Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Llobrokor Mountains

“Hmhm, I can…but I can’t guarantee he’d want to see you.” The giant replied with a small frown. “Some wild little humans ‘ave been causing us a bit of trouble. Little rascals.” She seemed more amused than anything at the mention of this. “Ah, maybe you guys could help with that. Some of them ran off with an heirloom of his or somethin.”

“Oh, you finally understand how great I am?” Wisp retorted, eagerly grabbing the honey bread that was offered. “Very well, let me just-” She’d quickly devour the honey bread, a look of pure bliss plastered on her face as she’d devour the bread. “-finish that one. Ahem, now watch and be amazed!” Wisp would take the stick offered to her into her hands. She’d bring a claw to the bark, slowly scratching a few small runes onto the stick. Fio could see them, but she couldn’t quite read them. They were far older and far more ancient than any human used runes.

As the fairy worked her magic, the twig began twisting just slightly. Not breaking or cracking, just…twisting. Bowing in the center without a hint of effort or outside force. She would then proceed to grab either end of the stick with her hands. One pulled, starting to elongate the stick like a piece of dough but a quick check would reveal it was still very much a normal, mundane twig.

A few more motions with her hand would drag out more little points on the stick…it was almost as if the little fey was molding the stick like clay into whatever shape she wanted.

“Heheh, amazed? This is easy, low level fey magic. Any fairy worth their wings can manipulate reality like this. I could show you some illusion magic, too! Or maybe you'd be interested in how I could make the inside of this jar bigger than it is on the outside? Or maybe…you’d be interested in a curse or two? I can still turn you into a little frog...also can I keep this stick? I won’t use it to break out, promise!”

@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise
Harzel Plains

The drakes claws lashed out, Reinhardt reacting fast enough to Luana’s warning and aid that the drakes claw smashed against the acorns. Thick roots immediately sprouting, coiling around the beasts claws, up its long, slender forearms towards its elbows.

“Hmm….one of…clan of purifiers…?” The beast grumbled, but he’d soon find Reinhardt’s hand grabbing its non tangled claw, a powerful jab delivered right to the beasts face causing it to hiss and recoil in pain as Reinhardt thus grabbed it by the horns, dragging its face to the ground before attempting to wrestle the beast, holding it for Ethelred to deliver a hopefully fatal blow.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

“Your praise and eagerness is noted, Lucrecia.” Fiore nodded with a self assured smirk. “Though, do be warned such flattery will only get you so far.” The head of the estate would pass a now empty teacup to her maid, Nynnette quickly going about refilling it. “You, however Katherine I believe will be better suited towards another endeavor.”

“Oh dear, sorry I’m a bit late,” Viatrix would open the door, slowly walking into the sitting room with everyone else. “I had to teach Myrilla a quick lesson in not causing disturbances.”

“Your tardiness is noted.” Nynette narrowed her eyes at the nurse.

“My my, such hostility.”

“I’ve already filled you in on the details so your tardiness can be excused for the moment, Viatrix. Just don’t make a habit of it.” She’d take the teacup offered from Nynette. “Now as I was saying. The general operation plan for this is very simple. Polina, Lucrecia. One of you will be coming as my plus one. We will disguise you as a noble lady as…well, I suppose you can say as my date for the evening. Don’t read too much into it. I’ve merely determined that you both will be suitable for either squad here.” Livia turned her attention towards Eliz. “As for the other, you will be going as my bodyguard.”. Our goal will primarily be intelligence gathering. Find out where the relic is being held so squad two can infiltrate and steal it as well as possibly get dirt on anyone else attending. I have a reasonable expectation that anything on display will be a counterfeit.”

“Squad two will be led by me.” Viatrix interjected. “Katherine, Lyssa, and Eliz will be infiltrating the manor disguised as members of the maid staff. Our goal will be to find paper trails and to find out what sort of underworld connections this lord Havershel has. We have reason to believe he purchased this relic on the suggestion of someone else. I won’t be directly joining you. I’ll be…hmm, hehe, nearby making sure none of you get overly hurt.”

