Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

12.000 hours
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@AzureKnight@Pyromania99@Sniblet

The greater beast was not longed to remain.

Astreya was the first to make use of the opening as it flopped onto the ground, its massive weight falling onto the earth. The hook of her hammer cut into the beasts hide, a deep puncture wound, molten blood spilling from the wound. It shrieked once more, attempting to roll over to crush the Krysa girl, but as it moved the hammer would only rip a deep gash into its tarry, tough flesh causing more blood to spill and quickly cool onto the ground.

Senya, would level her weapon near the creatures frontside. Though it lacked any visible facial features or any sort of ‘head’ beyond the gaping hole between its shoulders that was now seemingly full of much cooler molten stone now…well, if it bleeds, you can kill it as they say, and this thing was most certainly bled.

Lightning crackled as she channeled the magical ability latent in most maid weaponry, the bullets ripping into its inside, making more and more holes in its interior and causing more and more liquid fire to leak from its body. A final act of defiance would see it raise its arm, feebly slam its arm right into Senya’s body, shoving her backwards from its strength, but it’d do nothing more than singe her dress and leave her a bit bruised.

As soon as its arm hit the ground again, it was over.

The creature's body began to deflate as the last of the lava left its interior, its body collapsing in on itself as its body began to just turn into a massive pile of sludge and sickly smelling goo.

A small victory, but…just how many more of these things were here, was the question?

As the Krysa and Dark elf would wrap up their fight, they’d notice their three compatriots still locked in combat with the High Demon who was manically cackling.

“Seal? No no, I’m going to kill all but one of you. Dismember, feast, eat, rip and tear! I’ll drag the other back to use as my personal plaything, ehehe! That’s the only thing you mortals are good for as our entertainment you weaklings!”

The demon for now, ignored Katherine’s dolls, the demon moving far to fast to even think about hitting with a simple melee attack. The fire of rifles once more, didn’t seem to bother it, ducking and weaving, using its tendrils to pull itself in a completely random seeming direction in order to avoid getting shot, but it would still end up right in front of Polina.

“Tsk, one of you bugs managed to sting me.” She’d hiss as she’d land in front of Polina’s hastily constructed wall. Some of Lucrecia’s throwing daggers had managed to impale the demon, but she merely casually pulled them from her body, none too bothered by the injuries. “Oh well, I’ll just have to return the favor!”

The tendrils grew and writhed, growing in size as they started taking the form of individual mouths…


It was then, the little demon became quite aware of the tank hurtling towards them. Right on top of both her and Polina.

“What the fu-” A foul word barely cut off as the tanks barrage of parachutes seemed to do little to stop its quick descent. The demon immediately changed course, changing its attention from Polina towards the tank bearing down on them, giving her enough time to clear the landing zone. The demon's tendrils latched onto the bottom of the tank as it neared, the small demon roaring with fury as the tank’s incredible weight bore down on her.

For a few seconds, the demon looked as though she was going to be crushed, not even the strength of all of her extra tendrils able to stop the crushing weight of the tank. While the tank and demon were in a stalemate, though, the gleeful laughter of a certain former Krysan military officer could be heard from within just as the hatch to the tank's driver seat opened, and out came Leoniya climbing out and observing the area.

"Ahhahah! How do you like that warm Krysan Greeting demon!" Upon not seeing the demon in question, her ears fell a bit flat, seemingly disappointed. "...zhdat, where is the demon?"


“Hmm…” Cecil didn’t immediately respond, merely instead looking up towards the statues of the Goddesses herself. Honestly, she was second guessing herself already. What had she even come here for? Sure, Fanilly looked like she could use some help, but could she even do that? Best she could do was be a dumbass and offer some levity. Guh, overthinking things again. Right. Do what she does best then.

Be an absolute scoundrel.

She could already feel Shael getting ready to violently remove her from the shrine.

“Oooh, finished?” She’d grin, cozying up to Fanilly, her focus turning back towards the captain. “Good, then I can do this.” Cecil’s hands moved quickly, pulling something from her cloak. Fanilly would find something soft and sweet being shoved right into her mouth. A simple, sweet pastry about the size of ones palm.

“Here. Just a little something I picked up on the way here. Thought you’d like it.” Of course, unbeknownst to Fanilly or Shael for that matter, this was something of a prank. The outside was definitely sweet, but the inside? It had a spicy filling in it. She was probably gonna get yelled at later, but oh well.
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

The clang of steel as the paladins helmet rang out against Dragan’s fist, the armored undead taking a few steps backwards but not entirely dazed. His own blade would be brought to parry the hammer, the holy light radiating from the tarnished silver. A stalemate of strength.

Still…if he were still among the living, he might have no problem handling two undead assailints. As it stood, however…Illena lunged forward, a spear made of living insects and flesh lunged towards the knight. She could feel her magic weakening, though from exhaustion and usage more than anything. Perhaps wrapping this battle up soon should be a priority.

