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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Yeah, we are. Sorry for taking so long. I'll have something up soon.

A smirk of cruel satisfaction settled on Brutrumukk's features as Zavakri broke down in the face of overwhelming hostility. As the bugbear finished setting up his bedroll, Brutrumukk pulled out his waterskin and took a sip from it, pretending that the water was in fact Zavakri's tears. When he noticed a nearby stone frowning at him, Brutrumukk's smirk unrepentantly grew. Normally, he had to keep his evil urges in check so that he remained on positive enough terms with the locals that they continued leaving offerings at the Snoring Stone rather than driving him away with pitchforks and torches. But here? So long as he didn't piss off the adventurers he was traveling with, all the locals could do here was frown at him, unable to do anything to actually stop him. That was probably going to change at some point, but for now, he intended to enjoy it while it lasted. Brutrumukk lay down on his bedroll, shut his eyes, and allowed the sweet lullaby of Zavakri's sobbing to send him off to sleep.

When Brutrumukk awoke well rested and actually ready for whatever nonsense he'd been roped into, he ate some rations for his breakfast as he waited for the others to wake up. When everyone was awake, Brutrumukk remembered the parting words of the Misters and decided to bring it up. "Oi oi, any o' you lot know what alley corn is?" Brutrumukk asked. "Before I followed you lot through the mirror, Fatso an' Ponce mentioned somethin' about alley corn an' some other confusin' stuff."
he knelt by Zavakri "Look Brut...You just did what you did and I understand that," he sighed "You did what you thought was right and I don't blame you for that."

Who is Gabriel meant to be speaking to right now? He's saying Brut's name, but it strikes me as somewhat odd that he's kneeling by Zavakri but talking to Brutrumukk.

When Gabriel spoke up, Brutrumukk wheeled around to face him, looking just about ready to club someone to death and subsequently mount their head on a spike. "Yeah, some o' you were pulled in. I weren't talkin' ta them" Brutrumukk said. "An' yeah, I followed even though I coulda jus' left. But that woulda meant leavin' you and the others what got sucked across to deal with whatever mess ya got sucked into after that bitch opened the portal. An' fer various reasons, I weren't all that keen on the idea. An' as fer those fuckin' knife ears-" It was at that moment that Tsak chimed in. The interruption took the wind out of Brutrumukk's sails. And after staring at the fairy for a moment, Brutrumukk heaved a growly sigh. "Do what ya like. I'm gonna get some rest." Brutrumukk said before finding a decent looking spot on the bridge and beginning to set up his bedroll.
@Dark Cloud

Did Gabe get pulled through the mirror or did he go through of his own volition?

"I agree." Brutrumukk agreed with an annoyed growl. "The fuck were you thinkin' pullin' somethin' like that? Some of us would 'ave liked to sleep before divin' through some mirror portal leadin' to Mag knows where." Brutrumukk then turned to the rest of the party. "An' what the fuck were the rest o' you thinkin' followin' 'er?" Brutrumukk asked. "Jus' cuz some mad cow decides to be fuckin' stupid, don't mean you gotta go with 'er! Now we're stuck on some broken bridge above some gods fersaken swamp with no idea where to go or what to do! An' to make matters worse, we're all fuckin' tired...! Great work everyone. Great fuckin' work."

"So we're dealin' with an 'ag then?" Brutrumukk said in response to Zavakri's words. "I've 'eard a thing or two about their type. Can anyone else 'ere say the same?" Should another party member indeed also know a thing or two about hags like Brutrumukk did, they would have a decent amount of knowledge on the subject of hags between the two of them.

@Cao the Exiled

I see there's a lore section. What does that say?
Tsak, one of the back tattoos... can give the user an inky tail...

What does it do?
@Cao the Exiled

...You can whatnow?
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