Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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Important NPCs

Gym Leaders


"Hm? Is this thing finally on?"

"Professor at least make yourself more presentable..." A voice just off screen quietly interrupted the disheveled looking redhead.

"Tch, this is how I always look so they can get over it if they have a problem."

"By the way you have a meeting in thirty minutes."

"THANK YOU FRIEDA I am aware-ahem-" The woman in the video adjusted her hair only slightly. The disheveled lab coat was a bit too big for her and hanging off her shoulder slightly revealing that she was probably not wearing much more under neath and she didn't seem to care a bit for her public image. "We'll get this over with. Hi. I'm Camphor. I'm the leading Scientist in the Eidda region on documenting various pokemon habitats and-" Bzzt- the rather upbeat music in the background was abruptly cut off. "Goddamn it I don't care about any of that if you're getting this you already know all that."

"P-professor stick to the script we can't have another baguette incident!"

"Screw the script! Toss it in the shredder and make script pasta out of it for all I care! Better yet, blend it into a coffee so I can actually read it!" The woman walked over to the camera, grabbing it and pulling it up close to her face. "Look, you already know the deal if I'm sending you this. You. Byjerlfal. Next week! You work for me, now get your asses over here and I'll pay you and give you your trainer license and give you a pokemon to start you off with. Deal? Deal. If you're not here I'm sending Frieda to give you an invoice for WASTING MY TIME and that is VERY expensive!"

The video abruptly stopped.

Well, perhaps you should rethink working for this professor...?

Hello! Welcome to Pokemon: Dream! Creative title, I know. A roleplay created by me because I have problems not creating RPs and also a desire for a good pokemon one. I don't claim to be the one that can do it well, but I will certainly try! With that little intro over let me go ahead and just explain everything here as much as I can without getting to invovled.

Players are hired by the rather irate professor Camphor in the video message above to help document and catalogue the pokemon present in the Eidda region. In recent years the region has seen a large influx of pokemon that were once considered not native and she's looking to both figure out why and where all these new pokemon are coming from. She'll pay you. Lots of money. Not that you actually have to do too much with her. She'll be happy if you just catch and catalogue pokemon and never talk to her again.

That's the general starting premise, at least.

A brief history

The Eidda region. An expansive region consisting of a warm climate in the south full of forests both tropical and deciduous that is home to all sorts of pokemon that love the warmer temperatures. In the far north, a mountain range that in winter time is almost impossible to traverse without the aid of pokemon and is home to just as inhospitable pokemon. Sandwiched between the two extremes are the rolling plains of the Central region offering a temperate, idyllic environment to live in as long as one avoids the Crackling Valley storm plains.

Below I'll be adding hiders and some information about the regions. I'll be giving a brief overview of almost every major town and location marked on the map for creation purposes, but feel free to ask for more if you have need of it. Feel free to ask about any potential character ideas you have. I'm fairly open to quite a lot. I'm keeping quite a bit vague for now though, as part of the fun is discovery~

Misc. Rules

Read or I'll have Giratina drag you to the shadow realm distortion world

And there you have it. I think that should be good enough to give everyone an idea of what's going on here. I'm still tinkering with some things admittedly so some things might get added to or made later. For now though, I think its fine. The CS is below.

I'd like everyone to mostly already be from Eidda unless you discuss it with me beforehand as depending on the region I may need to give some background information. Just lemme know generally what you're planning. (Simple stuff like who the current champion is, important events going on if any are relevant etc.)

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

Polina’s swords found themselves embedded in the soft, almost gelatinous feeling insides of the salamander-esque creatures. Searing hot liquid spilled from the wounds, but otherwise none of them immediately went down. Thankfully most of the horde ignored Polina, going for easier targets - the nobles. Only two would immediately stand in her way, but they were certainly not as fast as she was and could easily out maneuver them to continue the chase.

One attempted to vomit up a ball of lava, lobbing it towards her while the second attempted to stab her with its weapon.

Lucrecia’s own endeavors would find themselves…completely ineffective. The daggers flew towards Havershels ankles and harmlessly…bounced? Off. There was the clanging of metal on metal as though they had been deflected but it would have been difficult to do such a thing, ignoring the fact he hadn’t even drawn his blade.

He’d continue down the hallway, ignoring the shouting maids.

Strangely, there didn’t seem to be any servants present in the halls any more.

Polina and Lucrecia could hear a door being slammed open from the direction he had gone.

“I take you whelps in and this is what I get?!” His voice wasn’t far behind. To say he sounded angry, was an understatement. Once Lucrecia and Polina caught up, they’d find Lord Havershel standing over a maid that seemingly had her arm broken and a painful looking bruise on her face. She was begging for mercy.