Locked in combat, the undead could do nothing to defend. A spear of living flesh struck forth, piercing the old armor and staking the undead right through its chest. A horrible scream as it wailed, almost sounding as though it was making words with its old, now useless jaw. For a moment it looked as though Giselle’s scythe would indeed, take its head…

But then, truly, it was not a one versus three fight, was it?

The giant skeletal creatures blade struck the sides of nearby buildings, nearly cleaving them off entirely just in time for Giselle to aim for the paladins neck. Instead, it would meet ancient bone as the skeletal creature slammed its arm onto the ground by the paladin, the weapon cutting into its flesh but not thick enough to cut it in its entirely as it deflected the blow from Giselle. It immediately followed by making a grab for Dragan, but the skeletal creatures fingers never reached their target.

A spear of ice, a shriek as the icy weapon impaled itself right through the skeletal giants head, burying itself in its lifeless eyesockets. Immediately it turned its attention to Aleksiya, violently hissing and lashing out, slamming its blade wantonly about, angrily smashing everything in the vicinity and carving up the ground next to Dragan and Illena, throwing up chunks of rocks and dirt and putting a pit in the ground between the two undead soldiers.

This, gave the Paladin enough leverage to wrench itself free from Illena’s spear, the weapon of flesh having the advantages and disadvantage of such a fleshy weapon as the Paladin would abruptly turn to face the shadow witch, the weapon still impaled in its flesh, lunging forward, attempting to impale her as she had impaled it.

This, left Akyasha to deal with the undead horde left on her own. By now though, they had thankfully thinned out, most having fallen under the large skeletal creatures own frenzied strikes or being mostly taken care of by Dragan’s horde. This left just the multi-legged abomination in front of her.

The gorebats would nod, though they did not seem too terribly happy about being told to support someone as they’d flit off to aid the others. One, would flit over to Dragan while a second made their way towards Illena, as it stood, they were likely free to use the gorebats as they deemed necessary.

The spider creature hissed, seeing Akyasha’s attack. Faster than she would be, it jumped to the side before quickly making an attempt to charge and run over the cleric with its many legs and larger size.


Ah, back to civilization. On one hand, she loved being out in the forests. On the other hand, the forests sorely lacked modern amenities and she absolutely loved just being around the hustle and bustle of the city most times. Especially after a battle like that! She was no battle hungry warrior, in fact, she’d say she was more of a coward than anything that avoided fighting directly if she could help it, but having a drink with the lads and lasses of her former company was always something to look forward too.

That said…others might not have noticed the Knight Captain, splitting off from the others, but it was hard to put things past her eyes, and Fanilly? Looked like someone had just kicked her down the stairs.


If you make her cry I’ll make you cry.

“Jeez, Shael, you act like I’m a little miscreant who goes around just breaking hearts for no good reason! I’d never have such intentions on a pure lady like Captain Fanilly.” A sudden gust of wind caused Cecil to lose balance, tripping and falling onto the ground while Shael rambled about a number of things she wasn’t listening hard enough too.

Hmm, something to lift the girls spirits a bit…

“Well, don’t overthink it Cecil. Overthinking things is what gets you into trouble…” She’d let the girl say her obvious prayer. No doubt she was feeling uncertain about a lot of things. She could honestly sympathize with such a feeling well. After all…she still couldn’t be certain about anything.


Cecil inhaled, shaking her head and proceeded to walk up to the captain, and poke her right in the forehead while she knelt in prayer.

“Hiya, Captain Fanilly. Where are you going here all by yourself, eh?” She’d ask, giving the girl a bright smile. “Mind if I join ya for a bit or you gonna run me off like Shael does if I flirt too much with someone?”

“...I have no intention of sticking around with one who can not listen.” The woman simply replied, though she seemed less hostile and more just slightly wistful, a small, sad smile forming on her lips. “Nor as one as quite so…destined as you. I refuse to give her entertainment unless absolutely necessary. Go on, neither of us has all day and I dislike the cold.” The moment Vammy even blinked her took her eyes off this woman, she’d vanish, completely disappearing in a mere few seconds.

Yuisa said nothing, choosing silence over interacting with Vammy.

“No idea. She definitely is divine related, though.” The demon responded after a few quiet moments. “And I’ll stop calling you a dumbass when you stop being a dumbass, dumbass. Stop complaining and focus on where we are already.”

Out in front of her, stepping through the doorway that had opened into the obelisk Vammy would find herself standing in front of a massive, gargantuan, hole in the ground. In the hole, was a giant, massive, stone golem of some sort overgrown with plants as a mass of thorns, vines and what seemed to be a small tree was growing from it. Behind this pit, she could make out what was some buildings made of the same smooth black stone as the obelisk was.

The demon was for the most part silent and Yuisa was, as expected, quiet.



Needless to say, the old woman was not expecting to just be lifted into Atzi’s arms.