“I realize this isn’t likely the assignment you were expecting Eliz,” Livia sipped lightly on her tea. “But you must also learn to reasonably be able to blend in with normal maids. I understand demons can, on some level, disguise themselves as humans. Also no destroying or blowing anything up without Viatrix express permission, hm? If there's anything else you need to know about the operation ask away, otherwise Viatrix will be available until the ball.”
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

Julene’s blade sliced into the flesh of the beastman, the creature howling and recoiling. She would follow it with another strike, a thrust, impaling the beast on the end of the blade. A wolf made to tackle her from the side, but a quick hand a bolt from her crossbow sent it to the ground before it could get airborne.

But this was too much. There were too many beasts. Too many people unprepared.

“Where did all these beasts come from!” Julene shouted, dispatching a beast that had jumped a child and their parents. “Go on, barricade yourselves inside, now! Don’t come out! Not for anything!” She’d shout, practically shoving them inside. “If you’ve got some solution to this, woman, nows the time!” She’d shout towards Akyasha, seemingly thinking if nothing else these odd travelers might be able to do something.

As for the number…Akyasha was having trouble keeping count of them all. They were moving too fast, and were too numerous. There were too many to keep effective track of. The gorebats though, were more than eager to help. Of the ones she summoned, the three quickly got to work, working together to find the beasts and drain them of blood within seconds. The only downside was that the poor things would quite likely fill their bellies soon and she’d need to summon more or use them for something else.

If nothing else, she had given more people time to scramble inside and barricade themselves - but now the beasts were outside with her, julene, and only a handful more of villagers and another…vampire?

Argus’s cutlass cleanly sliced into one of the lanky bat men, the head of the beast soon rolling upon the ground as he’d find himself standing in the doorway of a house. A terrified girl surrounded by the corpses of her parents. A beast loomed over, ready to strike the young girl.
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99


This time, a swift knuckle was delivered to the top of Katherine’s head from Mari, the head maid frowning intensely at the Firbolgs usual antics.

“Pardon for taking something from Tiki’s playbook, I know this is your usual hazing but please save it for until after business…or I will have to report this to her Ladyship once again and I doubt you want your punishment extended.” She adjusted her glasses. “As Lucrecia said, we must now be on our way. Lady Fiore has decided to entrust our next major operation to you all.”

Mariarca turned to leave.

Her heel however, decided it was a good idea to get caught on the edge of her slightly too long dress.

She stumbled forward, but without missing a single instance would quickly recover, merely adjusting her glasses and smoothly continuing as though nothing happened. Only a quick glance to make sure the other maids also saw nothing before continuing on her way. The tour over, being properly dressed, and now having a basic understanding of at least the general maid operations they were led to where lady Fiore was waiting.

As they filed in one by one, Lady fiore silently would look over all of them, quietly drinking a cup of tea prepared by her personal maid - Nynette who was eyeing all the maids with a bit of cold indifference. Mariarca would indicate that they should stand in a line near the door as Lyssa was the last one to shuffle in behind everyone else.

“...Good to see you’re adjusting well, Eliz. I’d ask if there were any problems but that can wait until after our discussion here.” Livia would begin, setting her teacup on the table in front of her. “And first, let me congratulate you all on a job well done. I realize that we did not complete all of our objectives such as finding why and how these demons showed up and we could not rescue the infiltration team, but you admirably saved the citizens and for that many people can rest easy and have their loved ones saved. We have another ground team doing some investigating along with the Oros Knights to try and determine the cause of all of this. Which means right now, we’re merely waiting for the results of this investigation to pursue this incident further. In the mean time, though, Mari?”

The head maid would flip through some files, pulling a newspaper and a written report of another team of Maids success in what seemed to be busting an underground smuggling and auction house that dealt in shady and demonic objects.

