<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>
I was kind of torn between a meek plant lover and a delusional caster who claims to be an epic archmage (actually flubs basic spells all the time) for mine.
While the latter idea is funny to me I don't actually know how useful they would be to the village. The former might be a little too basic, but might work out well if there's a good story/relationship intersection with someone else
Well, hey, if you wanna be farm pals we can be farm pals. Dont have any super in depth ideas yet beyond her being an elf. I was considering whether or not to have them take a minor skill in alchemy so they can definitely totally make their own fertilizers/plant growth serums that totally wont cause chaos.
Pfft, just saw your second post
well its w/e to me. I probably will have a CS up and more in depth ideas tomorrow.