“Hmm, I haven’t been carried like this since mum dearest tossed me into the ocean.” She did not, however, seem to fight being picked up and pulled into this princess' carry off into the forest. More amused than anything. “No name. People just call me Hag, or the Old Woman of Mania…used to, anyways. Tsk tsk, where are all the old little ones at? No matter. What matters is that I’m no longer that.”

She was surprisingly light, much lighter than Atzi might have figured even for an older woman.

“Nor does it matter to you.”

Running into the forest was well, not the brightest idea perhaps. As Atzi carried herself and the old woman through the thicker parts of the Deep Forest she’d pass by a few deer, a handful of other creatures skittering off through the underbrush. Thankfully most predators didn’t seem interested, most content to just leave Atzi alone.

Most normal predators, anyways.

As she’d find herself moving through a particular grove, she’d find herself running right past two Grove Bears…who didn’t seem pleased with having their territory invaded upon and immediately moved to pursue Atzi.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Well, I dunno about you two.” Eirhild finally spoke up after the two had finished speaking and Jivka had headed out. “But I’m gonna sit my arse righ’ here and warm myself by the fire.” The dwarf chuckled, grabbing a nearby chair and dropping her gear next to the fire pit. “I’ll be here if ya’ll need me. I don’t fancy gettin’ on these rat folk or dogs bad side for now so I’ll just keep my head down.”

The two would be free to converse for as long as they’d want too. Didn’t seem like anyone was going to bother them as long as they remained in the sisters house. Whenever they did decide to leave, though, snow had started to fall and the sky had become overcast, though it wasn’t completely coming down yet.

As the two would leave, they’d find the curious sight of a small group of Krysa leaving what seemed to be a traveler of some sort…and Nylah, at least, would be able to instantly recognize a small black fox that was with the traveler. Ayumi. A black furred fox that accompanied Mie wherever she went, often getting up to no good herself.

Jolca was only slightly harder to find. After asking around and being directed towards the village center where a large, wooden house was, she’d hear the bubbly voice of the Yaga from within, accompanied by the unfamiliar voice of a Krysan woman, what she’d realize was General Gershel, and an unfamiliar voice of a Krysan Male. The house itself was painted in reds and blues, seemingly some symbolism of the same deity the Yaga worshipped.

“Oh? We have a delegation from the Underworld here, eh?” A loud, boisterous voice laughed from within the house. “Must be serious if they’re taking an interest here. Maybe you rats should just run along already before you get us all in trouble.”

“You brute! You dare speak to lady Marushka like-”

“That’s enough, Gershel.” The woman, apparently named Marushka, would silence the voice of the rat general. “If I may ask, Dženan since you have yet to give me a straight answer…why have you pulled your men back?”

“Because, death is bad, yes? We seek not to war or fight. We heard of your plight initially but we are now questioning our own involvement here.”

“She did not ask you, whelp!”

“Gershel, I must insist you hold your tongue before I cut it off.” The womans voice was firm. “The young yaga speaks with authority in this matter, lest you forget. I apologize for this subordinates' words.”

“...hmph. If that will be all, Miss Marushka, we’re done here.”

And this would be the tail end of the conversation that Lissa would find herself coming to once she went looking for Jolca.

@crimson Paladin

“Excellent!” Marushka excitedly replied. She’d then, proceed to grab Novak right by the arm, hooking hers around his. “Then we shall travel together!” The ratmen, were now, seemingly glaring at Novak for an entirely different reason as Marushka started pulling and leading Novak away. Just in the treeline, Novak could see Ayumi stalking through the underbrush, the fox making sure he saw her before disappearing off into the distance, no doubt going to follow silently and out of sight just in case something happened.

Thankfully, the gray skies would hold for a time. A gentle snow started falling as the group of five traveled across the snowy plains without much more incident, and after a few moments, the group would finally arrive at the outskirts of a Yaga village. A few smaller kids were playing out in the snow, while a small squad of Krysa were patrolling around and in the distance he could see a camp full of Krysa troops - it seemed as though this was being used as a staging ground for their endeavors.

“Here we are!” Marushka would finally, now release Novak as they’d step into the villages streets. “Lovely, quaint place. Not as lovely as the palace back home, of course, but the Yaga have a certain charm to their buildings…now if you’ll pardon me, comrade, I must be back to General Gershel. Stay warm, stay safe, traveler...and if you see anyone suspicious, do tell. The Tsarita looks out for her own.”

She’d turn to leave, supposing there was nothing Novak wanted to speak with her about just as it began snowing.

A small yip from behind and something rubbing against his leg indicated at least, Ayumi was certainly alright and had rejoined him once they’d leave, too.

@Cu Chulainn

“What’s the matter old man?” She’d speak, sounding just a bit hoarse. “You look like-” Even before she had a moment to finish her words, the rock under her trembled lightly, shifting ever so slightly and causing the earth under her to tremble lightly. Immediately, the elf bolted up from her seat, tripping over her feet while she’d scramble over to where Gideon was.

