Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

as talented as I am with a wireless keyboard at work

I have neither the patience or time to write a post here so feel free to write her in next update~

I'll move her to the CS tabe when I get home

So I might be at work
But thus motivation did lurk

So as I sit here, with a wireless board and phone in hand
I bring to you a CS thus finished grand

Jokes aside lemme know if I need to change anything or gave her too much in way of abilities to start with.

Kaeru & Nyoko

"I know I'm an absolute snack but I don't do that kind of eating!" Kaeru rebuffed, just as the creature had a fireball slam into the back of its head, taking the things attention away from her and back towards Natsumi. On one hand, that was a good thing. On the other hand, having her opponent seemingly so easily think of her as not a threat, well, that slightly just pissed her off.

Instead of saying anything, Kaeru stood with her legs close together, gathering as much of the Raiju's power as she could, the air around her lightly crackling with electricity. She couldn't produce a long, sustained current. Not yet, that much was still beyond her power to really control well without giving Nyoko more control and that wouldn't help anyone right now.

As the demon was focused on Natsumi, and just as Kaida's water slammed into the creature, Kaeru quite literally leaped into action. Throwing all of her weight into a leaping kick, her knee aimed right for the creatures spine at the same time releasing every ounce of pent up electrical energy she had been gathering.

"Don't ignore me! I'll break every goddamn bone in your face jackass!"

Just slightly pissed off.

If she could pin it under her, well, then it'd be super easy to do exactly that. Assuming it was still alive when it hit the ground.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Ah…I apologize,” The woman responded. “I have no or little care for politics. Only doing my duty as a priestess of the Eternal Serpent. We are allies after all, and it would not do for us to squabble.” While not wrong, it was certainly well known that among the general populace the Maison had gained popularity since its founding while the church had slowly, steadily been declining in such perception.

“I will not keep you if you wish to leave, but I would enjoy chatting a bit. I rarely get to leave the cathedral these days.” Madeline said nothing in response, merely keeping her stoic, mildly angry expression leveled at the two in front of her. “In a similar vein, I’ve heard lord Havershel collects many rare trinkets and items. He’s done well for himself, considering he seemingly showed up out of nowhere and started this business of his.”

“Speaking of the lord…”

Just as Madeline spoke, a tall man would make his presence known as he walked in from the opposite of the room. Short cut blond hair, a dark blue double-breasted coat with pristinely kept white pants. A long slender sword was held at his side, accompanying a severe, taciturn expression as his dark gold eyes glanced briefly in the direction of the two church women causing his pursed lips to turn downwards into a frown.

A woman with dark hair, dressed in a dark red, simple but elegant dress stood next to him.

Despite his severe expression, he paid the two of them no mind and instead addressed those in attendance.

“Glad to see everyone here could make it,.” Despite his stern looks there was an air of levity to his words that contrasted their sharpness .“Some uninvited guests spoiling the fun aside I do hope everyone can enjoy themselves this evening.” A few other nobles exchanged pleasantries and returned a greeting. Livia would not be far behind, approaching the Lord with a friendly expression. His expression in turn, soured only slightly but ultimately returned the greeting. “I look forward to spending more time with you here this fine day, but there is a slight issue I must attend to first.”

“Well, I won’t keep you for long, Lord Havershel. Just a routine business I assure you.”

“Well then, Miss Fiore shall we get this unpleasant business over with so we can both enjoy the evening a little more?”


“Hmph, of course I’m his son! You act like you’ve never seen me before.” He’d narrow his eyes at the trio before huffing. “You must be new, huh…of course he’d be fine with it! There’s not a place in this manor I can’t get to.” He’d confidently state with a somewhat smug grin. “Now get lost, go clean the toilets or whatever it is you new maids do. I’ve got…things to do!”

The young Havershel ran off, proceeding to run off down the hallway towards a set of stairs running up towards the second floor.

“Ah, what are you three standing around for?” It was just as he did so, that the three were hurriedly approached by an older maid. “Follow me we need to make sure the gardens are ready for the next event already. ” She was quickly urging the maids along to follow her, though they would likely lose the boy for a bit if they went along with her.
Vacation, woo

Vacation is nice

I wish I had vacation

Llobrokor Mountains

“Tch. No fun!” Wisp grumbled from within the jar, just as Fio began speaking to the giant. The door, just barely inches from closing fully where he likely wouldn’t have been able to hear her words any more. Elnith frowned, seeming a little on edge as the door opened again as Grettir pushed open the door rather violently, stomping over to the witch with a snarl.

