Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Llobrokor Mountains

“Aww…” The giant, Gunnrun seemed a bit disappointed for only a few seconds before smiling and sitting up, causing the ground to rumble lightly under her weight. “Well, that’s fine too! Don’t mind if I stay with ye all tonight eh? It can be rather dangerous out here and I would feel terrible if ya little ‘uns got hurt.”

“Aha, don’t be too upset Miss. Gunnrun. While we all appreciate the offer it does not appear you have any way to safely carry us.”

“...eh, you could all ride on my head. Or my arms. Or my-”

“Fio, allow me to help set up some tents.” Elnith would cut off her conversation with Gunnrun who’d merely pout a bit as she’d cross her legs and lean her back against a rock wall.

“Lady Luna…how did you like the drink?” Sucaria approached the knight with an inquisitive look. “...I made it…mom showed me how once…” She shot a mildly hurt look towards Fio. “...its good. Supposed to help re-energize after physical activity…”

Wisp, for the most part was staying quiet and was idly, boredly, etching something into the glass of the jar with her hands. Her back was to Fio and she seemed like she was up to something since the mage couldn’t see thanks to the fey’s back being towards her.

Harzel Plains

“No, use whatever you want.” Grainne responded. She didn’t give much of a reason for it aside from drawing her blade and taking a defensive stance, both hands on the hilt and ready to engage. “Uh…normally we do first blood but…first one to get knocked over?” Whatever ulterior motives she might have had for requesting this, she seemed if nothing else like she did want to duel.

With a exhale, she’d carefully study Ethelred, before swiftly moving forwards towards the frozen knight, seemingly quite comfortable taking the first blow in the duel as she’d test the waters with a simple upwards strike.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

“...but I know…where everything is.” Tiki replied bluntly to Polina. “Clutter is…nice. The Maison is otherwise too neat-” Tiki’s sentence was cut off as she’d visibly grimace as Eliz would proudly declare her apparent love for exhibitionism. The seamstress frowned, walked over…and promptly bapped Eliz on the top of her head with her knuckles.

“Silence. I don’t care about your useless body and grating voice.” The Seamstress gave Eliz a dispassionate, frigid glare.

“I would advise you to at least keep it down, Eliz.” Mariarca nodded. “Tiki can be rather…difficult and you wouldn’t want to wear an ill-fitting uniform.”

“Anything particular for the uniform?”

“Considering her nature as a scale demon it likely should have more of an emphasis on magical deflection then a balance of physical and magical.”

“...tiring. Understood…” Tiki walked off before Eliz could rebuff her, heading into the back of the room and grabbing long strips of cloth to make the dress with.
Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

The creature seemed a bit taken off guard by Argus willingly removing itself from its back. It would have been a good positioning in order to try and get in a fatal blow where it could not reach. The bear growled, its weight having been preparing to fall backwards and crush the vampire on its back against the ground.

However, as Argus leaped off, wrapping his arms around the gargantuan beast, it’d struggle, attempting to reach Argus with its front claws, but ultimately unable to reach. Argus’ muscles strained, his vampiric blood hot in his veins as the massive beast would slowly be lifted from the ground with his superhuman strength.

As it was over his head and with a forceful fall backwards as Argus would throw all of his own weight and strength into it, the beast would be smashed against the ground, an audible crack heard as the beasts skull was smashed into the ground. The creature wretched, hissing and growling as it would flounder on the ground, the chest cavity opening as it thrashed and attempted to regain its footing as it laid on its back.

A perfect opening to finish it off.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The firearm would plink off of whatever dermal armor Kordelia had given herself, the bullets falling against the ground with minimal damage done to the vampire beyond a mere brief growl of annoyance as the tendrils would wrap around Giselle’s neck, tightening, seemingly intent on crushing her neck, thankfully only to be severed by Aleksiya’s ice, the tendrils easily being severed.