The rock she was sitting on, began to move. Not upwards, or pulling itself up from the ground, rather it began carving a path through the earth itself. Slowly at first, as though whatever it was, was waking up from a nap as the earth trembled from the sheer amount of it being moved. Like a shark circling in water, the creature circled the area once, before finally -

The earth shook, and it would split itself from the ground, climbing out of the earth and soil and landing on the ground in front of Gideon with a heavy thud.

It looked like some sort of six armed fish made of rock.

It laid on the ground, held up only by six arms. A rocky, rigid maw that was more of a hole filled with numerous sharp teeth meant for grinding, and a flat tail extending some distance behind it. And on its back? A veritable treasure trove of metal. Ores, mostly iron from the looks of it, had completely covered the things back, smoothed mostly to a polish from its underground lifestyle with only a singular one jutting upwards like a horn on top of its head.

The interior of its mouth made a noise of grinding stone and rock, before it lunged forwards towards Gideon.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“Gah-!” A shout of pain as the fomorian was knocked right over, blackened blood spilling from her nose from the rough treatment, Nialls boot placing itself roughly against her chest and holding her down. She’d merely glare upwards, a low snarl from her throat. “She hasn’t even asked me anything yet, you flightless brick!” She was, seemingly just ever so surprised that Fio came to her defense just slightly, the hostile scorn turning towards a smug chuckle.

“See? The lady doesn’t want your smelly feet all over me.” She’d chuckle. “Now why don’t you let me up before you lose the only prisoner you have that can maybe help you?” Whatever she meant by that she didn’t say, merely offering Niall a challenging smirk, almost daring him to get rougher. Perhaps it was referring to her little trick she had used to appear rather suddenly where Fio had been.

Luna headed inside the fort. The three men that had started clearing out the place had combed a good portion of the buildings that had been there. Most were seemingly fairly simple, barely up to being habitable save for the main one, with numerous hunting trophies, fur carpets and a particularly large mammoth skeleton.

“Lady Luna, we’ve not found much.” One would say, saluting and waving her over to the main building. “Most of the bandits seemed to have holed up in a few of the buildings near the firepit.” In the remains of said firepit was some sort of…creature. It looked like some sort of fey, or fomorian itself. Chunks of flesh had been carved off and it had been tied up as though it had been roasted. “I don’t even want to know whatever it was they were eating…looks like it was almost pulled right out of the Laughing Wood…”

He’d shake his head, the second running up and saluting.

“We’ve cleared the main building, but the only thing else of note we’ve really found is this.” He’d hand Luna what seemed to be a metal emblem of some sort, depicting a pair of radiant swords of light crossed and turned upwards, seemingly breaking a shield. “There were a few burned scraps of paper too, but we couldn’t recover anything else…”

“...I don’t think we need to see any more of the basement.” The third quietly shook his head.

A few bits of information, though what it all meant for now was completely unknown. The Emblem would be somewhat familiar to Luna, in fact it looked uncannily similar to her own houses coat of arms - a pair of swords crossed downwards over a shield, but that was likely just a coincidence.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

“Useless! I Refuse! Impossible!” The beast screeched as the blood red blade hurtled through the air, intent on seemingly intercepting it before it reached its target. It lunged upwards, trying once more to take off from the ground as its entire body managed to jump just a few feet from the ground, its uninjured wing reaching for the blade.

Elnith released her grip on the ventilation hole on the dragons back, having completely ripped the thing open, a long, nasty gash ripped from one side right down to his leg. She bolted, running along the dragons back, along its arm and leaping right off its head to grab her blade, the firey maws of the beast just behind her, a gout of fire ready to leave its throat.

In the same instance, Ethelred had made it to Lonan, the Harzel knight having not moved an inch from in front of the dragon, the scorching heat seemingly not reaching his own icy, cool demeanor.

“Much obliged. On my mark - as soon as sir Reinhardt pulls that wing off, I want you to pierce that creature's chest, right on that glowing mark! Steblas power is that of purification and warding, if my assumption is correct then that should fell this beast quickly combined with its other wounds! You’ll have to get close but the other two should be able to draw its attention!”

Lonan pulled his sword, breathing outward as the land beneath their feet turned to ice from Ethelred’s lance.

“Steblas, your blessing! Let not this evil stain this land and protect those noble people of this land!” Ethelred would feel a similar sensation as he had in their last encounter. The ice on his armor began growing, hardening as his own powers seemed to strengthen from the fey steeds blessings, he’d only once again have mere seconds to contemplate this as a horrible sound of flesh and bone ripping filled the air, the dragon screeching as those present watched as the Dragonslayer rent the dragon's wing from its body, tossing it aside as though it was little more than trash.

Its legs began failing its body, as it started to topple to the now unbalanced heavy side of its body, the mark on its chest making a now easy target.

