Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Hehe, N'yla has his sword.... Heh...


Now how to handle this

Also how mean janus
Shog is innocent of these suspicions
Sorry i for taking a bit i was working all weekend~

If you guys wanna drag svarok into something sure. No garuntee shell stick around but by all means~
@crimson Paladin

“Indeed.” Gilles responded passively. “We will do what our parents did and what their parents did. Cremation. Its been this way since the sun fell. Though I have heard that some other villages have other methods of disposing of them. I heard one feeds their dead to their guardian serpent creature or something…” Giles started walking, leading the two back towards his home just as the other humans also now cleared out, running back to their homes.

They could hear the sound of some people barricading their doors and windows more thoroughly as they walked. Julene was nowhere to be found still. Perhaps she was off by herself somewhere still.

“Regardless, allow me to thank you again for helping.” Gilles led the two into his home. A few people were climbing out of the tunnels with a look of relief while a few more seemed to have recently fled into them. “I’ll have someone collect the dead…ah? I see your companion has decided to not come…”

Seems Akyasha had left Argus and Giles at some point during the walk to his place.

“...Well, I hope if she’s checking on Julene she’s prepared for an earful.” He turned to Argus. “While we wait for your companions to arrive, Argus…you said you were a sailor? Do you actually sail or were your ancestors sailors? Apologies if I’m being too forward, but my dad always told me our ancestors used to be as well. He always used to carry around this old folded piece of cloth. A flag, I think it was. Unfortunately it was lost some years ago when Julene…shall we say accidentally burned my previous place of residence.”

River shore

Julene wasn’t hard to find for the vampire. The gorebats could easily locate her and seemed to have taken a fancy to nesting on the upper levels of her house. Julene herself wasn’t there, however, though she had clearly stopped by earlier. She had taken off her smithing apron and clothing, leaving it by the counter. The only things of notice missing were her blade and one of her spare crossbows.

Following the gorebats direction more, Julene could be found not far away from the shore of the river.

She was quietly practicing the sword it looked like, a dummy made from some twisted wooden logs tied roughly together near the treeline.

She swung the heavy blade -

A solid thunk as the weapon cleaved clean through the wooden block.


Seemingly unhappy with the result, Julene proceeded to toss the entire sword at the split in half dummy, knocking it over.

She was just wearing a simple dress now, it seemed.

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

“Yeah yeah whatever, don't worry about me I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute…” Kordelia grumbled, walking towards the fallen bat king. She vaguely recalled making a deal with that woman, but she couldn’t remember the terms all that well. She really didn’t want him to die. She had raised the little guy from the time he was basically a little bat when she was still human.

Kordelia glanced towards the sky.

If Giselle or Aleskiya happened to look back, they would see the bats large body slowly start to dissolve, the rest of the blood in its body being sucked out by Kordelia as its quickly shriveling corpse slowly faded into nothing.

Silence fell over the grove.

Only the distant howl of some still mutated beast echoing.

Giselle and Aleksiya would find their way back to the village first. It was a brutal sight. Bodies had been accounted for as best they could, but most had just been tossed into a haphazard pile by now it seemed. The somber, but still somewhat hopeful attitude the villagers seemed to have when they had arrived earlier had all seemingly vanished.

No one spoke, but if asked they’d be directed to Giles house where their companions were. Apparently a sailor showed up and was apparently already talking to Giles. Julene seemed to not be found but some gorebats flying overhead would direct them to the river if they asked about her.

It had been a confusing day.

The burning. Searing pain. Her flesh melting from her bones from the heat and that child throwing petrol over her. She knew she was dead in that moment, but in such a moment she committed likely the only thing she could say in her life was something she judged to be a questionable act. It was a metal crucifix with a depiction of Jesus engraved upon it. It was something that was supposed to be hanging on a wall, but in the flames the hot, searing metal had fallen to the ground revealing the sharp point that formed the base of it.

Her hands were already gone, so she simply picked it up...

Well, he didn't need his eyes any more.

She had been ready to accept death. To meet God. To stand before the almighty and be judged, but no. It seemed by some trick of devil or angel she was still alive. And looked like some horrible goblin demon creature thing. She had a knew name, had been born with others that looked like her and in such a disgusting living conditions. If she had a mind of less fortitude she might have even been a little sick at the thought. No matter how much she didn't understand or didn't like the thought of it though, it seemed as though she was indeed alive again but not in heavens paradise as she had expected. No, instead it felt like something much closer akin to the Buddhist beliefs of reincarnation.

That unsettled her greatly.

And so far, as usual, her prayer had been met with silence from the almighty.


Svarok lifted her head from where she had been kneeling. She had almost hoped that because of the odd situation she would receive a reply. She couldn't keep thinking about this. If nothing else, prayer had helped ease her mind for now. She had a course of action and she just now had to follow through with it.

The first was simple in theory, much harder in scope.

Learn everything about where she was. Specifically their religion. Perhaps God sent her here to be a missionary? Useless thought. For now though, she needed to earn her keep. If she came back empty handed, it was likely she was not going to get to eat. So it was simple. She didn't know what these orcs did or what they really wanted, but they would nothing else, respect strength from hunting it seemed. But she'd need a weapon. A stick could only get her so far. Unfortunately, she had no survival skills to speak of. Only some vague ideas of what should maybe work.

"O', Almighty God. Watch over my path forward as I step into the unknown..."

