Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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4 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
5 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Why did she expect anything but thinly veiled insults, a haughty attitude, and rudeness from an elf? She had broached the subject because they all needed to be aware of what everyone else was saying their background was. If they all just started saying random things without any cohesion at all, then their story would fall apart. At least Lady Lisette and Sir Verius seemed to have a more level head about things. But she held her tongue, aside from an audible tsk of annoyance at the elves responses. She did however tell Brulhaus that he could inspect her weapons and armor later, but for now she really wanted to get a move on making some coin.

At least getting into the city proper was easy enough.

"That...is why we're here, yes." Colcette responded to the Redguard. "We have good sword arms and a desire to solve problems. If you require a show of skill of some sort I am more than happy to provide and I'm sure my friends here would be so as well."
The cutest Doll - Lena

"Woke up on the bed." Lena cast another glance out the window but quickly turned her attention towards the man in black armor next to them. "Just got my first engineering job after Uni and was going to celebrate with some friends..." The dolls mouth turned down, just slightly at the edges as much as the joints would allow before she'd shake her head and offer the other two a smile. "The names Lena, armored friend. If I had to hazard a guess, I think we three are in the same situation?"

She had never really been into video games or fantasy stories. She never really had time for the things between university and her other pursuits. Well, that wasn't exactly true. The times she did get into fantasy or science fiction things she always tried to come up with ways to build the things in the setting, heh.

Ah she missed her Lego bricks already.

"Lets see...its probably not the best idea to move around for now outside. I don't know about the milyy elf or you, mister, but I don't have much to defend myself with so I'm going to take a look around and see if I can't find anything useful. If nothing else, I can probably jury rig some weapon or something..."
The cutest Doll - Lena


Honestly really.

If she had to have picked a way to go it wouldn't have been...this. Staring death down as time slowed to a crawl. She was vaguely aware of one of her friends shouting something to her, but she couldn't really make it out. She had so much she wanted to do still! Aside from work, she was planning on traveling! Seeing the world! Changing it! Tall orders really, and maybe it was her own self delusions of grandeur but she was certain she was going to! But really though, how could she be upset or mad? Life always through curveballs at people, it was nothing new.

She just didn't expect one that she couldn't defeat to come so early.

At least she'd leave behind a pretty corpse as one may say.


Slowly, feeling would return. As dulled and slightly distant as it all was. What was she doing? She had gotten that job, right? She had went to go celebrate with some friends afterwards. She vaguely recalled leaving the place, but she couldn't remember anything that happened afterwards.

"Chepukha...I haven't gotten black out drunk since I found my fathers vodka stash..." She rolled over on whatever she was laying on, not wanting to open her eyes just yet. Weirdly enough she didn't seem to have anything resembling a hangover for having drank that much. Also, what was with this super uncomfortable mattress? Had she ended up drunk, passed out on the streets and ended up in a jail or something? Probably not, but she couldn't think of where another mattress if this clearly terrible quality would be.

"Stas...? Klara...!"

No response, just the sound of someone shouting in the distance. Reminded her of a...screeching car tire...?

"I LIIIIIVE!" It was just loud enough to at least get her own eyes open and to sit straight up in bed...and for hazy memories to at least, become clear enough to recall what happened. "Ahahah, I knew I was too cute to die! Stas! Klara-where...haaah...?" Her hand waved in front of her.

It was...definitely her hand, right? At least, it moved when she told her hand to move, and its delicate, well crafted fingers flexed when she told her fingers to flex. She took one of her 'fingers' and lightly traced her hand along the side and then along the knuckles of her other pointer finger. It was like touching some extremely fine grain, high quality crafted wood with...some sort of odd finish on it that made it smooth, though a bit hard to the touch.

"...hm. Well that's odd." Lena slowly looked around the room, and the bed and mattress she seemed to now be sitting on and slid her legs off the side of the bed, once again noticing the fact that her body seemed to no longer be strictly organic in nature. Doubly so, she seemed to be dressed in some sort of frilly, cute outfit. Well, at least whoever dressed her up had excellent taste. There wasn't much else to go on, though, except that voice she heard a little bit earlier.


Right, that. Was someone else here? She could disrobe and intimately inspect her apparently new body later. There may be someone that could help her. Lena briefly looked out the window and frowned, but paid it no mind. Rough neighborhood and wherever she was, it wasn't Russia.