“Last night, a squad of maids raided an Underground Auction and smuggling ring.” Mariarca began speaking to the gathered maids as she’d finish passing out the reports.
“We managed to shut it down before most of the artifacts both holy and demonic were sold. We returned the holy items to the church and the demonic ones have been dealt with by us,” Flipping to another report on the page, Mariarca continued. “Except one, arguably the most dangerous item in the Auction. An Idol which was used to house a very dangerous demon hundreds of years ago. It was purchased by a one Lord Loeth Havershel who is like any fool who thinks they can handle demons-’


“...Y-you not withstanding my lady.” Mariarca quickly interjected. “He Has decided to hold a ball to show off his purchase. We’ll be moving to…reacquire it.”
Llobrokor Mountains

“Puh-leeze.” Wisp harrumphed. “You can’t apply normal logic to fey magic! I’m good at altering physical properties of things!” She’d huff, sitting on the floor of the jar as Fio would acquiesce to her demands, earning a smug little nod from the unseelie as she’d consider this a victory.

“O-oh. Dragon scale…?” Gunnrun briefly stumbled over her words, eyes quickly glancing towards her prosthetic hand. “Well that’s something a bit…difficult. My teacher certainly can!” She’d grin. “Hes the best smith in the city! I’ve heard he’s worked on dragon scale before, and is a direct descendant of one of the smiths that worked on Lunestel! Also made this little thing for me.” She’d wave her artificial hand around with a bright grin.

“Miss…Gunnrun, you wouldn’t happen to be Master Grettir’s apprentice would you?” Elnith inquired.

“Ah? You know him?”

“Oh i’ve met him in passing some years ago when I had this armor forged by a different smith. He was too busy to work on my armor though, so I didn’t get to know him too much. I wasn’t aware he had an apprentice though, let alone one that had mastered the ancient methods of forging.”

“Ehehe, its nothing that special. Its just using our natural fire affinity to strengthen armor and weapons you know.”

“Compelled?” Sucaria tilted her head to the side. “...oh you mean at Nids end…” Sucaria sleepily glanced at the bed. “...I still…feel uneasy. Maybe good idea…”

“Heeeey hurry up with the Honey Bread!” Wisp shouted from inside her prison.

“So why do you guys wanna work dragon scale? You guys kill a dragon kin up in the mountains or are gonna hunt them? They’re not real dragons but still dangerous and have a hard material to work with.”

Harzel Plains

The ball of fury rolled across the land, crushing everything beneath it as it’d careen on its path of destruction, faster than Even Ethelreds horse could match and much to fast for freezing to be particularly effective. It would have continued completely unobstructed, right into the fort itself had it not been for Reinhardt.

The dragon slayer positioned himself between the fort and the boulder, digging his feet into the ground with a determined snarl. Arms out, the massive boulder would slam into Reinhardt, the dragonslayer taking the full brunt of the force from it. With a strong grip, Reinhardt attempted to raise the thing above his head, going with the momentum of the beast and throw it in a direction away from the fort.

As it sailed through the air, the beast unrolled from its form.

A slender, smaller dragon creature built seemingly for speed and agility would land gracefully on the ground. Its orange scales gleaming in the sunlight, long, razor sharp claws. A long, sinuous tail covered in more spikes. Its face was a bit flatter than one might expect of a dragon, but a fierce, scornful gaze came from its two blood-red colored eyes.

“Hmm…” And upon its head, a crown of horns, seemingly twisted into the form of a part of the Reinhardt family crest. “...yooou…are the ones…that killed the Herald of Perdition…?” It spoke, standing before the group. “...interesting.”

The creature extended its head upwards, a shrill, bloodcurdling roar following. Faster than Reinhardt could draw his blade, it would already be upon him, leaping across the field in a single lunge, its claws poised to strike.

What Luana would see was slightly concerning. It seemed to have a connection to the mountains, same as the black Wyvern. It too, was some twisted creation it seemed like, and as she gazed into the spear to glean information from it…she could see it. A fight it had previously been in, just briefly. Its talons slicing wounds into a bear. Nothing fatal, but mere seconds later it would fall over.

Seemingly completely dead.