“I remember! I remember everything! You! Stupid Kordelia! I know you all hated me!” She’d hiss. “Always making fun of me! Teasing me! Infuriating!”

The tendrils retreated, reforming into a clawed hand. Kordelia didn’t shift focus from Giselle, but the other vampire would be in for quite a surprise as she’d find sharp, deadly antlers now growing from her skull as the frenzied vampire slammed her head into Giselle’s. At least this close, however, she could see that the vampires skin, aside from her face was covered in what seemed to be some sort of thick, shell or scale like armor.
Harzel Plains

“Hm, that bad is it?” Sorcha studied Luana. “I had assumed that anything made from it would be as cursed as it would be, but…hm, perhaps we can still use it in some manner with a properly skilled smith. As long as we store it properly it should be fine.” She glanced towards the massive corpse in the distance, a serious expression soon giving way to one of nonchalance. “Don’t worry too much Luana. Handling curses and the like is something in my talents. If you don’t mind Lonan, I would like to discuss Harzelslack and this dragon.”

“As long as its within my capacity to, I will.”

“Feel free to rest and do as you will for now…but keep watch. If that dragon was drawn by Reinhardt there’s a good chance it might happen again.” Sorcha would nod to Lonan before soon following the knight into the fort, earning a salute from the Harzel knights as she passed. If nothing else, the knights here seemed to have some respect for Sorcha’s knights.

“Redwater? Why you wanna know, ice-face?” Grainne queried as Sorcha left. “Apparently something’s got the people spooked. Increased fomorian activity, but the mayor there, uh, Conand I think his name is, assures the king and us its no more than usual.” She’d respond with a dismissive shrug. “One of our other knights looked into it but didn’t find anything of note aside from some unseelie causing mischief.” Grainne glanced to the side. “...hey want to spar?”

“I see I see….hm.” Lif was much shorter than Reinhardt, causing her to have to look up at him. “That means…you’d be good for weapons testing! Whatd’ya say you let me test a few of my inventions on ya? It’ll be fiiiine, promise! Live targets make much better test dummies then mountains!”

Llobrokor Mountains

“Ah! They spoke to me!” The giant, briefly seemed stunned by this revelation as she’d set the large boulder down, then proceed to get down on her hands and knees, so that she was supporting her upper body on her shoulders, putting herself on the same level as the humans as she could.

“Oh aren’t you all just the cutest little things, ahaha!” Her good hand reached out and stroked Luna’s head with a single finger like one might pet the head of a cat or dog. “Names’ Gunnrun! Those little scamps weren’t botherin’ me. Thought they wanted up the mountain but the moment I picked up the rock there they ran. I think they’re skittish.” Gunnrun replied with a grin. “Nice to meet ya all, miss Fio. Dunno who this Sorcha lady is, but Elnith there has some armor made by us, huh? Looks pretty familiar…but if yer lookin’ for a smith I could introduce ya to my teacher. He’s one of the best….uh, probably not best to travel now though. Probably couldn’t make it unless I carried you all. Not that’d I’d mind.” Judging from the way she was looking at all of them, she almost wanted to carry them all.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

“...I apologize on her behalf. Myrilla is…difficult to deal with.” Mariarca replied, adjusting her glasses slightly. “I’ll make sure to reprimand her later, but I do hope you understand most here are not like that.” A quick head turn towards Katherine. “I’ve heard tell of your wandering hands, too, Miss Lindall. I advise you to continuing showing such restraint or you might find yourself being tossed off another airship. Let us try to avoid that, shall we?
The headmaid sighed. “Regardless, I am glad to see you unharmed Eliz. If you ever have trouble with Myrilla or anyone, please inform me. It is partly my job to make sure every one of you behave and gets along relatively decently.”