Taking a quick look around the room. Two other servants' bodies were on the floor, bloody and eviscerated. The bed looked as though it had been recently laid in.

“Where is that thing pretending to be my wife, you pathetic creature!?”

”Bzzt- Seems things are getting interesting, Lucrecia. Don’t forget our deal. Bring that idol to me. Might be best to lose Polina in the chaos.”


“That definitely looks - and smells - like blood.” Lyssa responded, as though identifying the smell of blood was definitely a normal thing. Lady Havershel’s voice could be heard once the maids got close enough hiding just beyond the door.

“Mom! What are you doing up! Dad said you were sick.”

“Oh, yes I was but I am certainly feeling much better now.” The young boy wrapped his arms around his mothers legs.

“....Lady…Havershel we need to continue. The Idol is just a little further.”

“Bzzt-Come in infiltration team, come in infiltration team. This is Viatrix. Lady Fiore has reported demons in the exhibition hall. Civilian casualties are confirmed. We need to hurry and find the idol. I’ve got eyes on you from the Clemantis and my rifle is ready to assist.”

“Hm…first, I think…we need to get rid of our guests.” The door that the pair had disappeared behind opened as Lady Havershel stepped out again, her son wrapped in her arms and lifted. The maid was standing meekly behind them.

“Ah, yeah they wanted to play with me but then we saw you.”

“...Kat? Eliz?” Lyssa frowned, quietly speaking. “...I think she's possessed.”

“Goodness, is that so? Well, aren't you lucky to have some friendly maids with you.” Lady Havershel seemed...fine. But Eliz would be able to easily confirm what Lyssa had said. With just a glance.
Llobrokor Mountains

“...Can’t go with?” Sucaria’s ears visibly drooped at that revelation.

“I think there’s been a little misunderstanding…” Cecil nervously rubbed the back of her head. “But I guess…I shouldn’t be picky.”

“Eh? Maybe?” The Unseelie pressed a finger to her lip. “Sure, I can totally demonstrate.” A flash of seeming thought of some kind ran through her expression but whatever it was she didn’t elaborate on. She merely giggled and offered the Sword Witch a friendly smile. “Its about TIME. I need some fresh air.”

“Ooh, we’ll have so much fun Aria.” Gunnrun was grinning from ear to ear, patting the half fomor on the head.


“I know, I know but a cute thing like you needs a nickname! Come on I’ll show you around all the fun stuff here!” Sucaria merely looked pleadingly at Luna as the Giant scooped her up, and was thus carried off.

“Wel, if you all are ready then…lets get going, aye?”

The trek out of the giants city was easy enough. Walking down some giant-sized steps and along a winding path. Down from the mountains they went, towards the north western sides of the mountains into a valley.Cecil mostly kept quiet during the trek, alternating between twirling an arrow between her fingers and rather oddly stopping the trek, seemingly listening and ordering everyone to be quiet before resuming but soon enough they could see what was likely their target.

“And here we are.” The group were standing on a ledge just carefully overlooking the valley below. A short trek down and they could make it there easily. The bandits had constructed what seemed to be simple fortifications and dwellings, lacking any sort of defensive palisades or walls aside from some towers for lookouts it seemed. “Not too many of them. About ten at most. How you guys wanna go about this?”

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“If I didn’t think we could handle it between the three of us, I wouldn’t have agreed to come out here.” Lonan replied, a measured voice as he’d sheathe his blade. “Luana you say weapons don’t seem to be effective…I would disagree only slightly. It can be cut and stabbed, it simply doesn’t seem to care nor affect its ability to harm us. As far as we can tell, it does not regenerate. So our solutions here are simple.”

The Harzel knight walked a bit further from the others, Steblas manifesting and walking up beside him, nuzzling the knight in the shoulder as he’d pet the steed on its snout.

“We need to either make its own attacks ineffective by maiming the beast. Assuming it is merely unable to feel pain and ignore its wounds. A battle of endurance between us and it. Alternatively, we take it out in a single strike. Lif’s canon could likely do that if we could slow it down or trap it. I think she was working on some…explosive ammunition for it.” He’d turn back towards the other two. “I know I suggested a trap first, but I think it would be best if we stay the course here. There’s a good chance it would try and attack us if we left and while we could likely fend it off we would be quite open.”

How uncouth.

Here she was, letting this other goblin off easily and now it decided to be brave?

Tsk tsk.