Elnith twisted herself in the air, a swing of her blade followed. The space in front of the dragons head rippling and distorting as her blade would find its own mark, nearly cleaving the beasts jaw right off of its mouth as the blast of fire lost all steam within its maw, sputtering out as it could only glare at her with hatred as it fell to the ground.
12.000 hours
@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Click This@Sniblet@VitaVitaAR

The beasts arms slammed into the ground with enough force to smash the cobblestones in the now ruined street as Polina barely managed to evade the blow, sweltering heat coming from the beasts body. The rippling muscles retracted, pulling the creatures arms back up as it’d move to make another strike, this time aimed towards the nearest one attacking it…which just so happened to be Astreya. The ratgirls shotgun blasted into its thick, leathery arms, the bullets sinking into the things skin.

As far as she could tell though, it did not exactly have ‘joints’ in the same way humans did. Its arms lacked bones, it seemed more akin to a giant, walking hollow carapace filled with lava. Even so, as the bullets sank into its arms, occasionally one pierced deep enough to cause a stream of fiery lava to leak, quickly cooling as it’d fall to the ground and yet, it did not stop. It barreled towards The rat, lumbering forwards with its arm and making a swipe towards the rat -


A gurgling, low, rumbling and bubbling howl as Senya’s bayonet pierced the creatures tough legs. Smaller than its arms, it was both incredibly top heavy and unbalanced. It shrieked, immediately turning its attention from the rat to try and turn, but the bayonet had stuck itself fast in its leg. The heat from the beast turned the blade red-hot, and the barrel too, as the bullets began unloading started to steam and smoke as an entire round of bullets had emptied themselves into its legs.


The beast, however, didn’t seem worse for wear as it’d grab ahold of the ground and pull straining against the weapon impaling it and the bullets ripping through its legs. With a sickening snap, the entire leg finally was pulled free, sending the beast stumbling forwards, slamming into Astreya in the process and knocking her roughly aside leaving a harsh burn on the side of her face.

“Lllrrrrggggghhhh…” The beast, struggled to its feet, large hands keeping itself afloat. Lava poured liberally from its wound, the total amount contained in its body having lessened significantly, and it seemed a bit lethargic, now, its movement slowed…It turned towards Astreya and Senya, its body lighting up with flame and fury as it’d lunge forwards, slamming the entire force of its body towards Senya, intent on using its body to crush her.

Katherine, Polina, and Lucrecia had a far less easy time of it. The demon had flung itself full force towards Katherine, and each volley that rang out, the demon would use its tail to latch onto the ground and quickly yank herself in some direction to avoid most of the bullets, weaving, jumping and expertly dodging any major wounds as she’d land on the ground just in front of Katherine, having simply leapt over the dolls.

“Slow, you’re slow, ahaha~!” The demon’s tendrils lashed out, three taking a doll into their maw, intent obvious as one latched onto Katherine’s arm, sinking its fangs deep into her flesh, but before a second could lash out the demon hissed, retreating with just as much agility as she had before as one of Polina’s blades sunk into the flesh of one of her tendrils. Thankfully for Katherine, she'd also drop the dolls except for one.

“Hmm, is this the best you guys can do? Aren’t you supposed to be good at this? Why are you so weak?” She’d focus her attention on Polina now, maneuvering in the same way she had approached Katherine. She was mostly using physical attacks for now, it seemed, but Blood Demons were known for their destructive, elemental powers, so it would be a good idea to remain cautious still.

Location: The Clematis
12:00 hrs

Atop the Airship, overlooking the town below, Myrilla was idly leaning over the railing, tendrils of smoke slowly rising from her cigarette as she’d slowly inhale. A blue and red Flare, huh? Had something gone wrong? A high demon being present, hm…well, it was fine. Unexpected twists like this were good to teach the maids to remain cautious and keep them on their toes.

The fact it had resulted in a fire fight so quickly after landing though…hmph, she’d have to reprimand that one. A maid should learn what their dealing with before committing to an assault like this.

“Leoniya, looks like that toy may get to be used sooner rather than later.” She’d speak into the comm system on the deck.

“Eh? Really? Has something happened?”

“High demon, it seems.”

“A high demon!? Are you certain?”

“No, because Bernadette hasn’t fixed the personal comms units yet.”

“...almost done…” A sleepy voice interjected.

“If you have time to eavesedrop, you have time to work!” Myrilla hissed. “Leoniya! Get down there and help them!”

“Da, comrade!”

A few moments later, the maids would see the ship make a hard turn to the right. There was a thunderous sound of something like a cannon being fired, a trail of smoke as something was launched from the ship, and hurtling towards the square at an alarming rate! It looked like…a Krysan Tank!?
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

Could an undead paladin even care about its hands being sliced into fine, bloody ribbons? Likely not. The armor was old and weary to be certain, but it was still armor. Steel and once holy blessed by light and silver, even as corroded as it was. The blade cut through the armor, but not enough to sever the fingers or hands of the paladin as it was wrenched from his grip mid lunge that was only stopped by the timely intervention of Illena.