“Hehe, well, if there is no other need for me, I’ll leave them in your care, Mariarca.” Viatrix bowed. “I must see to a few chores before the debriefing. I think I’ll be joining the recruits in the field in the next operation. Ta-ta~” Viatrix would pass by Eliz, giving the demon a friendly, if somewhat irreverent pat on the head as she’d walk by, disappearing further down the hallway.

“Pleasant day, Viatrix.” Mari nodded. “And yes, lets avoid blood oaths and swearing vengeance and the like. Now then…” Turning to the door, Mariarca would knock three times. There was the sound of something moving behind the door, something scraping across the floor as something heavy was dragged across it.

The door, then quietly opened.

A somewhat gloomy looking blue haired maid with an eyepatch covering her right eye and a handful of bandages covering her face and fingers would peer out of the barely open doorway.

“Tiki, we need an emergency fitting and a dress.”

The blue haired maid didn’t respond, merely staring hollowlly at the Maids, before her eyes fell on Eliz. A subtle narrowing of her eyes followed as she’d open the door.

“...come in.” A quiet, soft, almost inaudible voice that seemed like it was both extremely tired and really didn’t want to do whatever it was it was about to do. The interior of the room was vastly different then the rest of the Maison. A somewhat dark lit interior, lacking any windows or many sources of light. Dozens and dozens of looms for cloth weaving were scattered in haphazard manners across the entirety of the room. Loose threads and half finished garments littered the floor, hanging from various parts in the room as well and some even somehow hanging from the rafters.

Whatever had been heard being moved though, couldn't be spotted.

“...the rooms a mess. Didn’t clean. Haven’t cleaned. Should. Fitting room is over there. I’ll be there shortly.” The bit of emotion that was in Tiki’s voice earlier was now replaced with a monotone, dispassionate one as she’d direct them to a door. Inside the door was a much cleaner, and much more well lit area that seemed more suitable to guests. “Feel free to start if you want to finish faster. Please do.”

To Tiki’s credit though, many, many well made maid uniforms of all sizes were hanging pristine and finished on racks inside the room. Everything one would need for fitting, sewing, and making adjustments were also easily within reach.

“With your permission then, we will do the fitting. I understand you’re quite busy, Tiki.” Mariarca nodded. “Eliz, undress.”
Julene’s cabin

“Introspection…? You askin’ some dumb questions and expecting a complicated answer, but the answer seems pretty simple to me.” She’d bluntly respond. “Monsters are creatures like them beasts out there. Bloodthirsty. Indiscriminate with their killing. They eat like lazy animals and gorge their faces on humans and can’t think of anything but their next meal.” Julene narrowed her eyes at Akyasha. “Power’s meaningless if it changes who you are fundamentally. No thanks.”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

Kordelia quickly retaliated, her other arm taking now much the similar bestial form as the other, grabbing the frozen club. The sound of ice cracking and crushing as the weapon would shatter just in time for Giselle’s blade to thrust towards the frenzied vampire…but the blade wouldn’t peirce Kordelia’s skin. A solid thunk as it instead, would clink against what felt like some sort of thick hide.

“Whywhy…why. Why…!” Kordelia would retreat slightly, leaping back just as fast as she had leaped towards Aleksiya at the start. “Tch. I get it. I get it. You all just wanted to kill me first, I get it! Cowards couldn’t even fight me fairly!” The vampire hissed, shaking her head and clutching her chest briefly as she’d turn her attention to Giselle, lunging forwards and striking out once more with her bestial claws, seemingly going for a rather deadly uppercut. However, at the very last second, the claw shifted, each of her five fingers changing into a living, breathing watery octopi tendrils and wrapping around Giselle, intending to grapple her and hold her in place.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The massive animal lunged. It might have been fast enough to outspeed a human, but compared to a vampire it still was slower. Its hulking claws swiped only Argus’ coattails as the firearm shot into the beasts eyes. Its already murky vision from the blood earlier going more as the bullet pierced its eyes, and right into its brain.