Whatever this meant was something for her to decide.
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

“And you ask weird questions, so we’re even.” Julene shrugged. The human would go on to start cleaning up the meal she had made for herself. The blacksmith at least still was remaining friendly and amicable, though she didn’t seem to still trust Akyasha much. Perhaps Julene was just too straight laced, too narrow minded to think about such things.

She was just about to start washing a bowl when Akyasha made her comment.

“Prepare for the worst?” She questioned, but she didn’t have to wait long for her answer. A deafening howl came from the forest. Every hair on Julene’s neck stood on end, a chill going down her spine as a chorus of more howls and shrieks followed.

“Gods blood…!” She’d turn her head towards the direction of the forest. “That sounded like every damn beast…!” She’d drop what she was doing instantly, grabbing her blade from where it had lain and immediately bolted out the door, not bothering to give Akyasha a response or acknowledge what she had done beyond a simple nod.

Akyasha’s summons would soon be ready. The gorebat she had summoned over gleefully chittered, happy to fulfill its entire mission in life to be used as little more than fodder and sacrifice for its summons. As its body popped like an overfilled balloon, three more would burst from its corpse, clawing their way into reality, giving Akyasha three fresh Gorebats to play with.

Outside, she could already here a few people shouting. A cacophony of roars, and notably Julene’s voice shouting as she engaged one of the lanky batmen that had come from the forest.

And this would be the hellish scene Argus would find himself entering into the village to find. A horde of beasts, assaulting the decaying village. The people that had been living here were completely unprepared for a second attack, let alone one of such ferocity. Most beasts had already gotten inside several dwellings and residents.

It was chaos.

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

“Well, I was wondering who was meddling in our investment.” The maid, clicked her tongue. “But it seems its a bunch of little powerless slugs that couldn’t even survive the end of the world without some help.” She’d laugh. “Oh well, its not worth speaking to you two. Zethek?”

The red thread suddenly snapped into a straight line, as if something or someone had pulled it taught. The two vampires could sense a third presence.

Giselle’s blade would cut the thread, but it seemed as though it would not be so easy. Instantly several more would appear, but instead of being drawn to the maid, would now be coming from the ground, wrapping around the beastial vampire. In almost the same instance, two large, spectral hands would claw their way from the ground, several rings adorning their fingers all with a red thread connected to them.

One would move to swat Aleksiya out of the sky like a bug.

“Ta-ta lovelies. Try not to die before you can get answers out of me.” And with that, red thread would wrap itself around the maid, and in an instant she disappeared.

In all, there were at least five red threads coiled and tightened around Kordelia. The spectral hands manipulating her with them.
Llobrokor Mountains

Sucaria shot Fio a mildly amused seeming smile, catching her eye briefly as the witch glanced over to hers. A brief amusement lost however, as her attention would be back on the focus of Lady Luna. The half fomor seemed a bit taken aback by Luna’s response, face coloring a mild shade of red.

“Glad…to be of service.” She’d respond. “I must…insist on sleeping. Travel is tiring.”

“Oh, Luna thank you.” Elnith would happily accept the help from the other knight with a smile. “Mhm, I miss my bed already truthfully. I know I’ve spent more time outdoors than inside but a nice, comfy bed always makes me happy you know.” She’d idly comment, finishing up one of the tents for the evening.

Gunnrun watched the small group of humans with some interest, though didn’t seem entirely sure how to interact with them beyond watching. Considering her size and giants typical genial and somewhat overly friendly nature towards humans she was probably trying not to cause an accident.

“So…what do you all need a smith for? I’m pretty handy myself! I can even use ancient smithing techniques and all.” She’d question the group as Fio went over to inspect her prisoner.

“Weh!” Wisp immediately turned around, trying to hide the evidence of her crimes with her body…which admittedly, would have done a decent job if she hadn’t also scribbled some on the bottom of the jar. “...Tsk, foiled again. I dunno what you’re talking about though, human shorty, but I wouldn’t shatter the glass I’m dumb but not that dumb! I’d just…twist it a little.” She’d giggle. “Anyways, bad girls also need honey bread to stay good girls so pay up and I’ll behave for the rest of the night, promise.”