"Helllooooo! Priveeeeet!" Lena shouted, heading towards where she had assumed the sound had come from. "Don't worry! I am friend! Especially if you're cute...eh?" As she passed by an open door to the room, she slowed, tilting her head to the side slightly. "...elf?"

Oh, those were some cute ears...

Hammerfell, huh.

She had only ever really been through in passing on her way to the Imperial City. Honestly, she kind of hated it. The heat, the sand. It was rough and course, and got absolutely everywhere. It definitely wasn't good for maintaining weapons or her armor, that was for sure. Not that she minded, really. The Empress, in all her resplendently questionable authority had sent them here, and so here she was along with her...misfit group of allies.

Two elves, a Minotaur, and someone she was pretty sure was from that mysterious place known as Akavir. Well, as long as they were loyal to the Empire, especially the elves, she had no grievances with them.

Their first order of business should be to establish a good cover identity and do something about their money problem.

"Alright, so," Colcette started counting the coins on the table. "We need money and a cohesive story for ourselves. I don't know about you mages, but I'm probably going to find some...fighters guild or similar organization here in Hammerfell, if one exists."
*Yingmei Okudaira*


"O-Oh uhm, yes. I have some tea and rice seeds as well." The farmer would reach down and pick up the bird creature as she replied, cradling it in her arms. "Ehehe, you're not a scary thing at all are you? Just a cute little fluffy friend." She'd use one hand to pet and nuzzle the creatures head as shed cast her eyes back over to the ruined shack. She'd have to come up with a name for the little guy later. For now, though, his name would just be friend. She was hoping it was a mill, but she doubted one would be so lucky. Perhaps it was just an old barn or some such.

"Mhm...if worst comes to worst, we could probably build a mill ourselves...probably an old hand operated one, nngh, that sounds tiring..." Yingmei approached the building, trailing shortly behind Niara. The outside was absolutely in shambles. She was concerned going inside would cause the whole thing to collapse, but as the duo would push open the door it seemed as though they would be so lucky.

It was an old hand operated millstone.

"Oh...it is one!" It was in a state of disrepair and couldn't be used whatsoever in its current state, but the foundation and groundwork was still there and should make repairing or fixing it up to be used quite simple compared to making and building one from scratch. "Eheh, the gods must have blessed us with fortune this day! Fertile fields and a millstone!" She'd pet the chicken creature with a giggle. "And a cute little bird friend. We could probably have one of the others fix this up for us in time for a good wheat harvest."
Location: Orange Road.

What a farce.

Ambush and run? Perhaps, a good idea if the mage had a trap, but as it stood...it was barely enough to get ones blood pumping. Not that it particularly mattered much. As her eyes scanned the field, she'd heft her warhammer and make a beeline to follow the fleeing brigit. If Kiffar and Avindr wanted the glory of taking the Atronochs so be it. She'd try to nip this problem before it came back.

"Criminal harm? You wound me, Sindri." Meen-La chuckled. "We've nothing more than a bandit in front of us. A bandit deserves whatever they get as recompense, yes? So instead of taking her in," The Argonian's mouth turned upwards into a grin. "We should treat her just like the bandit she is and give her a befitting death. Maybe I could lop off her head? Crush her ribs and let her suffocate slowly while birds and monsters eat her entrails?"

The only thing stopping her, at the moment, was the fact that this was not her band of misfits...but she could try to sway the others at least to end her.
*Yingmei Okudaira*


Yingmei curiously watched the little bird waddled over to the two of them. Her heartrate started slowing down, a relieved sigh escaping as it seemed to be just a curious little bird of some sort and not some super predator that ate people named Yingmei. She was a little disappointed that it seemed to go right for Niara to receive pets, but talk of farming pulled her back to the present as she'd nod.

"Mhm. I thought the same. Its overgrown a lot, and its going to take a bit of work to clear it, but I can probably get it up and in decent shape in a few days...less with help." Her eyes were drawn back to the chicken creature as it scratched at the ground. Maybe this was her moment? A shining chance to make a new friend? She didn't know a thing about animal husbandry but it couldn't be too hard, right? Right. Definitely.

"Uhm...are you...hungry little guy? Girl? Do you lay eggs...?" She'd curiously muse to herself as she'd rifle through her bags for a few moments before pulling out some of her wheat seeds, just a few. Enough to maybe get the creatures attention as she'd kneel to the ground and place them on the ground in front of her. "Maybe we could check that shack next. If this was a farm, it might be something useful we could use."
I'll be posting Sunday evening for me. I do nothing but work and sleep until theeeen.
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