Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Kaeru & Nyoko

Kaeru's hand met Kaida's, returning the high five with a grin and an energetic jump and a spin.

"You look super cute when ya do by the way." Kaeru responded. "That aside, heys. Kaeru heeeere. Since we didn't get a chance to really meet and all during the briefing thought I'd introduce myself a bit more properly since I'm a newbie. So what ya up to?" Nyoko, on the other hand, did not respond to Kaida with a high five. The cat, instead, seemed rather nonplussed with the whole event. The cat blinked slowly, a small sound of what seemed to be a minor bit of annoyance coming from her, tail swishing idly on the desk.

Nyoko walked over to Emi's keyboard...and proceeded to lay down right on top of it, mewling towards the contractor with wide, beckoning eyes as she'd roll over, exposing her belly to her and stretching and mewling again.

A small thing to note, was that one of her paws was now pressing against the computer monitor.

Nyoko lightly pressed her paw against it, a small electrical spark harmlessly zapping the monitor's frame.

Ill do something tomorrow or tuesday
@crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Yes, it is I! Princess Kordelia. You arrrre…?” Kordelia frowned, observing Argus for a few seconds, a look of recognition soon following. “Ah! I remember. That guy that had the cool undead ship!”


“Ahaha, yeah you should’ve seen it, human. This guy here had humans and merchants and the holy paladins both running like scared little puppies, ahaha.” Gilles turned his head towards Aleskiya and Argus both, lips pursed.

“I am…not one to pry into the business of others so I will not ask, however…I do believe that it is still beneficial for all of us if we work together. That being said, it would be better to be truthful and explain everything, wouldn't you agree?”

Kordelia was about to say something, so unless the other two wanted her to blab inelegantly about everything they might want to stop her.

@Pyromania99@Click This

Whatever Julene had been expecting, it wasn’t a hug.

“H-ha?! What the hell do you think you’re touching you dumb fake-nun!” She’d shout, though there was no way she could get free of Akyasha’s grasp. The difference in strength was far too different. She also wasn’t expecting such an admission - vampires! Living, sort of breathing, vampires! The entire reason the previous age ended!

Julene was released, face a shade of red and wearing a light glare towards Akyasha as Giselle said her piece.

“Don’t sugarcoat what kind of monsters you are, Giselle.” Julene responded, with a low snarl. “I was right huh, power at the cost of your humanity. The way I see it, your ‘kindness’ is just a manipulation tactic.” She fell silent, glancing at Akyashas hand. If it had been a few hours ago she’d have probably just bombed all three of them. Better that they were killed and not bother anyone but now…?

“I’d be giving up my free will no matter which of you creatures I decide to throw myself in with. Forced to serve you for the rest of my unlife?” She seemed receptive to the idea, currently, but she wasn’t sold entirely just yet.
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Nyla shot a glare to Kirei, a multitude of eyes staring at the man briefly before they'd all close as Oja questioned her.

"While I am sure Sir Kirei is quite a catch for anyone, nay my heart belongs to another." Nyla responded with a small smile. "Ah, I miss her dearly." A hand held to the side of her face as she proceeded to ramble about the Ryu, spiraling into details about how she probably needed her laundry done by now, her scales brushed and cleaned, and how beautiful and lovely she was, especially right after getting out of a bath or while she was sleeping and-

"Ahem, apologize Sir Oja. I get...carried away sometimes." She'd glance to the side, hands folded in front of her as her dusky skin colored themselves a deep red. "Back to your earlier question, however, no I did nothing to your blade..." It wasn't a lie. She still had his normal blade. She had done nothing at all with it. It was stored safely away. This was just a...new and improved blade.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“O-oh…I see.” The maid warily glanced at a few of the party goers. “I apologize for the intrusion. That will be alright. She will be busy the rest of the evening. I will tell the lady she was mistaken…” A quick curtsy and the maid would hurriedly leave. One of the butlers nearby would glance in their direction before following the maid leaving the two of them alone in the place once more.

For a time, they would have plenty of time to ask around or make smalltalk with the various nobles present. Most would be quite amicable and be more than happy for some friendly, idle chatter and gossip. Some mentioned a desire to see the lord's private collection - apparently where he kept his more unusual artifacts. Others gossiped about the son and his ill temperaments. Others regaled them with rumors of Lord Havershels own origins. Most outlandishly some claimed he wasn’t human while others said he was a spy or some other malicious sort.