The goblin she had attacked had been smacked over the head hard enough to almost break the stick she had. If only she had something better like a knife or some heavy club! Now she was being attacked from two sides! This was quickly turning into a bad situation. Perhaps, someone else might be demotivated but for Svarok, this was nothing more than a trifling challenge God had given her that she needed to overcome.

The orcling moved backwards, attempting to jump backwards over the hatchet as it swung at her and away from the spear wielding runt. As she'd do so, she'd make another attempt at a Holy Bolt, gathering as much of the magical energy in her hand that she could to lob it at the spear wielding goblin again. She said nothing to Carmina for the moment - the goblins were focused on her and there was no need to alert them to the presence of Carmina since she seemed to have already noticed them.


I keep forgetting there was a mini-update in the OOC lol

So not used to that I'll get something up today hopefully
Kaeru & Nyoko

"I didn't think I'd be working with a buncha social outcasts..." Kaeru grumbled quietly, visibly unimpressed with the responses these people were giving him. He could feel it. A lecture coming from Emi. His extremely fine tuned honed senses of being on the receiving end of many, many, many lectures made it quite easy to endure though. As Emi started on her tangent, it was Kaeru's turn for his eyes to glaze over, accompanied by a look of total disinterest. Seriously, not event he gals here were super into the cute stuff despite all of them being mega cute themselves. Hmm...maybe he could fix that, though? Maybe a spa date with Him, Emi, Nyoko and Rika-chan? Maybe the scary boss lady would be into it?

"Mmmph? Do My ears deceive me? Was that a compliment?" The unexpected compliment pulled Kaeru back into reality, a smug, self satisfied smile slowly creeping across his lips. "Eheh, well, I mean, what else did you expect? This Cutie's got it all. Looks, the best legs in the entire department, and I scored some of the highest on the combat exams, ahah. Some little demon like that is a piece of cake for us." Nyoko meowed in agreement as Kaeru made a point of briefly striking a pose and showing off the best legs in the department. "Thinking about it you guys were suuuper lucky to get me assigned here. I'm suuuuper popular, mega cute, I got a fanclub back at the Dojo, and I can kick the most ass out of anyone here. I'll have this place looking great in no time."
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

As they packed up and cleared camp, Nyla made sure not a single speck of dust was left behind. Not a single trace that could be linked to them or used to somehow point someone in whatever direction they were following. She wondered briefly if she should just grab everything and carry it in her mass or would that make her a little...too big? But maybe Lord Oja preferred that? But what would Lady Kyouko think?

"Hm? L-lord Oja..." Nyla's little gooey heart thumped with excitement as she was thanked. She had to appear at least somewhat composed though. She couldn't let such obscene thoughts slip out so easily. Of course, the somewhat lascivious grin and the redness in her cheeks betrayed her thoughts a bit, likely. "Think nothing of it. Being useful to you my lord is the only reward I need." A light giggle, not mentioning that the only reason she helped him was because of lady Kyouko's request.

If it was truly up to her, she'd have just left him there.

Still...perhaps it was a good thing. Serving someone here if nothing else, would serve to be entertaining if nothing else...besides, he was a bit cute after all, wasn't he?

"But...if you truly wish to thank me, My Lord." She smiled. "Then perhaps allow me to make a meal for you at some point? I am skilled in all domestic chores such as cleaning, cooking, bathing, bedroom activities, scale-washing, massaging, accounting, getting rid of pests, and I have also dabbled in combat though I would much rather not." This was all said with a straight face, of course, and completely glossed over some more questionable skills...

a bit late but there be a post

Hope scared gobbo doesn't get even more terrified by what Svarok's gonna do if she kills this clearly violent and insolent creature.

A miracle? Some sort of magic? She knew this was an odd situation she was in, but here she was actively doing something suspiciously similar to witchcraft or similar to figures in other more heretical religious stories from around the rest of the world.

As the ball of light struck the goblin square between the shoulders, Svarok slowed her pace, wanting to truly talk with this little 'goblin'. She had no intention of harming anyone-

Her head snapped towards the coarse roar from the goblin now charging at her with a crude spear.

She considered herself a pacificst. In her previous life she did truly believe humans should never physically harm another. Yet, as the flames licked her body and she fell victim to the flames of purgatory she could only consider one thought.

The same thought that was now running through her mind.

God forgives all.

Lord, Grant me strength!

She was no fighter, but she was confident that her faith would protect her. Svarok made a movement, attempting to sidestep the spear. In the same movement regardless of whether or not she'd succeed, she hefted the branch in her arms and smashed it over the head of this goblin as hard as she could with as much religious fervor as she could muster.

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