Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood Shoggo baker

The shoggoth pouted the entire time Kyouko was speaking, even as she was being caressed and cuddled, the shoggoths expression remaind one of indignation and petulance. It was only the assurances that Kyouko would be joining them later did the shoggoth finally calm down just a bit, though she didn't seem happy as her expression seemed to be more one of melancholy now. It brought to mind some unpleasant events...but Lady kyouko wasn't going to toss her aside. No, she wouldn't. She wasn't like that.


but she had also told herself that about him, too.

"....Okaaaay." Nyla exhaled, clearing her throat and taking a few steps away from Lady Kyouko, taking stock of her now companions in this endeavor. Some sort of cat, a couple of lizards, a human, and...a granny with way to much in the chest area. Weren't baphomets supposed to be much...smaller? The Shoggoth frowned lightly, but didn't say anything as she'd return to her normal demure, silent and maidenly mask as she'd now follow the group back towards the estate up the path she had run down mere seconds ago.

She'd wished she could have spent a bit with her new allies a bit before being teleported. Getting to know them. Feeding them tasty definitely not suspicious snacks. Cleaning. Cuddling...using her tenta-


"Good bye, Lady Kyouko. I shall do my best for you." The shoggoth would bow as they were teleported. She wasn't sure if she could uphold her request for the Oja clan, but...she would try.

And out of the teleport, they were immediately met by a balding older man who claimed to be Lady Kyouko's acquaintance. She wasn't certain if she believed his words at the start, but she also didn't have anything to act on suspicion wise. Nighttime, huh? It seemed there were some time discrepancies...ah, that meant Lady Kyouko had been without her for an entire day already! Oh dear oh dear that wouldn't do at all!

As the other man appeared, Nyla was lost in her own thoughts. Thoughts about Lady Kyouko. Oh goodness what if she burned food? What if she needed freshly folded towels for a bath? Who'd do her hair? Rub down her exquisite scales to make sure they shined? She didn't trust any of the other maids or servants to do it properly! She was resisting the urge to just hold down the bald man and demand being returned when she caught the tail end of the second mans words.

Varjans already making landfall? Pulling her thoughts from Lady Kyouko's bosom, she'd focus on the task at hand. She couldn't disappoint Lady Kyouko after all. She had too keep herself focused. Upon the cliffs, she could see much of the area below. The town, the port, the beach beside it. It would be a rather serene sight, had it not been for something else upon the shores.


Too many to count.

Some were already docked. The Varjans apparently spared no expense. This was no mere attack or assault fleet, no. This was an invasion fleet with troops and men ready for a full, hostile takeover. The only thing standing between the Varjans upon this land, were what seemed to be a contingent of Shizuyaman troops. She couldn't count them all at a glance, but there was no way there was enough to take out that entire fleet. Their defenses were woefully inadequate, numbers aside.

She wanted to go to town, it was likely the safest option for her, but something Janus said caught her attention.

Members of the Oja clan?

"While i would prefer getting to know my colleagues a bit better before skirmishes, Lady Kyouko asked me to look after members of the Oja clan should I meet them." The Shoggoth bowed. The others seemed reluctant, but in her personal experience, decisive action was needed here, so decisive action she would give. "Pardon me, I do not mean to act like I am taking control of the situation but If a member of the Oja clan is there, then it is my duty to serve them as I would Lady Kyouko. Join if you wish or not."

She doubted they could win the battle, but if she could ensure whoevers it was survival, then she'd do it. Without waiting for confirmation from her allies, the Shoggoth just...climbed down the cliff, using her mass to sort of just crawl along the side of it, before plopping onto the ground some ways below, making a beeline for the hills where the supposed Oja Clan was fighting.
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Okaaay, Rika-chan." Kaeru nodded. "Kaeru Nakanishi if you didn't get it. This is Nyoko. Looking forward to working with ya." A small pause as he'd stuff his face with one of the rolls. "Mhm, whoever made these did good. I'll have to stop by that bakery later." The rest of the trip would pass in silence for Kaeru. There wasn't much else to comment on, and the others didn't seem like they would appreciate small talk anyways so he'd content the trip just eating the Cinnamon rolls with Nyoko. Honestly, though, it was tough keeping himself from being too excited for this.

Thankfully, it wasn't a super long trip.

The vehicle ground to a halt, Kaeru unfastening his seatbelt and hopping outside as Nyoko dislodged herself from his lap and lazily stretched before following shortly after as the demon denial field was deployed. A construction site, huh? Andrea, the demon was quick to be summoned and fly off to handle things.