Regardless, both the lord and Livia would soon return.

Livia looked rather amused while lord Havershel’s frown had deepened.

“Will that be all then, Madame Fiore?”

“Quite. I am satisfied with the results and can safely say our fears were unfounded.”

“Thank you, now if you could do me a favor and tell those dogs of the church that there is no reason for them to be here too in return for ruining my evening I would be quite grateful.”

“Ah, that sounds like a distinctly you problem, Lord Havershel. If you’ll excuse me I’ll enjoy the rest of the evening with my date.” Livia would quietly rejoin Polina, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Learn anything interesting from either of you?”

As the two spoke, Lord Havershel would address the room.

“I am glad to see everyone still in good spirits still,” He’d begin. “I apologize for the delay, the Lady of the Maison had to inspect the most recent acquisition of mine.” The Lord would call over a servant carrying a glass case covered in a cloth. “A relic, from an age past! When a lord of demons ravaged the land and was only defeated by a noble hero from the church back when the divine’s power was much stronger here.”

It was a wooden idol, about six inches tall. It was in remarkably good condition for its supposed age. It seemed to depict some sort of lizard, perhaps a salamander? With a slightly oval colored face with two fronds coming from its cheeks on either side. It was curled around what seemed to be a depiction of fire.

“I have had a historian and theologian take great care in examining it and I have been assured of its authenticity.”

”Alright, our works cut out for us. Myrilla’s voice chimed in Lucrecia’s ear. “We need to find the real thing now and see if we can’t swap it for the fake we have. I’d ask around about this private collection…I've heard the lord occasionally lets people in if they appear somewhat interested in more historical aspects...but that might be difficult to get on his good side.”

“I myself, am quite sure he thinks he’s pulled one over on us as that is clearly a fake.” Livia continued. “But where he’s stashed the real one, I’ve certainly no idea currently and we don’t have free reign to walk around the place.”


“You idiotic maids! Fine, I’ll just-” He was stopped in his tracks by Eliz’s display, voice faltering and losing his voice as he’d cower, taking a few steps back away from the maid. “...T-tch…f-fine…whatever.”

“Ehe, now come on no need to be so mean Eliz.” Lyssa butted in, giving the demon a rough pat on the head and walked over to the boy. “Hoooow about you play with us? What are you up to anyways? Kicking that door down, while something I totally get behind since doors are silly, is gonna get ya in trouble.” She’d kneel next to him. “Buuut if you let us in on what ya doing we might be able to help.”

“W-well…r-really? Y-you guys are just gonna drag me back to my room aren’t you? I won’t buy it!”

“Eeeh, we’re slacking off too so we’d get in trouble if anyone found out so why don’t ya just do it anyways? Who cares what anyone else says. Especially that ornery white-haired lady, ehe.”

“W-well…I guess….uhm…I was looking for information in my dads study.” He’d pull a slip of paper from his coat, showing it to the maids.

It was a plain piece of paper, but on it was sketched what seemed to be a very simple design. Upon first look, It seemed to be an hourglass with a single red line running through its middle. An untrained eye likely wouldn’t have thought much of it, but for the three maids they would recognize the Bloody crest of a Blood Demon clan anywhere. It was a double drop of blood, both connected at the ends with what seemed to be an arrow through the center of it.

“Hey, Kat, Eliz…do you recognize this?” Lyssa frowned. “It seems…familiar but I can’t recall the specific family. Why are you looking for this, eh kid?”

“...uhm…no reason. I saw it on some papers my dad was going through in his private collection…A-ah! Not that I was there. I’m not allowed, ahahah…”
Llobrokor Mountains

The woman, upon hearing both Fio and Luna approach, turned to face them. Upon hearing Lunas name however, the green clad archer’s face visibly paled.

“Pfft, uh-hi yes hello-cough-” She’d sputter into a mug of ale. “Uh. Cecil. My name. Cecilia. No last name.” She’d clear her throat, sitting the mug down on the bar in front of her. Cecil, apparently the woman's name, gave both of them a roguish grin. “Ain’t it? She’s a beauty alright. Not as beautiful as either of you but if it's caught your eye then you must be a pretty discerning sort, huh?”

The woman proceeded to wince, as though she was just smacked upside the head. Sucaria was giving her a mild glare in the background.

