, hiding far, far away from any humans or others. Indeed, things other than gods, things from beyond the Roots, from beyond the now severed branches still lurk, waiting, feeding, feasting.

~Character Sheet~

Annnnd here is the CS!

Note: I will not be accepting CS's on a first come, first serve basis. I'll be letting everyone submit a CS and choosing from the ones I like the best and think fit the overall tone I am going for. It will be in your best interests to discuss things with me if you're uncertain or want something not listed here.

I'll be accepting no more than six players.

well well, that's some good interest in a relatively short time

I'll probably throw the OOC up tomorrow along with more information regarding the setting/character creation.
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