“Trustworthiness? That has nothing to do with it, human runt.” The giant snarled. “But fine. If you’re offering that much, then there’s something maybe you can help with.” A pause. “We giants don’t give a scaly dragon arse about some human queen. But if you manage to kill one of those dragon kin up in the mountains, fine. I’ll agree to forge some dragon scale for ye.”

“M-Master Grettir you don’t mean-!”

“Aye, I do. There be a rather ornery, nasty beast. Same one that took that klutz’ hand.” Gunnrun flinched a bit at this, rubbing the spot between her prosthetic and her wrist. “Kill it, bring back proof and maybe I’ll be willing to admit that you lot aren’t some pathetic whelps.” And with that, the giant once more, turned, and slammed the door shut behind him, the large mountainside that it was built into trembling from the strength of it.


Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

An assault from all sides, the creature’s legs frozen in place, preventing it from moving yet it was already melting, decaying quickly from the moment it was frozen. Luana was the closest, and swiftest to react. Her spear thrusting forth, sharp, tree branch like growths growing from all angles. Even so, the creature’s physiology allowed it to twist and bend, its neck managing to avoid -


Reinhardt slammed into the beast from the side, climbing on top of the things back and latching his arms around the beasts neck. One hand grabbed it by the horns, the other drawing the blade Sorcha had given him, its pristine, clear steel blade shining in the sun as he drew it and plunged it right into the thing's neck, holding it still right for Luana’s spear to impale the creatures eye.

As it thrashed and wriggled free as the ice fully melted on its claws, it managed to dislodge Reinhardt, wriggling free of his grasp, the branches and growths from Endless’ Eclipse spearhead breaking as it’d wrench its head free of the growths, just in time for Ethelred’s lance to drive a deep, grievous injury to the beast his weapon impaling itself right into the things chest.


A choking, gurgling noise as the beast’s tail lashed out towards Luana, slamming into her torso in the same moment it charged [i]forward[i/] towards Ethelred, seeming entirely uncaring that the lance was driving itself in much, much deeper as it would grab the knight by his shoulders with its claws, and ram its horns into the frozen knight, the force sending him to the ground while the beast would doubly so pull back, freeing itself from the lance.


Its legs struggled to support its weight.

“Hahaha…This too, is…heralded by us…” It chuckled. “But…too soon. Too soon.” Roaring, the beast then turned tail to flee, quitting the field.

“Damn its getting away-!”

“That is enough, Lonan.” Sorcha interjected. She had been watching the fight, though had elected not to interject or interfere. “There is no way we can catch it, even with it so injured it seems. Luana. Ethelred. I task you with aiding Lonan in finding the beast and killing it in whatever way you see fit.” A small look towards Reinhardt. “I realize this is a bit sudden, Reinhardt,” A small smirk slowly formed on the Queen's lips. “But if you don’t mind, I’d like a private date with you.”

“Y-you’re majesty?” A bemused Lonan sheathed his blade. “I am grateful for your assistance but now is not quite the time for leisurely activity.”

“Oh shush Lonan, this is quite important, trust me.” A small nod. "Ah, and if it wasn't clear Reinhardt, that was an order, not a request. This of course means you won't get to hunt that beast, but tending to your Queen is much more important, isn't it?"
Kaeru & Nyoko

With the trash taken care of, that just left the big guy. Kaeru cracked her shoulder, turning to face the clearly now out of his depth demon. Still, it looked like he had some tricks up his sleeve. From the demons arm came an inferno. It might have caused her to sweat a little had she been a normal human, still, so it was a good thing she was having Nyoko's help currently. Leaping over one of the fireballs that had come her way, the Raiju smirked eagerly as she'd land, pivot, launch herself towards a wall and contorting her body to just barely have a second fly under her.