Harzel Plains

Grainne seemed a little surprised by something, but as her sword was deflected by the lance she clicked her tongue, glaring at the opponent in front of her.

“I said use whatever you want,” She’d respond, digging her feet into the ground. “Otherwise there’s no point to this.” She’d follow the strike Ethelred deflected with a powerful overhead swing that seemed more like it was aimed to actually injure than a friendly spar. He’d certainly have to deflect again or use his shield.

As the two’s sparring would continue, whatever outcome in the short few minutes that would follow, Reinhardt would become aware of a feeling similar to that when he first became aware of the Black Wyvern. A gentle breeze carrying the scent of blood gently caressed the fort and the soldiers working to still cleanup after the previous attack.

But it wasn’t as far as it had been just a few moments ago.

It was closer.

much closer.

“H-hey! Something’s coming!” From atop the fort's tower a shout and a bell could be heard as one of the Harzel knights raised the alarm. Something could be seen…rolling, across the plains at impossibly high speeds! It looked like a large, red colored boulder simply rolling across the land, crushing anything beneath it and it was heading straight for the fort! It was certainly not as large as the massive black wyvern, being the size of a large horse but it was moving almost faster than the eye could see!
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

Tiki didn’t immediately respond to the other maids, focusing on setting about her work. A large swath of cloth taken from her stores and laid upon a table. Thankfully she didn’t have to spin up the cloth from scratch. All she’d really need was the measurements and to inscribe some sigils into the uniform discreetly.

As her chest was measured though, Eliz would suddenly feel a hand reach out and grab her butt in a somewhat questionable manner.

“...I see. Small.” Tiki’s voice would then say, before quickly running her hands up the demons back. “...frailer physically then I’d have imagined.” The maid responded bluntly, though whatever she meant by that was possibly only known to Eliz herself as she’d head back towards the cloth she was working with.

“Yes, quite…a lovely bust.” Mariarca responded quickly in an attempt to distract the demon from Tiki. “Lets keep this professional ladies and keep anything else to your free time shall we?”

“...it was necessary.” Tiki responded bluntly as she’d start cutting cloth.

“I’m sure.”

The dressing and clothing process would continue between the maids. Tiki would periodically stop and take even more measurements, perhaps being a bit unnecessary even if she insisted otherwise. This would result in almost every single part of the demon being touched and measured in some manner. Her claws, her feet, talons, waist, stomach, not a single inch of her body would be left unmeasured.

Mariarca tried to keep things as peaceful as she could.

After about an hour, the entire process would be finished. Eliz would have been stuffed into a well made, well fitted maid dress. Light and breathed easily, and yet she could tell that magic had been woven into the fabric that would lessen the impact of any magical attack she might take.

“...done. Leave now.” Tiki taciturnly stated before leaving the dressing room and heading back into the dimly lit work area outside.

“Well, how does it feel Eliz? We should get going to see the Lady Fiore if there’s nothing else. Any question from either of you three before we get going? You may have done well on your first mission but you are still all new recruits.” Once they had finished whatever banter or requests they might have, Mari would bow and proceed to lead them towards the sitting room where Livia had requested their presence at.
Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Kordelia followed through the headbutt, arm twisting into a carapace covered stake. If Giselle was familiar with fauna in the old world, she'd recognize it as the horn of a particularly ferocious desert animal that could swim through the sand much like a fish through water. It clanked off of Giselle's well timed defensive maneuver, earning a snarl from the vampire as she'd make a move to immediately follow up-

"Ah. Nonononono!" A frantic shout as Kordelia would grab a hold of the weapons with her other hand, and promptly kicked Giselle right in the gut. From her back, wings of metal grew, mimicking the deadly wings of a particularly nasty avian that once dwelled in mountaintops near the city. She took to the air, intent obvious as she made a move to intercept the javelin of ice.

A pained screech.

Kordelia fell to the ground.

The impaled bat-king flapped its wings pitifully, thrashing in its coma as its heart beat erratically, now pierced again.

