Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Paulina. A pleasure.” Cassandre replied, curtsying towards the presumed noblewoman. “You as well, Miss Lulu. I take it you’re a maid from the Maison?”

“Indeed, she is one of my brightest and best new recruits.”

“If I may, your holiness, something about this woman doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Madeline, you know who Miss Fiore is. A scholar and wizard that helps us hunt those that would use such powers for evil.” Cassandre frowned towards her escort. “That she is…shall we say, makes those of holy power somewhat uneasy is only natural.” A sharp look towards Livia. “I mean no disrespect, of course.”

“Mhm, truth is truth, no matter what one believes. I would not assume disrespect for stating such.” Livia replied. “I take it then…you are somewhat aware of what is going on here, then?”

“Perhaps. Can we have a moment to speak privately?”

“Asking me to leave my quite beautiful date for a private rendezvous with a clergywoman? Is that something the church looks kindly upon?”

“How dare you insinu-”

“Madeline.” Cassandre interrupted, quickly silencing the escort. “Yes, in certain times it would.”

“As much as the idea of having a clergywoman privately to myself is, I must decline. The public knows of our relationship with the church to be sure, but we wouldn’t want to cause any misunderstandings.”

“I see.”

“So in that vein, I bid you adieu for the moment. I will be meeting with the Lord of the estate soon enough. Paulina, I’ll be by the food tables. Feel free to join me if you wish. Lucrecia, stay with her just in case.” Livia was likely going to speak to the nobles hanging around the refreshment tables as well as perhaps see if she could learn anything from the servants. Lucrecia and Polina could do the same, if they wished, or head off somewhere else in the exhibition hall for a few moments. The festivities would likely be starting soon.

“Perhaps, you’d like to stay and speak instead, Lady Lafayette?” Cassandre questioned. “If I may also be so bold as to ask your opinion on the Lady of the Maison?”


“Well, would you keep super secret important documents in some place as expected as a private study?” Lyssa questioned. “Super bad ya know that feels like your asking to get your secrets exposed.” The pink haired maid giggled. “A-h hey Eliz wait up!”

Before Katherine or Lyssa could react, Eliz was off after the boy. Being as terrible at being sneaky as he was, he wasn’t that hard to keep track of as he’d attempt hiding behind a vase stand as Eliza approached.

“Wah!” The boy in question was quite well dressed. Long blond hair, dressed in a fancy vest and long sleeves. While he couldn’t be older than seven or eight. “W-what sort of maid sneaks up on someone like that! Hmph, I should have you clean the stables as punishment!” The boy shouted in response. “I don’t know what you mean by a ‘boy’ like me, brat, but calling me a rat is a good way to get fired and never working as a maid again, you stupid looking art sculpture reject.”

“Ahaha, don’t mind her!” Lyssa walked up, preemptively grabbing Eliz by the shoulder and gripping the demon's shoulder surprisingly hard. “Hey what were you doing sneaky sneaking around. Looks like fun.”

“F-fun…?” The boy seemed caught off guard by this whole situation.
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Sanjo Beach

It wasn't often Nyla had involved herself in such chaotic battles. She'd much rather be doing things behind the scenes, quietly supporting those that did fight battles such as this. Still, she couldn't deny how effective she could be in such a scenario considering her unique capabilities as a slime. Still, she was just a little disappointed there were no cute girls here. It made this just a bit more annoying to deal with. At least she might have some fun playing with the boys a bit if she could grab a few...

"Now now, there's no need to be so serious." Nyla responded to the helmeted champion. The Shoggoth's body shifted, enlarging herself as much as she could with her mass in an attempt to corral and deter the warriors from getting close. After all, all she'd need is a good grip on just one little ankle and yoink.

Still though, for now her main target was finding Lord Oja.

"So why don't you have a Macaron," The shoggoth's mass shifted, growing in size into a blunt, circular object with a handle jutting from one end...a...giant frying pan? "And have a seat!" She'd swing the hefty human sized, cooking implement at the champion. Of course she didn't really care for fighting. Her attention was split. Half on this man that was standing here, and the other half frantically searching for her target - Lord Oja.
Alrighty gonna get a post out tomorrows
Hey, powers back
Gonna try and get a post up but since I work weekends we'll see how that goes timewise
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Ahaha, man these guys are worse than I was when I was a novice. What gives I thought these guys were supposed to be super dangerous~" Despite getting smacked into a wall herself and having a rather nasty bruise and slightly torn clothing where she got struck, she seemed mostly unfazed. She'd slam the heel of her foot into the head of the demon that had smacked her, crushing its skull underfoot into the slightly charred crater she had made when it rather violently met the underside of her foot. "And here I was hoping I could get some proper exercise-mmrrr?" Her tail stood straight up, her ears twisting towards the darkness and sounds approaching. More? Yes, but something different. More dangerous?

It wasn't long before the newcomer made itself known. And what did ya know, it could speak.

A vaguely human thing with elongated neck and a certified creepo face.

Well, it looked tough, but she had to agree with Shiro.

"That things trying way to hard to be spooky." Kaeru grinned, taking an aggressive posture. "Lets see if it can back up that bark of its." Willfully not hearing Emi's order, Kaeru would instead choose to engage the demon. A flash of lightning and a crack of thunder as Kaeru engaged, avoiding the one nearest and instead appearing behind the demon behind it.