It briefly fell to the ground with a grunt of pain, giving Argus enough time to mount its back and figure something out, as it’d soon start getting back to its feet, and attempting to stand upright once more. A brief stagger of seeming confusion before realizing the pirate was on its back!
Because I was limiting the number of players this time around I didn't think it'd be fair to throw out a big mention list of all the previous peeps in the Interest Check, so I just sorta threw it out there fresh.

How could you do this to me. I thought what we had was special. :(

Jokes aside, you good my dude but I'd love to get back together with you guys if the opportunity presents itself.

Half the old gang back together and not a soul thought to mention me

@Zeroth I'm Hurt my dude

Lemme know If a spot is ever open will yas
Llobrokor Mountains

Sucaria’s ears visibly drooped upon Fio not accepting the drink and placing it back into her own hands. She’d instead, then turn to Luna, walking quietly over and offering the drink to the Knight.

“It will be about a day's travel from here, and it will be quite the physically demanding journey.” Elnith responded. “You and I will likely be fine, though I feel as though one of us will end up having to carry Fio…though I suppose she could always attempt some levitation.” Elnith nodded, offering Sucaria a small smile as she’d walk over. “I do believe you should return her affections, sooner rather than later.” Elnith giggled, giving a small bemused expression over to the arguing Seelie and Fio.

“Grrr, I wouldn’t make threats if you’d just let me out human k-” She’d shout, before cutting herself off as Fio made her threats. “Yes ma’am sorry ma’am…” Wisp fluttered to the bottom of the jar, using one of her twisted hands to scratch the bottom of the jar dejectedly.

The peace though, would be broken by a shout just up ahead on the mountain path. Multiple shouts, in fact.

“She’s got a boulder! Run!”

Several men, wearing facepaint and sporting leather armor came barreling down the pathway, weapons drawn. Bandits! Running straight for them! A moment of likely preparation would follow as Elnith quickly drew her own blade, Sucaria hiding behind Luna and Wisp munching idly on a leaf…but just as it looked like they were going to engage, they just…ran past, not even bothering to engage or even look twice at the knights.

Coming down the mountain, just mere feet behind the bandits was objectively, a woman that Fio only came up to the ankle to. A giant! She sported short cut white hair, messily held back with a headband with a decorative horned headdress. Curiously, a scar could be seen on her forehead and one of her hands seemed to be a crude prosthetic that she didn’t seem to have much trouble manipulating.

Over her shoulders, a massive boulder and in her prosthetic hand, a hammer.

“...so they didn’t want help up the mountain?” Upon noticing Luna and the others though, her expression brightened. “Ah! More humans!”

Harzel Plains

“...ah.” Grainne seemed to barely have heard Ethelred, being lost in thought. “Tch, I’m not. Who’d wanna work with someone that’s gonna give them more frostbite then that creepy elder beast up north?” She’d grumble. Well, if nothing else seemed like she still was as fiery as before.

“Glad to see you and Grainne still getting along, Sir Ethelred.” Lonan retorted with a light chuckle at the interaction. “She’s been annoyed she’s been benched because of her injuries fighting that wyvern.”

“Mhm…I wouldn’t say I was testing you, Luana. Your abilities speak for themselves and I wouldn't think a moment you wouldn’t do as I ask to the best of your ability.” Sorcha surveyed the land as she spoke, her gaze lingering on the fallen beast out in the distance, face soon wearing an expression of melancholy before shaking her head and turning her attention back to Luana. “I am aware of Druidic magics abilities. I learned some from the Tuatha myself you see, when I was a child. I think you may be underestimating it. Your spear is invaluable, certainly but Druids powers come from the land itself. You could say they come from the Betrayed God itself in a way.”

As the group approached closer to the castle, it was clear the full operation of dealing with the fallout was underway. All the Wyverns were being cleaned up, the fort itself being repaired. A small group of court wizards and druids could be seen out near where the Wyvern King had fallen, talking quietly among themselves.