Shadows wrapped around the undead’s limbs, coiling around its legs and arms restraining the former holy warrior and rooting him in spot just as Giselle’s blade found its target. The sanguine blade sliced through the armor deeply, the downward strike cleanly slicing through the armor just as the paladin managed to wrench his left arm free of Illena’s restraints in time to deflect the upwards strike, but leaving him completely open for Dragan.

The hammer met its target, the clang of metal on metal as the already weakened armor gave way, the hammer embedding itself inside of the wound as bones and armor cracked beneath the heavy weapon.

For a moment, the thing did not move, slumping over as its body momentarily went limp. The massive skeletal creature above screeched, as it’d wrench its arm free of Luna’s restraints that had stopped it from finishing off Dragan.

A light twitching of its hand.

The Skeletal beast above screeched once more, its gargantuan arms beight brought down upon the rooftops of the nearby buildings as with its other hand, it’d reach into its own mouth and with the sound of metal grating against bones and a ghastly wail, from somewhere it its chest it would thusly pull a blade, a blade of silver from its maw, aiming to slam it on top of Giselle and drag it along the ground in front of the Paladin.

The paladin too, was not quite finished yet. As Illena’s shadows held fast, she’d feel her shadowy body start to burn as the Paladins armor bega shining, glowing with vestigial holy power as it’d wrench its second arm free from her grasp the shadows retreating from the purifying power. In a swift motion, it’d bring its right arm around, and Dragan could watch as in its right arm, a flash of silver manifested, a silver blade now in its hand as it’d strike out just enough to slice dragan’s arm followed by a rough, powerful kick to the vampire lords midsection that would wrench the warhammer from its position to finally free itself from Illena’s grasp.

Thankfully for him, the silver seemed to be old and weakened, corroded, and the blade seemed significantly blunted. The poisonous silver would only diminish his abilities enough to be a minor inconvenience to his physical might. As The ancient, heavy blade would swing forwards as the undead creature struck towards Dragan, bringing down the weapon in a heavy vertical swing as behind him the massive skeleton swung its own blade in an attempt to catch the rest of the vampires.

Thankfully for them, between Akyasha, Luna, and Dragan’s own minions the tide of the skeletal creatures were being stemmed enough to not cause them any significant problems. Luna’s fluids strikes cleaved through the skeletons and zombies, severing their vestiges of life from their corpses. Akyasha took a far more direct approach, smashing and crushing the undead creatures with a hefty axe, showing no mercy for such rude, mindless undead that could not even recognize their own once goddess.

It was now, then, that her Gorebats would return, bellies full of blood and ichor, and ready to serve to their fullest capacity. They’d chitter between themselves as they’d hover on either side of the cleric, awaiting her command. Just in time, too, it seemed.

From within the mass of skeletons something came barreling out of a nearby alleyway, having apparently heard the commotion. A mass of skeletal arms, leaping from the nearby alley and landing in front of Akyasha. It looked like a horrid mass of skeletal arms, ribcages, and leg bones stitched together in some manner to mimic a spider with eight skulls stitched together to serve as its face.

Wherever this thing had come from, it immediately set it sights on Akyasha.

“Ha, why would I ever do anything dumb like that. If you disappear I’m gonna dance and then leave.” Yuisa cackeld, not bothering to comment on being told to dress ‘sexier’. Not like she expected other behavior of a demon. While Vammy did whatever she was doing, Yuisa would simply stand, scowling, and watching obviously none to happy to be in her situation still.

“Careful, dumbass. This thing reeks of old, divine magic. Probably has been here since the Fall of the first circle…” The demon harrumphed. As vammy reached out to touch the obelisk, the demons words seemed true in some sense at least. It was ancient, faded, and though she said it reeked it could barely be felt. The smooth, glassy surface of the obelisk was cold to the touch, and not simply from the climate.

As it didn’t immediately react to Vammy’s touch, the demon would proceed to walk around the obelisk a bit more, taking a full circle around it. Moon iconography was carved into its base, and the smooth glass seemed carved with similar motifs. Each of the four points bore a different phase of the moon, with the one facing out towards the sea bearing none and the one facing away bearing a full moon.

As she’d round the corner again, Vammy would almost find herself running into someone. Specifically, almost faceplanting into the womans chest.

Dressed in a simple brown robe with long white, flowing hair and eyes the color of the sky. A headdress upon her head possessed a small crown of gems and two horns, and on her flesh seemed to be several tattoos that glowed with some arcane power. The most striking though, though…was that the little demon and Vammy hadn’t noticed her until they had indeed, almost run into her.

“Gah Where did this broad come from!?”