A duck under it as it attempted to swing in response. A sharp, open palm strike to its face as Kaeru dug her nails into its neck. A rough knee to its stomach, another elbow slamming into the creatures back. It tried to strike in turn, but it missed by a wide margin as Kaeru had already put herself feet away in a mere second. In another second, she had already leaped forward, body low to the ground as she'd grab the thing right in its stomach, the speed and force she struck with slamming the demon into a nearby wall as lightning completely fried the demon, an arm-sized hole being left in its stomach before she'd leap away, and find another target on her way to the big demon.

She vaguely recalled someone saying something about this things poor structural instability but such thoughts went through one of Kaeru's ears and out the other.

Just got an eta on when it might be fixed

Five days from now

So just skip me this week
Just a heads up a storm came through my place last night and knocked out the power. It might be a few days before it's back up and I can post
Llobrokor Mountains

“That’s my business, human. Not yours.” Grettir replied gruffly, his booming voice being felt in all of their bones. “And apparently, my apprentice can’t keep her mouth shut.”

“W-well, maybe they can help!”

“No. And I’m not making anything for them, either!” The giant, Grettir would pass the humans a glare before turning around, walking right back in the giant door he had come out of and slamming it shut behind him.

“...Well that could’ve gone better.” Gunnrun replied with a small pout. “Sorry about that, he’s just a mean old dummy. Still…he’s the only one really qualified unless you want to take the chance of maybe finding some old hermits out in the mountains, and I don’t think that’d be a good idea…or maybe take a chance with a dwarf but that would take awhile…hm…”

“...Mhm, Fio, Luna? If I may,” Elnith interrupted. “I do not believe Grettir will take kindly to us just retrieving the Heirloom without his consent with his temperament. Is there a reason why he doesn’t like humans? Most Giants I’ve met are far too kind to humans most of the time.”

“I dunno.” Gunnrun shrugged. “Not really. Apparently back in the day they did somethin’ to him, but I don’t know the details.”

“Hm, I see…” Elnith frowned. “Well, Fio, What do you think we should do? Gunnrun isn’t wrong. The dwarfs might be able to help us as well but that would take quite some time to complete and Grettir is…”

“...psst, hey! Give me honey bread and I can help!” A tiny little pixie voice called out from a glass jar. Her help, was likely to be something shady all things considered.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The drake’s claws struck forth, its fell curse intent on killing, slaughter, destroying that which it touched -


The ground beneath its feet erupted. Tendrils of vines reaching up from the ground, ensnaring its legs, slowing it mid swipe just enough for the rank and file knights to flee further. Soon however, the vines rotted, withering in decay before it’d break free entirely just as the temperature around it began to noticeably fall.

“You’re not going anywhere else!” Lonan shouted towards the beast. Water coated his blade as he drew it from his sheathe, now managing to put himself between the soldiers and the creature. “Now, stay put!” A swing of the blade, the water coating it surging outwards in a line, a thick layer of ice starting to form on the creatures front claws.

“Weak. You can not slow that which comes for Albion.”

But it would only last a few moments before it was free again.
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

“Hmph, thanks stranger. I try.” Julene gruffly replied. Still, there was nothing else she could do here all things considered. She’d need another bomb or two to take that thing out, and she lacked the strength to cut its neck significantly…so she’d let the two strangers handle it…ah, she was tired, wasn’t she?

And deal with it they would. The beast barely managed to defend itself, only managing a weak, gurgled growl and barely was able to lift its claws in a lame attempt to strike as blade and axe crushed its neck, severing the last of its life from its twisted form.

It ceased its moving.

“...Looks like the other beasts retreated too…” Julene wobbled a bit on her feet before catching herself. “Urf, I feel worse than I did after I accidentally ate some poisonous mushrooms out near that old observatory…” Julene grumbled, before blinking. “...Ah! Giles! We need to check on everyone else!”

“That…won’t be necessary Julene.” Gile’s voice, soon followed by what seemed to be a handful of villagers. No more than fifty men, children, and women together. “I’m here. We’re…here.” The defacto leader shook his head. “All that’s left of us, anyways.”

A flock of fattened bloodbats soon returned to Akyasha, chittering happily.

“Those odd bats are to thank. They took care of most of the beasts attacking us, but…well…”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

The reaction was immediate.

A pained wail as the unconscious body of the vampire lord began thrashing, convulsing as the beating heart was shoved into her body. Flesh contorted, bulging and then decaying in a horrible display of grotesque growth and decay. It rolled over onto its back, only for its limbs and bones to twist and break at odd angles before the cut made on its body would split open. Red threads of muscle and sinew pouring from the wound, the heart held up as they wound and twisted around it, encapsulating the heart and forming a vaguely human shape. Flesh and bone was taken from the bestial form and soon -

“Gweeeeeh-!” A familiar voice broke the squelching and macabre sounds of flesh and bone binding together as it too, would take a more and more familiar shape. Blond hair, crimson colored eyes. A short woman of somewhat petite stature. “Urgh-cough-ack-urf- What the fuck that hurts-”

She’d promptly fall over, sliding off the quickly decaying bestial creature she had effectively just been birthed from.

“...urgh…of course the first thing I see…after waking up…is Giselle…and the dumb kid….urgh ow, what the fuck did you dumbasses put in my chest it hurts…”

She didn’t make a comment about currently being completely without clothing and there was now a large scar running down her chest. She also seemed fairly oblivious to the situation.
a day late but there be a post I promised

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