As they approached the front of the fort’s gate, they were greeted by a rather oddly dressed woman.

“Oh, back already? I didn’t think-” She paused. “Well, I was thinking the people from Airedale would have looked…different.”

“I told you not to believe every rumor you hear, Lif!”

“Hey, I’m not that gullibly Lonny!”

“And I asked you not to call me that either.”

“Eh, but Lonan is a much less cute name…” The woman, dressed in what appears to be some blacksmith or similar occupation gear offered the group a smile. The large mechanical contraption sitting behind her not seeming to be a thought in her head. “Nice to meet’cha! Lif! Er, my name. That’s my name. One of Harzel’s knights. Gotta say Queenie, you don’t look anything like the rumors the guys spread about an old hag that uses curses to enthrall people or a demon using-”

“L-Lif! She’s our guest!”

“Yeah? And she should at least know what the other guys are sayin’ about her.”

“...Those are quite some rumors.” Sorcha laughed. “Nice to meet you as well, Lif.” Lonan if nothing else, seemed to let out a sigh of relief that she didn’t take offense to the rumors. “Sir Lonan, if you don’t mind I’d like my knights to rest for a bit and for my Knight, Luana here to take a look at the dragons corpse.”

“Of course, your majesty. We’ve prepared a room for you and your knights.”

“Hmm…hey, You’re from the Reinhardt family, right? You guys are supposed to be pretty durable, right?” Liff hopped over to Reinhardt, posing him a question.

If Luana did as Sorcha asked and took a look at the Dragon in question, she’d find it lacking in a bit of information s far as the dragon itself. Her divining spear showed it flying from the mountains, swooping over the forest. A clash with Reinhardt and the Wyvern, though as the Wyvern would blast the land below, and consequently Reinhardt alongside it, oddly it seemed like something was actively preventing it from being seen clearly even by her spear.

Aside from that event though, she’d see the Wyvern terrorizing the plains near the Harzel border. The further back she went though, the harder it’d be to glean any information. However, what she could tell though, was something pulling her towards the mountains as though the spear was telling her to seek more answers there. The fire and indeed, the entire Wyvern’s body as well, if she probed just a little with her druidism would at least confirm what the Queen had said. This thing and the fire itself if she went to check the blasted out area…was completely unnatural. Something had twisted this being into existence.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

Myrilla didn’t respond to the taunting other than a boisterous laugh, then roughly and crudely spitting on the ground with a snarl as she’d saunter off.

“Tsk, now now, none of that.” Viatrix would stop to lightly smack Eliz on the top of her head. “You don’t want to behave anything like her, do you? That is quite unbefitting of a scale demon wouldn’t you say?” Viatrix offered the demon an amused smirk “If nothing else, you’ll need to learn how to behave in public and when in front of others. We have a reputation to keep after all.” She didn’t press the issue for now though, that was Mariarca’s job.

“That said, lets continue hm? I would want to give you a brief medical, but since that little…event cost us a bit of time, I’ll show you to the dressing room and hand you over to Mariarca.” The nurse maid briefly turned her head to acknowledge Katherine with a friendly smile. “Feel free to join us as well, Katherine, before you end up skinned alive by our employer.” With Seig heading off to the training fields, Viatrix would take over the tour. Pointing out the training fields, the kitchens, showing her to the dorms and soon they’d be finding themselves heading towards the store rooms and where the resident tailor for the maids dresses were made.

“You know, all our uniforms are made here. Its not as well known, but our dresses are imbued with magical threads to help resist physical and magical sources of damage.” Viatrix informed her. “The lady that makes them is a bit of a recluse but she lives where she works. Have either of you met her personally? She’s quite a delightful conversationalist if you bring her some coffee…I don't quite know how she stands that horrid drink myself, though.”

“There you all are.” Mariarca would meet the group just outside a rather inconspicuous looking room. “How was the little tour, Eliz? Did anyone give you trouble?”

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