“...At least after this I won’t owe him any more favors, hmph.” The woman grumpily spoke. Yuisa seemed similarly as shocked as Vammy would likely be. “Here for the prison, are you?” She rose a hand towards the pillar, a spark of blue colored lightning hitting the ruin. It’d hum to life with some long lost magical energy as the base would slowly fill with blue light, slowly climbing up until it reached the apex of the side facing the sea. Seconds later, stone rumbled, a hum filling the air as the base of the obelisk slowly split open, revealing a door big enough for someone to walk through.

The other side seemed like some sort of…building, set far across a field of snow.

“Hurry it up, will you? Don’t worry, getting back is easy. Just head out the same way you came in. Don’t worry about breaking anything. Most things here are old, useless, and were cast away at the start of this Era.”


“...its not that good…” Maira glanced away from Atzi, quietly bringing her hand up to her mouth making a rather obvious attempt to hide her face as she pretended to adjust her clothes.

“So little trust! No. How do I know you won’t run away with it? But…hmm, fine, fine! What to hm, fine! Fine! Here.” Instead of handing it to Maira though, she’d toss it to Atzi with a surprisingly strong arm. “You. Safekeeping. I don’t trust that shifty one. Now…shall we get going? I’ll even give you a head start! Go on, get going.” The woman would instead of getting started on the race immediately, would instead take a loaf of bread from her dingy robes, proceeding to start eating it as she’d lazily wait for Atzi to get going.

“...do you even know where it is-?”

“No helping.” The woman interjected. “She made the bet, so she’ll be going whether she knows where it is or not! It’ll be a simple thing…its not hard to find! Just keep running east until you can’t any more, ahah!”

“...Atzi I’m going hunting. I’ll be back here soon. Be careful, okay?”

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Far as I know.” Jivka replied. “I don't know the details. I just know a lot of us are tired of the Krysa throwing their weight around and sooner rather than later, something is going to happen.” The Yaga snarled, the fur on her ears standing on end. “I’d love to see just how tough those rat midgets are, them living in that cushy city of theirs always thinking we’re lesser than them-” She’d cut herself off, huffing irritably as she’d move towards the firepit.

“They sent someone from their…’peace office’ or whatever here a few days ago. No idea what that is. Jolča knows more than I do since the Krysa don’t talk to anyone but the elders or their apprentices. You’ll probably find her in the building in the center of the village.” She’d respond to Lissa, glancing towards Nylah with a small bit of surprise.

“Curious eh? I can give you a short version, I’m no wise woman or witch. I just hunt things.” The Krysa grabbed the fetish, holding it in her hands and slowly running her thumb across it. “It doesn’t have a name. Our deity, that is. We just know he exists and is the reason we survived the Moonless Era.” She’d pass it to Nylah for her to hold. “As for The Death goddess…” She lowered her voice, briefly glancing over her shoulders despite there being quite obviously no one else in the cabin. “We say the rest of the gods are lesser spirits born from our nameless deity when he fell from the heavens, his body was formed into these lesser Spirits. But the Death Goddess? She existed before him and if you believe the elder, had a direct hand in creating the Moonless Era and seeks to kill our deity once more. That’s all I’m saying.” She’d fall silent, seemingly nervously scratching the back of her head. “Uh, sorry I’m gonna take a walk. Hate talking about this, but one more thing. Do not mention her name here, outsider. That’s a good way to get every Yaga to want you to leave. Say she hears every time her name is spoken and we don’t want to try any attention from her.”

@crimson Paladin

“No? How stingy, comrade…” Marushka pouted lightly, though she’d make no other effort to acquire a drink, instead standing as she’d hear the rest of her men start returning. “A little drink would only improve my work, promise!”

“Lady Marushka, we’ve retrieved the Tsarita’s words.” One of the armored ratmen walked up, voice muffled slightly under his helmet as he was soon joined by the others. He’d hand her the papers and the basket that Ayumi had nicked. The Krysa woman slowly started leafing through the papers as she’d address Novak.

“Prosti, friend. I am not at liberty to say. I would betray the Tsarita’s trust if I divulge that information to an outsider, I’m sure you understand.” Satisfied that everything was present, she’d straighten the papers and lay them back in the basket, tucking them under a pile of blankets and a few other things. “However, I am returning to the nearby settlement. If you’d like to join us, I would be remiss if I were not to show a traveler to it.”

There was a good chance she just wanted to keep an eye on him. The ratmen seemed mostly indifferent, but Novak could tell they were suspicious of him and likely only keeping silent due to Marushka’s presence.

@Cu Chulainn

“Eheh, must be pretty lame being part of a people that can’t even do simple magic stuff.” Raelzeth place her hands on her hips, turning her head slightly up and chuckling smugly at Gideon’s seeming incompetence at magical arts. That smugness quickly fell though, as Gideon made his suggestion of using her stonesinging to locate the missing vein. On one hand, that’s what she was gonna do anyways.

On the other…well, this was just incredibly tiring to even consider. Aside from being a magical art, singing for that long was going to leave her voice a bit hoarse.