Then it ceased moving, once more. The feeling of being watched once more came over the two vampires as a feral, rage-filled roar came from the vampire lord. Her head turned towards Aleksiya. However...something still wasn't right. The head movement was jerky, as though instead something had pulled it in her direction rather than it being a conscious act.

"Ggrrrk...kill...them all..." The Vampire lord's body mutated further, arms elongating into strong, beastial claws while her legs mutated into avian talons, her body doubling in size in a few short moments as muscles grew, tendons snapped and skin tore. A long, thick tail covered in spikes as her head too, would grow into a beastial muzzle, a jagged row of teeth. Now a towering chimeric beast, Kordelia howled.

And in the forest, beasts returned that howl, but they didn't not come closer...more than anything, they seemed to be heading away...towards the village! As the vampire howled, the two lords would come to see a thin, red strand of...what seemed to be string of some sort trailing behind her. It was faint, but just barely visible. Atop the pillar that had been driven into the bat king, the two fighting vampires would now be aware of what was likely the thing that was watching them.

A person in a maid dress. She seemed to be smirking down at the vampires present.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The creature thrashed, what life it had quickly being flayed from its body by Argus. Seconds after his blade severed its throat and tore into the skeletal creature within, it would cease moving entirely. He'd be greeted with a mildly irreverent clapping from the witch that had watched the whole endeavor.

"Eheheh...well, that was quite the show. You shouldn't have just for little 'ol me." She'd chuckle, rummaging around in her robes. "Buuut...I must at least give you a little something in return. Here." She'd hold out a necklace. A murky, blood red stone. "I'm sure a vampire of your stature could make use of this. A failed experiment of mine, but useful nonetheless. Just think of it as a tiny little package of potent magical power. Now..."

The conversation was interrupted by a feral, loud howl deeper within the forest.

"...I suggest you get heading to that village." A smile, the witches face seemed for a few moments, much clearer and much less scattered as she spoke. "The great serpent stirs. Time moves once more. I wonder, will you save the world or doom it once again, vampire?" It was followed by a chuckle. "Now go on, get, get! No sense in you staying here!"


And just like that it was over. The necromancer's machinations falling apart like a summer breeze.

"Mmngh, aaagh, all this hard work makes me want a drink~" She'd chuckle to herself as the rest of the knights began securing the area, the archer putting away her remaining arrows and returning her bow to its proper place. She'd have mentioned that Serenity needed to lighten up a bit more once again, but she'd leave it at that for now. Instead, she'd leave the cleanup to them. After being so long in this stuffy tomb, she needed fresh air. "Alllright I'm gonna go buy a victory toast! Last one there's buying a round for everyone!" She'd shout, before swiftly exiting the tomb ahead of everyone else.

Whether or not they all followed or not, was up to them.

Cecil fell out of her bed, head pounding, pain rippling through her skull.


"I don't know what uncouth prank that was, Cecil, but when I find who did it I'm going to flay the skin from their bones."

"For once, I don't think I'd stop you...ugh..." She'd sit up, having well overslept. "Haa...maybe I can ask for a vacation." Getting to her feet, Cecil would assuredly get dressed, though much slower and without her usual energy in the mornings. The dream had been troubling to say the least. Fighting a horde of enemies, as if she was watching a memory of the past. She wasn't sure what it all meant. The death and rebirth. She just knew, she really didn't fancy getting cleaved in two.

"Urf, lets see what everyone else is up to." She'd walk out of the room, stopping briefly by the kitchens to grab an apple, hearing a commotion out in the courtyard. "They're being awfully loud, ehh...oh, is that Lilia?" Looked like they were having a duel. Cecil hummed lightly to herself. She did feel a bit bad about just leaving the elf on her own at the ball...but she couldn't just ignore the Autmere. "Looks like they're having a duel, eh?" Cecil would quietly enter the courtyard, watching the bouts of duels ensuing, eyes settling on Lein. "Everyones pretty lively today, eh Lein?" Cecil greeted the Hundi.
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