"Eh, lucky..." Kaeru's lips curled into a small pout. Here he was, having to stay back with the others instead of going and beating some demon to a bloody pulp. Natsumi was quick to take to the skies. He briefly considered asking what she was contracted too, but that'd have to be for later. Instead, he'd turn to Akira.

"I sure did." Kaeru responded with a nod. "Got full marks in academics and general demonic classifications and abilities," His expression shifted to an excitable grin. "I was told I have problems fighting though. My instructors told me I'm waaay to eager sometimes so lemme know if I get carried away, ahaha. Ripping a demon in half is just too much fun sometimes ya knows? Speaking of...Nyoko!"


A snap of his fingers, Kaeru would spin on his heel as his Raiju partner's body became electricity, flowing into Kaeru. His carefully styled, tied up hair elongated slightly, the blond locks of hair falling to his...her butt now, as two feline ears popped out from the top of his head and a long, tiger striped tail grew from his waist. His nails lengthened, though not quite claws they certainly would hurt if smacked with. It was finished off by a complete wardrobe change and well, a noticeable increase in volume around the chest area.

"Weh~" A decidedly more feminine voice as the possession was finished, Kaeru stumbling forward a little as she'd finish the twirl. "Mmngh...being a bit more top heavy throws off my balance a bit always..." She'd lightly complain, but the troubled expression was soon replaced with Kaeru's usual casual, mildly excitable expression. "Alright! Ready and eager to smash some demons face in!" A pause. "Althooough, if anyone sees any civvies still alive and needing extraction, tell me. I'm probably the fastest one here."

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

Of course, that was also an acceptable method of removing unwanted guests. She however, was much more of a fan of using such people for entertainment…unfortunately, this was neither her party nor the type of people she wanted to shame if she still wanted good relations with the church.

“A paladin and a Clergywoman from the Oros church,” Livia greeted as she’d approach the two. “Now there’s a surprise. To what do we owe the pleasure of the churches’ magnanimity.” Immediately, the paladin tensed, hand moving to her weapon as she’d glare at the trio approaching her.

“...it is quite alright, Madeline.” The clergywoman responded. “Lady Fiore of the Maison d’Violette. I could ask the same of you.” A servant passed by, offering drinks to the group which Livia gratefully took.

“Hm? Didn’t expect me of all people to be here, miss…?”

“Cassandre Marcien.” She bowed politely. “I was told that you may be here, and if you were that what we assume is correct. That simply leaves the reason why you left the church in the dark about this.”

“Mhm…Dear Marcien,” Livia responded with a sigh. “Keep talking like that and people here might get some wrong idea. The good count has decided to show off his collection of antiques. Nothing more nothing less.”

“That aside, Miss Fiore, who is your entourage?”


Now that they were inside, they could at least blend in with the other maids. Probably. Several were moving about, the hustle and bustle preparing both the dinner for the evening as well as making sure everything was absolutely spotless. Amidst the chaos the three would at least, go unnoticed so long as they didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

“Office, huh…” Lyssa frowned. “I don’t think he’d keep anything suuuper important like what we're looking for in an office.”

A quick glance around would show that they were likely in an area specifically meant for servants to work in. A few bunks for live in maids could be seen not too far away, and checking further down the hallway showed a long, well cleaned and decorated lobby where a few maids were talking with a stern looking butler about cleaning it seemed. They could also hear shouts from a nearby kitchen. Rather curiously though, a young boy could be seen doing a terrible job of trying not to be seen as he’d poke his head around the corner of a hallway and scurry off down another thinking he hadn’t been seen.

the only other potential lead that they had was the maids quietly whispering about lord Havershel often spending long hours in an art gallery on the second floor.
I shall attempt to post tomorrows
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

The claw going for Akyasha met her axe, the claw being stopped mid swing as the force of the blow strained Akyasha’s arms, likely fracturing a few bones in her body from the sheer force as she’d follow suit, ripping her axe from its claw and spinning, aiming for the things neck.

“Not planning on it!” Julene replied with a shout. In tandem, Argus’ cutlass sliced into the beasts neck, a long gash being driven into its jugular, blood spraying from its body in a red, sanguine mess. Akyasha’s axe was not far behind, the momentum cutting a long, if shallow gash down the creatures neck just in time for the weapon to once again meet the creatures claw as it was moving to slam into her again.

This gave Julene a proper opening as its neck just barely missed going for her.

“You wanna eat something, fine!” She’d hiss, before its mouth closed and tossed one of the bombs into its neck.

The thing reeled back, seeming not too bothered as it’d stand to its full height - the light from the bomb could be seen first as the thing exploded outwards, chunks of flesh and blood liberally being flung from the explosion as the creature screeched, falling over onto its side…but not quite dead yet as it’s ragged breathing, trying to stand once more as its now mangled neck barely was able to hold itself up.