She didn't quite know why she made such a prayer, but it felt appropriate as she moved, away from her quiet prayer spot and deeper into the forest. If she could find a good size rock, or a stick or log that was of larger size she could easily make some sort of club or something. Maybe there were some vines or something that were sturdy she could use as makeshift rope?

Hopefully no fell creatures would find their way into her path.

Actually, no. She almost hoped they did. She wanted to test what this 'holy bolt' she apparently could do test...and also whatever this 'ingestion' skill was.

Alrighto there we go
Smallish post to get things started
I'll be doing a thing tomorrow
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Mhm, no that is quite alright but thank you for the offer.” Cassandre bowed her head lightly as Polina left for the tables. She seemed somewhat disappointed, if her expression was anything to go buy but it was hard to tell what else she was thinking. Madeline would whisper something to her, though, but she was too far away to hear. The pairs eyes lingered on Havershel before they both would quickly make an exit for a quieter part of the estate.

“Of course I do not intend to take too long…ah.” Livia glanced towards Polina and Lucrecia. “I suppose first…Lord Havershel, Paulina. She is my plus one for the evening.”

“Charmed.” The disinterest in his voice was quite apparent. “I do hope you enjoy yourself madam. I’ve collected quite a few relics over the years. Once this business with the mistress of the Maison concludes I intend to show a few.”

“Now don’t go stealing my date.”

“I have no interest in such a thing.”

“Happily married still? I do not see the lady of the house here this evening.”

“She has been feeling unwell lately so shes resting. She’ll be here for the ball later. My son, if you’re still probing for information, has been confined to his room…for” A noticeable pause. “...misbehaving.”


“A mess? Upstairs?” The maid frowned. “Are you daft? The young lord of the house is supposed to be confined to his room. He’s not only thrown books at maids, or generally causing them trouble he was caught both in the lords private collection area and there was that incident with Lady Havershel too ugh,” The maid held a hand to her head. “Well don’t just stand there if he’s causing more trouble go find him and drag him back to his room. If word he’s out reaches his father that boy’s hide is going to be turned into a coat.”

The maid shooed the three of them off. Well, that was some useful information though there wasn’t really enough to figure out what was going on here yet. The maid herself quickly hurried off down the hallway towards the exterior gardens, a few more of them moving quickly by.

“Hmm…hey Kat? Eliz? Does something seem off about that kid to either of you?” Lyssa queried, starting to meander down the hallway and up the stairs where the kid had gone.

Thankfully it wouldn’t be hard for the three of them to find him. He was…trying to apparently pick the lock on a door at the far end of the hallway on the second floor.

Frustrated with it though, he’d merely growl and proceed to kick it open. The sturdy, wooden door would cave in surprisingly easily. He moved inside without checking if he was still being followed.
Gotcha. Works for me.

I take it I'm free to start posting then? Don't reckon we have a discord or anything.

It was an odd thing.

They were so easily accepting of her and her story. Not that it was a lie, but if it had been her she'd have questioned every aspect of it. What trusting little lambs, hm? Cute, too weren't they? Huhuhu, perhaps she could play with them? Maybe one of them would want to dance amidst a rainy sky on a silvery white night?

Oh, Roze stopped talking so it was probably time to introduce herself, hm? It was a few somewhat awkward seconds before she actually managed to do it, though.

"Yes yes, hellos! Haaselle, at your service." A rather dramatic and overly energetic bow. "Don't worry yourselves over me. Tours are boring and Roze seems like the type that she'd be fun to hang around~" Instead of her hand though, Renee would get one of her tentacles, lightly coiling around the fey's wrist. "I've not worked with anyone before so I'll try not to get in anyone's way too much." Not that she didn't want to help, but at the same time she wasn't lying. Getting along well with other people was hard for her. Her extra limb retracted beneath her cloak again, her messy black hair obscuring her right eye as she offered Launus and Renee a grin.

A brief introduction, but it should be suitable.

Haaselle, for the entire trip couldn't keep herself entirely quiet - humming a slow, swaying tune to herself as she walked just behind the others. There was no meaning to it, other than just keeping herself entertained and when they finally reached the waterways she did quiet herself.

"Not the worst place I've been..." Haaselle commented quietly as Roze led them into the waterways. No, that was reserved for the tiny cell she had been confined to-She frowned, a small bit of pain forming in her temple as she shook her head. "In fact this place has a nice little charm to it, huhu~" She fell silent as Roze apparently found something belonging to one of the kids. It was a small and muted feeling that blossomed. Anger. Just a bit, but it was there. Not like her normal agitation or short temper with others.

Things proceeded to fall apart quickly after that.

Animals. Vile. Abhorrent. She used to like animals, but now they were just annoyances and sources of cacophonous noises. These creatures in particular made her tentacles squirm.

"Can't say I've ever seen them before myself, but I don't get out much." Despite the seriousness of the situation, there was not a hint of urgency or fear in her voice faced with the sudden appearance of the arachnids. Two, barreling for her. She might have been scared, if she was capable of feeling that in any meaningful capacity any more.

Haaselle simply made a flicking motion with her middle finger and her thumb towards one of the spiders as it leaped towards her. The creature immediately screeched as it was suddenly flung backwards, slamming into a wall as its entire upper half was crushed.

"Awfully squishy and weak, aren't they...?" A quiet giggle as she swiftly sidestep a spider that lunged at her. One of her tentacles lashed out, its normal black color now reflecting a the dim light as it impaled the creature from behind before tossing its carcass in the water as she spun on her heels to face the horde once more.
Righto, that done

So how am I startin, boss?
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