“Buuut I doubt you’re here for a good time or just to chat me up, huh? Are ya miss Lightsword?” It was clear this woman was expecting some sort of trouble despite her friendly demeanor. “What can I do for the Lightsword clan and the court wizard of that upstart Queen in Airedale?”

“Oh, Cecil hi didn’t see ya there.” The giantess waved at the archer.

“Oh hey Gunnrun. Friends of yours?”

“Sorta. Old man Grettir wants them to kill that dragonkin that took my hand.”

“...well good luck with that, my services are currently not for hire. Ta-ta.”

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“I see. Well, I only spent long enough with the Tuatha to learn about my companion here,” He’d respond to Luana. “But Druidism can perform many miracles from what I’ve seen.” Well, if she could that would be useful. If not, then they’d just have to adapt. “Ah, and my hair is completely natural by the way. Supposedly I have some Fae ancestry somewhere in my blood, but I’ve never confirmed it.”

Lonan set about drawing his blade, waving Steblas off and quietly observing the surroundings. He wanted a more solid plan before heading down there. If they could perhaps find its other exits they could collapse or do them in and force it into a corner…

Luana, in turn began to mediate, looking into the Eclipse for answers to the drake. After a few moments she could feel it. It was moving fast. Concerningly though, she could see…herself? Lonan’s back. She’d have only a few seconds to realize what this meant before the sound of snapping branches, powerful legs pushing off the ground as razor sharp talons aimed for Lonan’s back!

I'll get a post out tomorrows



It sounded like some primitive false god that one would find in uncivilized countries.

As Svarok took her time exploring the immediate area, she'd come across some odd looking plants. SHe was certain these weren't any particular plants she'd be familiar with back on earth. They well, looked too alien. She'd run her hand along the length. They seemed hard. Quite so, all things considered. Perhaps she could make use of them? Svarok set about plucking a few plants. They were hard, a bit like bamboo shoots she remembered back on earth. Not particularly useful otherwise, though...but perhaps they were edible? She'd end up plucking a few and taking them with her, stuffing them into her pelts.

She grimaced at the rather...obscene looking plants with the foul odor. Doubtful that they were edible, but perhaps they might be useful in deterring animals from bothering her from the smell alone? She frowned, taking just one with her. Hm, perhaps she should just try and make an axe or something out of the stone and wood-

Her eyes met the goblins only briefly.


The creature bolted before she could say anything else.

Svarok briefly ran through her options. Chase? Avoid? Perhaps it might know something useful? She had no desire to hurt it...and information would be useful. Perhaps she could get something out of it, or if nothing else test out this 'Ingestion' skill on it.

So Svarok took off after the goblin, running full sprint after it.

"Stop! I wish to speak with you!" She'd shout after it.

Doubtful it'd work.
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Ahah, no worries there." Kaeru responded, running a hand down Nyoko's fur. "The fluff ball here would rather spend her days rolling around in bed and stuffing her face with food. She'd hide all my hair ties to spite me if I transformed right now again." Nyoko made a small mewl of satisfaction before tucking her legs under her body and settling down comfortably. "Come to think of it though...hadn't really gotten to know everyone..." His eyes glanced towards the office. Someone needed to lighten up? "Hey Nyoko? Why don't you go say hi to Emi huh?"

Nyoko looked between the two of them, a tail swishing in a thoughtful manner.

"Eeeh, I know you just got comfy but you don't wanna bother someone? Or maybe I should tell Emi you absconded with the cinnamon rolls? Whoever brought those would probably be suuuuper mad." Nyoko shot Kaeru an unamused glare as if to say that he was an accomplice but ultimately would hop out of Kaeru's arms and strut over to the office where Emi was. "Come on, lets go say hi and introduce myself properly, eheh. Wanna come with, Kaida? It was your idea so I insist."

Nyoko of course, made it to the office first before the other two. She'd silently slink into the room and spot her target, Emi. Quietly and unobstructed the next thing Emi would hear was a light crackling fwoomp noise as the Raiju jumped suddenly onto her desk, and proceed to make a mess of any papers or other small objects on it.
<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

So she wouldn't try to spread Christianity but instead try to become the priestess of a new religion, if she went that route?


Really depends

She may end up mistaking "god" for one of the dieties here and thats what i expect to happen.
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