Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Mhm, all of those are some fun skills. I almost want the spirit ash summons lol.

and while Aid would be nice, what would I do if I couldn't perform pure unadulterated violence against the unbelievers.

I choose holy bolt.
Tentacles has done her thing

hopefully this is acecptable~
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

The fight was lost, she knew that much but she was unconcerned. She didn't care about the rest of the people. She was only here for the Oja clan and Lady Kyouko. The man she could tell now was conventionally handsome, under all that grime and the effort of a battlefield had taken.

"Yes, that's right. Gently now, you-eh?" Out of all the things she had expected, it was not for him to ignore the pastry and go straight for her. A hand was placed against her soft, somewhat gooey flesh. Upon hearing the words that left his lips though, the Shoggoth's face turned a shade of red that maybe would think she had been injured in battle from a distance.

In response, the shoggoth reacted reflexively.

"M-my lord jokes too much!" She'd retort, silencing him by shoving his face into her thighs. It was probably a good thing he had already passed out by then. Well, he was certainly not bad looking and he seemed receptive to her, so she should probably hang onto him. When Janus inevitably found her, he'd find her blushing like a school girl and giggling excitedly until Nyla noticed him where she'd return to her usual cool demeanor.

"Understood, Sir Janus." She'd say. "As Lady Kyouko requested, I shall not leave his side." Thankfully carrying him should be easy enough. The Shoggoth would envelop him in her body, quickly following Janus back towards the camp. Thankfully, it was an uneventful trip.

"Sir Janus." Nyla replied, folding her hands in front of her. Lord Oja was gently wrapped in her body mass, laying on what was effectively just a stretcher made of herself. "He is stable. I unfortunately am no trained healer or mage, but I have done as I can and bandaged his wounds and set any broken bones on the way here. Everything else will be up to him for now. I do not intend to leave his side until he is well enough to stand on his own." A small bow. "And as I have yet to introduce myself, Sir Janus, you may call me Nyla. If you'll excuse me I shall ensure he is still stable. I ask not to be bothered for the moment until I am done with him."

She'd find an empty tent in the campsite. Getting him out of the elements as best she could was a good first step. Gently, she'd lay him on the ground on a bedroll, and once again using her own legs as a pillow. She really shouldn't but well...anything made from her body was packed full of magical energy. It should help him recover. Of course. There was no other motivations behind it. None at all. Nope.

The tentacles slowly checking the bandages and wounds of course were doing nothing else.

Llobrokor Mountains


“A dragon kin…hm. This might prove slightly difficult.” Elnith frowned. “I have no doubt we can kill one, but this one sounds like it is more dangerous than your standard lizard if it was able to take your hand, Gunnrun.”

“You could…say that.” The giant responded, a despondent expression crossing her features. “It was this big black thing. More giant serpent then some overgrown lizard. It wasn’t something we see often. I think some of the elders called it a Lindwurm or something.”

“A Lindwurm?”

"I didn’t really get a good look at it and I was focused on y’know, not getting the rest of myself eaten. It more just looks like probably a serpent of unusually big size?” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that more than anything. “Uhm, that said to get to it we’ll probably have to head through some territory those funny humans are in so maybe we should figure out how to deal with that first?”

Wisp was lounging around in the jar, pouting and muttering something about being bored and how funny it'd be to watch the 'short one' get eaten.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“Your highness?” Reinhardt responded with an understandably bemused frown.

“Oh don’t worry. Just fetch us a pair of horses. We will likely be gone for at least a day.”


“Lonan, I’ll leave these two in your care then.”

“Understood. Though I am quite curious as to what you’ll be doing with Sir Reinhardt, I doubt you’d feel like answering.”

“I have a hunch after seeing that beast myself. Nothing more, nothing less.” Sorcha frowned. “I hope, however, that I am wrong but we’ll find out shortly.” Reinhardt would soon return with the pair of horses that the two had rode in on. Without much left to be said, the two saddled up and would soon be galloping off, quickly vanishing in the hilly plains towards the mountains….

“I think we have a few options.” Lonan responded to Ethelred’s question. “That thing is fast and agile. Inhumanly so. Intelligent, too. There’s a non-zero chance us following it is nothing more than an ambush so it can pick us off.”

“Too fast for me to help with.” Lif piped up, lugging that heavy cannon looking thing behind her effortlessly. “Unless someone could tie it down and then I blast it, ahaha. Close quarters fighting isn’t my strong suit.”

“Being a pain in the ass is your strong suit, yeah.” Grainne wasn’t far behind. “Damn it…all I could do was hide in the fort…” She grumbled.

“You helped guide all the soldiers into it, Grainne. Not everyone was aware of the situation either. You did your part and succeeded.”


“Anyways, the way I see it Sir Ethelred, Dame Luana. We could follow it, or we can attempt luring it back here and setting a trap ourselves. It really depends on what you would like to do. I would urge the latter myself but if you have other ideas nows the time. We don’t have long to decide but I am open to any suggestions either of you have.”


Welp, here she be. Instead of questionable science lizard, I instead went with ~religion~ this time.

Hopefully this is acceptable. I left it pretty open ended with the last bit, but I figured it'd make most sense if while she was around with the others she just went off and decided to pray.

Update out!

The taskforce has received: Takeshi Oja!

Would you like to equip Takeshi Oja? Y/N?


Nyla has successfully equipped Takeshi Oja!

Tentacles will try to behave yes.

Boyo im gonna come back with another lady of questionable morals count on it

Ill have something up monday since i work all weekend
@Pyromania99@crimson Paladin

“Old Alavaris, you mean?” Gilles responded, a tone of surprise tinged in his voice. “That place is far too dangerous. Without an escort or someone clearing the way there’s no way we could go there ourselves.” A quiet murmur from the group of people behind him seemed to generally agree with the sentiment that he had spoken of.

“Hm…You know what.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Everyone, return to your homes for now. As soon as we can speak with the other outsiders we’ll decide what we’ll do.” The crowd muttered again, some disagreeing and others merely accepting. Those who disagreed though, would soon disperse with only a little bit of grumbling. A few seemed to be heading over to where Julene was heading.

“You both must be tired at least though. You can stay at my place for the time being and maybe we can talk a bit more about everything here.”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@VitaVitaAR

“Eh? I didn’t do anything like that…? Did I?” Kordelia paused, brows furrowed as she considered Giselle’s words. “...mmngh, my head’s all fuzzy.” Kordelia moved away from the two, a frustrated stride carrying her towards a small puddle of bloody ground where she’d proceed to simply kick a rock in frustration, right towards the other two.

Giselle and Aleksiya would watch as the latters severed arm sailed through the air, smacking the former right in the face if she didn't catch it.

“....Found your arm.” Kordelia huffed. “I guess you can fill me in later. All that sounds like suuuper troublesome.” The vampire glanced over her shoulder, to the now dead carcass of the large Bat King. “...Laters. I’ve got something I need to do. I won’t be…long.”
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