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Frozen lance and bloody ribbon sliced through the air. Kodelia roared, the red threads of the spectral hands forcing her to move still, but for all their machinations, they themselves were not adept at defense or movement it seemed. All they could do, was use Kordelia as a meat shield, Giselle’s ribbon slicing into the bestial vampires hide as she was forced to block it - but she however, could not completely stop the frozen lance or the lashings.

Red threads were severed.

The hands shuddered, as Kordelia’s body froze, the last of the red fate-stealing threads severed.

And then she fell.

her heavy, bestial body fell to the ground.

All at once the forest fell still. Silent.

She wasn’t moving.

Suddenly, Giselle would hear the quiet thumping of the heart in her possession, and the dagger she had taken, felt hot.

Feed her…my child, feed us.

A voice, sanguine but so very comforting.

The spectral hands themselves, however, were not dead. With a twisting of their fingers and the two hands into what seemed to be a prayer, they would merely sink into the soft earth, disappearing into its depths before it could be taken out completely.
Llobrokor Mountains

The giant paused, turning his attention to the human that had greeted him. A scowl, immediately painting itself over his visage as the muscled, gargantuan humanoid looked down at the group of humans that Gunnrun had brought with her.

“Lightswords, eh?” He’d chuckle. “A bother? Oh sure, a lightsword is never a bother.” He’d fold his arms. “But since when do the lightswords go gallivanting around as knights in service to a so called queen of some dirty human village, huh? Go back to lookin’ after the graves of our ancestors and get out of here. Don’t care what you want, I’m not looking to help.”

“Master Grettir maybe you could ask them about the heirloom…”

“And what? Suppose I could, suppose I could just go there myself and take it from those whelps myself.”

“And get yourself expelled from the city!”

“Yeah, well, I don’t much like anyone here anyways.”

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“...Lonan! Move!” Sorcha shouted, her own blade being drawn as she’d move into action herself. There was no keeping up with this beast on their own. It was far too fast, far too agile. It might not have had the sheer destructive potential of the black wyvern, but it had a different deadliness about it.

“Too fast!” The swordsman shouted as the beast was much faster than he could react too, even as he’d summon his spectral steed, the beast had already reached its target. The land drakes claws rent into their armor and flesh, leaving them alive, but only seconds later did all collapse, dead onto the ground. “You cowardly beast!”

The drake merely laughed at this assertion, its claws ripping into the neck of another knight.


“Everyone retreat into the fort!” He’d leap into the fray, blocking a blow with his own blade from the drake as it’d make a move onto another of the knights. “The Queen of Airedale’s knights and I will handle this!”

“Ethelred, Luana, slow that beast down as much as you can while the other knights retreat!” It was too late for the dozen or so knights that had already been slain, but if they could slow it down as the other knights at least got to safety.

The drake moved again, beelining towards another group of knights, much faster than they could retreat.
Kaeru & Nyoko


Down the hall in the confusion, ran a very stealthy and very talented little cat. Quicker than lightning, and talented and more cunning than even a kitsune (Self proclaimed). A singular goal was in this beings mind. A singular, sugary, baked, goal that smelled of cinnamon and sugar. She'd quietly plop along behind the secretary as she'd place the rolls down on a table in a break room. Nyoko had to say, it was such a shame to let these all go to waste...so it was a good thing she was here to remedy this.

As the sirens blared their warning of demons, she astutely observed her target. As soon as the humans back was turned -


Quick as lightning, she snatched a bag and two rolls, stuffing them inside of it and was now hiding out of sight on the other side of the room.

The woman turned back around, a bit perplexed as to both why the box was opened and now why there were two missing from it. With a small shrug though, she brushed it off and went to grab her a small saucer upon which to store two of the confectioneries herself.

Fwoomp fwoomp

Upon returning, she'd find not two more gone, but four!

Nyeheheh. The sight of the confused woman admittedly amused her as the secretary started looking cautiously around the room for anyone trying to play a prank on her. Seeing nothing, she went to close the box and make another check of the room before quietly leaning down to look under the table -


May day may day, landing zone calculation error!

"Eh!?" The secretary gave a small shout of surprise as she'd suddenly have a face full of bluish white fur, as Nyoko completely missed the target of her little leap, struggling briefly before climbing on top of her head and mewling.

The jig was up! Time to bail!

And thus, the expert cat thief bolted from the room before she could be caught, leaving just a somewhat bemused secretary behind.

Kaeru listened as intently as he did about anything. The situation seemed urgent, at least that much he did gather. Fifteen beast class and one greater Devil class? He was pretty sure he remembered the classifications well enough from reading up in his spare time. Beasts were small fry that he was incredibly confident that he could simply just slap them from existence. Devils though? Two classes up, after Monster. He was honestly a little uncertain.

