Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Luckily we're orcs. Whew.

In before she forms a giant cult among local goblins? :P

I need to somehow pick a god before i do any cult forming. I think first goal for svarok is gonna be to learn various religions of the world.

But maybe try and get in good with some gobbos sure
@Timemaster@Steel Legion

As fun as itd be to meet up with you guys

I must bring religion to the goblin.

Dues vult
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Weird ideas?" Kaeru's grin only widened. "Ya know the first person to mention it is usually the one that has those ideas." A wide grin as Kaeru bounced a bit towards Natsumi. "So, what weird ideas were you thinking huh? Maybe I need to contact HR or tell the boss-mwep!?" Ayako's hand promptly bonked Kaeru right on the head, causing the contractor to let out a surprised meow. In the same instance, Kaeru's feline ears vanished in a puff of small particles of light along with the tail. Nyoko would appear on the ground next to him, letting everyone know her presence with a loud meow as Kaeru held the top of his head with a pout.

"Oooow...yes ma'am..." He'd grumble, huffing lightly as Nyoko leaped onto his back, taking a place on his shoulder, balancing comfortably and nuzzling up to Kaeru. His grin soon returned, though and he'd call after Natsumi. "I'll remember this date then!" The trip back to the base was more or less uneventful, aside from Nyoko deciding that she wanted to rub everyones legs and spend the time soliciting pets from everyone.

Kaeru disembarked the vehicle, stretching his muscles and running a hand through his hair, moving it out of his line of sight. So those were demons, huh? Felt good to finally get to fight one. He messed up a few times to be sure, but it all worked out in the end so he wasn't too worried. Nothing more practice couldn't fix.

"Hm?" Kaeru looked towards Kaid wearing his usual friendly grin. "Oh, yeah no its fine ahaha. I probably shouldn't have been messing around buuuut I couldn't let that opportunity to mess with her just pass by ya know. It was too good to pass up, and hey I got free food out of it so I consider that a win." He'd respond, Nyoko fwoomping into existence in a crackle of electricity in his arms. She'd languidly yawn, giving Kaida a small meow of acknowledgement before rolling around in Kaeru's arms and promptly deciding to fall asleep. "So hey, Kaida was it? Your my senior here yeah? How often do we go on missions? To be honest that was a good warmup but I'm still feeling a little restless. Don't suppose you know any good sparring partners? Or do you guys have a gym here or something?"

I didn't mean to start a trend here lol.

I apologize if Nyla was a bit rude to the two of them...but that was sort of the intent. Shes feeling a little possessive of lord Oja and is trying to make herself look a tiny bit better and more trustworthy than the two of them.
@crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“I can’t recall clearly, but I believe it was some sort of bird? Rather macabre thing I remember it being depicted as somewhat skeletal. No idea if it means anything but he spoke about it fondly.” A small creak of the door as it opened, and in walked not one, but two young looking women. Aleksiya and Kordelia, the latter of which had a somewhat sickly looking bird perched on her shoulder. Some sort of crow, perhaps, but its beak was longer and many of its feathers were missing.

“...Ah, you’re back. With an extra. Another friend of yours, miss Aleksiya?” Giles asked.

“Kordelia. Princess. I expect to be treated like one.”


“Uhuhu, yes princess! So go on, give me all the sugary sweets and pastries you have! Oh and if you have any pretty animals around here lemme see ‘em.” Giles didn’t respond, mostly seeming at a loss for words and turned his attention back to Aleksiya.

“Sir Argus and I were just discussing what to do about the village. Its clear that we can’t stay here and leave things as is, but we’re not sure what our next course of action should be. I wanted all of your opinion on the matter since you seem to have some expertise in the area. We had settled on whether or not to move into that old city or simply try and build defenses here…”

@Pyromania99@Click This

“What do ye fuckin’ think you dumb red-headed harlot? Of course it is.” Julene spat back. “ButI only counted one time. I could’ve gotten out of that burnin’ building.” She’d glance towards Giselle, though the other vampire was met with a frown. “Don’t pity me or try to sugarcoat it. Fake nun here is right. I’m strong. For a human. But best I can do is fight some beasts. If whatever that bird thing was that attacked the village again…haaa…what hope do I have to do anything about it?” Julene gruffly responded as she walked over to the training dummy, picking up her blade and giving it a good long look over. It had been completely restored by Giselle. The previous signs of aging and well worn use gone.

She rather missed the small nick in the blade near the hilt.

“...At least half of us were killed just now. Even if we manage to live…not enough folks left to keep the village going.” She glanced back towards Akyasha. “You asked me about power earlier and what I’d do with it. Maybe I was wrong. How do you folks fight those beasts with barely breaking a sweat?”
You gave me the idea
And its something shog would 100% do so

yeha she did it lol
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Just as she was about to give Takeshi a definitely safe to drink tonic that would a hundred percent ensure his full recovery, did the young mans eyes open. The shoggoth's eyes met his, her dark sclera and luminescent iris' meeting his quietly. On one hand she was disappointed that he had woken up so quickly. If it had just been a few seconds longer...hmph.