“You’re asking me to…” Raelzeth frowned, grumbling lightly and considering her options. If she didn’t come back with success of some sort, dad was gonna well…he wasn’t going to really scold her. He’d just be super disappointed in her. Her stonesinging wasn’t particularly great either, thanks to her elvish blood. On the other hand, this seemed like an awfully lot of work.

“Guh, FINE. Only cuz I don’t want my old man to scold me.” Ignoring the fact she was here to do this anyways to start with, Raelzeth breathed in. It was a single, melodic note that followed. “This way, I think…there’s a lot of little bits of Ore in that direction.” Raelzeth would soon lead Gideon on a bit of a chase.

Deeper into the forest. A few trees overturned. Some soil and rocks too big for most animals to move, moved aside and recently distributed. If it weren’t for the flakes and small iron chunks buried in the ground along with them, it’d be impossible to tell if one didn’t already know what they were looking for. The beast would suddenly turn south, it seemed, towards the mountains where the duo would find themselves faced with a small hill topped with a number of craggy looking rocks.

By now though, Raelzeth was incredibly tired. Even if she hadn’t done it the entire time, Stone Singing took a great deal of both concentration, skill, and also relied on ones voice to function well. Raelzeth was just about out of both, using it even as sporadically as she did on the way here seemed to have quite tired her out.

“I think…the path ends here.” She’d say, panting lightly and deciding to take up residence on a nearby rock, sitting on it. “Seems like it circled the hill some before upping and vanishing…” There was no sight of something that had been disturbed here or vanished, and Raelzeth had just about as much work as she seemingly could handle.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“Pfft,” The fomorian laughed, Fio’s words bringing her some apparent amount of humor. “I’m a fomorian, brat. Being a twisted, cursed, monster is all we’re good at.” She’d otherwise relax though, going so far as to yawn and make herself some manner of comfortable even though she was bound, intent on not seeming fazed by this at all. “Who said anything about not talking? I’ll talk as much as you want, witchy girl. Want me to start with my life when I was born? Maybe give you a sob story about how my human mother hated me? Maybe you wanna know about where I got this robe from? I made it myself. I also know some potions to help growth in certain areas.” She’d shoot Fio a sly look with her usual sharp toothed grin.

Seemed like Fio had her work cut out for her.

Now that the fort was silent, it was easy for the lightsword soldiers to pick through it, though it was likely going to take them a bit to by themselves.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

The gargantuan black wyevern didn’t slow for a second. Its weight and bulk aimed right for the fort itself. If its breath had missed, then it would simply use its physical form to destroy this human construct and thus, the people within. And thus, this would put it in a direct path for Reinhardt as he’d leap from Steblas, cleaving the ground beneath him to create a cover of dust.

“Uwoooh, Albion and the king are the same.” The beast hissed as it charged forwards, fire spewing from its maw. “Thusly, thee are traitoooors, now buuuurn-RRRARAAAGH-!”

A guttural, pained hiss as the halberd struck the side of its maw, the weapon being embedded into its flesh just above its eye, but that was not the source of its pain. So fixated on his singular target, the beast did not see Reinhardt move to the side, and lunge for the beasts injured wing. The blood had already started to cool and coagulate as Reinhardt dug his hands into the flesh, tips of his fingers quickly being burned from the things fiery blood as the wound would quickly reopen as he’d attempt to rip the rest of the wing from the beasts body.

“Ceaaase this fighting…!” It howled, moving its body towards Reinhardt, trying to move the slayer off of itself. The holes on its body ejected more flame, its body started to rise into the air as it’d make a jumping motion -

“Well said, Reinhardt!” A familiar voice of a certain black armored knight rang above the fort. Seconds later, everyone present would watch as Elnith leaped from the top of the fort, clad in her signature black armor as she’d land right on top of the Wyvern's back, quite close to one of the holes on its back. “Now stay...put! Ethelred! My blade!”

Elnith’s divebomb assault gave her both enough force and power to sink her gauntlets right into one of the molten holes, grabbing it by the edges and similarly to Reinhardt, began merely tearing into the beast’s flesh barehanded, not seeming to mind the severe burns on her already injured body.

“You cuuursed Wench…! Pathetic pathetiiiic!”

Elnith’s surprise attack had rendered the beast grounded again, giving Reinhardt ample opportunity to wrench the wing from the beast proper. Flames lit up in its maw again, as it began simply blasted everything in front of it with a rage fueled conflagration, not enough the inside of the fort safe from the heat. It’d buck and try to remove Elnith from its body while still aiming to try and pry Reinhardt from its body.

“Sir Ethelred!” Lonan called out, leaping off steblas and drawing his own blade. “We will defeat this beast here and now!” If he had anything to say about Elnith, he didn’t bring it up. “If I can have your assistance once more!”

Through most of this, Grainne was leaning weakly over the ramparts, holding her wounds. She had lost quite a bit of blood, and while she’d probably be fine with medical attention soon she was mostly out of the fight.
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