"Emi's so serious." Kaeru giggled, flashing her a grin before answering Natsumi. "Sounds exciting to me, red" Natsumi, wasn't she? Maybe he should dye his hair such a vibrant shade of red at some point, it definitely looked good on her...Oh, he was being spoken too. "These guys don't sound any tougher than the guys at the dojo. Granted, some of them...I feel like they lose on purpose, but they're all pretty great. Some smelly demons won't be a problem." It would be his first time fighting some, but he wasn't nervous in the least.

Maybe it could be argued excitement over this was worse, though.

Kaeru would decide to be the one to sit across from Akira, strapping in his seat belt and flashing his senior a smile, perhaps, looking and acting a bit like the school girl that Akira looked like she was more than she did. It was now, that Nyoko decided to make her stealthy return, fwoomping into existence in a flash of lightning, bag full of Cinnamon rolls hanging from her mouth. Kaeru gave her a thumbs up as the Raiju took her usual seat on his lap, passing him the goods with a satisfied mewl...and promptly decided to start stuffing her face with one.

"Sooo, uhm, Federica was it?" Kaeru turned his attention to his fellow new recruit, biting into a cinnamon roll. "I'll be trusting you to have my back out there since we're both new here~"
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Not gonna lie, kinda excited Nyoko." Kaeru giggled, walking at a decidedly unhurried pace. Behind him, a furry creature that resembled something of a large cat, almost seeming to be a miniature tiger of some sort with bluish white fur. This 'Nyoko' as she was apparently named merely mewled in response, seemingly in agreement. "What do you think they'll be like? Wonder if there's anyone I could spar with. The guys in the dojo are sooo weeeak." Another giggle as he'd stride along at a casual pace, heading for the DDF building. "Sometimes I think they even like it...weirdos."

Another mewl of agreement from nyoko as she'd disappear in a flash of light before quickly reappearing on Kaeru's head in a mere instant.

"Ahaha-hey! hey! Watch the hair I spent way to long on it ya know!" His pleas fell on deaf, feline ears though as Nyoko continued to make herself at home, the large feline not having too much room to laze around though, ended up instead laying on top of his head, front and back paws dangling off either side of his head. "Tsk, fine. You're lucky you're cute - ah, we're here." He already thankfully had his orientation a few days ago, but he had yet to see any real deployments or combat. This was the first time he was supposed to really meet anyone on the team beyond just an initial greeting. There was supposed to be someone new too, wasn't there?

"...Ah?" Opening the door to the building, he could hear the alarm before he even opened the door and the activity from inside could be seen from outside, too. Kaeru couldn't help but to grin. This meant there was a demon right? That wasn't something someone should be excited for, but man, he really wanted to test himself against a demon and see just how tough they were.

"Alright, lets-mhm? Do I smell...cinnamon...?" It just so happened, Kaeru entered the building just behind Fedrica as she'd run off to the meeting room and hand off the cinnamon rolls to the receptionist. Well, on one hand he really shouldn't linger, but on the other hand those smelled awfully good. He'd take a moment to consider his options before glancing up at his soon to be co-conspirator. "Psst, Nyoko?" The Raiju, apparently had the same idea already and before he even said anything, Nyoko had already leaped off his head and was following after the baked goods. "Bring like...five back for me!" He'd whisper to her as she'd leave. "And if I remember right...meeting room this way!" He'd run off down the hallway as Nyoko began the greatest food heist in the DDF's history.

He could already see most of the others gathered, plus someone he hadn't seen yet. She looked kinda tough. He had to wonder, just how tough was she? If this was any other situation he might have challenged her to a round of sparring, but well, that probably wouldn't look good. Instead, Kaeru chose the reasonable option of walking up behind Kubo, and giving her a rather pat on her back.

"Hiyooo, Emi right?" He was pretty sure that was her name. He hadn't been around long, but he made a point to remember most people he had been introduced too during orientation. "No need to give the new girl a look!" He'd say, as if he wasn't still mostly new himself. "I know she's kinda scary looking but hey that's got its own vibe to it ya knows." He'd greet her cheerily as he'd walk around her. "Reporting for duty! New recruit Kaeru Nakanishi and...Nyoko. She's around here somewhere. Don't worry about it she'll be here before we leave. Probably...if she's not busy getting fat..." That last part was said in a low, grumbly voice.

There was a good chance she would eat most of them.

I work weekends lol

So my week was pretty alright.

My weekend, however, so far is working 12hrs out in 90 degree weather with no ac

Fun times
I'll attempt getting something in the next few days
Monday at the latest
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