"Lord Oj-ah."

Before she could say anything, however, the young lord had leaped to his feet in clear distress. She couldn't blame him and as such, she made no point of stopping him as that would likely only agitate him further. The shouts that followed clearly ensured that he had already been seen by the others. She needed to be delicate about this. Make him trust her. So she sat up, making her body as human as possible as she'd walk out of the tent behind lord Oja.

"Coco, Gwen, I believe you are coming on far too strong. Lord Oja," Nyla exited the tent behind him, admonishing the two slightly as she'd stand far enough away not to be threatening but also close enough to attempt snatching him again swiftly if he decided to run. "I apologize for the oddness of the situation I'm sure you have many questions and I will answer as best as I can but for now, I can assure you that you are safe here and I, at least, mean you no harm and have not touched you beyond bandaging your wounds." She glanced towards Coco and Gwen. "I am Nyla. You were gravely injured and I've done my best to ensure that you are healed but please, I urge you not to exhaust yourself and rest. You were almost...too far gone."

Out of her mass close to her feet she would pull a familiar looking sword from her body, and handing it to Oja.

"As a show of good faith I will return this to you." Nyla smiled, eyes boring into the young Master Oja. The blade for all intents and purposes looked exactly like the one he had been using. Upon inspection it would pass as the real thing to anyone but the most astute and expert smiths or mages. He should, theoretically hopefully have no idea that she made this herself, out of her own body. Why would she do so?

Well, why not?

If he was going into battle he might as well have a blade that was made out of the best material in existence.

"I hope at least, even if you do not trust us, believe we mean you no harm at this moment."
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Quite. He’s been a troublemaker since he was born.” A frown, if such a thing was possible, made the corners of his mouth turn further down. “Harassing the maids, burning things and generally being a menace.” Rather suddenly though, his expression changed to that of what seemed fondness. “But young boys will do as they do. Just the other day he managed to ride a horse on his own.” A small pause as his expression once again turned serious. “Now, Madam Fiore, if we can get this over with…?”

“Yes, lets.” Livia glanced towards her companions. “Entertain yourself for a bit Paulina.” Livia smiled, leaning over and whispering to her. “I’ll make it up to you later hm?” A playful kiss would be delivered to Paulina’s cheek as lord Havershel led her away.

“Crrk. He’s probably showing her the artifact privately so she can look it over. It will likely either be a fake or the demon will have been transferred to some other object.” Suddenly Lucrecia’s earpiece spoke, Myrillas voice coming in loud and clear for her. “ I don’t know what his plan is but we can reasonably assume he’s not showing her the real thing.”

“Excuse me…” A timid voice interrupted them. It was a maid, quietly approaching and trying not to draw too much attention to herself as she’d quietly speak to the two of them.“Excuse me…a-are you two with the Maison? May I request a moment of your time? Lady Havershel wishes to meet you.”

"Might be useful if we can speak to her, but it might also be a trap to distract us. I'd say tell her to shove it and interrogate some of these party-goers."


The young lord Havershel snickered in success as he found himself in what seemed to be a private study. He immediately went for a ladder so he could pull down a book from the higher level shelves - which was also right when Eliz decided to barrel into the room, causing the young boy to give a yelp, loose his footing and fall right off the ladder onto the ground, a few books following him and bonking him on the head as he hit the ground.

He looked briefly terrified before seeing it was Eliz and the other maids.

“Hey! What gives! I ordered you idiots to get lost!” He shouted, getting up and glaring at Eliz. Lyssa followed shortly behind the two, seemingly fine with just watching the events unfold as she…somehow managed to sneak some hard candy into the place and was now munching on it. “Grrr, I’ll have my dad put you in the dungeons and you'll never come back out!”

"Eeeh, why don't you tell us what you're doing! It looks like fun ya knows." Lyssa responded.

"Shut up. You just wanna drag me off back to my room!"
Llobrokor Mountains

“Weh! I’m not tasty!”

“I dunno, it seemed to like how my hand tasted…” Gunnrun responded, not wanting to vocalize her thoughts about how Fio now seemed like to her, a cute puppy that was trying too hard to be angry but was just managing to be cute instead. “Um…well I’d let you stay at my place but erm, ahaha its a mess and I dont think its a good idea for me to be around you cute humans-er, cuz I might accidentally squish you or something yeah!”

“Your hospitality is welcome, Gunnrun and we wouldn’t want to impose anyways.” Sucaria nodded quietly at Luna’s question.

“But if its a strategy meeting I know a place! It even caters to humans, though we don’t get many.” Supposing they were all okay with it, the Giant would lead the pair towards the other side of the city, down one of the large roads. Some other giants gave the humans a friendly wave and questioned why they were here in curiosity but none really bothered them.