She'd land on the wall on her hands and knees, using it as a spring board to launch herself over a few more, right towards the large demon. Twisting her body she'd angle herself towards the demon, a kick aimed right for its body, electricity crackling off her heel-

"Nyep!" Mayday mayday! A small shout, as she instead she found herself whiffing the attack completely, sailing right past the demon and hitting the ground on the other side. She rolled with it, managing to swiftly get back to her feet. "Ugh, still can't control it very well...ah-"

Well, this was something of a dangerous position to be in.

"...Ahahaha, I did that on purpose ya know."
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Sanjo Beach

The assault had gone well, initially. With their combined might she had successfully managed to bonk this vile man into next Tuesday. Excellent. All they'd need to do next was sweep up the remaining filth in the area and then find any remaining Oja....ah. Her head turned briefly towards Janus. The battle was lost? And so swiftly? She supposed it was illogical to assume that they would be able to single handedly drive off an entire invasion force, but...

All at once her attention and eyes were turned towards the man crawling away. Was it? Could it? Did she dare hope? Nyla compressed her body, retracting the many tentacles and mass into herself as she'd quickly make herself much less of a target, trying to disappear amidst the rocks herself as she'd slide over to where this man was crawling. Even if he wasn't from the Oja clan, saving him would help Janus and he seemed, if nothing else like the leader or someone to follow for the moment.

So Nyla would gently grab the man, tentacles gently gripping him and pulling him behind some rocks.

"Shhh. Its okay." She'd quietly whisper. She'd reach for the arrows. Normally it'd be difficult and dangerous to pull them out - they might be the only thing stopping him from bleeding out currently, but she couldn't also just leave them in right now. So with a gentle pull, she'd pull out each arrow, and lay him on her lap. "Young master, you can rest now." She'd smile at him, ignoring the fighting going on at the moment. "Just rest and maybe...have a little bite? Its packed full of nutrients and will make you feel much better quite soon." She'd offer a small, brightly colored looking cake to the man.

Of course, she'd have no problems force feeding him if he refused.
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

“Just tired. Don’t fuss over me, fake nun.” Julene rebuffed, clearly winded as she’d breathe a sigh of relief upon seeing Giles and the rest of the people here. “...Giles. No need to say it. What are we going to do?”

“Well, I don’t know Juelene. There’s about forty of us left now. Down from a good hundred or so. We could stay here, but…I don’t fancy our chances any more.” Julene frowned, sheathing her blade and folding her arms across her chest. “Those of us who are left are…well, terrified. Some wouldn’t come out of the tunnels.”

“...what about that large city in the distance?”

“Julene that cursed place is not for men. The dead swarm over that place and the beasts roam freely there.”

“Well, what are we going to do here! We won’t be able to survive another attack like that! We don’t have the manpower or resources any more!”


“Curses Giles, if you’d have just got off your ass and actually took some initiative earlier this might could’ve been avoided!”

“Julene please-”

“Shut up you coward!” Julene shouted. “....I’m going for a walk.” She would start to leave, brusquely brushing past Akyasha and Argus both, heading for what was likely her home or somewhere nearby.

“...well…she’s right you know.” Giles watched her leave with a shake of his head. “You two…you and your companions are exceptionally talented at dealing with beasts. I don’t suppose you have some advice or judgment to offer here.”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

“Shuddap.” Kordelia hissed in reply, slowly managing to struggle to her feet at Aleksiya’s jests. “You’ve…always been jealous of my body…urgh…” The vampire lord shook her head, wincing in still seeming pain as she’d glance over to Giselle. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but whatever it is feels…wrong…ugh…”

The vampire lord huffed at Aleksiya’s order, blood being drawn from the surrounding area towards her, covering her body as it would soon shape itself into a material similar to that of cloth. Similarly, two furry bat wings spread from just above her butt, a long sinuous tail also soon forming behind her as she’d dress herself in her old, usual fashion.

“Hmph, but fine. I guess I owe you some small token of appreciation for…waking me. What happened anyways? Last thing I remembered is getting filled full of silver arrows and then making a deal with some…woman in a purple dress I think?”

Kordelia would do as requested, looking about the battlefield and looking for Aleksiya’s arm. Considering the force and trajectory of it, it would have taken a bit longer had Kordelia not a few tricks up her sleeve as she began sniffing the air.

“I think its over here…”
I'll try and get something up friday
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