They’d soon find themselves in front of a building with a wooden sign hanging over it depicting a warrior holding what seemed to be a horned creature's head up in victory. ‘Kings Hunt’ was the name written above it. Gunnrun opened the door, leading the party inside.

The interior was…busy, to put simply. The building seemed to have been divided to serve both humans and giants. The left side of the tavern seemed to be catered to serve the latter, with a few giants sitting at tables sized for them while the rest of the place seemed to be sized better for humans. A few hunting trophies lined the wall but otherwise the place seemed fairly quiet with not too many patrons both human or giant.

Surprisingly most of all though, was perhaps that the person working the bar seemed to be a human. A gruff old looking fellow, a long gray beard and a few tattoos upon his arms. He acknowledged the group with a nod as Gunnrun gave him a wave.

“This place is run by that old guy. Dunno how long he’s been here but he was here when I was born which is…pretty long time for a human.”

“If you’re gonna be fighting something I can actually help ya know!” Wisp shouted from inside the jar, trying to seemingly make herself useful though it was likely just some sort of bargaining ploy.

"We got human food here and stuff so we can talk!"

They however, were also not the only people here it seemed. A woman dressed in green and wearing a similarly colored cap with short blond hair and a slight dark coloring to her skin was sitting at the bar. A bow was fastened to her side. Fio could sense powerful magic coming from that bow.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“Hm…alright. We shall hunt it then.” Lonan reluctantly agreed. “Lif, you and Grainne stay here and watch the fort just in case it sends some Wyverns after us.”

“But I want to-”

“Grainne, no.”

“...Tch, yeah…you’re right. I’d be useless.”

“That’s not what I meant Grainne-” The redhead already sulked off, earning a small frown from Lif.

“You can be surprisingly tactless when it comes to stuff like this.” She’d snort. “Don’t worry I’ll drag her off to something fun.” Lonan nodded, turning to the other two.

“Then lets be off you two. No time to waste.” A whistle and Lonan’s spectral steed appeared in front of him with a shimmer, the ground under its hooves rippling like water. “Need a ride, Dame Luana?”

Regardless of her answer, the trio would soon be off. Indeed, as the dragon had left it left a sizable ditch where it rolled away, leaving an easily to follow trail even as it disappeared over the rolling hills of the central plains of Albion and it wouldn’t be long to find where the dragon had set up its home.

A small, hilly wooded area not too terribly far from the fort. The ditch continued into the forest, and would soon enough lead the trio right to what seemed to be the creature's front door. A small hill that had a cave dug out of it. All the plantlife and the trees in the area had withered, becoming little more than dried husks.

“...no doubt it led us here on purpose. Its likely waiting somewhere nearby. Stay alert.” Lonan dismounted, Steblas vanishing from sight moments later. “Luana, can you sense or see anything? And forgive me if I seem a bit off the mark with your druidism, is it possible for you to combat that things decaying abilities?"

Kaeru & Nyoko

As soon as Kaeru's knee made contact, the demon was thus assaulted every side from light. The catgirl gave a quiet meep of surprise as instead of the beast being knocked to the ground she'd instead twist her body, using her other foot to push herself off of the creature and land on the ground, rolling a few feet before hopping back up as Andrea burned the creature into crispy bacon.

"Weeeh, I was almost obliterated too." She shot a glare towards the demon with a hiss. "Watch the tail next time or I'll turn those horns of yours into chopsticks, princess!" The sound of slow, hollow, almost sarcastic clapping interrupted whatever other words the cat might have had for the demon. Eeeh, so Shiro-chan could do something like that too, huh? It was oddly cute, wasn't it? Maybe She should drag her out on a makeover date at some point.

"Ah, whatever. Lets get out of here Nyoko-myaaa?!" She had been about to exit the likely soon to collapse building. A little falling debris wouldn't have proved any sort of challenge to her. So when Kaeru found herself being lifted off the ground and tossed over the shoulder of one of the other members, she couldn't help but to give a sharp, sudden shout of disapproval.

"Put me down!" Perhaps it was Nyoko's feline influence but Kaeru was not happy at being manhandled, likely making the entire endeavor harder. "Do I look like a weak little kitten! Unhand meeeeee!" The struggling, also likely contributed to the rather humorous landing the pair made with Natsumi crashing to the ground and sending the both of them sprawling onto it with the other woman's head coming to a rest on top of Kaeru's chest.

"Mmmrwwwmph..." Kaeru let out a quiet grumble as Natsumi lifted herself off of her, making a show of sitting up, glaring and protectively covering her chest. "At least ask me out on a date before doing touching." As Kaeru stood up, her somewhat annoyed expression shifted into what could only be called a true Cheshire grin. "Eeeh, what am I though?" She'd walk up behind Natsumi, a playfully teasing tone. "What was it you were gonna say, huh? Was I going to be called Mega cute or something? Hitting on your new kouhai after the first mission? So shameless~" A swish of her tail. "Maybe you should take me on a date to make up for it huh or I might get angry~"
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